Discussion: Seven Years of Super Rewards




Originally Posted by Terror1 View Post
I would rather have a day or two of free transfers than all of this junk.
I wouldn't!

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I wouldn't!
Neither would I!

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Originally Posted by Terror1 View Post
I would rather have a day or two of free transfers than all of this junk.
Pfft... Speak for yourself. That 7 Stars emblem was pretty much made for Ascendant, Ramshackle's going to look pretty sweet decked out in Vanguard gear, and the MVAS pet is going to be a welcome addition to Doctor Crom's already impressive array of robotic assistants. Pure win, if you ask me.

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Originally Posted by Terror1 View Post
I would rather have a day or two of free transfers than all of this junk.
As a hoarder, I would MUCH rather have the "junk".

You don't hit smiling monsters - Sister Flame



Originally Posted by Ascendant View Post
Pfft... Speak for yourself.
Hence "I"



you'll take your junk and like it sir





that you will



This is great news! I have a couple of heroes that I wanted some of the Vanguard pieces for their costumes. The chibi HVAS is great too! I have a hero that would love to have one... btw, could we perchance be able to have it do the robot dance emote? That would be so awsome! Also, someone, I think Golden Girl, mentioned it would be nice to have a Loyalist and Resistance emote as well. I also think the Vanguard poster would make a great SG item. Can't wait to get this pack!



Well, Vanguard gets love....Vanguard, that organization that accepts the scum of the Earth and allows them to fight alongside true heroes...and forces the heroes to endure the presence of such human refuse just to have the chance to fight against the Rikti. (from a purely hero-centric viewpoint, of course)

When is Longbow going to get some love? I know of a LOT of characters who have their backstory or character development containing some association with Longbow, while very few if any I've seen have ever referenced Vanguard. I'd trade Lady G and her mini-onions en masse for a set of Longbow costume options.

Evil Mini-Onions


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WOW! What an awesomely cool veteran reward for being a loyal player for 7 years! An account unlock of the hardest costume set to earn in-game! Fantastic veteran reward, thank you so much!

Umm, wait a sec...what?! It's for anyone who stays active for a couple of months?! Pfff, great, now every noob-a$$ed lowb is gonna have it. Nice.



Originally Posted by Power_Play View Post
When is Longbow going to get some love? I know of a LOT of characters who have their backstory or character development containing some association with Longbow, while very few if any I've seen have ever referenced Vanguard. I'd trade Lady G and her mini-onions en masse for a set of Longbow costume options.

This is probably best handled in another thread, but since I don't now where that thread is...

I'd also love to see some Longbow/Freedom Corps costume options. Vanguard has had theirs for awhile now and Arachnos has their own AT! Longbow you never hear from unless you one goes rogue, needs to be rescued or you are asked to hunt 30 of them just to get another costume slot.



You guys always give me the best birthday gifts. Thanks.

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Originally Posted by UNB0UND_4_LIFE View Post
WOW! What an awesomely cool veteran reward for being a loyal player for 7 years! An account unlock of the hardest costume set to earn in-game! Fantastic veteran reward, thank you so much!

Umm, wait a sec...what?! It's for anyone who stays active for a couple of months?! Pfff, great, now every noob-a$$ed lowb is gonna have it. Nice.
You're kidding, right? Did you not see the announcement for the 81 and 84 month Vet Rewards? If you don't think a free self-rez (that works like a DingRez), and remote access to the Auction House, are insanely good vet rewards.... you must be one of those people who are impossible to please.

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Considering I got a yearly resub back in December with some birthday money that was given a little early (Dec. 4 1982!) I can safely say that I am going to LOVE this. No chance of interruption and free costume pieces for all!

If only the Vanguard had a cape to go with the rest of it...

Wait...is that....

High quality animal head! YES! Die you filthy mongrels that were claiming they'd be so crass as to make each animal pack a separate purchase and we'd only be getting the bird head and legs!



Originally Posted by UNB0UND_4_LIFE View Post
WOW! What an awesomely cool veteran reward for being a loyal player for 7 years! An account unlock of the hardest costume set to earn in-game! Fantastic veteran reward, thank you so much!

