Farming recipes at level 10 (yeah, I know)?




I have a couple of characters level-locked at 10 from my old "Perfect 10" project.

I understand that farming for recipes at level 10 is extremely inefficient (and the selection is pretty narrow too). I mostly do this to amuse myself.

The Inherent Stamina change should have significant impact on my level 10 builds; I am re-examining which AT and powersets to use for this (previously I mostly used a Kat/Regen Scrapper for the Divine Avalanche and Quick Recovery).

To date I have been using AE to farm tickets (yes, in case you're wondering, it does in fact take a level 10 a loooong time to save up for a gold roll).

Is there any other way of getting merits for rolls at level 10? Can't run tips that young (or even get tip credit while teamed); could join Oro merit arcs but can't start them (can't get to Oro); can start New Posi Part 1 if I can get two other players (I do have one buddy who sometimes joins me with his own 10), but New Posi Part 2 is level 11-16, so apparently that's out, and Part 1 only awards 11 merits (so 2 runs per gold roll). Any other ideas?

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Fight Giant Monsters?



you can access a pillar in you SG base if you have one from level 1. Whether you can actually start any ouro stuff I don't know. I've been told you can but never actually tried it myself.



Originally Posted by Neon Vixen View Post
you can access a pillar in you SG base if you have one from level 1. Whether you can actually start any ouro stuff I don't know. I've been told you can but never actually tried it myself.
Nope. Have to be 25.



You can get recipes of any level you want with Hero/Villain Merits in Fort Trident/The Crucible if you use the level slider when buying specific recipes. If you choose the Random 5 Recipe rolls for 1 Merit, you can choose the level range of the recipes you get, but the recipes will actually be your own level or the max level of the recipe, whichever is lower.

For AE Ticket rolls, if you have your level 10 join an AE farm lead by a good farming character, you can get tickets at a really nice pace. That's likely the least painful and quickest way to do what you're trying to do.



Originally Posted by Korith View Post
Fight Giant Monsters?
I wonder if "The Grease Stain" is taken on every server?

Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
For what it's worth i'd be willing to lock a level 10 to run Posi TFs with you.
Ah, might be worth trying. My friend and I are on Guardian (although "leveling up" to 10 is hardly grinding. )

Originally Posted by TheUnnamedOne View Post
You can get recipes of any level you want with Hero/Villain Merits in Fort Trident/The Crucible if you use the level slider when buying specific recipes. If you choose the Random 5 Recipe rolls for 1 Merit, you can choose the level range of the recipes you get, but the recipes will actually be your own level or the max level of the recipe, whichever is lower.
Yeah, the "point" of level-locking at 10 was that random rolls are cheaper than picking specific recipes one at a time. Obviously, in practice, the difficulty of "farming" at level 10 pretty much negates that.

Originally Posted by TheUnnamedOne View Post
For AE Ticket rolls, if you have your level 10 join an AE farm lead by a good farming character, you can get tickets at a really nice pace. That's likely the least painful and quickest way to do what you're trying to do.
Yeah, I hate to ride on someone else's coattails though, so I'd want to do the fighting myself.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



It's not repeatable (on the same character) but I got enough zone exploration accolades on my level 2 to get 50 RMs, thus an Alignment Merit. (OK, 11 RMs were from vet badges.) Which I could have used for ... a wing recipe. At level 7 I rolled 5 randoms for 150 or 200 million inf worth of stuff. I went zone by zone in increasing order of level and I didn't die till Independence port.

You'll get really good at jetpacking from badge to badge in a leisurely manner.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



Hrm. Sets have a minimum level, so level 1 (or 4 for Ninja/Beast Run) is as good as 10. Perhaps disposable Stalkers (for the Hide power) could run from badge to badge getting zone accolades, then throw in the vet merits, then grab $20 mill from e-mail, snag alignment merit, roll 5, delete.

Kind of a silly project.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



You might consider going 'tank' instead and taking them to 18 for Burn. Run ambush farms at +0/x8, pop purples, and rake in your tickets.



What is it you're going for? BotZ -kb ios drop, but I can't think of any other high value recipes at 10.

Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)



Originally Posted by TheUnnamedOne View Post
You can get recipes of any level you want with Hero/Villain Merits in Fort Trident/The Crucible if you use the level slider when buying specific recipes.
Yes but you can't get hero/vill merits until lvl 20.



