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  1. 1. Can you tell us about all of Nemesis' plots? Or at least the ones regarding him and ouroboros and the Battalion.

    2. Who were the first incarnates? Is DJ Zero an ascended? Who is (are?) the ascended we know that Prometheus mentions at one point to us?

    3. What is at the very peak of the power hierarchy in the City of universe? Since there are mentions of ascension and steps above it.

    4. Finally, who really is Prometheus and what is his agency about? Who leads it and what are their agendas?

    5. What were the plans for the player character once the Battalion threat was done with and we would have the Omega slot filled up and the entirety of the incarnate system completed?
  2. From my main character and badger, been playing her ever since the EU release of CoH, still one of my favorite characters ever

    Guess it's as good place as any to throw this in too, at least it ends on a funny number :P
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Poison View Post
    I must apologise, but I've had these since 2004. But I gave my word not to share them.
    Some amazing reads to be had! I wonder though, is there a way to get the up-to-date version of the files? I'd love to have a read through those regarding everything that's happened in the game later (ouroboros, incarnates, and what is Prometheus' agenda and employer? stuff like that) and how the storylines progressed and what is really going on behind the scenes, the stuff we never got to know about.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
    You DO realize that the in-game timeline is usually flexible with regard to character advancement, right? That you can start a Praetorian character right now and that the Praetoria you experience is pre-Incarnate trial? It's the same way that Blyde Square in Steel Canyon still exists despite it being destroyed by Battle Maiden during the Tin Mage(?) Task Force, and the Antimatter reactors in Keyes Island are still functional despite them being shut down during the KIR.

    I'd be very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very surprised if the actual zone of Nova Praetoria is a smoking crater come I23.
    That is not how RP should work. If you have a lvl 50 incarnated character and say you RP it daily in Pocket D. You go there, meet with some Praetorians among other people they know on a daily basis. You and the other palyers follow one timeline, you're in the -now-. There is no back-at-lvl-15 timeline and lvl 50 timeline, they're one and the same for both players. So once the new trial is canon with I23, suddenly all your Praetorian friends, associates and accomplices are gone because they live in Praetoria, but that place is no more.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
    I PROFOUNDLY doubt they're going to delete the new zones or content from Going Rogue or our ability to roll Praetorians. I mean, we can still go to King's Row, Steel Canyon and Skyway, right?
    Oh, they won't do that since the game's alla bout replayability. But from the RP standpoint, you you can't make a new Praetorian because the place is gone. You can't RP in there anything new, any character progress you had if you kept the character there for IC reasons. Maybe your character never aimed to elave Praetoria? Well, now they're dead, have fun. -_-
  6. The point is that once I23 hits live, you can't, ever, make a new Praetorian character because the whole of Praetoria is no longer there
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShadowWings View Post
    We don't know how MUCH of Praetoria got over-nuked by Tyrant.

    Please wait until they tell us or its released to figure out if it was Nova or more then Nova Praetoria.
    Following the story, if we understand it right, Cole destroyed the entirety of the Praetoria as a planet, killed every single living being in it in order to gain its power and become a well unto himself. There is nothing else left, no survivors, no continuation. Everyone's dead, Dave. And then he dies, Praetoria becomes a dead world full of ruins to perhaps only salvage from, nothing more.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    That might be Tyrant's ultimate goal - not only would it weaken the resistance to him, it'd also make the people have to genuinely rely on him for protection, and it'd also let him break free of the Well.
    By now, Tyrant is completely reliant on the well, cut it off him and he'd be at a loss to do anything. There is a lot more other info Prometheus gives you through the conversation trees as well, but copypasting it all in here would take up a page or a few
  9. I think it's getting a bit off topic by now...
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
    What about the midnight club and Black Swan. Marie Jenkins says this one thing in her new arc
    Shadow Earth is Black Swan's personal dimension. She created it using similar methods that the Midnight Squad created the Shadow Shard to imprison Rulaaru.
    Good point I must've missed that, it's been a loooong time since I did her arcs too X.x

    As for incarnates no longer being anything special, I don't mind it as much. Sure it sounds and probably is retconned it to keep the story going in that direction and make the process very slow, but I understand it like we reached the pinnacle of power and accessed the same source as States and Recluse have. We climbed the ladder to find that there is a whole other system above it that's pulling the strings and making things go around, so we keep on climbing until we get to the top. Prometheus even says that he'll be willing to help you ascend once you beat Tyrant and Battalion i no longer a threat.

    I don't think Midnight Squad have an ascended in their ranks tho, since they seem to have created the Shards together, but they sure know some really pwoerful magic. The Dream Doctor still has Dagger of Jocas and it seems to work as well as ever, and was responsible for imprisoning Rularuu, but there isn't much known about the dagger itself as far as I'm aware.

    a little poking actually finds this
    It sounds like what an ascended could do as well, but it seems like Black Swan took a cheating route with Praetorian version of the Dagger, not actually having the power herself? Also, in Midnight Club, once of the clickable clues for the badge lists this: "Crafting the Dagger of Jocas - by Pontice Doub". Following this, it seems that the creator of theMidnight Club somehow crafted the dagger himself but couldn't finish the job of using it himself
  11. So yesterday I finally went to chat with Prometheus since the release of DA and he had a ton of new stuff to tell me. Among the bits and bots about the incarnates, Furies, Kheldians and the Well, he mentions the ascension process and explains to you how it works and what one gains through it. Here is a bit of text relating to it:

    "Those who have become like a 'well' have the ability to create whole worlds out of their very thoughts. They can make dimensions of their own design, setting the rules by which their world will exist. They can create entities to serve them, or isolate themselves in a peaceful silence. In this way, they are freer than the 'wells' which are linked to a species, for their continued existence is dependent only on themselves, not the survival of the species. This makes them quite dangerous, and is the reason why my organization watches all attempts to 'ascend' in this way closely."

    Bolded text being what caught my eye, then right after that, he tells you of Rularuu, how he is one such ascended being and lets slip another little fact I thought interesting:

    "Rularuu is not even the only such entity with which you are acquainted."

    I mentioned it to a few friends as I was going through the text and we got thinking. Who else in the game could be a Rularuu-esque god? Perhaps someone you ran into once, or who keeps popping up in the story? Someone who can create worlds and dimensions ran by their own rules...and then w came up with possible candidates.

    DJ Zero and the Television

    Zero is said to have created a pocket dimension by himself to house his club, floating weightlessly in nothing and ruled by his will (there is absolutely no fighting allowed, he makes sure of it, and there is no fall damage anywhere in the zone). It would seem odd that with all his power this is all he would do, but during the Valentines event it seems like there's much more to him than just owning a club since he even attunes you to be able to find misplaced letters and gifts.

    We aren't really ever told what the Television is or how it works, but there are many missions involving entering it's fictional worlds and helping it out. It may seem odd that if that's correct, the Television would need any help from you, but it may just be toying with you or testing your skills, and the same could apply to DJ Zero with the seemingly constant assaults from Snaptooth.

    Prometheus also mentions that for one to ascend, they would take a large portion of their race's Force Potential with them, weakening the others. But we don't even know what exactly Television is, so I can't tell how that would work for it. Zero could just as likely simply be an alien or have ascended much earlier before any of the incarnate business took place and just hangs around to watch and keep the party going.

    Of course, all that could just be random blabber and turn out completely incorrect, but it's still something to think about and it would be interesting if it was so and how those two would relate to the whole upcoming conflict with the Battalion.

    At any rate, thanks for attention
  12. Night_Watcher


    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    I would think so. You can teleport yourself. I used to use that to get behind the counter until they cleaned up some geometry.
    We checked, you lose him from target range the moment you step through the door and out of the city hall.
  13. Night_Watcher

    So that's done..

    Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
    How did you get the Rare/Uncommon Threads?
    Did you transition cash into pieces or convert Astral/Empyrial Merits or...?
    Congrats by the way, and glad to see someone take Clarion! It looks useful but...

    I managed to get lucky on the very rare drop tables, but had to turn a whole lot of astral merits and shards into threads to craft most of it.

    And there's nothing wrong with wanting a mez protection on a squishy
  14. Night_Watcher

    So that's done..

    So six days later, two of them being nearly all dedicated to maintenance, numerous trial runs, many failed and many won, and the result is this.

    Now only to wait for the other 5 slots I guess XD
  15. I'll add myself to the would-rather-stay list. I won't have any use for the additional servers, I don't even use Defiant for anything as is. That's not to say that the merge won't be useful for others, but I personally would rather stay separate if the price is losing the global name which I had for years to what could be a trial or inactive account. And even if it's active, it'll still feel like I must give up part of me to some stranger only because I chose to play on EU servers instead of US ones.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
    This is more like an SG meet not a EU Players Meet. You should rename this the local UK Players meet.
    Honestly, you might be better off meeting in a Marriott or something. This event will blow that poor local cybercafe out of the water.
    Out of our part of the forums you bloody troll. Let us have our fun, don't stick your nose in our things.
  17. The small hooded girl floated up into the air, heading out of the cave and back to the hell the island has become now. She has failed at retrieving Tomb, now she was lost forever. Although the girl wasn’t so sure of it, not many people actually stay dead in the world anymore, not when it comes down to people with powers getting involved. She rose higher up into the air, taking one last look at the devastated island before turning up towards the sky and accelerating. Soon enough she was out of the reach of the island and headed back home.
  18. F11

    The girl lowered her hand and stood properly on the ground. There was nothing more she could do on the island. She gave a look towards the submarine that now had a gaping hole in it caused by the void grenade, then moved her gaze towards the others still in the cave. Eventually she looked at Pious and decided to watch his actions in silence.
  19. F11

    After seeing Tomb die, the hooded girl stopped her attack. Her shield dropped as she straightened herself up and stood there watching, ignoring the pain caused by the energies around. The bright blue flames over her body extinguished, but the glow of her eyes was still visible through her goggles. “It’s all over, she’s dead” she spoke in a soft, calm tone. The girl extended her hand towards Nightwalker, walking to his shield. As she moved forwards, the ground beneath her feet disappeared into dust, leaving shallow footsteps as she floated above them, her power now focused on its most devastating side. A small invisible aura surrounded the girl whole, whatever would come in contact with it had its molecules forcibly separated, energy disrupted, elements pushed aside. She moved closer, her hand reaching at the Nictus shield, to go through it, to reach Nightwalker and rip him apart.
  20. Nooo, you can't teleport Tomb directly to your ship DeviousMe, the insidium greatly disrupts it. Also, I'd guess by now Big V would've been killed by the entropy thing, as he's been right next to the source and by now it's reached all over the island. O.o
  21. F11, the cave

    The hooded girl screamed out as she felt the Nictus energies trying to slowly kill her. She quickly did a twirl in the air and regained her ground, pushing those wisps away with her powerful telekinesis. Not giving up the girl enclosed herself in her protective shield again, crashing and pushing against Nightwalker’s own shield, trying to break through it.
  22. F11

    The hooded girl watched as the Priest did his speech before sacrificing himself for Tomb. Her gaze then turned to the Nightwalker figure, eyes glowing with rage. “Oh no you don't!” she shouted, quickly raising her hand and sending a strong shockwave at him, ripping through the ground in a straight line and aimed directly at Nightwalker. She braced herself on her spot and started throwing punches at the air, sending a quick barrage of solidified bright blue energy fists, each about half the size of a grown man and appearing in front of Nightwalker, which disappeared right after they landed or missed their hit. The ground around the girl’s feet cracked before she rose to the air, her hands held together above her head before she swung them down towards the ground, sending a tremor throughout the cave. Hoping that the others would take a moment to regain the balance she sped towards Tomb, aiming to grab a hold of her and fly towards the submarine hatch.
  23. Somewhere above the island

    A figure clad in brown flew around, safely hidden inside her tough bubble shield as she searched for anything in the falling ash. Having lost her track she didn’t know where to go next. She noticed something glowing flying fast in the distance. As good a trail as any, she decided to follow it to it’s destination.


    With a loud crash something landed on the ground near the increasing group of people and beings. As the small cloud of dust settled the hooded figure of a slim girl revealed. A blue glow visible through her red goggles and her body burning with slow moving flames of blue energy. With her mask fully covering her face her expression wasn’t visible, but from her posture it could be seen she was rather angry. Her clothes looking torn and burned in places, possibly from the ash falling all over the island and flying too close to the few remaining trees. The rocks on the ground around her rose into the air and one after another dissolved into nothingness. “I'm done playing…”

    (written with Pious’ consent)
  24. The ferals were first fighting at the beach, then moved to the insidium plant, then back at the beach, and now -somehow- followed to Tomb even tho her scent would be all over the island in no particular order?
  25. I'd say wait till you see what the grenade does...