Discussion: One game, one global server access




Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
Alright, let's cut down to the nut here:

Let's say there's a EU account global handle called @name. Is there really a difference between that and @EUname? Do you think people will suddenly be confused by the EU in front and not know it's you, or start calling you something different when referring to you?

They're not making you change your individual character names, since they're not killing servers. Global names get changed automatically in your chat lists, so everyone will still know it's you. What's the real issue here? No one is losing their identity. People will still refer to you as name.

If we're gonna argue and get riled up over something, let's at least argue over what this whole thing is really about, rather than taking up some mystery cause and making up hypotheticals that probably won't ever happen.
People with multiple accounts on both sides all with the same name are a separate problem, and should be dealt with in their own way.

NCSoft made their decision because they considered all the angles. Avatea confirmed upthread that they talked about everything that's been brought up by players. They weighed the outcomes and chose, like they get paid to do. You're getting access to NA servers, EU, which is exactly what you've been wanting. The vast, vast majority of you won't be affected by name clashing at all. The few that are have just been told months in advance what will happen. I'd say that's about as good an outcome as it could be.
A name is a name. I like my real name, and i dont want anybody change it. I respect if u dont feel the same, but others do.



Originally Posted by Master Zaprobo View Post
Oh, here's another point that's not been answered in the FAQ... what happens to Global Channels?

EU channels like Defiant Events or Union Chat will probably have no collision however EU channels like Masterminds and Mission Architect most likely will.

What's going to be the deal here?
Furthermore, this may also have an affect on supergroups.



Title of the thread is so misleading. This had me thinking they were finally going to do the cross server thing they talked about many years ago. I was actually getting excited about this till I read the starting post of this thread. What a let down.

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I'm happy that we finally will get rid of the server list segregation, and yes the global names are the real problemthingy. How should the Devs handle it?
Well my to cents/insert appropriate coinage here)
Devs, you already have the appropriate tools or way of establishing who gets what.
Veteran badges.

As said earlier in this thread use that to find out who should get a NA or EU name token added (or whatever you decide in the end).
If names conflict between the two prior lists, let the paid veteran time decide.

I do not mind getting an EU tag on my name, but I would hope that all the time and money I've put into the game would count for something. I've had the same global name since I started about 5 years ago. If another had the same and had more Veteran time, then no problem. But if someone with less then my amount of time on the current NA list gets it, it would be less fair. Even worse if a Trial account, inactive or otherwise gets to get the name instead of a veteran player.
So please for the sense of fair play, Devs, Please, please use fairness.
Amount of Veteran time before Active account (in good standing) Before Inactive accounts (in good standing). Trials should not even count.

Finally the segragation between the serverlists will be at an end, I just hope we can start that without making new errors.
As said previously, its neither the NA that gets merged into the EU list, nor the EU list that gets merged into the NA list, but both lists getting merged into the one new server list.

What many of the players so far has commented on and being afraid of is that the EU simply will be once again get treated as an illegitimate son/daughter. After all one server list gets preference over the other, not anything equal like with the forum names. (NA/EU prefix)

So Devs please for the time when we will be as one, do make use of the Veteran rewards as the basis of who gets what name. And active accounts in good standing before inactive (and even Trial) accounts.

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Originally Posted by Negate View Post
Finally, I will be able to kick butt along-side my neighbors across the pond!
Oh I most certainly am excited about this for the very same reason but the wipe of the EU global names is a real kick in the teeth and, quite frankly, spoils the joy of this announcement.

I always expected to have to change my global to avoid conflicts but I was hoping that it'd be an EU suffix, not potentially losing my name to a trial account created 4 years ago. That really does make me feel like a second class customer and that my loyalty over the past 5 years means nothing.

Sorry to be negative but this might make sense in terms of the amount of work required but it sours the celebration and devalues the loyalty of the EU playerbase.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
Furthermore, this may also have an affect on supergroups.
I thought that SG's were server limited only....



Originally Posted by Dante View Post
Oh I most certainly am excited about this for the very same reason but the wipe of the EU global names is a real kick in the teeth and, quite frankly, spoils the joy of this announcement.

I always expected to have to change my global to avoid conflicts but I was hoping that it'd be an EU suffix, not potentially losing my name to a trial account created 4 years ago. That really does make me feel like a second class customer and that my loyalty over the past 5 years means nothing.

Sorry to be negative but this might make sense in terms of the amount of work required but it sours the celebration and devalues the loyalty of the EU playerbase.
There is *nothing* stopping you from adding an EU suffix... you will get a global rename token if you are so affected.

Side note: The fact that your initial "new" global will be based off the character that you 1st login after this change is nothing new. It was how the allocation for Global Chat worked... and also the reason as to WHY i didnt get my current Global name.




Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
Furthermore, this may also have an affect on supergroups.
Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
I thought that SG's were server limited only....
Actually SG/VG are a global thing. if you go to the SG/VG Registery Guy, you can look at all the top 100 SG/VG on CoX! So the SG/VG from NA and EU would be affected.

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Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
What if we got a name purge?

Maybe making some long inactive accounts become "Genericxxxxx" make the transition easier?!
Yes please!



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
Alright, let's cut down to the nut here:

Let's say there's a EU account global handle called @name. Is there really a difference between that and @EUname? Do you think people will suddenly be confused by the EU in front and not know it's you, or start calling you something different when referring to you?
You've misread the FAQ. Global names will not change like this - it may actually be preferred if they change it to what you're suggesting!
  • Login Names will have EU prepended (e.g. EUmasterzaprobo)
  • Global names will have characters dropped (e.g. @Master Zaprob)

I think most would prefer if we get both prepended with EU - so I'd become "EU Master Zaprobo" if there was a conflict. This is assuming nothing else could be worked out.



How much longer before Cross-Server iTrials?



Originally Posted by Sukothai View Post
Actually SG/VG are a global thing. if you go to the SG/VG Registery Guy, you can look at all the top 100 SG/VG on CoX! So the SG/VG from NA and EU would be affected.
This is incorrect! The list there is server only.

SG names are server based. I made my SG with the same name on two different servers. And the other server SG's are not listing in the top 10 list at all.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
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- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
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Originally Posted by Master Zaprobo View Post
  • Login Names will have EU prepended (e.g. EUmasterzaprobo)
  • Global names will have characters dropped (e.g. @Master Zaprob)

I think most would prefer if we get both prepended with EU - so I'd become "EU Master Zaprobo" if there was a conflict. This is assuming nothing else could be worked out.
This I could live with...

@EU Blue Blaze




Ok, so there is quite possibly a 'Techbot Alpha' on the NA side.
My Global is Techbot ALPHA, with capitals. Will that make a difference?
Also, by the looks of it, that is hardly an active account, although I have no idea in-game wise.

Just....frag it. I like the server list merger! We've asked for it for frag alone knows how long!
And yet I don't want to lose my damn name. Its MY name

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I'm getting the impression from reading this thread that NA players spend most of thier time refering to each other by whatever character they are on at that moment and therefore talk more in local, sg or team chats and so your globals seem more like names you just happen to have because. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

Most people I know EU side talk more using global channels and so our global names are much more important. Global channels use global names so almost everyone uses those to refer to each other and thats how we know each other. My SG has one so we can easily chat accross the mulitple branches of our SG and between blue and red side and even the praetorians can get involved. Losing those names would mean losing a part of the history of the SG.

Also as others are starting to mention globalnames aren't getting EU'd. They are getting truncated untill they don't clash. This will make them look stupid in most cases



Originally Posted by Liz Bathory View Post
This is incorrect! The list there is server only.

SG names are server based. I made my SG with the same name on two different servers. And the other server SG's are not listing in the top 10 list at all.
Did you spell the names right? I tried creating a SG with the same name on a different server, and it told me that name was already taken.

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Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
Alright, let's cut down to the nut here:

Let's say there's a EU account global handle called @name. Is there really a difference between that and @EUname? Do you think people will suddenly be confused by the EU in front and not know it's you, or start calling you something different when referring to you?

They're not making you change your individual character names, since they're not killing servers. Global names get changed automatically in your chat lists, so everyone will still know it's you. What's the real issue here? No one is losing their identity. People will still refer to you as name.
Let's say I'm called David.
I go to College, where there are a large number of Davids.
So we differentiate.
There's Big Dave, Fat Dave, Hard Dave, Rocker Dave, Specky Dave, Ginger Dave, Spider-Dave (don't ask), Wee Davy...
But my name's still David.

Adding Suffixes or Prefixes to the name, and it's not the same name anymore.

