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  1. Brimmy

    To all of you...

    Zwill. Devs. Fellow players.

    The last 8 years have been amazing. I know many would think us all silly to care so much about a game being shut down, but I say to heck with those people.

    We may be nerds and geeks and gamers and basement dwellers one and all, we may be "accused" of living fictional lives because we play games like this. But by god we are more ourselves than most people could ever claim to be!

    We, the community of City of Heroes/Villains along with the lovely people at Paragon Studios, have always shown great solidarity and pride over who we are. Player meets, ingame events, social encounters of several varying kinds. I have always, and will always, take GREAT pride in saying I have been a part of this!
    Those who know me personally also knows what this game has meant to me, things I can't bear to put into writing here and now. So I will just say that the extreme hardships I have gone through in my life would most likely have broken me, had it not been for this game and the people in it.

    I encourage you all, especially the developers, to take great pride over what we have accomplished here. City of Heroes was not just a game, it was a second home to thousands and thousands of people where they could forget about troubles and hardships and lead a happy carefree life alongside others just like them, like me.

    I bow especially for you, Andy 'Zwillinger' Belford, you took up the job as Community Manager for a community that was already flourishing and you made it EVEN BETTER. You have been truly fantastic.

    Finally, to my comrades at the Union server. Thank you one and all for some truly amazing experiences, lots of laughs and frustrations has been shared in our very tight-knit server community. I have not always gotten along with each and every one of you, but even families have their disputes. I salute you all.

    With this message I now bid you all farewell, Gods speed in whatever endevours you take upon you. Know that this paragonian will never forget what we had.

    Most sincerely, and with a heavy heart: Kristofer 'Brimmy' Kjellberg....
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Doctor Roswell View Post
    It was actually specifically pointed out, repeatedly, that Staff Fighting would not be a part of i22, and would be released sometime after the issue's launch. They were on Beta at the same time, but that's it. Staff was always presented as a separately-released, separately-purchased element, completely segregated from any issue. Nobody ever told us it would be a part of i22's launch -- they said exactly the opposite, in fact.
    Actually, in the 'trailer' for the i22 launch, they did present Staff Fighting as a part of it. if they didnt intend on making it part of the i22 launch then they shouldn't have advertised it in that way.
  3. I'm getting so frustratedly fed up with waiting... Honestly..

    The set was obviously ready enough to be put into the game in the hands of NPC enemy groups, it's been functional on Beta for ages.. Why was it held back in the first place?
    When are we getting it? Why havent it been released weeks ago?

    at the VERY LEAST you could answer those simple questions, especially about -when- we're getting it...

    Staff Fighting was, by far, the most anticipated new 'item' of i22.. You advertised it to be PART of i22 launch.. then you never gave it to us!? Get on it!

    Stop mucking about with Vanity pets and stuff, sort out the things that you yourselves said would've come with i22 THEN you can do that other stuff..

    /end rant
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xiang Shao View Post
    Scrappers are fine the way they are now.
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    No, they aren't.
    Yes, they are.. my main scrapper can solo GM's, AV's and run mishes against any enemy group at +4x8... keep your changes, leave my scrapper alone

    Any 'change' made in this game comes with one third gain and 2 thirds loss... at best.. if something isnt broken, dont try to fix it!
  5. That Enhancement Converter's drop from any level enemy is actually not a bug at all. Converters drop from any enemy as long as the character (meaning You) are above lvl10. In fact the drop-rate for them seem to grow higher the lower level you are, especially if you're out of range for purple drops (this is to me very logical).

    I will however agree that it's a bit "odd" that they would drop from enemies whos level difference is so great they give -no- other reward what so ever.. but i can't complain ^^
  6. Dark Knight is one of my absolute favourites, both because i'm a huge batman fan and it really suits my fm/sd brutes costume and story.

    also quite like the International Spy (i think that's the correct name at least) simply because, well, who didnt dream of being an international spy when they were young(er) :P
  7. snipers can actually move, they just don't :P
  8. the Turrets and Council factions seem to have joined forces, run for the hills! :P
  9. Just popping out a big "wooooooop" and "thank you!" to all the participants, great fun and it's been a good while since there was much action going on

    I know many of you where also in BB earlier on and PvP'd there, hope you had fun!

    Here's hoping for repeats of tonight!
  10. lvl50, crafted, 2.5b PM/Mail me in-game on @EU Brimmy if interested

  11. and lets not forget, it's not only a vat of consumable items to a cheeky price.. they're items you can get for free by running the Striga Island story arcs..

    stop trying to trick people into paying for useless stuff, either provide items of value/usefulness enough for the price your asking or dont bother at all.. honestly, dont..
  12. Brimmy

    recipe drops

    Well going by past experience from many an hour spent drop-farming, my self-educated guess would be that even though the 'freebie' can't recieve a recipe that doesnt necesarily mean the drop can't trigger on them.

    When you solo, each and every trigger ends up in your pocket, but when you team, even with a freebie, the trigger goes off and then a 'decision' is made as to who recieves it.

    Now where i'm going with this is, the freebie may not be able to "collect" the triggered recipe/salvage but the RNG may still divert it in that general direction as per usual resulting in an over-all lower drop-rate across the board simply because the recipes drop but are never "collected".

    This is backed up by the fact that if you dual-account farm with 2 accounts that can -both- recieve recipes/salvage, it's almost always the 'secondary' account that gets the most drops.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Keltyr View Post
    How come the servers go down every tuesday, when the publish maintenance window is thursday?
    Because there's 2 downtime windows per week, 1 on tuesday and 1 on thursday.

    Generally, thursday is for patches/updates and tuesday is for pure maintenance, unless (like today) they see the need to use tuesdays downtime to do a live publish.

    Frankly i dont mind in the slightest that they have 2 windows, as long as they keep the down-time to <4hrs... Having those 8-12hrs downtimes (that got delayed -every- time) before Freedom launch was a massive pain..
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Giant2005 View Post
    Looks pretty good. Extremely expensive but good.
    One simple change to make would be taking that proc from Heavy Blow and putting it in Gloom.
    If you are aiming for DPS, you won't be using Heavy Blow nor Initial Strike but I think you know that judging by your slotting.
    About the survivability part, Darkest Night offers more to your survivability than anything your secondary has to offer (Arguments could be made about the heal and the offensive powers). Don't skip it if survivability is even a minor concern.
    Not using Heavy Blow and Initial Strike is a big waste though, since they're the fastest recharging Combo Builder's to boost up the damage of Spinning Strike and Crushing Uppercut (and Sweeping Cross but since that isn't in the build that's moot).

    As far as the build in general goes, it looks pretty solid, assuming you have the funds to actually make it. Personally i whent for pure Melee Def on my fire brute but S/L will certainly do the trick. As far as survivability goes, you will have plenty of it, or none at all, depending on what you're fighting.. Arachnos, for example, will almost always rip you to shreds :P

    But when it comes to iTrials and such content, you shouldn't have too much problems, i can certainly stand my own on both dm/fire and ss/fire so i see no reason for StJ/Fire being any worse off, especially with the amount of Mitigation it provides in form of KD, Stun and Fear.
  15. Quote:
    I need to look into Energy Aura. I haven't studied what it's capable of. Edit: OK, on brief glance, it's just a positional defense set with low resistance and no hit point boost? Am I seeing that right? If so, it'll have the same issues as Super Reflexes - good on a budget, but not as good as something like a maxed-out Invuln in most situations. What tricks am I missing, or is "defense" the trick?
    The "trick" is the 'layering' of type-based defense, meaning that Energy almost always have Smashing, Fire tends to come with Lethal etcetc, and the Heal/Regen power is, for a def set more useful than a HP boost with slower recharge... And having Energy Drain which gives even more +Def is simply great for tougher situations, especially if you get debuffed, you can just 'drain' some of the def back.

    At the high end electric should also be considered. Softcap it to s/l and you get defense to the vast majority of attacks on top of its solid resistance (also able to cap all but psi with t9), protection from all sorts of annoying things like slow and edrain, heal+regen, no psi hole, and very powerful active mitigation with powersink (if modified properly).
    It's also quite underestimated to stick a Chance to Stun in Lightning Field in my opinion
  16. These days, with i21 launched, you really should consider Energy Aura for a top-spot on the "most durable" list.. Easy to soft-cap against types, +Def/+End drainer which is very good, a Heal/EndDiscount power, +Res autos to help things along if you want it, quite nice DDR AND a t9 panicbutton if you have a spare powerslot :P

    i've had it on a lvl50 brute and now also on a scrapper that's in progress, and i must say that i was really impressed with the survivability of the brute, soloing +3x8 with ease, barely needing the heal and +4x8 worked really well too though i needed to heal a bit more.. pair it with an AoE heavy toon, like spines (which my scrapper is) and you will soon be unstoppable.. Consider it
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Morgan Reed View Post
    I'm not certain it is intentional.

    The whole "reward" system (including things like points) seems to be a bit buggier than meant.

    Some people reported getting Reward Tokens on their billing date in September. Some reported not getting them. Of those reporting not getting them, I know two reported starting September with an extra reward token (myself being one). I do not know about the others reporting not getting a token.

    So it seems we need to be diligent and wait out the month to see if it gets ironed out.
    Yeah it seems most of i21 is quite buggy.. which as usual begs to question why they launch stuff prematurely, all of this -could- most likely have been tested more properly since they -knew- that the Store was buggy as well even before they moved it to the live server for the forced "open beta"-session :P

    But oh well, i suppose i'll soon join the ones who just can't be bothered to care anymore as long as i get to play.. I just think it's a bit of a shame that there's always rather large problems left when they send updates to live..
  18. What i wonder (and i'm sorry if this has brought up allready without me seeing it), is why Reward Tokens, Badge, Server Transfer and Paragon Points arent being given out at the same time? Today i was given my monthly PP's and Server Transfer, but no Reward Token or Badge.. I'm expecting the RT and Badge to be given out on the 10th which is my re-sub day, but why is it spread apart like this? makes it really confusing in the long run and it's gonna be hard to keep track of what i've gotten and not...

    Although, maybe that's the way they want it? us unable to be certain what we've recieved so there's less chance of us noticing if something's missing?...
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    There will still be maintenance when the free players arrive that will impact them just as much as the VIP players.
    Not to be the one who points out the elephant in the room all too often.. but since we pay and they wont, that's -technically- not true..

    I still dont see why the actual times for the downtimes can't alter every other month or so..

    I mean we (the EU players) was assured again, and again, and again, and again, before the serverlist-merge that we where not going to be too heavily affected by changed maint-times and we would "not be treated as second class players"... but the FACT is, that we ARE being treated as such and your promises has fallen flat on our heads..
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Toqom View Post
    Players! Remember this was expected with the new Freedom version and sometimes doing a backup > shutdown > upgrade > restore > dry run, can take a LONG time. And with some of the crazy people in CoH, like me if I had the money, the bonus they no doubt got from people spending $300+ this month might have forced the devs to upgrade earlier than expected.

    This is still kinda a beta really it's just live for the paying people and I REALLY wanted this version but I expected TONS of downtime since running a 7 year old MMO isn't a small amount of data, especially with all the altoholics (me again) out there.

    Granted maybe some people are upset with all this new stuff with the downtime, but really it's gotten me to pick up the area around my desk and was it needed!

    Keep up the work devs, seeing long down time, to me, means work is getting done and I see my money being used.
    yeah, it's still a beta really.. but that doesnt make things any better.. using live servers as a frekkin beta-test is just plain stupid.. why even bother trying to sugarcoat it?
  21. at least the american players arent getting affected by these downtimes as much as the rest of us.. 10am to 10pm for me (assuming they get it up on time which they NEVER EVER MANAGE)..

    seriously though.. how can you expect to maintain a "Freebie" player-base if you're gonna keep this up? heck how're you even expecting to keep us VIP's around if you're gonna keep this up?

    It's a disgrace and someone really needs to sort this crap out.. at least start giving us EU players a frekkin break and have the downtimes at other times every now and then.. we may not be as many EU players as there are NA players, but that's no reason to treat us like dirt under your shoes..

    and honestly.. if this turns out to be "for server stability" i may actually snap.. because, honestly, every time you've done something "for server stability" things have gotten worse than before..

    and i do mean what i wrote in the post earlier.. downtimes of this magnitude DESERVES REIMBURSEMENT! and i'm not just talking some crappy costume-code that 5/1000 players gets.. give us ALL something that's WORTH having all these downtimes.. DXP week or free PP's or -something-.... those costume codes are just a slap in the face to be honest.. a handful of people get something for what everyone is suffering for.. be better if you just laughed at us and be done with it..
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Teldon View Post
    Wow that really sucks for our EU friends. C'mon dev team they deserve a cookie for all the time they have lost because of this.
    thanks for extending that thought to us in the EU... this really is getting rediculous.. how many days are we gonna have to lose in order for you to get a grip on things? i really want an answer to this...

    We pay a sub to play this game, and although i know downtime comes with the territory.. but 10-12hr downtimes several days of the week? that is MESSED UP! we're basicly reaching the point where we're paying for downtime and getting up-time on the side..

    either reimburse us or cut down the downtimes!!!!
  23. the way i usually do it is i bind both to the same button..

    i.e. /bind <key> "powexec_auto Hasten$$powexec_auto Domination"

    this way i only have to push the button when either goes off, and it'll change the auto to the other one.. simple, works, i'm all for it :P
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    Announcement up in the announcement forum now.

    edit: hysterically, it was posted one minute before the player above me postulated there wouldn't be any official word for "quite a while". I am highly amused.
    miracles do, occasionally, happen though i will for general purpose maintain my disbelief that news/updates of such natures will ever come in due time, based on past experience :P
  25. uhm.. i'm not entirely sure where this problem would be coming from for you.. when i installed the Beta Server client i did what i always used to with TrainingRoom. I copied my game folder and ran the new install in that, it skipped over all the stuff it wanted to install that i allready had.. no issues whatsoever..