This is a once-a-year deal, but I still have over a hundred merits on a level twelve character I played on the anniversary last year, when there were GMs being spawned en mass in the zones. The character wasn't even level locked -- I'd just rolled her up to try Blaster Dual Pistols. But the XP was pitiful, and the merits were great :-)

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



A mastermind is another archetype to consider for low-level farming. I generally bump my difficulty up pretty soon on them.



Originally Posted by Deacon_NA View Post
What is it you're going for? BotZ -kb ios drop, but I can't think of any other high value recipes at 10.

I suspect level 10 Karma and Steadfast -KB IOs are probably high value too, since they can be slotted at 7. Otherwise, another thing to do would be wait for the Winter Event, stock up on candy canes, and buy a bunch of Winter's Gift Slow Resist IOs, since there is no level slider for things purchased from the Candy Keeper.



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
Yeah, I hate to ride on someone else's coattails though, so I'd want to do the fighting myself.
You could get another account and do it all yourself. Your High-level farmer could spend his/her Tickets on Rare Salvage that you need for high level IOs and let the lowbie get the level 10 stuff with his/her tickets.

Are there really any Gold-List recipes that are that useful at level 10 for this to be worthwhile or is it just a concept test to see how best to do it?


For a Level 10 AE Farming Character (using Fire-based enemies), you could try an Electrical Melee/Fiery Aura Brute. By level 10 you could get a single-target attack (that has a chance to restore a small amount of End), a cone attack, a PBAOE attack and Build Up along with one Resist Shield, a Heal and Temperature Protection Resists. With level 10 IOs you'd end up with about 25% S/L Resist, 49% Fire Resist, 4 slotted Single Target and Cone attacks (Rech, End, 2x Dam?) with 3 slotted PBAOE attack (End, 2x Dam?) and a 25% Heal every 40 seconds.

If you make sure you play the right origin (Mutant or Natural I think) you could use the special Level 10 Single-Origin Damage enhancements from Mr. Yin's Market in Faultline if you have another character who can purchase them for your lowbie. These things REALLY make it easy for a low-level character since everything you fight at level 10 is created around expecting you to have only a couple lowly Training Enhancements.



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
Hrm. Sets have a minimum level, so level 1 (or 4 for Ninja/Beast Run) is as good as 10. Perhaps disposable Stalkers (for the Hide power) could run from badge to badge getting zone accolades, then throw in the vet merits, then grab $20 mill from e-mail, snag alignment merit, roll 5, delete.

Kind of a silly project.
Nay, nay!

Can't roll randoms recipes until you can slot them, so you have to be level 7. Silly was doing this at level 2, and turning off XP (to avoid levelling on location badges), so I didn't even have Ninja Run [which I think unlocks at 3. Might be 4.] At level 2 you have the option of turning in an Alignment Merit for ANY WING RECIPE YOU WANT.

... if I was really hardcore I would have earned my own 20 million inf on the market, probably, to make the AM. I pulled it from email.

Edited to add: Willowpaw, the KB resists are not gold-list. But you can get things like the Eradication proc, Theft of Essence +End, and travel Stealths. I seem to remember getting a couple worthless things like a melee quad and a teleport stealth, and two or three really good ones.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



I thought the lowest level stealths were 15, so a level 10 would not be able to random roll those.



By level lock, I am assuming you guys turn off the XP then and run missions only for influence? Is that what you mean by level lock?



Originally Posted by thgebull0425 View Post
By level lock, I am assuming you guys turn off the XP then and run missions only for influence? Is that what you mean by level lock?

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
It's not repeatable (on the same character) but I got enough zone exploration accolades on my level 2 to get 50 RMs, thus an Alignment Merit. (OK, 11 RMs were from vet badges.) Which I could have used for ... a wing recipe. At level 7 I rolled 5 randoms for 150 or 200 million inf worth of stuff. I went zone by zone in increasing order of level and I didn't die till Independence port.

You'll get really good at jetpacking from badge to badge in a leisurely manner.
If you made a Stalker, you could do this Villain-side and have 150' Stealth and easier access to buy a JetPack in Grandville along with a really easy way to get there with the Helicopter in Mercy Island. I count 8 regular zones and one hazard zone for a total of 45 Merits. That means it would work as long as you had the 60 Month "City Traveler" Veteran reward that grants 5 Merits.

Also, what is a "Wing Recipe"??



Originally Posted by TheUnnamedOne View Post
Also, what is a "Wing Recipe"??
My guess is the costume parts (Draconic wings, etc.).

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog