Discussion: Seven Years of Super Rewards




CoX gets better and better...
Downtime for i20 patch, Vanguard loyalty pack and a little news of the next booster pack...

I'm thinking Backwear™... (Jetpacks/Rucksacks/Etc.)

Info below, QFT!

Meta's Verse: City of Heroes Nate Birkholz Interview
by Shannon Doyle, OnRPG Journalist

Originally Posted by Shannon Doyle
Is there another booster pack lined up for us in the future?
Originally Posted by Nate Birkholtz - Second Measure
We have a booster in development that we are very excited about. As always, we want to wait until everything is done to release details, but there will be the very first appearance of a popularly-requested costume feature in this pack. Before that, we will offer the classic Vanguard costume pack as a bonus for our seventh anniversary.

Nuff Said...
Coolio Wolfus leader of Coolio�s Crusaders on Union.
Tekna Logik leader of Tekna�s Tormentors on Defiant.
AE arc 402506, 'The Rise and Demise or Otherwise of Tekna Logik...'.



I originally started playing late 2008 and then let my subscription lapse for a while until by buddy says, "hey, you should get back into CoH"

So, I fund my account and THEN I see all the threads that this needed to have your account live on 2/1/11. I missed by a full 2 weeks. I'm kinda sad because I'd LOVE to have vanguard pieces available to every character - I'm a costume junkie.

If it was possible, I'd pay for a month of game time in the PAST just so I would be eligible for this.



Originally Posted by MobiuS_I View Post
I originally started playing late 2008 and then let my subscription lapse for a while until by buddy says, "hey, you should get back into CoH"

So, I fund my account and THEN I see all the threads that this needed to have your account live on 2/1/11. I missed by a full 2 weeks. I'm kinda sad because I'd LOVE to have vanguard pieces available to every character - I'm a costume junkie.

If it was possible, I'd pay for a month of game time in the PAST just so I would be eligible for this.
A redname posted this.

Discussion: Grace Period for Seven Years of Super Rewards
We announced last week that the Seven Years of Super Rewards loyalty program would begin on February 1, and end on April 18. But then we thought, "Hey, what good are rewards if everyone can't get a shot at them?" So because some of you might not have seen Tuesday's announcement or received our City of Heroes newsletter, we've set up a grace period of two weeks--which means the loyalty program will officially start on FEBRUARY 14, 2011. Players who keep an unbroken subscription from February 14 (12:01 a.m. EST / 5:01 a.m. GMT) to April 18 (11:59 p.m. EST / 4:59 a.m. GMT) will now earn the Seven Years of Super Rewards...rewards!

So be sure to have an active subscription from February 14th, and enjoy the rewards come April 28th!

You might just scrape through.



Starstryke, have you tried contacting Support about your issue? If you've maintained an account for seven years and it accidentally lapsed for three days due to a bank error, I would imagine they'll find a way to make sure you get the badge and the Vanguard pack. If they don't, then I wouldn't blame you one bit for quitting.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



The thing i just cant understand, what is a celebration if you actualy have to pay for it?

Why should have all my accounts active for 3 months flat, just to 'celebrate' this 7 year stuff? We're talking 120+ euro for something that i've been part of pretty much since the start of Beta (and EU beta).

Yeah, but u can buy the boosterpack afterwards! Yup, just like all previous, wich in avarage i payed probably twice on each account, i love the fact everything you buy in your account is called 'perk'. Nice to have dozen of 'boosters and addons', but keeping track of what you actualy buy..

Why would i 'beg' for the 'selection' in the first place? Awww he's such a loyal player and he's so sad.. lets give him anyway. Screw that, i've been a 5,5 year solid sub, but just i did not have a sub active: screw you, no gift for you.

And yes, support is giving me no reply. 'Contact Paypal, aint our fault!'. Paypal tells me its default security measures, why should i even 'beg' to get 'flagged' for this system? They should've done this by default for anyone who's been a veteran for so long.



