Discussion: One game, one global server access




Originally Posted by Master Zaprobo View Post
Oh, here's another point that's not been answered in the FAQ... what happens to Global Channels?

EU channels like Defiant Events or Union Chat will probably have no collision however EU channels like Masterminds and Mission Architect most likely will.

What's going to be the deal here?
The very names suggest a merge is in everyones best interest.



Originally Posted by ATOFelix View Post
why not rename everyone to make it fair?

NAExample or EUExample
I am thinking people would find Example.Na and Example.Eu far less objectionable. This still leaves the unanswered problem of who get the original "Example?" First person to log on and global name change? Some new person who happened to log on at the right time?

It certainly is a big can of worms and I dont envy NCsoft the hot seat. No matter what they do someone will go to their graves cursing them.

I do think this is a case where accounts inactive for a great deal of time, perhaps 1 year (maybe 2) or more, should be preemptively renamed the .Eu or .Na. It is well and good to reward veterans, however there in an inactive time frame after which it is very likely they wont be back.

I'd be curious to know how many accounts have been inactive over 2 years.



Originally Posted by _Zep_ View Post
The very names suggest a merge is in everyones best interest.
Absolutely, but how would it be handled is the question? Are all EU Global Channels just going to cease to exist and need re-created? Will the channels get renamed, akin to Global Names by dropping a character off the channel name? Will conflicting channels be merged, and if so will mods from EU and US remain, or will some rights be lost?

This is why we need it added to the FAQ by the devs with what they are going to make happen on this front.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
You really want to fight the US population for codes? Seriously?
Actually, living in the US now I'd love to be able to grab a box copy of Going Rogue and apply it to my EU account (for the game time and item rewards I don't have yet due to pre-order).

Unfortunately, this apparently isn't feasible.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
I've taken your concerns to the publishing and development team. We'll discuss some of the options that have been put forward and get back to you with our thoughts.
Thanks, but...
I recall having an issue with the forum merge, my old NA trial account using the same global as my EU active one.

One option if players have had both a trial and active account across NA/EU, would be that as long as they share the same NCSoft master account information, then merge any trial account characters onto the Live account, and then purge the trial, this should fix the dual @Global and Login info clash on those trial accounts.

For the players with dual side accounts, if both are on the same master account offer to merge the @Globals into 1 @Global.

In other words merging them should remove the NA/EU @Global clash in this case and would have the added benefit of removing a load of mixed @global names '@EU xuy' and '@xyz' owned by a single player.

Players would need the option to change the master or account global during a global rename.

This would potentially also help players with multiple same side EU/EU or NA/NA game accounts on the same master account too, letting them also use one @Global identity for both accounts, if they wish to.

Would this mean that when accounts go Login ID specific the forums will drop the EU/NA login toggle option?

Nuff Said...
Coolio Wolfus leader of Coolio�s Crusaders on Union.
Tekna Logik leader of Tekna�s Tormentors on Defiant.
AE arc 402506, 'The Rise and Demise or Otherwise of Tekna Logik...'.



Originally Posted by _Zep_ View Post
My thought.

Please let us see some real data.

IMO - I am hoping that trail accounts are already forbidden to match names on either side of the pond and in any case last priority, as per the above stated griefing issues. I am also hoping that some way to merge cross regional names owned by the same person is put in place.

I also hope that no new full Global can use a name from either side of the pond.

Myself I would hate not to have mereman, it's been my online name for almost 20 years.

I could live with mereman_EU or similar. I just hope if there is a NA global mereman I don't log in first time after the merge with Wasisname or Tanks for the Memory

Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
Alts http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/4488
CoH faces http://faces.cohtitan.com/profile/mereman



Originally Posted by mereman View Post

I also hope that no new full Global can use a name from either side of the pond.

Myself I would hate not to have mereman, it's been my online name for almost 20 years.

I could live with mereman_EU or similar. I just hope if there is a NA global mereman I don't log in first time after the merge with Wasisname or Tanks for the Memory
Remember, if you *are* affected, you will get a global rename token so you can add on the _EU part if you wanted to.



