Discussion: One game, one global server access




Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
So you heard the plan and it was so terribad you don't even want to talk about it till you try and change it?
Maybe he thinks that raging over features that are sitll being worked on isn't the best thing for this thread?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
It's actually the one with the least amount of risk, so in that sense, no, it's not terribad. That being said we want to investigate other options.

In the end the answer may be that we can't accommodate other options, but we would be remiss in not exploring them.
I'm glad data integrity is the highest weighted metric. Better to have a fully functional system then one that tries to accommodate everyone and takes down the global server indefinitely.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Maybe he thinks that raging over features that are sitll being worked on isn't the best thing for this thread?
Pretty much THIS.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
So you heard the plan and it was so terribad you don't even want to talk about it till you try and change it?
I suspect the plan didn't exist and no accounting was made for Global Channels.

Since all EU Global Names are going to be created at first character login from the date of the server list merge I believe that what the devs/ops team is actually doing is removing the EU Global Server completely.

This means that all the EU Global Channels will (under the original "plan") cease to be, and would need recreating by the community.

The "other options" Zwill is probably looking at is to perhaps seed the US Global Server with channels from the EU Global Server. However issues such as channel ops, collisions with channels existing both sides and so on will need to be looked at.

Of course, no option but the original plan may be feasible. For instance, as there will be no EU Global Names at merge time, I can't see how channel ops could be assigned. This is the sort of thing they are probably looking at.



Originally Posted by Master Zaprobo View Post
I suspect the plan didn't exist and no accounting was made for Global Channels.
I was wrong. Zwill advised on video stream testing that there was a Plan, and they're just looking for new Plans.



Originally Posted by Master Zaprobo View Post
I was wrong. Zwill advised on video stream testing that there was a Plan, and they're just looking for new Plans.
If you make the conscious decision to Drop The EU Global Channels and Let The Community Recreate Them, because it's Too Much Fuzz to Migrate Them, then you have a Plan.

Still @Shadow Kitty

"I became Archvillain before Statesman nerfed himself!"



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
It's actually the one with the least amount of risk, so in that sense, no, it's not terribad. That being said we want to investigate other options.

In the end the answer may be that we can't accommodate other options, but we would be remiss in not exploring them.
sure u afraid of the risk not of the afford, i guess so...

I see the things you things changed to the accounts and the results was afford to the support, which will not change to future changing...



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
It's actually the one with the least amount of risk, so in that sense, no, it's not terribad. That being said we want to investigate other options.

In the end the answer may be that we can't accommodate other options, but we would be remiss in not exploring them.
You, sir, rock. This is exactly what community reps are supposed to do. Personally, I'm surprised that you made these comments, but I have to say, having done so, my respect level (which wasn't low before) has jumped a significant bit.

I understand what it's like to feel like it's damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't. This is one of those types of situations. No matter how it turns out, there are going to be some unhappy people. I hope that it's more than balanced out by how cool it will be to have everyone on one server list, and I really hope that even if someone loses their global name, they manage to stay focused on the positive. Also, no matter how it turns out, I really appreciate that the feedback was heard and discussed.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
I understand what it's like to feel like it's damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't. This is one of those types of situations. No matter how it turns out, there are going to be some unhappy people. I hope that it's more than balanced out by how cool it will be to have everyone on one server list, and I really hope that even if someone loses their global name, they manage to stay focused on the positive. Also, no matter how it turns out, I really appreciate that the feedback was heard and discussed.
I still looking for anything positive about this whole serverlist thing, apart from the whole 'NCsoft aint accepting my paypal payments' and 'forum randomly logs me in under different accounts'.

yes im positive towards those who care about their global, that NC is looking possible solutions for global channels (lol, EU global will get a 'EU' added to the name? :P), but for me personal i have no positive view on any aspect of this upcomming change.

I see this all US minded, priority on global, loginnames, choices of features, there are hardly no US players having EU accounts, while i believe there are a considerable ammount of EU players having US accounts (next to their EU one) to acces a larger playerbase or timezone issues.

Years ago there was an option, they could copy your characters over to another account (double names got a number behind it), now suddenly this feature is gone?



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
i still think they should add /nerdragequit and /nerdragequitnao commands to the game.
The first one immediately quits to desktop and uninstalls the client.
And the second does the same but first strips all IOs from your characters and distributes them to random people logged in at the time? I like it.



Originally Posted by Remmet View Post
And the second does the same but first strips all IOs from your characters and distributes them to random people logged in at the time? I like it.

Both should have the ;tantrum emote as the emote that plays when the toon is logging off, then at the end of the tantrum emote, the toon explodes like the self-destruction power/emote does. :P

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



I am kinda eh on the one game one global server access thing. The only thing I am frustrated about is, are we gonna have to hear all the EU players around Independence DAY complain too why their countries holiday isn't celebrated in game. Yes I understand and know that this game is played all over the world, but the game takes place in America and the game is developed in California which is in America so yes we celebrate American holidays. If I hear one more Canadian complain about, how come we don't celebrate Boxing Day, I am gonna tell them to take their toon and fly to the top of the Atlas city hall building and look at what flag is flying there.

Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!



Originally Posted by 2short2care View Post
I am kinda eh on the one game one global server access thing. The only thing I am frustrated about is, are we gonna have to hear all the EU players around Independence DAY complain too why their countries holiday isn't celebrated in game. Yes I understand and know that this game is played all over the world, but the game takes place in America and the game is developed in California which is in America so yes we celebrate American holidays. If I hear one more Canadian complain about, how come we don't celebrate Boxing Day, I am gonna tell them to take their toon and fly to the top of the Atlas city hall building and look at what flag is flying there.
Hey I'm a big fan of some of Will Smith movies but there is no need to make a holiday over one.

Is there a Wild Wild West holiday too?

And here I thought the game actually took place in Pakistan. http://www.paragoncity.com.pk/

Too many 50's to list here's a few you may know.
Slazenger, Area51, Area53, Area54, Erruption, Mind Plague, Thresher, Sheath, Broadside, Debt



Paragon City is a fictional city located in the real state of Rhode Island in the real United States. The Rogue Isles is a fictional group of islands off the coast of United States. Praetoria is a mirror universe of paragon city so it's a fictional city in the mirror universe in the state of Rhode Island in the US.

Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!



Originally Posted by 2short2care View Post
I am kinda eh on the one game one global server access thing. The only thing I am frustrated about is, are we gonna have to hear all the EU players around Independence DAY complain too why their countries holiday isn't celebrated in game. Yes I understand and know that this game is played all over the world, but the game takes place in America and the game is developed in California which is in America so yes we celebrate American holidays. If I hear one more Canadian complain about, how come we don't celebrate Boxing Day, I am gonna tell them to take their toon and fly to the top of the Atlas city hall building and look at what flag is flying there.
We didnt choose to shut down NCsoft Brighton, we didnt choose to merge. As for ingame stuff, we have equal rights as you guys have. Where the game is developed or 'located' is totaly irrelavant to the fact if they should celebrate certain holidays or not.

(patriotism.. weird stuff actualy, who you think actualy founded majority of US?)

Besides, Europe hardly has any 'continentwide' holidays.



Originally Posted by 2short2care View Post
I am kinda eh on the one game one global server access thing. The only thing I am frustrated about is, are we gonna have to hear all the EU players around Independence DAY complain too why their countries holiday isn't celebrated in game. Yes I understand and know that this game is played all over the world, but the game takes place in America and the game is developed in California which is in America so yes we celebrate American holidays. If I hear one more Canadian complain about, how come we don't celebrate Boxing Day, I am gonna tell them to take their toon and fly to the top of the Atlas city hall building and look at what flag is flying there.

By all means celebrate it you are quite correct this game has gone the Americans, but can you please not use the Queens English to celebrate it.

Too many 50's to list here's a few you may know.
Slazenger, Area51, Area53, Area54, Erruption, Mind Plague, Thresher, Sheath, Broadside, Debt



This is how it normally goes, on july 4th someone will make a thread Happy Independence Day, and somewhere down the line a Canadian who is not happy that we do not celebrate Boxing Day will complain in that thread about it. Look if you want to celebrate your nations holidays then by all means do it, but don't belittle or rain on Americans who want to celebrate Independence Day. For your information In May I will be playing this game for 4 years and for the past 3 years this has always happened.
I am not saying you shouldn't be able to celebrate whatever holiday you want, it's all the complaining that Americans don't celebrate other countries holidays, if you want to celebrate a holiday then do it, don't interrupt threads and celebrations to complain about how your countries holidays aren't celebrated. Start your own thread saying Happy Boxing Day or whatever holiday you want, then do whatever you want to in game.

Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!



Originally Posted by 2short2care View Post
Paragon City is a fictional city located in the real state of Rhode Island in the real United States. The Rogue Isles is a fictional group of islands off the coast of United States. Praetoria is a mirror universe of paragon city so it's a fictional city in the mirror universe in the state of Rhode Island in the US.
Actually, Praetoria is not in Rhode Island as one of Calvin Scott's arcs mentions strangers from the east.



Originally Posted by SinergyX_NA View Post
patriotism.. weird stuff actualy, who you think actualy founded majority of US?
Ex-patriots (err expatriates) of the UK. Though most weren't expatriates then, that came later... on Independence Day; which brings us back full circle.





Originally Posted by TheSin View Post
I still looking for anything positive about this whole serverlist thing, apart from the whole 'NCsoft aint accepting my paypal payments' and 'forum randomly logs me in under different accounts'.

...for me personal i have no positive view on any aspect of this upcomming change.
Then you're not trying very hard. The most obvious thing is that European players will now have fifteen servers to play on instead of just four. This effectively means an extra 132 character slots to alt nuts on people.

Also, it's my understanding--and I could be wrong--that the European servers are relatively less populated than the U.S. servers. Now, European players have a wider variety of population-magnitude servers to play on: relatively empty, where you can be left pretty much alone, or servers that are stuffed to the gills to the point where you can't even log on during peak events.

