Discussion: One game, one global server access




Well.. In case the devs are a little stuck with their SQL...

DELETE UserAccounts
WHERE  TrialAccount = TRUE
AND      AccountActive = FALSE
AND      ExpiredDatetime < DATEADD(d, -60, GETDATE()) 
UPDATE UserAccounts
SET      GlobalName = GlobalName + '_US'
WHERE  TrialAccount = TRUE
AND      USAccount = TRUE
UPDATE UserAccounts
SET      GlobalName = GlobalName + '_EU'
WHERE  TrialAccount = TRUE
AND      USAccount = FALSE
That'll fix 80% of the problems off the bat!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Floaty, give the Shadowe back his wise

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
You're getting access to NA servers, EU, which is exactly what you've been wanting.
Now you're you're making a general case, NA. Please don't.

Still @Shadow Kitty

"I became Archvillain before Statesman nerfed himself!"



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
Well.. In case the devs are a little stuck with their SQL...
That's silly. Everyone knows user records aren't stored in SQL rows, they are stored in LISP objects.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
And the criteria are VERY simple.

1: Inactive accounts automatically lose.
2: Trial accounts automatically lose.
3: If both accounts are either inactive or trial (or both), you get a double-lose scenario and BOTH get EU'ed/NA'ed
4: If both accounts are active, it goes by seniority.
5: If someone owns BOTH the EU and NA accounts, give them the opportunity to contact customer support and have customer support manually "tweak" the usernames for the preferred account.

More work? Hell yeah!
More equitable? Hell yeah!
Will people still have hissyfitragequits? Hell yeah!

Honestly though, this is one of those things where you should just bite the bullet.
^^ This

Originally Posted by Cambo View Post
What Knighty said +1
+2 (and as a dev, I totally recognise his scenario )



seniority would be more equitable than what they're proposing.

Still, be happy they're taking the logical step of merging NA and EU and don't sweat an annoying detail too much.

It irritating, sure, but the benefits more than compensate.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
It irritating, sure, but the benefits more than compensate.
ONLY if you want access to the other servers. Seeing as I only play on Union, I'm not too fussed by getting another 11...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
seniority would be more equitable than what they're proposing.

Still, be happy they're taking the logical step of merging NA and EU and don't sweat an annoying detail too much.

It irritating, sure, but the benefits more than compensate.
At least they are not merging the actual servers just yet (oooh name clashes left right and center coming up )



Sorry if this has been brought up, but I really don't want to go through 10 pages to see if it was.
Can we also get a free server transfer for a week or two either before this happens or when it happens?

Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
At least they are not merging the actual servers just yet (oooh name clashes left right and center coming up )




Two Words:

Server Reduction

Once all 15 servers are there, we'll likely see a server reduction to follow. Maybe not immediately, but it will happen.

I know most won't agree with this statement, and the devs would deny it, but time will prove it out.



Originally Posted by 2short2care View Post
Sorry if this has been brought up, but I really don't want to go through 10 pages to see if it was.
Can we also get a free server transfer for a week or two either before this happens or when it happens?
They should give players three server transfer tokens each week from now on.



Originally Posted by American_Angel View Post
Two Words:

Server Reduction

Once all 15 servers are there, we'll likely see a server reduction to follow. Maybe not immediately, but it will happen.

I know most won't agree with this statement, and the devs would deny it, but time will prove it out.
Originally Posted by American_Angel View Post
They should give players three server transfer tokens each week from now on.
Oh boy...


Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
I've taken your concerns to the publishing and development team. We'll discuss some of the options that have been put forward and get back to you with our thoughts.
Thank you very much. I'm sure I speak for many of us when I say it's appreciated.

We had a short discussion on Union Chat earlier, and we all seem to be in a similar mindset; veteran status should be the deciding factor. Everyone speaking was going to be keeping Union as their home anyway, so it doesn't look like cries of abandonment are entirely justified.



If the devs merge two servers the only time a character would need a name change is if a player was using the same name on both servers. That is if you go with a playername@globalname setup.

The way names are set up now, when/IF the devs merge two servers the majority of names on the second server(the server that's going bye-bye) are getting changed.



Originally Posted by American_Angel View Post
Two Words:

Server Reduction

Once all 15 servers are there, we'll likely see a server reduction to follow. Maybe not immediately, but it will happen.

