37 -
while a praetorian character can't leave Praetorian other than to Pocket D via Studio 55 there is nothing to stop heroes and villains getting to Praetoria via the same route. Pocket D to Studio 55. Therefore you may not be able to get to your friends but they can come to you. Last time I was levelling a toon through Praetoria I had help from both Heroes and Villains all in the under 20 level range. They can join you on your missions they just can't speak to the contacts to get the missions themselves.
First thing to try is fully logging out and then restarting the client and logging back in. I normally only apply codes when the game is not running, but it does say if you were logged in you need to logout for the new packs to show.
If that doesn't work then are you sure you applied them to the right account? You mentioned a second account so I assume you have a first/main account. Is there any chance you accidentally applied them there? You should be able to check applied codes under account management although annoyingly they will only say 'perk' and not which pack, however the dates should tie up if you applied them to the right account.
If all looks good there, then support is probably your only option, so you'll just have to wait. If they don't get back to you in 24 hours update the ticket again and pester them. -
I run the game fine on my Alienware M17x, core i7, dual ati mobility radeon HD 5800 series cards and 8gb ram. However its not so much a laptop as a desktop replacement. I brought that and got rid of both my 4 year old desktop and 5 year old laptop back in Feb. Most of the time it sits on the desk on a cooling mat as it has fan exhausts on the bottom so it helps the air flow.
It runs full ultra fine and I have much faster loading times and less lag than I had on my old machine running on minimum. So it can be done on a laptop, just not your run of the mill work style intergrated graphics lappy. -
Well in the meantime you can look at the EU one
though I agree having one common list now we can access all the servers would make sense -
Quote:I've never had any issues and I've been using commands that way for years. As Master-Blade mentioned I've more often found forgetting to surround stuff in quotes causes me more issues. Plus on a personal level it makes things easier for me to read. the double quotes around the command help me to see it as the 3 parts. It is the bind command, then the key and then the command I want to bind the key to.By the way, the way you are using quotes WILL confuse the game. It will read what you did as:
/bind <key> "beginchat /send" <error second string> <error third string>
In other words you gave the bind command too many parameters.
But then again they are not needed in anyway so if they cause problems remove them, the game doesn't care, in the same way the game doesn't care if you use /powexecname or /pow_exec_name the underscores are simply there for human readability. -
I'm pretty sure forum login and account name are the same as I had to use my EU-ified one to access the forum. Hence the no radio button anymore.
So if your in the forum that should get you in the game. Just make sure to enter the EU infront of your account name at the loginscreen since its quite easy to forget that the first time if you have had 'remember account name' option selected for as long as anyone can remember.
If for some reason that doesn't work I'd contact support because something iffy is going on with your account. Since you shouldn't be able to login to the forum without an active account and you clearly managed to do that. -
a quick way to change a chat bind (quick as in only 1 chanel and only 1 toon) would be just to press the key which you use for the channel in question. Then before you type anything or send a message hit home to take you back to the start of the text. enter "/bind <key> beginchat " then after /send where the channel name is enter the new channel name (in this case "Defiant Events EU" confirm your defaults are still there and then hit enter. Your bind will now be updated.
Just to confirm it should look something like this
/bind <key> "beginchat /send "Defiant Events EU" ($name:$level) "
I always follow my chat binds with a space (hence the quotes to show this) so that when I start to type theres a gap between the default text and what I write. If you don't do that simply remove it. -
Quote:You can PM a Mod and they can change it for you. All they need is a couple choices in order of preference incase one of the ones you ask for is taken. You can however look up the name you want in advance on the member list just to checkYes, but my forum name was automatically set to match my global name on both of my accounts, and we no longer have the ability to change our forum names, so I thought they might be linked.
but I'd still send 2 choices, even if its just use new name otherwise keep old one.
I highly doubt they would have changed anything while merging server lists. That's just opening themselves up to all kinds of trouble. So I expect the state of the game today is exactly the same as it was on tuesday. Just with more servers in your list.
Quote:there's an option under the chat settings to show individual name colours, you then get nice pretty colours randomly assigned (as far as I can tell) to each person in your chat window. Sometime helpful to keep track of who is who in the stream of text.I'm confused, I thought your global handle was automatically the same color as the global channel you're chatting in? Can't you just set the color of your global channel to the green you had before? Or am I completely missing what you're talking about?
Techbot wants the option to choose your own, which if its easy to do I see no issue with. -
In a spin off from the "My Global was eaten and now I'm...." thread.
I just wondered how many like myself (I've been reliably* informed by SG mates as I'm not been in game yet) managed to make it through the server list merge with their original global handle in tact?
This is just for information to get a rough idea of ratios. It seems quite a few of my SG's members have been hit by the change.
*how reliable this fact is remains to be seen -
Quote:My best guess is that there are 1000+ active US accounts which clash with EU ones, most likely broken down similar to this:I really wonder how this can be.
The only way to get a collision is to have one NA player with the global @MyGlobal and one EU player with the global @MyGlobal. Only then will there be a collision about the global @MyGlobal. And that means that there will be exactly the same number of affected players in EU as there is in NA.
If there are 5781 affected NA players, there have to be 5781 affected EU players. If there were not, and there were only 578 affected EU players, then there would be 5781-578=5203 non-colliding collisions. And that is contradictory.