I belive to make the entire thing fair when there is a global name conflict is to put _US at the end of the US players global and _EU at the end of the EU players name then give both a rename token. That way if one of them wants to keep their orignal global they can change it back or can change it to something new. Also this would help if the global conflict is linked to a dead or inactive accounts either side. If they did it this way it would make alot more sense to me rather than just picking on the EU community say we must change our globals.

I have had my eyes opened... and without the people I love I would of never of gained my wings...



Right. I'm gonna post my thoughts on this. I don't use the forum very often, and I'm sure that people has already voiced a lot of my thoughts below, but in this case it's more important that you get to hear as many voices as possible.

First of all, I'll start with my yay feeling. I think that merging the servers is a wise move that long-term will be beneficial to all over us (with increased playerbase and such.). And I have been wondering why it hasn't been done previously.

Now to the global name problem.

Who am I?

I am a EU player. I will be recieving my 36 months veteran reward come april. I go by the global name @Q. . I was previously named @Quildo, and I changed it when I realised it had double meaning, I didn't want to be associated with it's other meaning (yeah, go on, google it). In addition to this, I've always been called 'Q' by most players in the european servers.

My interpretation of your solution.

1. It's discrimination. Why?

I'm likely being forced to change my globals when the merge goes down just because I happen to be european. That is discrimination no matter how nicely you put it. If you want to draw this to it's point - You could just as easily be telling africans they have to change their name, just because they're black. Harsh comparison, I realise, but as I interpret it this is basically what you are saying.

2. But this way causes the least hassle! No, it doesn't. Why?

You claim that this way will affect the least amount of players. I disagree. Regardless of how you turn it around, it will affect the same number of players. -You- are choosing to force this change on the players that, again in my opinion, are less valuable.
Either way you do it, will piss half of the affected players off. I realise how this might be troublesome for you, and why you'd want to avoid as many arguments as possible.
But you can't go about this change without realising that the fairest way of doing this is by allowing both sides (the same global names) to individually have their chance to voice their opinion. What if an american player is willing to change their globals, but a european isn't?

3. This change will perhaps be easiest for you, but not for us. Why?

The European servers and the american servers are two completely different communities. While a merge is good (the more the merrier!), both sides have their groupings and people they like to hang out with.
From a roleplayers perspective, we have a massive wiki page where we have gathered information about ourselves and our characters (http://union.virtueverse.net/). Your change means we have to manually change every single page we ever made, to accomodate this change.
In addition, you will be causing a game wide confusion because frankly, everyone affected by your name-change will no longer know who they're talking to.

In addition to the above, I am wondering why you're asking for people's opinions when you with the current solution clearly have no regard for your entire european clientelle?

My gut feeling? I'm feeling disappointed. My interpretation of your initial idea shows me that you think europeans are second-rate customers. I can give several reasons for my feelings.
You have no European based help-lines - we're limited to online support unless we are willing to pay for international calls. You've stopped releasing over-the-counter game titles in Europe, stating it's too expensive. Come on, let's be serious, with the amount of cash you roll in, you should be able to afford it.
I've stated -this- point to support before. I pay my subscription in Euros. I've found that many of my UK friends, who pay in pounds, pay around 2-4 euros less for their subscription. I'm not even going to try recalculate how much americans pay - it'll probably upset me.

So basically me and everyone with me who was given euroes as their currency are currently paying 4 euros more per month to play a game where by each issue we recieve less.

Frankly speaking, I love this game, I really do. I love the style and the mechanics but most importantly I love my community from which I've gained many real life and life-time friends.
You (the devs) are mostly doing an outstanding job, and as someone being leader-trained, I know what a pain in the *** cat-herd this must be.

I think what you're trying to accomplish with this is honourable, but you have to rethink your methods. A lot of players I have talked to today are saying other unnamed hero MMOs are looking decidedly better.

Just my thoughts.

Kim (@Q.)

The Corporation means BUSINESS!



Originally Posted by Coin View Post
Oy vey!

Mazel Tov, it's a new Global!
Shabbat Shalom, babeh!

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Originally Posted by Quildo View Post
I've stated -this- point to support before. I pay my subscription in Euros. I've found that many of my UK friends, who pay in pounds, pay around 2-4 euros less for their subscription. I'm not even going to try recalculate how much americans pay - it'll probably upset me.

So basically me and everyone with me who was given euroes as their currency are currently paying 4 euros more per month to play a game where by each issue we recieve less.

Frankly speaking, I love this game, I really do. I love the style and the mechanics but most importantly I love my community from which I've gained many real life and life-time friends.
You (the devs) are mostly doing an outstanding job, and as someone being leader-trained, I know what a pain in the *** cat-herd this must be.

I think what you're trying to accomplish with this is honourable, but you have to rethink your methods. A lot of players I have talked to today are saying other unnamed hero MMOs are looking decidedly better.

Just my thoughts.

Kim (@Q.)
I shall skip down to the last point.

At least you *know* how much each month your subscription fee is. And when the charges were 1st put in they *ALL* broke in around the same level (quite possibly the Euro option was something like €13.24 or something)

Of course, they could all charge in one currency, but i would assume that you would be ok with your monthly cost changing on a monthly basis just due to how the banks deal with currency conversion (note: depending on who you bank with as well, you might get slight price variations inside a country).

But that is another matter.

As an idea... when i started my account with SWG many years ago, the *monthly* fee was all in US Dollers, there was *NO* UK currency option. My 1st chargable month cost me £10.50 (so it was almost 17% more expensive than any other MMO than City of Heroes).

Hell, Eve Online has an option for Euro's and US Dollers (depending if you are inside or outside of the US). No GPB option. My sub fee for that varies each month.

If the Euro gets strong against a currency, then chances are you are "paying a bit over the odds" in comparison to the other payment options... but if the Euro gets very weak, you are currently saved against paying a lot more.

The *last* option is to constantly tweak the sub fee's each month, but you *still* need to have a baseline to compare them to.

Oh and also take into consideration possible bank/payment method charges. At least the *current* method keeps that amount that you pay the same each and every single month.

History of £ to €1 comparison

$ to £ is *about* even with the brits getting a slight advantage (for now).

*note* All of the above assumes that your currency is either £,$ or €. Players whose native currency is different, already have this problem (paying more one month, paying less the next... possibly even being priced out of the game due their currency going down the crapper)



Maybe in a way we EU's can use this situation to our advantage, we will be subjected to this scenario rest assured, the powers that be had no problems with all our complaints regarding boxed editions in EU, so this is just a minor inconvenience to them.

What could be a nice way to look at this, would be to use EU at the front of your global as a title and a honour, an achievement showing how loyal you are to this game through all the crap they keep throwing at us and the way we get treated.
Seeing someone walking about with EU_ in front of their global marks what type a player they are, and how committed to the cause they are.

Just a suggestion, but would be a nice substitute to having your original global.

Remember stay Defiant, keep your Union strong, Zukunft to the Na players who feel this is just another of a long list of EU wine and stay Vigilence till the end. (see what I did there )

Too many 50's to list here's a few you may know.
Slazenger, Area51, Area53, Area54, Erruption, Mind Plague, Thresher, Sheath, Broadside, Debt



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
I shall skip down to the last point.

At least you *know* how much each month your subscription fee is. And when the charges were 1st put in they *ALL* broke in around the same level (quite possibly the Euro option was something like €13.24 or something)

Of course, they could all charge in one currency, but i would assume that you would be ok with your monthly cost changing on a monthly basis just due to how the banks deal with currency conversion (note: depending on who you bank with as well, you might get slight price variations inside a country).

But that is another matter.

As an idea... when i started my account with SWG many years ago, the *monthly* fee was all in US Dollers, there was *NO* UK currency option. My 1st chargable month cost me £10.50 (so it was almost 17% more expensive than any other MMO than City of Heroes).

Hell, Eve Online has an option for Euro's and US Dollers (depending if you are inside or outside of the US). No GPB option. My sub fee for that varies each month.

If the Euro gets strong against a currency, then chances are you are "paying a bit over the odds" in comparison to the other payment options... but if the Euro gets very weak, you are currently saved against paying a lot more.