Personally, I'm happy to see this arbitrary division of players go away. "Okay, you all go stand on that side of the room. You over there, stand on the other side of the room." It strikes me as rather silly. Also, I'm looking forward to socializing more with people from Europe. I think it's kind of cool to meet and get to know people who are thousands of miles away.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Then you're not trying very hard. The most obvious thing is that European players will now have fifteen servers to play on instead of just four. This effectively means an extra 132 character slots to alt nuts on people.

I haven't filled up Defiant yet, and barely touched Union. That means that... in about... 2017 or so, I should have filled up my EU slots and be forced to visit an American server.

Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Personally, I'm happy to see this arbitrary division of players go away.
Mmm. The price for getting rid of it is a forced name change of the arbitrarily divided people from this side of the room.

(And before you go "it's only a name", please go back some 20 pages or so where the "it's only a name" argument was argued against before.)

Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Also, I'm looking forward to socializing more with people from Europe. I think it's kind of cool to meet and get to know people who are thousands of miles away.
You're always welcome to Defiant!

Still @Shadow Kitty

"I became Archvillain before Statesman nerfed himself!"



Originally Posted by 2short2care View Post
This is how it normally goes, on july 4th someone will make a thread Happy Independence Day, and somewhere down the line a Canadian who is not happy that we do not celebrate Boxing Day will complain in that thread about it. Look if you want to celebrate your nations holidays then by all means do it, but don't belittle or rain on Americans who want to celebrate Independence Day. For your information In May I will be playing this game for 4 years and for the past 3 years this has always happened.
I am not saying you shouldn't be able to celebrate whatever holiday you want, it's all the complaining that Americans don't celebrate other countries holidays, if you want to celebrate a holiday then do it, don't interrupt threads and celebrations to complain about how your countries holidays aren't celebrated. Start your own thread saying Happy Boxing Day or whatever holiday you want, then do whatever you want to in game.
Really, I've never noticed this.

Usually it tends to be from a fairly new American player "Why can't we have some sort of Independence Day or Thanks Giving Event to celebreate our tradition"

And the res tof the community, NA and EU alike pipe up and say "Its been suggested alot, and not everyone who plays the game is from USA so it would be alot of wasted dev ours that would go unnappreciated on Every other continent except NA, and of NA, only 1 country in it"

And then everyone gets on with their lives. I've certianly never seen a "ZOMG why are you all wishing eachother Happy Turkey day when you all skipped St George's day" since its a fairly open form, when St Geroge's day comes around people can just start a thread to their liking.

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Then you're not trying very hard. The most obvious thing is that European players will now have fifteen servers to play on instead of just four. This effectively means an extra 132 character slots to alt nuts on people.
Wait.. we should be happy for something that has been 'held back' for years while paying the exact same price, now suddenly becomes available? You maybe forgetting the point majority of EU players only had two servers to play on, as the french and german one also has a fully translated client and do speak any of those languages.

We made more alts on the simple way, more accounts. So we've payed for 2 maybe 3 accounts for years, now we suddenly should be happy we get access to way more characterslots, while they dont offer any form of merge of charactercopy?

Also, it's my understanding--and I could be wrong--that the European servers are relatively less populated than the U.S. servers. Now, European players have a wider variety of population-magnitude servers to play on: relatively empty, where you can be left pretty much alone, or servers that are stuffed to the gills to the point where you can't even log on during peak events.
I'm playing a MMO, not a singleplayer game.



Originally Posted by Shadow_Kitty View Post
I haven't filled up Defiant yet, and barely touched Union. That means that... in about... 2017 or so, I should have filled up my EU slots and be forced to visit an American server.
I think Shadow Kitty summed up the feelings of alot of the European players with this. We may have only had 2 English speaking servers but we've been happy with that. As a general rule most of us only play on 1 of the 2 servers with the occasional dabbling on the other side. Most people I know only have chars on Union because they were swapped from Defiant to make space for new characters when we had free transfers a while back. Now since this merge doesn't actually give us more slots on the server we currently enjoy with the community we know and love theres not all that much in it for us.

You say we get 132 more character slots due to the new servers, so what. Give me the chance to move them all do Defiant in some kind of mega character list and I'll finally accept this as a good thing, until then I reserve the right to declare this move a big 'meh' verging on 'boo' at the chance to lose global names (how we all know each other) and global channels (how we all chat even on the SG level)

Now if you can sell it to me as someone who only plays one server I'm willing to listen but so far the only positive given have been "more servers whoop" and "yay bigger community", which personally I don't really see. How many people do you actually chat to from outside your server other than on forums? And its not like people are suddenly going to pack up and move from the server communities they've been with for years, maybe in a "is the grass really greener?" sense but I don't expect many will stay around and make it their new home. At the most we'll be tourists stealing your character names and holding them in character name limbo while we continue actively playing on our previous servers keeping our accounts active so the names can never be freed



Originally Posted by Neon Vixen View Post

Now if you can sell it to me as someone who only plays one server [snip]
More people have the opportunity to come and play on you're server.

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*