Discussion: One game, one global server access




Originally Posted by Mega_Jamie View Post
More people have the opportunity to come and play on you're server.
I'll give you that one if/when I see it happen, and if they stick around for more than a session.



Reading through the whole thread I think it is very apparent that the majority of the EU players would sacrafice 132 extra slots on various servers just to keep their Global names.

I think the devs need to take stock that if another fairer system can't be managed, then they should just leave the servers alone. I don't want to lose my Global, but more importantly I don't want to lose friends who leave because of the way they were treated.

To me my @global is more important then any future content in development, it's took me 6 years to make my global what it is today and I would prefer my £8.99 per month to go towards a fairer way of merging servers rather than the next TF/Trial they maybe working on.

Too many 50's to list here's a few you may know.
Slazenger, Area51, Area53, Area54, Erruption, Mind Plague, Thresher, Sheath, Broadside, Debt



Originally Posted by Neon Vixen View Post
Now if you can sell it to me as someone who only plays one server I'm willing to listen...
What about the future possibility of cross server teaming? We get to stay on our own 'home' server yet have the opportunity of teaming with a far greater number of people for a specific task.

No I don't know how it would work and I would presume that you still have some control over who you would team with but if cross-server teaming came into place then the chances of not finding a team for a specific task would be far smaller after a server-list merge.



Originally Posted by Slazenger View Post
Reading through the whole thread I think it is very apparent that the majority of the EU players who have posted in this thread would sacrafice 132 extra slots on various servers just to keep their Global names.
I'm not too thrilled about losing my global either but as long as it's done fairly and affects all players, not just the EU, I'm okay with it.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



I for one want the server list merge. I won't be happy if I should lose mereman, I've used it on the net for almost 17 years, but I'm not going to cut off my nose to spite my face.

Just posting to show that not all EU players want the current setup.

Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
Alts http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/4488
CoH faces http://faces.cohtitan.com/profile/mereman



Originally Posted by Days_ View Post
What about the future possibility of cross server teaming? We get to stay on our own 'home' server yet have the opportunity of teaming with a far greater number of people for a specific task.
Possibly. But I don't see any real benefit for it. It's cool, but the NA players are at least five time zones away and we already have our respective communities, so teaming is not that big a problem. The biggest hitch is that it is a possibility, not a certainty. So I'm still not particularly thrilled.

Still @Shadow Kitty

"I became Archvillain before Statesman nerfed himself!"



Oh well after today's announcement it seems things will proceed as stated and a lot of our views on this thread have been sent to the archives forever.

Still no mention to whether or not trial accounts being made as we speak will effect us, but not holding my breath.

All I can say is it leaves a bitter taste in mouth and i'm sorry but if I lose my global to someone who has been here less then 77mths and they appear on my home server please do not expect a warm welcome.

I think to some the paragraph above may suck and seem like i'm acting like a child but right about now thats all I have left for this conversation and civilness pretty much just left the building.

Too many 50's to list here's a few you may know.
Slazenger, Area51, Area53, Area54, Erruption, Mind Plague, Thresher, Sheath, Broadside, Debt



Originally Posted by Slazenger View Post
Oh well after today's announcement it seems things will proceed as stated and a lot of our views on this thread have been sent to the archives forever.
This part in particular made me laugh:

It’s no surprise that this announcement was extremely well received,
Pity they didn't post that tomorrow. It would have made an excellent April's Fools.

Still @Shadow Kitty

"I became Archvillain before Statesman nerfed himself!"



Originally Posted by Shadow_Kitty View Post
Pity they didn't post that tomorrow. It would have made an excellent April's Fools.
They have treated us like fool's for months now, they don't need April to do it.

Too many 50's to list here's a few you may know.
Slazenger, Area51, Area53, Area54, Erruption, Mind Plague, Thresher, Sheath, Broadside, Debt



Originally Posted by Slazenger View Post
And here I thought the game actually took place in Pakistan. http://www.paragoncity.com.pk/
Strangely, it almost seems to be modeled after our Paragon City.

I definitely recognize the architectural sensibilities, i.e. no area is complete without a globe on a stand:

I'm pretty sure I've had to superspeed around this many times:

And oh look, there's even a Malta standing around on a street corner:

And just as in our Paragon City, the safety of its citizens is a priority:

Paragon City guarantees a secure environment through provision of Electronic Security Alarm System to every apartment/house monitored at the central security office, adequately outfitted to accomplish objectives.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Shadow_Kitty View Post
This part in particular made me laugh:

It’s no surprise that this announcement was extremely well received,
Pity they didn't post that tomorrow. It would have made an excellent April's Fools.
At the time of the Meet and Greet it was, but it's only now details have been released that it's come under criticism.

Also, the new Producer's Letter throws into question what they're actually doing for the Global Names (they may be pre-pending them with EU, same as the NCsoft account names).



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
At this time we do not have any plans to provide account mergers.
Will it at least be suggested?

I REALLY hope that this isn't the marketing department saying "don't bother with that guys, we want people to pay for more than one account".



If this is going through as previously stated, I think most of us that will lose our globals would have a much easier time if someone actually gave us the facts they based the decisions on. Who knows we might even agree that it's the best solution, even if it will hurt us personally. This far we have only been given hand waves and general statments, which makes it hard to belive that the powers that be have given it much more thought than how to do damage control without telling outright lies. I do not blame any of the community reps, your probably have limits on what you're allowed to tell people. I'm just suggesting that if people knew why the decision was made, it might make them accept it better.

Black Light, Electricity/Devices Blaster at Union
White Knight, Illusion/Radiation Controller at Union
Obscurum est absentis lux lucis. Ego sum lux lucis!



well it does say in the producers letter that this way its hundreds of active EU accounts affected versus thousands of active US ones but it doesn't say if those hundreds of active EU ones are loosing out to active US ones, my guess is not because otherwise both numbers would be the same.

sourced from producer letter

We did a lot of data mining and found that pre-pending the names of EU accounts affected the fewest active players (the difference is hundreds vs thousands).
While I think we can all agree that a hundred is less than a thousand, losing a name to someone who is not even playing seems unfair. I'd be ok with using the inactive for 90+ days cut off point which is shown in the account management section as a safeguard for those who may have taken a short break if absolutely necessary but as far as I'm concerened when it comes to something as big as this if your not paying at the time you shouldn't get priority over someone who is. If your name was that important to you then you could pay for a month over the server merge window to keep it. If not then clearly it doesn't matter to you.



Originally Posted by Producer's letter
We did a lot of data mining and found that pre-pending the names of EU accounts affected the fewest active players (the difference is hundreds vs thousands).
I really wonder how this can be.

The only way to get a collision is to have one NA player with the global @MyGlobal and one EU player with the global @MyGlobal. Only then will there be a collision about the global @MyGlobal. And that means that there will be exactly the same number of affected players in EU as there is in NA.

If there are 5781 affected NA players, there have to be 5781 affected EU players. If there were not, and there were only 578 affected EU players, then there would be 5781-578=5203 non-colliding collisions. And that is contradictory.

So what's going on here?

Is the producer's letter perhaps talking about pre-pending names in general (like wiping all EU accounts' globals as opposed to all NA accounts' globals)? Since this won't happen, why even write it? And why would that require extensive data-mining to figure out?

Or are there really thousands of collisions, but in all those thousands of collisions, nine out of ten EU players has quit and left their account inactive? I find that hard to believe as well. The EU servers are not that depopulated.

Devs, speak to us! How many EU players and NA players have colliding names? How many of those are active EU players and how many of those are active NA players?

Still @Shadow Kitty

"I became Archvillain before Statesman nerfed himself!"



Because the European players are very important to us
Would make more sence if this was posted today, i love good 1st april jokes.

Regarding colliding names, i think they refer to active and inactive accounts as for the 'hundreds vs thousands', even so it wouldnt make sense the way you put it.

Reading through the whole thread I think it is very apparent that the majority of the EU players would sacrafice 132 extra slots on various servers just to keep their Global names.
Although i'm part of the sacrafice group, my global personaly aint important that much, for me its the multiple accounts and alts. I would give up my global at any given moment if they could move all my freedom/liberty characters to my EU account, there is no collision and there is no financial effect for NCsoft (as i gonna cancel 1 of them anyway now).



Originally Posted by Shadow_Kitty View Post
I really wonder how this can be.

The only way to get a collision is to have one NA player with the global @MyGlobal and one EU player with the global @MyGlobal. Only then will there be a collision about the global @MyGlobal. And that means that there will be exactly the same number of affected players in EU as there is in NA.

If there are 5781 affected NA players, there have to be 5781 affected EU players. If there were not, and there were only 578 affected EU players, then there would be 5781-578=5203 non-colliding collisions. And that is contradictory.

So what's going on here?
My best guess is that there are 1000+ active US accounts which clash with EU ones, most likely broken down similar to this:
  • some of them will be EU accounts inactive US trial accounts
  • others will be people who had an EU account and left to go US side so their EU account sits inactive
  • others may be people like myself who played then stopped playing US side then came back and joined EU side but after they shut down the acount transfer thing so had to create a new account leaving the US one in limbo
  • some will be EU players who have left over the years
  • next we have the people who have both an active US and EU account
  • and finally we have the genuine clashes where the two accounts are owned by different people

But then you have to wonder if they know all these things why not contact the people who own both accounts and ask them which one they want to keep the name on, or in the case of inactive US trials just give the name to EU account. If it really is only a few hundred people the man hours involved won't be that extensive.



I have one question; will we be able to ask help from EU techincal support, if we have a North American account ?

Because So many people are locked out of their accounts right now, thanks for your "New Security Update on NCsoft Master Accounts", and your support staff just give NO answer or information about it, despite the number of tickets we send.

Maybe the european team will really listen to your customers and help them ?
Of course it's not like that I expect an answer here, just wondering...



Originally Posted by Shadow_Kitty View Post
I really wonder how this can be.

The only way to get a collision is to have one NA player with the global @MyGlobal and one EU player with the global @MyGlobal. Only then will there be a collision about the global @MyGlobal. And that means that there will be exactly the same number of affected players in EU as there is in NA.

