Discussion: Seven Years of Super Rewards




thanks for the suggestion, I think I will do that


"when i can savagely beat sheep while issuing ultimatums and torturing people, then i may go back into it" -vara nocturne
Not enough Evil...
I take it back NC SOFT is enough evil for anyone...



Regarding the Vanguard pack: wouldn't it fit thematically for it to include a teleporter power, perhaps to the forward base near the mothership? Something on a long recharge like 30+ minutes would be fine, it would just be a cool addition that's not game-breaking.



One thing my mind just recalled... When are we getting the shiny back detail that vanguard agents get? Come on!



So do they mean your account needs to be active and paid for for the entire period, or do you need to play every day as well? Cause, that'd be pretty crazy. I don't always play, but I always pay.



Originally Posted by The_South View Post
So do they mean your account needs to be active and paid for for the entire period, or do you need to play every day as well? Cause, that'd be pretty crazy. I don't always play, but I always pay.
You only need to be subbed for the period - they're not that cruel

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Haven't read the whole thread, so sorry if someone already asked this, but will those of us who have already paid the year in advance receive the pack early?

Est sularis oth Mithas



So, if your credit card is accidentally denied and you don't catch it for a day or two, you're screwed? I occasionally have issues with my bank account not approving online charges that it otherwise should.



so the head isn't already part of the mutant booster? o_0



I haven't read the whole thread either. Has anyone asked about the non-combat pets that come with this? Are there screenies?



Originally Posted by Anarchist_Kitten View Post
So, if your credit card is accidentally denied and you don't catch it for a day or two, you're screwed? I occasionally have issues with my bank account not approving online charges that it otherwise should.
Pay ahead of time if you can and that's a worry to you. One of my accounts expires two days before the end of this. (One of my accounts expires two days before the end of this, and that's what I'm doing.)



Originally Posted by Anarchist_Kitten View Post
So, if your credit card is accidentally denied and you don't catch it for a day or two, you're screwed? I occasionally have issues with my bank account not approving online charges that it otherwise should.
Yes, it will mean you are screwed out of all the free stuff the rest of us are getting. This exact thing happened with my wife's account for last loyalty badge. This time we're not taking any chances and have paid in advance for both of our accounts to cover the entire duration.



I don't get why the 7 year reward is only for those who started in the first two and half months. I got the game as soon as I heard about it started in May, and have never stopped since. It seems that the 7 Year reward should go out to everyone who has played since the first year. I can understand not getting the reward until you hit your 7th year mark. I have seen many come and go in my time playing, and there are not that many of us who have been here since year one. I feel a bit slighted because I am missing this reward by a few weeks. Sorry I live in a small town, where you don't always get new releases on day one. Well that is my grip.



Originally Posted by icestrom View Post
I don't get why the 7 year reward is only for those who started in the first two and half months. I got the game as soon as I heard about it started in May, and have never stopped since. It seems that the 7 Year reward should go out to everyone who has played since the first year. I can understand not getting the reward until you hit your 7th year mark. I have seen many come and go in my time playing, and there are not that many of us who have been here since year one. I feel a bit slighted because I am missing this reward by a few weeks. Sorry I live in a small town, where you don't always get new releases on day one. Well that is my grip.
I don't think you read the announcement correctly. It's not for those who started in the first two and a half months of the game launch. It's for anyone who is subbed Feb/March of 2011.

So you'll still get it.



Sorry if this has been asked, but we have to keep our accounts active the WHOLE time for EVERY reward? Or is it one at a time?



What I don't get is why they sent the Email about this out at 6:10 pm n feb 1st if it was to late to qualify? And why in that email it just said Feb 1st to april 18th with no effective start time on Feb 1? I got the email at 6:10 on my phone and reactivated my account at 7:30 when I got home and didn't notice the 12:00:01 start time on that day til logging into the game after that. Seems a bit shady but CoX has always been good to their players so Im sure they weren't trying to trick anyone and will probably give it to anyone who signed up that day. They would probably even be willing to give it to you if the account lapsed for an hour or two due to payment issues if you are willing to go through their support people. They are a very fan friendly group and that's why I'm working on my 81 month vet badge dispite having large periods of time(at one point 7 months in a row) that I have been unable to play. People who are worried should relax and have faith that CoX and their support staff are not our to screw us. I'll let people know if I find out otherwise from them (currently had my petition getting bumped up the chain) I'll let people know.