Umm, wait a sec...what?! It's for anyone who stays active for a couple of months?! Pfff, great, now every noob-a$$ed lowb is gonna have it. Nice.
Well, it's certainly nicer than an elitist attitude

@Golden Girl

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Originally Posted by Silver_Streak_NA View Post
You're kidding, right? Did you not see the announcement for the 81 and 84 month Vet Rewards? If you don't think a free self-rez (that works like a DingRez), and remote access to the Auction House, are insanely good vet rewards.... you must be one of those people who are impossible to please.
Wasn't replying in regards to the 81 month and 84 month rewards - which I do think are ok. Was just feeling a little miffed about how quick they were to give up all the Vanguard costume set pieces, weapons customs and cc emote, the toughest full costume set to acquire in-game. Why not just design a completely new costume set as part of the 7 year reward instead? I'm just sayin' my opinion is all. I could see maybe giving the helmet pieces and weapons custom, but all of them? Seems to me a bit of an over-reaction to impending customer base loss from DCU Online going live. From that business point of view, makes total sense to me.

Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Well, it's certainly nicer than an elitist attitude
I know eh? After I posted I was like, wow, I sound like an a$$ myself. LOL sorry all.



Originally Posted by UNB0UND_4_LIFE View Post
Wasn't replying in regards to the 81 month and 84 month rewards - which I do think are ok. Was just feeling a little miffed about how quick they were to give up all the Vanguard costume set pieces, weapons customs and cc emote, the toughest full costume set to acquire in-game. Why not just design a completely new costume set as part of the 7 year reward instead? I'm just sayin' my opinion is all. I could see maybe giving the helmet pieces and weapons custom, but all of them? Seems to me a bit of an over-reaction to impending customer base loss from DCU Online going live. From that business point of view, makes total sense to me.

I know eh? After I posted I was like, wow, I sound like an a$$ myself. LOL sorry all.
It's because one of the Alpha slot components can be crafted from vanguard merits. But it requires a lot of them so the chances of anybody ever crafting a V costume peace is nill. And there would be inevitable complaining about the massive effort it would require to get it all.



Originally Posted by Hydrofoil_Zero View Post
It's because one of the Alpha slot components can be crafted from vanguard merits. But it requires a lot of them so the chances of anybody ever crafting a V costume peace is nill. And there would be inevitable complaining about the massive effort it would require to get it all.




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Originally Posted by Lady_of_Ysgard View Post
Wait...is that....

High quality animal head! YES! Die you filthy mongrels that were claiming they'd be so crass as to make each animal pack a separate purchase and we'd only be getting the bird head and legs!
Yes! Soon we'll all be able to make... catbirds! I can has wormburger?



Quick question

I have my re-up due in the middle of all this, last year it stepped in the way of me getting the time active rewards. I wanted to make sure this is a smooth transistion (I pay my one year I have ordered next month...)

Is this going to be an issue this year?


"when i can savagely beat sheep while issuing ultimatums and torturing people, then i may go back into it" -vara nocturne
Not enough Evil...
I take it back NC SOFT is enough evil for anyone...



Originally Posted by Hydrofoil_Zero View Post
It's because one of the Alpha slot components can be crafted from vanguard merits. But it requires a lot of them so the chances of anybody ever crafting a V costume peace is nill. And there would be inevitable complaining about the massive effort it would require to get it all.
The Gr'Ai Matter costs 150 Vanguard Merits and can only be crafted once per 18 hours, on a level 50 character.

A full set of Vanguard costume pieces is about 850 Vanguard Merits, and can be bought piece by piece by characters level 35 or higher.

A typical Mothership Raid gives 300-400 Vanguard Merits for anyone who's there the entire time, and slightly less if you only join after everyone's started fighting the Rikti on the saucer. Not to mention that it also drops Incarnate Shards for Alpha-enabled level 50s.

In other words, if you can be on three Mothership Raids at some point between levels 35 and 50, you can get all of the Vanguard gear and not miss anything Alpha Slot wise.

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Originally Posted by elvnsword09 View Post
Quick question

I have my re-up due in the middle of all this, last year it stepped in the way of me getting the time active rewards. I wanted to make sure this is a smooth transistion (I pay my one year I have ordered next month...)

Is this going to be an issue this year?

To avoid that issue entirely, I'm purchasing time before my account expires. I'm using PayPal for this, but I'm not sure if you have to. The idea is that prior to Feb 1, I'll have an account that's playable until the middle of May or so and I'll resume my normal subscription then.