Originally Posted by SinergyX_NA View Post
The thing i just cant understand, what is a celebration if you actualy have to pay for it?

Why should have all my accounts active for 3 months flat, just to 'celebrate' this 7 year stuff? We're talking 120+ euro for something that i've been part of pretty much since the start of Beta (and EU beta).
The reward is for people who actually play the game. If maintaining your account for a few months is a chore for you then you probably don't enjoy the game enough to celebrate it.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
That seems the most obvious one - but it could be something else
Yes, I'm guessing if it's not backpacks, it's... something else.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
The reward is for people who actually play the game. If maintaining your account for a few months is a chore for you then you probably don't enjoy the game enough to celebrate it.
So if i visit your birthday every single year, but this year i wont come, i'm no longer a friend? Ironic aint it.



If you hang out with me every single day and then call to complain about having to come over for my birthday because it's such a big chore, and detail how many hours you spend hanging out with me and how it's so much work, then you and I have problems with our friendship.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Just noticed that issue 20 'features' requires going rogue, so it already ends here. Im not gonna pay sub, and packs, and going rogue, and as cherry on the top the upcomming server-list merge.

This 'joke' gonna cost me over 200 euro, it just aint worth it anymore. And even if i had the money, paypal aint working anyhow..



Originally Posted by Coolio View Post
CoX gets better and better...
Downtime for i20 patch, Vanguard loyalty pack and a little news of the next booster pack...

I'm thinking Backwear™... (Jetpacks/Rucksacks/Etc.)

Info below, QFT!

Meta's Verse: City of Heroes Nate Birkholz Interview
by Shannon Doyle, OnRPG Journalist
Every costume/booster pack has "popularly requested costume" pieces. It doesnt sell as well when the hype states "hardly ever requested"

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by SinergyX_NA View Post
Just noticed that issue 20 'features' requires going rogue
GR has been required for the Incarnate system since the Incarnate system was first announced.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by SinergyX_NA View Post
Just noticed that issue 20 'features' requires going rogue, so it already ends here. Im not gonna pay sub, and packs, and going rogue, and as cherry on the top the upcomming server-list merge.

This 'joke' gonna cost me over 200 euro, it just aint worth it anymore. And even if i had the money, paypal aint working anyhow..
How many accounts do you have, and do you need to have every feature available on every one of them?

If 200 Euros is too much then don't keep all your accounts active, and just do without.

That people still don't get that corporations are in business to turn a profit flummoxes me.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
If you hang out with me every single day and then call to complain about having to come over for my birthday because it's such a big chore, and detail how many hours you spend hanging out with me and how it's so much work, then you and I have problems with our friendship.

I think the analogy SingeryX was going for was more like, "I'm throwing a big New Years Eve party. If you want to come, you need to call me every day in October, November and December. If you forget to call me even one day, you can't come to my party."

But even that analogy is flawed because Paragon Studios and NCSoft are not our friends. Yes, they do nice things for us from time to time, but they do those nice things with an ulterior motive - to get us to keep paying them money!

Let's say your insurance company has a customer loyalty program. If you are their customer for seven straight years they will give you a discount on your insurance. After five years you let your insurance expire, or you switch insurance companies for six months before coming back to the original company. Would you expect them to still give you their loyalty bonus two years later even though you weren't their customer for six months? No, because they're not your friend and they aren't giving you a bonus out of the goodness of their hearts.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



It's a marketing ploy obviously -- they wanted to increase revenue during those months, likely to fuel the completion of i20 and maybe some other stuff. It likely works or else they wouldn't keep doing it.

The thing is, it's a reward for people who play and enjoy the game. If keeping your game active for that time is actually a chore and you think it costs too much, then you probably don't need the associated reward either.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
It's a marketing ploy obviously -- they wanted to increase revenue during those months, likely to fuel the completion of i20 and maybe some other stuff.
I'm of the opinion that vet rewards have always been a marketing ploy, not just recently.