Originally Posted by icestrom View Post
I don't get why the 7 year reward is only for those who started in the first two and half months. I got the game as soon as I heard about it started in May, and have never stopped since. It seems that the 7 Year reward should go out to everyone who has played since the first year. I can understand not getting the reward until you hit your 7th year mark. I have seen many come and go in my time playing, and there are not that many of us who have been here since year one. I feel a bit slighted because I am missing this reward by a few weeks. Sorry I live in a small town, where you don't always get new releases on day one. Well that is my grip.
The rewards are for anyone subbed from February 1st through April 18th 2011

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



It's not even funny anymore that people proudly admit they have played a specific video game for X years... just wow.

I'm guilty of it, but I don't proudly admit that. Thankfully with "that other" hero MMO going F2P, I'm no longer really caught playing CoH much. I forgot what actual dynamic content was (quit WoW a while back, too).

Still, as a last "thanks for the years, guys" I did re-sub two of my accounts for 2011, but as it's looking, it'll be the last I give 'em, as all my regular co-players have long since moved on.

Hopefully we'll get together and do "that new mission" once in a while for nostalgia's sake.

We'll see.


"Look how many pages of crap are in this thread already!" -r0y to all threads on these forums.



I look at it as the same thing as saying I've seen this band this many times live or listened to them since whenever. It is just a sign of good taste and being one of the first to hear of the thing you reference. Just like I like to see movies when they first come out and such. I mean, it's not like I am gonna waste my time going to the forums of a game I don't play anymore and don't care for and flame it's users because they are happy that they have found something they enjoy and I can't stick with something for more then a year before I realize I am not that good and move on to something else. Now, that would be really sad. Nope, I'm just a guy who enjoys CoH and is proud of having played for a long time. Though I appreciate your constructive feedback to the topic! The thumbs up is just for you!



Originally Posted by _r0y_ View Post
It's not even funny anymore that people proudly admit they have played a specific video game for X years... just wow.

I'm guilty of it, but I don't proudly admit that. Thankfully with "that other" hero MMO going F2P, I'm no longer really caught playing CoH much. I forgot what actual dynamic content was (quit WoW a while back, too).

Still, as a last "thanks for the years, guys" I did re-sub two of my accounts for 2011, but as it's looking, it'll be the last I give 'em, as all my regular co-players have long since moved on.

Hopefully we'll get together and do "that new mission" once in a while for nostalgia's sake.

We'll see.

Wait you're saying your friends left CO or CoH/V/CoHGR?



Originally Posted by _r0y_ View Post
It's not even funny anymore that people proudly admit they have played a specific video game for X years... just wow.

I'm guilty of it, but I don't proudly admit that.
Yeah, god forbid people actually be open and honest about hobbies they enjoy.



I subscribed a few minutes shy of Feb. 15, I hope they still award me the Vanguard Pack. This is a really awesome gift for all of us, I wouldn't want to miss it because I was late in subscribing because of work issues.

- You can do whatever you want to my sword, as long as it does the job.
- RMT is a scam.



Does this include the Valkyrie Costume pieces? Just noticed they're now available in my costume options....

131430 Starfare: First Contact
178774 Tales of Croatoa: A Rose By Any Other Name ( 2009 MA Best In-Canon Arc ) ( 2009 Player Awards - Best Serious Arc )



Originally Posted by Hercules View Post
Does this include the Valkyrie Costume pieces? Just noticed they're now available in my costume options....
The 7 year rewards haven't been given out yet, and won't be doled out until late April.

Did you buy the Mac Pack or a Mac license to add to your account at any point? That's the only way you should have access to the Valkyrie costume bits...

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!