I know most won't agree with this statement, and the devs would deny it, but time will prove it out.

So if they do it 5-6 years from now, you'll be dancing up and down going "ITOLDYOUSO! ITOLDYOUITOLDYOU!"

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After playing for well over 5 years without letting my account lapse, you are telling me I could lose my Global name, to someone that may not be playing the game anymore, is quite franky disgusting. I will be appauled if that happens, talk about how to annoy your loyal userbase in the EU in one nice easy move.

So what do we get back in return, the offer to play on other servers, WOW thats nice of NCsoft. Most EU players will still probably have free slots on the server that they mostly play on and why do there play on that server. It's because there have in-game friends on that server and people will recognises them. Thus the extra servers are nothing in my opinion.

I have a Feeling if this goes ahead, then a lot of the Old EU player may quit for good, as I am thinking of doing that if these changes come about.

PS I don't normally bother with the boards as I get annoyed with my dylexica and messages like that take me an age to write, so u can work out how annoyed I am from that.



Originally Posted by _gohan661_ View Post
This!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have an american account i have never even logged into (trial) it needs to die before this happens
Oh, hell, I had completely forgotten that I had one of them too. I clicked the wrong button sometime about 3 years ago and it created me a new trial account with the same login details but on the US servers.

Also never logged into. Hopefully they'll figure out the need for this to be fixed.



Originally Posted by GenomeX View Post
Oh, hell, I had completely forgotten that I had one of them too. I clicked the wrong button sometime about 3 years ago and it created me a new trial account with the same login details but on the US servers.

Also never logged into. Hopefully they'll figure out the need for this to be fixed.
This has got me wondering just how many EUers are using their own username on an NA trial account. I'm in the same boat, as are quite a few Unionites I spoke to today. I find it a glimmer of funny in this tense atmosphere.



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
I would rather they didn't. Frankly, I've never understood how people could be so angry over the prospect of maybe having to change a global name with having all of their character names dictated by a mandatory algorithm.

There are more ways to solve that problem than there are to solve the global collision problem, all of them better than that one.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
I can understand the frustration. I wouldn't want my global name changed either.

Is there any sort of datamining that would tell us how many names we are talking about? Is it dozens, hundreds, or thousands? Not that it makes much difference if you are the one who has to change, but I think it would be important to know just how many people will be effected.
You know, the more I think about it, the more I think the answer to your question should be "all of us".

The best way, IMO, to do this would be to append a ".us" or ".eu" to all the global and account names -- conflict or not. So even if no one in the EU has the global name "@lostcreation", my global would still become "@lostcreation.us" -- and that would be fine as far as I'm concerned.

I like how this makes global names look "domainy", and I think fewer people would baulk at this then prepending EU to a name (which is a horrible, horrible idea*). It's also "unfair" to everyone equally, so there's no preferential treatment (however well justified, or not) going on.

If the dev's wanted to get fancy, they could go one step further and have the game assume anyone you message/etc is the same locale as you are, unless you explicitly append a locale suffix. E.g., being in the states if I /tell @American Friend, ... the game will know that I meant /tell @American Friend.us, ... (Of course, if I wanted to message my European friend, I'd always have to /tell @Euro Friend.eu, ...)

I can't recall what the legal characters for a global handle are, or if the include the "." character or not. If they do, that would mean anyone who has a global name ending with ".us" or ".eu" (or possibly any dot-two-character-country code) would need to change their handle, but that has to be a smaller population then what we're talking about with the current suggestion.

* Speaking simply from a humane perspective, prepending EU (or anything) to someone's identity is about the worst option you could pick. My identity is "lostcreation" in the game, not "ewwlostcreation" - which is how people are likely to read my name if I were effected by this change. "lostcreationeww" is still bad, but not as bad since my identity (rather than where I'm from) would still be the first thing people see. "lostcreation EU" would be even better (again from humane perspective) since the EU is even easier to ignore as a separate word.



Interestingly my US account was already <myname>US since I assumed I couldn't have the same name on both US and EU accounts so account name, really not that fussed, nobody is going to see the EU<accountname> thing.

However I'll be peeved if I lose my global name, strangely enough I'm using my US account for the forums since it doesn't have the STUPID _EU on the end of it, it's the same person (me) just with different accounts.

Admittedly I am going to simply go through my US account and delete the hell out of most of my virtue characters AND change my global name the day before this goes through and switch it to Dr_Mech allowing me hopefully to sail through with my global name intact.



Originally Posted by Maelwys View Post
(i) Trial accounts are by their very nature temporary. PLEASE do not include these in the final EU/USA global name collision detection process (doing a preliminary collision detection run and append Username_TRIAL etc could be an option).
I would completely agree with this.

Originally Posted by Maelwys View Post
(ii) After how long do "Long-term inactive accounts" become worth less than active accounts? From a financial standpoint? From an 'identity ownership'/moral standpoint? At what point should we stop treating them identically? (If I remember correctly, inactive character login names below a certain level ALREADY expire and free themselves up after a set period of time...)
The answer to this might as well be "forever". It is as long as NCsoft sees fit. Given other MMOs, that means as long as the game has active subscribers, those names are locked.

Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
And obviously anyone whose Global is changed should have the ability to change it to something else afterwards.
Please read the original post:
Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
7- What about global handle in game? Will those be affected by name collisions?

Yes indeed. All European players with a global chat handle name collision will have their global handle changed to the character they log in with. If the global handle still has a collision after the initial change, letters will continue to be dropped from the end of the name until no collision is present.

The European players that are affected by the chat handle collision will receive a global name change. This name change will only be offered to the players affected by the automatic name change.

Please note that character names will not be affected. We are merely unifying both server lists and as such, all characters will remain on their original server.
That has already been considered and will be dealt with.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Inactive trial accounts I would tend to agree. Inactive conventional accounts are another matter. I'm inclined to agree that it is a problem if returning players find they cannot log into their accounts, and aren't around now to know exactly what happened. I just called NCSoft's security circus a bunch of monkeys for violating a rule I'm not going to hypocritically look the other way on, and that is you can't arbitrarily state that if the player isn't active now, they are the best people to shift the burden of account name changes to.
Sorry, I should have said that was specifically global names, not account names. Then again, I'm pretty sure you'll agree that anyone that has the same global name as their account name is an outright idiot that doesn't have the first clue about security. I personally put anyone that does that on the same level as the people responsible for the master account fiasco.

I'm pretty sure that most, if not all, the uproar in this thread is targeted at the global name, not the account name. After all, no one references other players by their account names (hopefully).

On the other hand, did you know that you can't change your game account names or permanently close trial accounts? Again, I place that little bit of incompetence at NCsoft's feet (where it belongs).

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
This suggests to me that you will still need to *know* if your account is an NA or EU account, even after the merge. And that suggests to me that this could have been solved by prepending NA and EU to everyone's account name invisibly. If everyone checked a radio button on the game client that said "EU or NA account" the game client could have prepended the correct prefix for you. This would be something you would only have to set once unless you have multiple accounts both ways: the game client would remember this setting in between authentications. And everyone has to be able to answer this question, particularly the EU players because even after the merge if they somehow forget they have an EU account they won't be able to apply codes correctly.
That would be a great way to deal with things.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
The issue of global name collisions is an issue of losing access to a chat handle, not being unable to even log in at all, and is a lower priority item to attempt to preserve in my opinion from a customer support perspective.
The thing is that NCsoft's priority problem (account names) and players priority problem (global names) are conflicting.

Originally Posted by Tyger View Post
I'd much prefer they did the same as they did with the forum; prefix NA and EU and then let it be a first-come, first-serve with the global rename feature since then it would be the system rather than the support staff that gets lumbered with the renaming and those who actually still play often get to keep their names.
So instead of being biased against the EU servers, you want it to be biased against the NA servers. There is that little thing called a "timezone" to deal with. Additionally, it opens new avenues for players to grief "well known" players.

Originally Posted by Tyger View Post
Why would it matter if the codes are region specific or will this be because billing is still region specific for payment options?
You really want to fight the US population for codes? Seriously?

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



So If I get this right, if a name collision occurs and you get a letter chopped off, Bright Spunky would be known as a Bright Spunk , or Magnifico The Cocky would be know as Magnifico The **** rofl.

Come up with a better way guys come on, this lacks imagination.

Too many 50's to list here's a few you may know.
Slazenger, Area51, Area53, Area54, Erruption, Mind Plague, Thresher, Sheath, Broadside, Debt