You're getting access to NA servers, EU, which is exactly what you've been wanting.
I never wanted access to the NA servers (and please don't call me "EU" - it makes me sound like a prefix...)
Personally I'm entirely ambivalent about getting access to 11 new servers that I'll never use.

I'm not alone either, judging by some other responses to this thread.

Are we in the minority? Possibly.

Some folk will no doubt be glad of the chance to hop onto higher-population servers like Freedom, or the unofficial RP servers like Virtue. But I'm reasonably certain that the close-knit EU community will stay fairly close-knit, and whilst there might be a certain amount of exploring of the new servers due to "new toy syndrome", most of us won't stray too far from the existing server setups. Heck, Defiant has been the "lower population EU server" for AGES, and you can't budge the bulk of that community with a crowbar...



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
There is *nothing* stopping you from adding an EU suffix... you will get a global rename token if you are so affected.

Side note: The fact that your initial "new" global will be based off the character that you 1st login after this change is nothing new. It was how the allocation for Global Chat worked... and also the reason as to WHY i didnt get my current Global name.

I remember it well. For a short while I got quite a sucky global until I got the chance to change it. And yes, I know that I can add the EU to it myself but I'm annoyed that I may have to when my NA equivalent could be some trial account that hasn't been played in years.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



Originally Posted by MaelwysAlts View Post
Let's say I'm called David.
Heck, Defiant has been the "lower population EU server" for AGES, and you can't budge the bulk of that community with a crowbar...
The other servers smell funny.

Blueside Level 50's.... Knightingale (Def), Rogue Elevenex (Blast), Lady Rogue (Scrap), Mr Infinity (Tank), Miss Infinity (Troller), Knight.Shade (WS), Knight.Bringer (PB)
Redside Level 50's... Colonel Rogue (Brute), Sergeant Domino (Stalk), F411-OUT (Dom)
Next Project: Psiryn Psi/Psi Cor Global Handle is @Knightingale



Originally Posted by MaelwysAlts View Post
Let's say I'm called David.
I go to College, where there are a large number of Davids.
So we differentiate.
There's Big Dave, Fat Dave, Hard Dave, Rocker Dave, Specky Dave, Ginger Dave, Spider-Dave (don't ask), Wee Davy...
But my name's still David.

Adding Suffixes or Prefixes to the name, and it's not the same name anymore.

I never wanted access to the NA servers (and please don't call me "EU" - it makes me sound like a prefix...)
Personally I'm entirely ambivalent about getting access to 11 new servers that I'll never use.

I'm not alone either, judging by some other responses to this thread.

Are we in the minority? Possibly.

Some folk will no doubt be glad of the chance to hop onto higher-population servers like Freedom, or the unofficial RP servers like Virtue. But I'm reasonably certain that the close-knit EU community will stay fairly close-knit, and whilst there might be a certain amount of exploring of the new servers due to "new toy syndrome", most of us won't stray too far from the existing server setups. Heck, Defiant has been the "lower population EU server" for AGES, and you can't budge the bulk of that community with a crowbar...
i seriously can't say i ever wanted access to american servers. all this will do is dilute the already small Union population over more servers



Originally Posted by Master Zaprobo View Post
You've misread the FAQ. Global names will not change like this - it may actually be preferred if they change it to what you're suggesting!
  • Login Names will have EU prepended (e.g. EUmasterzaprobo)
  • Global names will have characters dropped (e.g. @Master Zaprob)
I think most would prefer if we get both prepended with EU - so I'd become "EU Master Zaprobo" if there was a conflict. This is assuming nothing else could be worked out.
Not quite. Globals will be erased and assigned to the first character you log in on. If there is still a clash then they'll drop names.

Originally Posted by _gohan661_ View Post
i seriously can't say i ever wanted access to american servers. all this will do is dilute the already small Union population over more servers
Why do you assume everyone on Union will automatically leave? Most people I know will be sticking around. And from what I've heard Union Population is about on par with the mid range NA servers.



Originally Posted by Lady Arete View Post
I'm happy that we finally will get rid of the server list segregation, and yes the global names are the real problemthingy. How should the Devs handle it?
Well my to cents/insert appropriate coinage here)
Devs, you already have the appropriate tools or way of establishing who gets what.
Veteran badges.

As said earlier in this thread use that to find out who should get a NA or EU name token added (or whatever you decide in the end).
If names conflict between the two prior lists, let the paid veteran time decide.
I think this is the reasonable approach, particularly for globals. Having your global name revoked doesn't make it harder to log on (a stated concern) so there's no downside in favoring the most loyal customer, it's just clearing the global name so no issue of "what do we add". Yes, it makes the merge routine a touch more complex, but just a touch, you're clearly reading both records from the database. And it would be hard to argue against the justice of "most loyal member gets the global". Oh, and I presume whoever loses the globalname gets the flag set so they can do a global name change.

As for the login name, my advice for those affected on the other side of the pond is to grumble a little and accept this. Nobody will see it, it's a minor annoyance on your end. I would recommend to NCSoft that, when someone logs in, if the username/password fails, check if "EU".username/password would have worked. If so, pop up a dialog box, explain what may have happened, and ask if they want to log in as EUusername.

And a further word of advice - please look for some way to merge accounts. Make it "has to have been what was an NA and EU account", require the user to log into both master accounts to approve the change (assuming the issues with the "security" changes get resolved), and a reasonable fee could be assessed.

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Originally Posted by Neon Vixen View Post
Most people I know EU side talk more using global channels and so our global names are much more important. Global channels use global names so almost everyone uses those to refer to each other and thats how we know each other. My SG has one so we can easily chat accross the mulitple branches of our SG and between blue and red side and even the praetorians can get involved. Losing those names would mean losing a part of the history of the SG.

Just look at the whole recent "Defiant Events" saga.

That's a global channel with a large percentage of the population of the Defiant Server on it. The prospect of losing control over it provoked such drama that it threatened the stability of the server population. More than half the userbase spilt off into other channels, showing just how much we enjoy + rely on communicating with each other across Global Chat.

And the community (not just on Defiant - Union too) is stupidly close knit. Case in point: If I'm online with a Tanker, and join up for a TF, everyone still calls me "Maelwys" or "Mael" rather than the character name.

Also as others are starting to mention globalnames aren't getting EU'd. They are getting truncated untill they don't clash. This will make them look stupid in most cases
If we MUST have the renaming happen... I'd prefer globals to be changed to "Username_EU" rather than "EU_Username" or "Usernam". At least they'll be easier to find in an alphabetical list that way, and they'd still appear reasonably intact.

Let's face it, someone's bound to be called "...pool"



Originally Posted by Dante View Post
I remember it well. For a short while I got quite a sucky global until I got the chance to change it. And yes, I know that I can add the EU to it myself but I'm annoyed that I may have to when my NA equivalent could be some trial account that hasn't been played in years.
It's the bit in the BOLD letters that really miffs me.

You could potentially be losing a name that you've spent years cultivating and establishing to someone who only played for 2 weeks, 3 years ago and is now off playing something else because they found they didn't even like CoX.

Is that fair ?

AND we'll probably NEVER even get to know that that was the case. Just that we lost our name to someone in the vast impenetrable cloud that is the internet.

Personally I don't think the Dev's etc ever really considered this properly, it just doesn't make any sense at all to me that they don't do it by veterancy. How on earth could they have thought that any of this was fair?

I'll tell you how the meeting went.....

"Next item on the agenda?"

"Ahhh yes, animated hair."

*guffaws around the table*

"Seriously, next item?"

"Ah yes, the server list merge. How are we going to do that because I have been thinking about it and....."

"No need! I've sorted it. Already written the scripts. Just say the word and I'll merge the lists in the database. Didn't have much time to dedicate careful thought to it so I had to cut a few corners though, so the preference on the account names and global names to the US server population."

"But don't you think that might rile a few feathers in the EU community?"

"So? You know what they're like over there, they'll complain a bit and stamp their feet and it'll all blow over. Just tell em we thought long and hard about it and hardline them with the old 'decisions made' mumbo jumbo. Worked for ED didn't it? Excellent, jobs a good'un. Right who's making the tea? Next item on agenda?"

Blueside Level 50's.... Knightingale (Def), Rogue Elevenex (Blast), Lady Rogue (Scrap), Mr Infinity (Tank), Miss Infinity (Troller), Knight.Shade (WS), Knight.Bringer (PB)
Redside Level 50's... Colonel Rogue (Brute), Sergeant Domino (Stalk), F411-OUT (Dom)
Next Project: Psiryn Psi/Psi Cor Global Handle is @Knightingale