The *last* option is to constantly tweak the sub fee's each month, but you *still* need to have a baseline to compare them to.

Oh and also take into consideration possible bank/payment method charges. At least the *current* method keeps that amount that you pay the same each and every single month.

History of £ to €1 comparison

$ to £ is *about* even with the brits getting a slight advantage (for now).

*note* All of the above assumes that your currency is either £,$ or €. Players whose native currency is different, already have this problem (paying more one month, paying less the next... possibly even being priced out of the game due their currency going down the crapper)
I should probably have specified that I am absolutely fine with the price if we all paid the same amount. It does tick me off a little that some of us are paying more than others. I was mildly upset when I wrote the above. XD

Remember stay Defiant, keep your Union strong, Zukunft to the Na players who feel this is just another of a long list of EU wine and stay Vigilence till the end. (see what I did there )
Loved that.


The Corporation means BUSINESS!



The purging of old trial accounts MUST happen, considering how many including me, have an old trial on US servers with same login and global name set as the one EU.

I have contacted support requesting they remove my US trial game account from my master account. Lets hope its a positive response. If not there needs to be a function added to account management to allow that.

Regarding global name and channel clashes, i hope they change to a more "fair" solution, the current one willl just piss people off.
Appending .eu and .us as suggested above to ALL usernames would be best solution.

Or tbh, just skipping the entire merge...

Everyone is someone elses weirdo.



Originally Posted by Quildo View Post
I should probably have specified that I am absolutely fine with the price if we all paid the same amount. It does tick me off a little that some of us are paying more than others. I was mildly upset when I wrote the above. XD
And as i stated at the start of my post... If i remember correctly, the prices (at least the GBP one) was set to match the then current sub fee ($14.99 for US and £8.99 for EU). The *EURO* cost IIRC was also set to be equivelent *AT THAT POINT IN TIME*.

What happens if the Euro suddenly dropped in value? Would you be happy to pay €20 for your sub fee even though it matched the British value?

You would be paying the same as me... but it would cost *MORE* of your currency to do so.



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
And as i stated at the start of my post... If i remember correctly, the prices (at least the GBP one) was set to match the then current sub fee ($14.99 for US and £8.99 for EU). The *EURO* cost IIRC was also set to be equivelent *AT THAT POINT IN TIME*.

What happens if the Euro suddenly dropped in value? Would you be happy to pay €20 for your sub fee even though it matched the British value?

You would be paying the same as me... but it would cost *MORE* of your currency to do so.
I would actually, because then it'd still be same... but money is a little OT in this thread


The Corporation means BUSINESS!



Originally Posted by Quildo View Post
I would actually, because then it'd still be same. I think the best solution probably would be to revert -everyone- to dollars.. but money is a little OT in this thread

Quick bit of info... in the past the Euro has been *strong* against the Dollar, so if you had a US account (and had Euro as your main currency), you were actually paying LESS than €12.99 a month for a US account. But right now, $14.99 would actually increase your sub fee even more... up to around €18 a month (as currency conversion stands right now).. which is a 50% increase in sub fee.

That would be suicide for NCsoft right now, and chances are more people would quit the game over THAT, than over the name change problem.



I just wanted to toss in my 2 inf on the official discussion thread: As a North American player, I think it stinks that the Europeans are getting shafted.

I realize there is no perfect solution, and that the Europeans probably have more to gain by the merger than the North Americans, but I would consider it more fair to have the decision based on vet reward levels.

I know it's been said before, but the devs might be counting responses so I wanted to chip in.

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



To add to numbers if this thread is being read - I agree with the critisms about the EU account holders being arbitrarily having their globals changes rather than by veteran level.

Was there not something similar to this concerning retaining names of toons in periods of inactivity? Can something a little more fairly been done along the lines that this finally ended up being i.e. no loosing name if subs up to date etc.

I think the examples listed about inactive accounts used for 1 month at go live in USA vs full time fully paid up Eu account and the EU account loosing out are totaaly valid points personally.

I think this needs a re-think.

@War Man
The Goonies SG Defiant
War Man-Blaster lvl50
Odins Son-Tanker lvl50
War Rock-Troller lvl50
War The Impaler-Scrlvl50
Kleldor War Man-WS
Mind Storm
CoV-Union-War Thorn-Dom



Well, I've been waiting until I calmed down a little before adding anything to this. I'm not sure how much I've calmed down, but I may as well add this before the thread goes moribund.

Pretty much anything I may want to add has already been said, so I'm doing not much more than reiterating for emphasis.

On a gut reaction level this feels like one last shafting of the EU players before they're not a significantly separate entity any more (other than language for Zukunft and Vigilance, currency used to pay subscriptions, etc.). And this is a gut reaction because frankly, EU players have gotten used to getting the short end of the stick. Hell, it took us months to even GET Global Chat after it was rollled out in the US.

To the argument from the US players that 'but look what you're getting for potentially losing a significant part of your in-game identity, more servers!' I say 'Yeah? So? I play on one server and one server only as it is. I only have alts on Union, how does that have any bearing on me?'

I'm currently at 6 and a bit years veteran status, I played in EU beta, and the thought (even though it may not happen, just the thought) of my global name being taken by a US trial account is a matter of concern to me.

Is my sustained loyalty to this game thought that little of?

You may note, if you've read that far that I care relatively little for the technical arguments. My in game/global identity is something that has non-financial value to me. Just like the memories of people I've teamed with and personalities that go with my toons are a personal thing. Having Paragon Studios/NC (whoever made the decision) apparently decide that because I happen to live in the EU, that I'm intrinsically worth less (I know they've said no such thing, I'm talking impressions here) than a North American player... that just grates.

Oh, and any EU players with their Globals either in their board profile or signature? You may want to remove those, save yourself some potential griefing, because there will always be a couple of idiots who think it's hilarious to do such things, regardless of how mature and sensible the rest of the board population may be...


The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
But right now, $14.99 would actually increase your sub fee even more... up to around €18 a month (as currency conversion stands right now).. which is a 50% increase in sub fee.

That would be suicide for NCsoft right now, and chances are more people would quit the game over THAT, than over the name change problem.

Right now, $15 is about €10,75.

What calculator are you using? :P



Hi Avatea,

I was just curious, what effect, if any, will this have on the speed and performance of the servers? Will there be any server upgrades during this change? I know people have been a bit concerned with server performance for a while, especially on the more populated servers.

Have a good day!

Be sure to drink your



Originally Posted by Canine View Post
To the argument from the US players that 'but look what you're getting for potentially losing a significant part of your in-game identity, more servers!' I say 'Yeah? So? I play on one server and one server only as it is. I only have alts on Union, how does that have any bearing on me?'
As one of the US players who made this arguement, I'll just say that I was speaking from my own experience. I started on Guardian and played there almost exclusively for over a year, but the friends I originally had there left the game.

I made some new friends, and I still have about half my characters on Guardian, but I also decided to give Virtue a try. I found a great RP-friendly community on Virtue (RP being the one thing Guardian is sadly lacking) and I now spend about 75% of my time on Virtue.

My point is, I was happy on Guardian and never planned to leave, until I tried another server and found I really liked it. I can't speak for Union or any of the other EU servers but anecdotal evidence on the forums indicates that they are of lower population than the big two NA servers (Virtue and Freedom), and that many (though certainly not all) EU players would welcome the ability to join servers with higher populations.

I will say that vet status, by which I mean Vet Badges earned, not joined-on date, would be a fair way to decide who gets to keep their name in the case of a conflict, I'm just not sure how easy that would be to implement.

ETA: I'd also love to see another Free Server Transfer Week in conjunction with the server list merge.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by Silver Sanguis View Post
Right now, $15 is about €10,75.

What calculator are you using? :P
No, it was my mistake... I was looking in the history of the currency when I made that statement and accidentally looked at when it was less than $1 to the Euro (granted That was in 2002... damn 10 year history selected and not 5 year history)

But that is a risk of differing currencies. Someone will *eventually* get shafted just because their base currency takes a plunge down the crapper.

BUT... $14.99 = £9.37

It is an increase in the sub fee for the UK players... so how do you resolve that increase in the sub fee for one portion of the player base and not the other?