Before VR, there was no consequence to paying for a month when a new issue interests you, quit when bored then resub when the next issue that's of interest to you comes along. So that's lost revenue for NCSoft between resubs.

When VR was new i've seen people mention they would've quit when they burn out but instead they just stop logging in but still pay money for the rewards. When the rewards became increasingly trivial with each iteration, not sure how it sustains that incentive so the vanguard pack is probably to sweeten the deal.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
It's a marketing ploy obviously -- they wanted to increase revenue during those months, likely to fuel the completion of i20 and maybe some other stuff. It likely works or else they wouldn't keep doing it.

The thing is, it's a reward for people who play and enjoy the game. If keeping your game active for that time is actually a chore and you think it costs too much, then you probably don't need the associated reward either.
Exactly. What is baffling is how people have such a hard time with your final point (and, I guess, that is why ploys work).
I mean... for me and others who would have been subscribed this whole time... it's a reward and not a ploy. For anyone on the fence... if you're on the fence... don't let ploys sway you, hehe!!

Or, by all means... do! I'm sure they appreciate your money just as much as they do ours.

I guess some people have a hard time combining happy fun time with business.
And, some people just have a hard time with missing out... even if it isn't something they really want.


Oooh.. oooh... I'm going to go do something... If anyone wants to KNOW... they're going to have to PAY me!
(maybe it'll work)

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
How many accounts do you have, and do you need to have every feature available on every one of them?
In total i have 9 accounts, already dropped 4 when CoV kicked in. Dropped another one when Going rogue kicked in, but with the current content (I19 and 20), you are pretty much forced to get GR also.

I never had acces to 50+ character slots (unrelated to server, related to language), if i would have stayed on US from the start i never had a single issue, i would have had 1 account (ok 2..).

Gaps between my subs vary from a day upto 2 weeks, mostly related waiting for reply from support and Paypal (as i cant make paypal payments), i highly doubt they will give me the reward anyway.



Thanks to Diggis and Mousedroid for the replies. And no, I havent contacted support yet. When the ATM fiasco first happened it didnt dawn on me that the badge was part of the Vanguard Booster promotion, I thought it was the separate badge that they give out every May. I didnt realize until recently they were bundled together. That said I can try it, but some of the others posting here have indicated that hasnt helped them. So, I think I'll try that and hope for a good resolution, but if it doesnt work out *sigh* I am out of here.



as an update I got an email saying that my account had "ensured that your account had been cleared for inclusion to the current promotion". Sooooo, keeping my fingers crossed, but it looks promising!



So for some reason My payment for CoX didn't go though. i was playing logged off to change toons and then couldn't get back on. I Immediately went to my Master account and paid for it. My account was down for less than an hour so will i be excluded because of this?

[url="http://teenage-kid.deviantart.com/"]My Da page![/url]
Ninja-Bee- 50 Ninja/Dark MM
Aqurian Draconum- 50 Archery/Fire Blaster
Korrawi- 50 Super Strength/Invulnerability Tank Plus many others!



That question has been answered elsewhere several times. You will not be excluded if your account goes down and back up in the same day.



Originally Posted by SinergyX_NA View Post
In total i have 9 accounts, already dropped 4 when CoV kicked in. Dropped another one when Going rogue kicked in, but with the current content (I19 and 20), you are pretty much forced to get GR also.
9 accounts? You actually need 9 accounts? Considering one can have up to 36 toons per account, does that mean you're running over 300 toons regularly enough to keep them all?

Man, and I thought I had severe altitis....



So with this supposedly happening today will there be downtime for maintenance or will this happen with a flip of a switch?

All the servers are up and running so didn't know if they would take the servers down to award everyone their goodies.

Dragon-King First level 50 -- Fire/Nrg Blaster
(and to many alts to mention)
Originally by Arcanaville: Everything in Praetoria was designed during a drinking binge in which the devs temporarily forgot the rules.