Discussion: One game, one global server access




Well, my globals are:

@Snow Globe
@Snow Globe1

I don't know if anyone in the EU servers collide, but I've minimized the chances for a collision. Oh, and my second account is frequently inactive. However I don't think that should be much of an issue.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
To my knowledge, the "regular" CoH was never released to Europe. On the other hand the box copy in Europe was the CoH DVD Edition, so you got the Prestige Cape and Power Slide.

If you couldn't get a hold of the CoV CE in game goodies, I've been trying (unsuccessfully) to convince NCsoft to release a booster that had all the in game stuff from both CoH CE DVD and CoV CE DVD. I've been doing so even though (and because) I have both add-ons already.

I think I've might have seen the AE edition once in stores, and I only found the Going Rogue box because I specifically pre-ordered it.

As to marketing, I can tell you from experience that outside of the US, the game isn't really marketed at all. And even there a succession of bad deals has usually come back to bite the game.

The Good Vs. Evil Edition was initially an exclusive deal with Wal*Mart USA (not Canada). For 6 months the complaints were resounding on these boards.

The Architect Edition could barely be found, even up to the time Going Rogue came out.

The Gamestop promotion was a nightmare and I think Gamestop got more out of the deal than Paragon Studios/NCsoft out of that one.
We did get the 'normal' boxed version of City of Heroes, along with a few (only ever saw it in like 3-4 stores) CoV boxes. After that, never a boxed version ever been seen (Netherland), only a few did sell some wich eventualy turn out to be imports.

The store goodie-booster-pack aint great either, as all purchased 'packs' are listed as 'perk' there is no telling wich packs my account has and wich he doesnt, and if you buy the same pack again, the system doesnt do any check if you already have such pack actived (Wedding pack i have bought twice on 1 of my accounts).

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Regarding this merge, what will happen to the forum login? As now my NA and US login (yeah, im on my US.. stupid system) will change, is the checkbox for US/EU still needed?

The forum keeps borking up now when i try to log in either one of these accounts, or i get wrong password (as they are different) or 'magicly' logging me in on the wrong account.



Originally Posted by SinergyX_NA View Post
Regarding this merge, what will happen to the forum login? As now my NA and US login (yeah, im on my US.. stupid system) will change, is the checkbox for US/EU still needed?

The forum keeps borking up now when i try to log in either one of these accounts, or i get wrong password (as they are different) or 'magicly' logging me in on the wrong account.
Forum Logins are the same as your game account login, so the same sort of thing should happen to them

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*



Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
The store goodie-booster-pack aint great either, as all purchased 'packs' are listed as 'perk' there is no telling wich packs my account has and wich he doesnt, and if you buy the same pack again, the system doesnt do any check if you already have such pack actived (Wedding pack i have bought twice on 1 of my accounts).
Actually a bunch of people have complained about this on this side of the Atlantic too. Personally I blame web development staff that don't know what they are doing for this. That is my professional opinion as a web developer. It is a TRIVIAL change as they know the code ranges & what they are actually selling, and to leave the display as "perk" just screams incompetence.

I may not know how the game is coded, but I DO know MySQL and server side coding. The fact that the accounts site is in Perl means that the display isn't that hard to do.

Originally Posted by SinergyX_NA View Post
The forum keeps borking up now when i try to log in either one of these accounts, or i get wrong password (as they are different) or 'magicly' logging me in on the wrong account.
This has been happening a lot to everyone since they changed to vBulletin. It isn't just you...

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Shadow_Kitty View Post
Sadly, a free activation weekend only help those that have an NA global to change.

Those, like me, that have no NA global to change and a pretty obvious name, risk losing the global to an active player who have had the account more than I had mine, an active player who have had the account less I had mine, an inactive player, a NA trial account owned by someone else, or a griefer who thinks that those whiney Euros should just open wide and swallow.
Yeah, that truly bites...and definitely not in a good way!

As a Brit I do of course endorse the term 'whiney euro!' But seriously, i've always thought it was a wee bit off the way the none NA servers appear to get treated. Of course, i have to listen to a lot of crap about how unfairly we're treated on the Eastern side with the West side being favoured. Sadly though the UK and Europe really do seem to get given the short end somewhat regularly.



I'll add myself to the would-rather-stay list. I won't have any use for the additional servers, I don't even use Defiant for anything as is. That's not to say that the merge won't be useful for others, but I personally would rather stay separate if the price is losing the global name which I had for years to what could be a trial or inactive account. And even if it's active, it'll still feel like I must give up part of me to some stranger only because I chose to play on EU servers instead of US ones.



Still some outstanding issues for devs to answer...

  • Raised in [Defiant Events], one player is in receipt of a GM message informing them that EU and US Global names have been a merged list since around Issue 14. Is this true, as it would set most minds to rest if they know their Global is already unique (and if not true, will halt rumours accordingly)
  • What will happen with Global Chat Channels? (myself and others have asked this, but no answer has yet been forthcoming)



Originally Posted by Master Zaprobo View Post
Still some outstanding issues for devs to answer...
  • Raised in [Defiant Events], one player is in receipt of a GM message informing them that EU and US Global names have been a merged list since around Issue 14. Is this true, as it would set most minds to rest if they know their Global is already unique (and if not true, will halt rumours accordingly)
  • What will happen with Global Chat Channels? (myself and others have asked this, but no answer has yet been forthcoming)
First is not true. My global for both EU and NA is @Silver Sanguis



By the way, what about an account merge? Is Paragon/NCSoft claiming this is impossible? I've got a lot of characters on EU account on Union, though i don't want to maintain 2 accounts for obvious reasons.

Will my own characters be denied to me?



Originally Posted by Master Zaprobo View Post
  • What will happen with Global Chat Channels? (myself and others have asked this, but no answer has yet been forthcoming)
Zwillinger has just got back to my PM and will try and get us an answer on this issue for this week.



Originally Posted by Silver Sanguis View Post
By the way, what about an account merge? Is Paragon/NCSoft claiming this is impossible? I've got a lot of characters on EU account on Union, though i don't want to maintain 2 accounts for obvious reasons.

Will my own characters be denied to me?
That was my question also bunch of pages earlier, although merge may not be possible (copying however is, alike the old US->EU copy), i wont see this happen at all. This mostly probably only affect EU players (as they would have a US more likely then a US-player having EU one), and since we pull the short straw all the time.. no exception this time.



Originally Posted by Master Zaprobo View Post
Still some outstanding issues for devs to answer...
  • Raised in [Defiant Events], one player is in receipt of a GM message informing them that EU and US Global names have been a merged list since around Issue 14. Is this true, as it would set most minds to rest if they know their Global is already unique (and if not true, will halt rumours accordingly)
  • What will happen with Global Chat Channels? (myself and others have asked this, but no answer has yet been forthcoming)
Originally Posted by Silver Sanguis View Post
First is not true. My global for both EU and NA is @Silver Sanguis
Your join date shows as 2007. Issue 14 dropped in April 2009. Point 1 can still be true if the databases were only required to be non-unique for global names created starting with I14.

Admittedly, though, I don't see that many minds being set to rest if it's only the last 2 years where new global names couldn't be duplicated across EU/NA. That still leaves a lot of game history where cases like yours can (and clearly do) slip in.

I hope they can find a satisfactory resolution to this.

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.



Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
Your join date shows as 2007. Issue 14 dropped in April 2009. Point 1 can still be true if the databases were only required to be non-unique for global names created starting with I14.
I changed my global last year though, so it still doesn't really make sense?



Originally Posted by SinergyX_NA View Post
That was my question also bunch of pages earlier, although merge may not be possible (copying however is, alike the old US->EU copy), i wont see this happen at all. This mostly probably only affect EU players (as they would have a US more likely then a US-player having EU one), and since we pull the short straw all the time.. no exception this time.
I would be down for NCSoft copying the data from my EU account to my US account and deleting my EU account. As long as i don't have to pay twice to access my own characters >_>



At this time we do not have any plans to provide account mergers.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Silver Sanguis View Post
I changed my global last year though, so it still doesn't really make sense?
Would've been useful information to include the first time.

GM's have been wrong before. I was being optimistic that they had some architecture in place, but they may not.

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
At this time we do not have any plans to provide account mergers.
Sad news Gues next few weeks time to transfer all IO's and sortlike to other characters, aint gonna pay multiple accounts when the 'initial' reason for doing so is completly gone.

.. lol posted on my other account :/



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
At this time we do not have any plans to provide account mergers.
On behalf of people with multiple accounts everywhere, this is really too bad. I can't imagine it is a very large revenue stream, and it would (I think) be a really appreciated QoL feature for a tiny part of the community even considering the amount of work involved.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
At this time we do not have any plans to provide account mergers.
I'm not affected by this (I have only one account), but I do feel bad especially for folks who bought North American accounts to play on populated servers.

If there's any way to swing this (I expect NC Soft is heavily involved), I'd urge you to do so. ("You" plural, as in Paragon Studios.) I think it would be a nice bone to toss to Euro accounts after a bit of the Euro folks feeling marginalized for a while. Some limits would be fine, such as being available for a limited time, US to Euro only, and a nominal fee.

While I can see that NC Soft might not be eager to close accounts, I think they might be interested in customer service and fairness, and I think this falls squarely in that realm. Both NC Soft and Paragon Studios should be interested in making their longest time and most dedicated fans happy. (And who else would have two accounts just so they can play?)



I do understand the desire for account mergers, however much like game design, the introduction of a new service is something that goes through a considerable amount of...well, consideration (business and production/scheduling), development time and testing.

If we decided to introduce any new account service, it would be something which would be announced well in advance and would go through a lot of internal testing.

When it comes to account services we want to deliver the best possible service we can to our community, and as such your feedback and requests, specifically in this thread, are been forwarded along to the ops team.

And now for something completely different...

I've spoken to production regarding the Global Channel collisions, and I do have an answer for you all, however it's not one that the Community Team feels best represents the interests of the players. We're working with production on potential solutions and will come to you once we have that information.

Thanks all for the continued dialog.

- Z

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
I do understand the desire for account mergers, however much like game design, the introduction of a new service is something that goes through a considerable amount of...well, consideration (business and production/scheduling), development time and testing.

If we decided to introduce any new account service, it would be something which would be announced well in advance and would go through a lot of internal testing.

When it comes to account services we want to deliver the best possible service we can to our community, and as such your feedback and requests, specifically in this thread, are been forwarded along to the ops team.

And now for something completely different...

I've spoken to production regarding the Global Channel collisions, and I do have an answer for you all, however it's not one that the Community Team feels best represents the interests of the players. We're working with production on potential solutions and will come to you once we have that information.

Thanks all for the continued dialog.

- Z
So you heard the plan and it was so terribad you don't even want to talk about it till you try and change it?



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
So you heard the plan and it was so terribad you don't even want to talk about it till you try and change it?
It's actually the one with the least amount of risk, so in that sense, no, it's not terribad. That being said we want to investigate other options.

In the end the answer may be that we can't accommodate other options, but we would be remiss in not exploring them.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios