Discussion: One game, one global server access




Originally Posted by Ideon View Post
I'm in the same boat. I have a US trial account which is the same name as my account name which was made years and years ago. Has anyone asked about being allowed to change their normal account name if they aren't able to delete the trial account?
Support will not (seemingly because they don't have the tools to be able to) delete or rename any accounts anywhere for any reason.

i.e. Unless the devs provide them with the facility to do so, we're not going to be able to do anything to fix account name collisions with our own accounts.

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Originally Posted by Quildo View Post
I'm tired, coldy and headachy so this'll get complainy/whiny and ranty. Sorry to fellow players, just giving my frank reaction, skip if you want. >.<


So. Basically, this whole thread was pointless? Well played I guess. You've got the upper hand on most of us; this game is where we have our "homes" in the virtual world. You know we probably won't unsub and loose our connection to our friends.

I gotta ask though, although I won't get a reply. Why did you even ask us what we wanted? Why didn't you just sneak in a paragraph in the terms of use as we log in and told us to sod off? It would've been more honest. Most people spent time and effort to make honest and constructive arguments because you asked. Something you, put frankly, just pissed on from on high.

I had hopes you'd actually listen. Yep, I fell for the pretty face of this thread. Am I going to unsub? Nope, all my online friends are in CoX. Well played, Paragon Studios. Well played. :/


Now I feel better >.<

Heeh, oh my I was grumpy last night.

The point I was trying to make was that as they released the global server they made this thread to start a discussion between us players, and -to me- it seemed like they were genuinely interested in what we wanted, and our opinions.
Now it's become apparent that they, at best, made the thread to have something to laugh about duirng their lunch breaks.

-That- was what my rant was about.

Am I still pissed off despite cold and headache being gone? You betcha. But I've given up, they don't care and I've better things to spend my frustration on (interpret that as you please). I'll be Q._EU or EU_Q. or EUQ. or Q.EU or YOURMOMMAQ.BOB or Chees- that's probably taken actually.

How about the global name rename tokens, are we atleast still getting those or are we being shafted on those as well now? (If not I'm gonna take back Quildo and take some comfort in that my rude name isn't ban- I shouldn't say that.)

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Originally Posted by The_Spad_EU View Post
Support will not (seemingly because they don't have the tools to be able to) delete or rename any accounts anywhere for any reason.

i.e. Unless the devs provide them with the facility to do so, we're not going to be able to do anything to fix account name collisions with our own accounts.
When it's with our OWN accounts, why not give us rename tokens or something, so we can personally rename them? It's just...ugh sounds like a perfect description of how I feel about the whole debacle.

And the poster above you did sum up why I posted about it. I thought I couldn't be the only one with the problem of an US trial they didn't even want in the first place. (Yeah, maybe I should have paid better attention, but I'd never played a game where that mistake was possible in the first place. In Guild Wars, it doesn't matter if you're US or EU, you can play together anyway. And back in World of Warcraft, you'd have to go out of your way to get an account for the continent you weren't on, far as I recall. When I had an US account, I had to have an US copy of the game sent to me by someone who lived there in order to make said account.)



So.... global rename tokens. Are those a yay or a nay?

The Corporation means BUSINESS!



I think an official post early on stated that all affected accounts would have a global rename token. No idea if anything has changed that but I really doubt that we'll be left with the games choice of global forced upon us.



Originally Posted by 0verload View Post
I think an official post early on stated that all affected accounts would have a global rename token. No idea if anything has changed that but I really doubt that we'll be left with the games choice of global forced upon us.
They have indeed said that we will all be granted renames after the update, they have not however (as far as i am aware) specified exactly WHEN we'll get them??

@EU Brimmy - Union and Exalted servers



It's been said that downtime is required, so I'd guess the 10th along with the merge.