If there are 5781 affected NA players, there have to be 5781 affected EU players. If there were not, and there were only 578 affected EU players, then there would be 5781-578=5203 non-colliding collisions. And that is contradictory.

So what's going on here?
Actually, there is a way to have more NA "collisions" than EU; there are more NA servers than EU servers. You (currently) can have the same global on multiple NA servers without interfering with each other. But, depending how the EU merger worked, a potential EU user could match against multiple NA across more than one server.

If the NA server layout doesn't change during this merger, then the EU "newcomer" to the NA set wouldn't cause a 1 to 1 collision until after they'd chosen a specific server to merge into.

Now, if this is also changing the NA server lineup, there's going to be collisions between NA server folks as well as the EU ones...

We are not old, so long as we continue to chase our dreams.



Originally Posted by Vargr View Post
Actually, there is a way to have more NA "collisions" than EU; there are more NA servers than EU servers. You (currently) can have the same global on multiple NA servers without interfering with each other. But, depending how the EU merger worked, a potential EU user could match against multiple NA across more than one server.

If the NA server layout doesn't change during this merger, then the EU "newcomer" to the NA set wouldn't cause a 1 to 1 collision until after they'd chosen a specific server to merge into.

Now, if this is also changing the NA server lineup, there's going to be collisions between NA server folks as well as the EU ones...
You only have one global. Its the same across the servers.
You can have a character with the same name as your global across servers, but that doesnt mean you have a global name for each server.

My guess at the numbers being affected is that there are more inactive EU accounts than inactive NA accounts. Therefore less active accounts get affected by the merge doing it the way they are.

I'm also guessing that they can't easily or safely work with inactive/active as fields.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



As an NA player, I have to agree with the EU players on how they are getting shafted on the global names policy. I've been in that boat before with losing character names on server merges in Everquest (like my necromancer Joslyn became Joslynx and my mage Drusilia became Drusiliax), however my account was inactive for nearly a year at the time, so I got the shaft, as it should have been. However, had my account been active, I am pretty sure that the age of the character is/was taken into account. This is the way it should be IMO. If on the off chance my global is the same as a EU player, if that player has been playing longer than me, I would accept NA before my name. I would not appreciate it if it were being done to us the way it's being done to the EU Players.

You still have time to fix this for them, please do.



Originally Posted by Anarchist_Kitten View Post
As an NA player, I have to agree with the EU players on how they are getting shafted on the global names policy. I've been in that boat before with losing character names on server merges in Everquest (like my necromancer Joslyn became Joslynx and my mage Drusilia became Drusiliax), however my account was inactive for nearly a year at the time, so I got the shaft, as it should have been. However, had my account been active, I am pretty sure that the age of the character is/was taken into account. This is the way it should be IMO. If on the off chance my global is the same as a EU player, if that player has been playing longer than me, I would accept NA before my name. I would not appreciate it if it were being done to us the way it's being done to the EU Players.

You still have time to fix this for them, please do.
This is the best solution for the game. EU players get merged and their servers should grow in population as a result. I have EU and NA accounts and I'm thrilled. My NA globalid is gcarlisle and my eu handle is gcarlisle2.
I'm so screwed on my EU account :-) Now some of my characters name will conflict mine and I look forward to the renames



What I believe needs to happen is server consolidation. Cut both lists in half, pool the server resources so every server has 4+ dots at a time with the maximum per server around 10. This would solve so many problems with people unable to find groups. Plus, maybe we then we can run an ITF or Incarnate trial without massive lag affecting everyone.



Originally Posted by Smoothjedi View Post
What I believe needs to happen is server consolidation. Cut both lists in half, pool the server resources so every server has 4+ dots at a time with the maximum per server around 10. This would solve so many problems with people unable to find groups. Plus, maybe we then we can run an ITF or Incarnate trial without massive lag affecting everyone.
The dots represent server stress.

they do not indicate how populated a server is at that given time.

More dots is bad.

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*



I have made my way through alot of this and agree the reason I stepped away from the game is the inability to get in TF that make it to the end. I logged in waited 4 hours for ITF to even start to form. After another hour of recruiting we'd head out a man or 2 short make it through the 1st couple missions until one or 2 players would time out from no longer moving leaving the 3 of us to wonder how we are ever going to pull apart the nexus.

I always hated posters that stated how much easier it is to find teams on this game or that game. How the search engine over here works compared to CoX.

For 6 years I lived and bleed CoX and enjoyed so much of it. Then I realized that if you stay a loyal customer meant more to them then me have being a loyal customer did. I applaud the devs efforts to keep blowing new life into such a great game. I have wanted 50+ content ever since I leveled my 1st toon to 50 and just hated "retiring" him.

Incarnate oh hell yeah alpha slots, branching I feel that finally the game has enough content to actually draw back alot of guys that left. I get into a TF within the first 10 minutes of trying. Players doing TF again sweet 1st ten minutes 4 players drop same old end game.

Looking for an active list of players not fillers I have a couple months left on my subscription and it is really a trial account at this point. The "price" of loyality has just become offensive. Stay through April get into beta stay through get this glowie under you. Whatever happened to hey thanks for being here this long.