So what's going on here?- some of them will be EU accounts inactive US trial accounts
- others will be people who had an EU account and left to go US side so their EU account sits inactive
- others may be people like myself who played then stopped playing US side then came back and joined EU side but after they shut down the acount transfer thing so had to create a new account leaving the US one in limbo
- some will be EU players who have left over the years
- next we have the people who have both an active US and EU account
- and finally we have the genuine clashes where the two accounts are owned by different people
But then you have to wonder if they know all these things why not contact the people who own both accounts and ask them which one they want to keep the name on, or in the case of inactive US trials just give the name to EU account. If it really is only a few hundred people the man hours involved won't be that extensive. -
As far as I'm aware Virtue is the unofficial RP server and Freedom is where all the PVPers ended up.
Of course the font of all in game knowledge has this to say -
well it does say in the producers letter that this way its hundreds of active EU accounts affected versus thousands of active US ones but it doesn't say if those hundreds of active EU ones are loosing out to active US ones, my guess is not because otherwise both numbers would be the same.
sourced from producer letter
Quote:While I think we can all agree that a hundred is less than a thousand, losing a name to someone who is not even playing seems unfair. I'd be ok with using the inactive for 90+ days cut off point which is shown in the account management section as a safeguard for those who may have taken a short break if absolutely necessary but as far as I'm concerened when it comes to something as big as this if your not paying at the time you shouldn't get priority over someone who is. If your name was that important to you then you could pay for a month over the server merge window to keep it. If not then clearly it doesn't matter to you.We did a lot of data mining and found that pre-pending the names of EU accounts affected the fewest active players (the difference is hundreds vs thousands). -
Quote:I think Shadow Kitty summed up the feelings of alot of the European players with this. We may have only had 2 English speaking servers but we've been happy with that. As a general rule most of us only play on 1 of the 2 servers with the occasional dabbling on the other side. Most people I know only have chars on Union because they were swapped from Defiant to make space for new characters when we had free transfers a while back. Now since this merge doesn't actually give us more slots on the server we currently enjoy with the community we know and love theres not all that much in it for us.I haven't filled up Defiant yet, and barely touched Union. That means that... in about... 2017 or so, I should have filled up my EU slots and be forced to visit an American server.
You say we get 132 more character slots due to the new servers, so what. Give me the chance to move them all do Defiant in some kind of mega character list and I'll finally accept this as a good thing, until then I reserve the right to declare this move a big 'meh' verging on 'boo' at the chance to lose global names (how we all know each other) and global channels (how we all chat even on the SG level)
Now if you can sell it to me as someone who only plays one server I'm willing to listen but so far the only positive given have been "more servers whoop" and "yay bigger community", which personally I don't really see. How many people do you actually chat to from outside your server other than on forums? And its not like people are suddenly going to pack up and move from the server communities they've been with for years, maybe in a "is the grass really greener?" sense but I don't expect many will stay around and make it their new home. At the most we'll be tourists stealing your character names and holding them in character name limbo while we continue actively playing on our previous servers keeping our accounts active so the names can never be freed -
you can access a pillar in you SG base if you have one from level 1. Whether you can actually start any ouro stuff I don't know. I've been told you can but never actually tried it myself.
Quote:I think you pretty much answered your own question with this. The game is still balenced around players who use only SOs so any IOs or Set bonuses or Alpha slots or temp powers already push the players past this. Nothing much that can be done about this as long as the developers don't want to force people to make use of the invention system, which personally I believe they shouldn't. Not everyone enjoys crafting IOs and Min/Maxing their builds.the average PUG still seems to have enough alphas, level shifts and hundreds of set bonusses to steamroll it with one hand tapping the controls and the other graciously tilting the beer bottle.
I guess if you really want the challenge back go back to using SOs or just unslot everything and run with base powers -
Do people really expect us to get excited over new severs after 7 years? Maybe when the EU servers first launched or when we first asked, but now?
Thats like having lived in town B for many years because town A was closed to outsiders, getting settled and having kids and then town A going "oh by the way, you know you wanted to live here when you were younger? Well we've now decided to open the gates and let you in if you want. But you can't bring your kids they have to stay behind and you'll have to change your name because someone who moved in last week has that name and our post lady is old and we can't have two Steves or she'll get confused."
Would anyone actually willing choose to make that move? I'd be more than happy to stay where I am with my kids and my life and all the friends I've made.
Yes I'm referering to my toons as my children in this metaphore -
I'm getting the impression from reading this thread that NA players spend most of thier time refering to each other by whatever character they are on at that moment and therefore talk more in local, sg or team chats and so your globals seem more like names you just happen to have because. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
Most people I know EU side talk more using global channels and so our global names are much more important. Global channels use global names so almost everyone uses those to refer to each other and thats how we know each other. My SG has one so we can easily chat accross the mulitple branches of our SG and between blue and red side and even the praetorians can get involved. Losing those names would mean losing a part of the history of the SG.
Also as others are starting to mention globalnames aren't getting EU'd. They are getting truncated untill they don't clash. This will make them look stupid in most cases -
yep it takes effect as soon as you slot a Tier 3 (rare) or Tier 4 (very rare) Alpha.
It will also go away if you unslot the ability