Please can we move our characters from our EU account into the US one? I started up again on US Virtue server because of the lack of people on the EU ones, but I actually have been playing on for like over 5 years now since City of Villains came out (City of Heroes was marketed as very cheesy and bland so never picked it up I'm more of a Batman Begins kinda girl The base idea really attracted me too because I thought it would be more like Dungeon Keeper 2, said it before say it again that it is a shame that you couldn't have them used more with the game story than just pvp, which I used to enjoy now and then actually before the ridiculous issue 11 or whatever changes where they made blasters have scrapper durability whilst doing more damage, etc, which you think they would have realised killed off most of the pvp players even on Virtue it seems and rolled back by now, I don't get that. Also killing off motivation for going to the areas other than people who enjoy doing stuff for no real reason - I actually liked to bring my supergroup to RV and fight over the turrets before the whole AE farming crap I remember it actually meant something to control RV) - my account on the EU ones I have not logged on for ages but the characters I have have purples and stuff that I have not bothered to regain in my year or so on the US servers - I basically gave up playing the game, although I had already cos of boredom anyway really, I didn't want to restart afresh totally because it is such a ridiculous grind to get to the top now with invention origin enhancements, so just ignored it in favour of RP... If I had my characters back I might actually play missions again, and I bet I'm not the only one, I have bumped into quite a few people on Virtue from the UK.

Also VERY IMPORTANT: Can we please please please please also please move our supergroups? For people that want to restart on the more populated Virtue server like I did, it would encourage them to actually keep communities alive rather than the rather depressing "yeah, but see that mountain you need to climb to get a large base again? you start UNDERGROUND." Prestige built up over years is not really replacable - I have a dormant SG on my EU account with none of the people apart from me still playing, I would actually be interested in reviving it if I knew there were more people alive to actually enjoy it (e.g. on Virtue rather than the utterly dead server in comparison Union) -- One thing maybe that could be simpler would actually be to give us the option of transferring the only real unreplacable part of SGs (people can move freely, it can't) which is the prestige, even that would be good really if that would be easier on the programmy kind of things for us to remake the SG and then have the prestige transferred, I wouldn't mind remaking the entire base just to have the prestige back

Would be very very grateful if you could take the time to include options to do this to people who supported you early on in the EU rather than mostly leaving us by the wayside and saying "hey, if you want to play on the US servers you now have the option, but you're going to have to lose half of your characters by dropping either your US or EU account and one of your supergroups one way or another") - they would be much, much, more appreciated than more veteran rewards

at least give us the option to merge our US and EU accounts if we already have a US account (characters and supergroups mostly, but veteran rewards too)... Otherwise it's kind of like a reverse veteran reward punishment for supporting the game early on (when city of villains came out) on my EU account ...

Let us move our characters/supergroups to US account if you truly care about your most loyal players (e.g. those of us who were foolish enough to start playing on the EU server and played it for years even as it slowly died, before then BUYING THE GAME AGAIN just to carry on after the EU servers died down, at the US servers like I did)... it would be way way more appreciated than pets and stuff!

<-- Bit the bullet and made a new US account and joined Virtue about a year ago when I saw that there were loads and loads and loads of people making the UK&EU servers look even more dead in comparison, feels a bit like I'm being punished for recognising what it apparently took NCsoft years to notice :( Kinda wish I had waited one more year before coming back to the game now :(



They have no plans to merge accounts, or allow anything like avatars, bases or SGs to be moved form one account to another, as it's a very complex process.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Who said that though and where? If so that is no excuse whatsoever, they said exactly the same about power colour customisation years ago too (I am from Union server on the EU ones originally, I made a US account)... :

'Complex' is not the same as 'impossible'. If they are saying no then it means they just don't consider their most loyal players (who bought the game more than once just to carry on playing after the EU servers died down!) worth the development time...

Hell, it's not just those of us who moved already losing our characters and veteran rewards that it shows a casual disdain for that (we are now being told 'cancel an account or pay twice' rather than being allowed to *properly* merge our EU and US accounts ... I am basically being punished for supporting the game twice...):

It's also EU players in general that this is going to be bad on, since of course most people, especially roleplayers, after trying the Virtue server and seeing the sheer amount of active, lively people, will do the same thing as I did and move there... Yet we only have a character transfer from server to server and not over from EU to US account, and not supergroup transfer. Surely it wouldn't be *too* hard to put in a system to let people vote on whether to move their (*years* of work) groups for this unprecedented event?



Originally Posted by SoyLeyenda View Post
Can we get a clarification as to EXACTLY WHEN this is going to happen? End of Summer, or between May 10th and May 18th? Or before May 10th? The announcement phrasing is ambiguous.

End of Summer to me means August.
Sorry for the late reply, but when does May come after August? If it does happen tomorrow, then it will happen before the end of summer, as it is currently still spring.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
They have no plans to merge accounts, or allow anything like avatars, bases or SGs to be moved form one account to another, as it's a very complex process.
So put the same conditions on this as they have on server transfers, or as they had years ago when you had the option to move from US to EU. Just an character, no SG, no linked goodies to that server whatsoever, im pretty sure its a price quite a few people are willing to pay, most cases the SG on that server doesnt even exist.

Everytime they tell you 'they care about you', 'they only want the best for you', 'they are here to give great service', but always i'm the one banging my head against the wall for being yet again stupid enough to even listen. Veteran rewards? Screw your US account that you transfered to US, your own mistake. Perks and goodies? Screw your multiple accounts, we keep our crappy system. Loginnames and globals? Screw you EU players, US gets priority (ironic that both loginnames that 'collide' are mine). 1 global acces to all server? Screw your idiotic idea to continue both subs on your accounts because you have a US and EU account, just continue you pay double idiot, we aint merging ****. Paying 48 a month to keep your character alive? (namenicking) Plain stupid.

All my characters could have been placed on just max 1 or 2 accounts (including veteran slots, i can do with just 1), i then care little on exact wich server the characters will be, i play with anyone i see ingame.

No, they leave you stuck with 5 accounts, no options, no support, nothing. Just your own stupidity for keep hoping for such feature, to believe they do care about those with more accounts (for any reason hey had to).



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Sorry for the late reply, but when does May come after August? If it does happen tomorrow, then it will happen before the end of summer, as it is currently still spring.
GSA was originally announced as would be taking place at the end of summer.


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Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
GSA was originally announced as would be taking place at the end of summer.
I believe the original announcement was by the end of summer. If come the end of summer you are playing on Freedom then they have fullfilled that promise.

From the FAQ that this links to, emphasis mine.
1- When is Global Server Access going to be available?

Global Server Access will be available to all our active subscribers by the end of summer. We will have a more definite date for you at a later time so watch this space!



Originally Posted by 0verload View Post
It's been said that downtime is required, so I'd guess the 10th along with the merge.
so GSA is indeed the reason I haven't been able to log in all day? God i hate this **** already



Look at the bright side--the forums will also be going down any minute here, and stay down for 6 hours!

No more having to read posts about how the global server list merge is ruining people's lives!

Seriously, people, it's a feature that's good for the game. Put your ridiculous sense of entitlement to the side, just for a day, and see that this is going to allow for better service and support in the long run.

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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



So that whole name will be changed to the last toon you log out on?

Yeah, that didn't work.

| dave | onion | @davejb |



Originally Posted by Global_DJB View Post
So that whole name will be changed to the last toon you log out on?

Yeah, that didn't work.
What did happen?

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
What did happen?
My global got changed to a character I hadn't played for about a week.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



Originally Posted by Dante View Post
My global got changed to a character I hadn't played for about a week.
KK, I'll check into it. You should have/be receiving a Global Rename regardless.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
GSA was originally announced as would be taking place at the end of summer.
So, if I'm understanding you right, you are complaining that they were more efficient than they thought they would be? They promised the server list merge by the end of summer and they are done about 4 months sooner. I'm not seeing the problem. They under-promised and over-delivered.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



I purposely made sure the only thing I'd logged in on for the last week and a bit was my main that I wanted to keep my global - Soul Storm my PB. I never got an email of any kind telling me my global name was going to be renamed so imagine my horror when I login and fint out my new global name is @Torsion!!!

I've never heard of another @Soul Storm or even @SoulStorm out there and changing it to have a EU on the end just serves as a bitter reminder how I was screwed out of the name I've had for 7 years. Not happy.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
What did happen?
Changed to a toon that I did play yesterday but was not my last to log off. I created a new toon last night - many did on Union it was a standing gag to create a new alt with a backup name that you want and then log that off before heading to bed.

Nothing on that, was changed to another toon. Asked in Sal's and it seems that I'm far from the only one it happened to.

No big deal but there ya go. I changed my global name, no problem there.

Now how do I change my forum name? It was assigned to me sometime ago, I never got to pick and now it really needs an update!

| dave | onion | @davejb |



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
KK, I'll check into it. You should have/be receiving a Global Rename regardless.
If it helps, the global matching the character I did leave logged in was already taken. However, rather than dropping letters from it, the system seemed to pick a random name from my list of characters.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk