
Caped Keeper of Mids'
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  1. Why not just use /demorecord? The lack of a server won't break demo playback as long as you keep the client files. <.<
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
    Still trying to find a work around to make 3DX Ripper work. If someone is running on Windows XP or is using DirectX 9 it's a possible they could go through each zone and carefully "rip" the models so they could be recreated in Blender.
    This doesn't need to happen. All the model data is in the PIGGs and the formats are known.
  3. All that map data is in the client files.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CuppaManga View Post
    The players, mostly. There's no way a game like CoH can be made in 3 months. By the time it's done, the players will be long gone somewhere else, and out of contact. Also, possibly some other game company with more people and money will have beat us to it.
    I made a 3D model editor in one month's time. That's kind of similar.
  5. Based on how I had budgeted for excessive CoH, I'd pitch in $1k.
  6. Sure. Right-click a power to lock it in the info view, then right-click and enhancement and apply your enhancement boosters with the + and - keys, and watch the numbers change. :P
  7. DeProgrammer

    Titan Sentinel

    An update to the software is coming, but it's not ready yet.
  8. Regarding responses to Build-Up being replaced by Soul Drain:

    (Using Broad Sword as an example, and assuming powers are enhanced for +99% damage)
    Build Up is 10 seconds of 80% damage buff, but about 1 second is lost to its animation time.
    Do 1125 damage with Assassin's Slash, 4.7 seconds after Build Up's boost began
    Do 444 damage with Head Splitter, 7 seconds after Build Up's boost began
    Do 335 with Disembowel, 8.8 seconds after Build Up's boost began
    And do 171 with Slash, maybe, 9.8 seconds after Build Up's boost began

    OR, with Soul Drain instead of Build Up,

    Do 803 damage with Assassin's Slash
    ~60 with Soul Drain, which gives you 30 seconds worth of 40% to 88% damage buff, depending on the number of targets hit, with maybe about 1.5 seconds lost to cast time
    (Let's assume 6 targets hit from here out: the same damage buff as Build Up, except it lasts 3 times as long)
    Costs you 322 damage from Assassin's Slash
    Adds 128 to each Head Splitter, which can be cast about 3 times in 30 seconds
    Adds 96 to each Disembowel, which can be cast about 4 times in 30 seconds

    The extra two Head Splitters and just one extra Disembowel is enough to outweigh the amount lost on Assassin's Slash as compared to Build Up's bonus. But you can also fit probably 5 Slashes in there plus some other attacks (maybe even Placate and another Assassin's Slash!) before Soul Drain wears off.

    Maybe it should be Soul Drain with Brute buff numbers instead of Scrapper buff numbers. 50%-110% is nicer than 40%-88%.
  9. Mwahahaha.

    My text got changed the second time because I was told to ask if I wanted a different title. I'm blaming the first change on post #9. :P
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Giant2005 View Post
    I too can't see Destiny Powers.
    That bug is fixed for the next version.

    The enhancement-placing lag issue has been remedied.
  11. I believe I've identified the source of this lag issue, and we'll try to make sure it's fixed in the next release.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
    Funny one those, dispite wrong title, its the first one i see that really adds something to just a 'build dump'
    Entirely deliberate, my dear sir.

    All opinions considered, I think they should disable this forum for the time being and re-purpose it specifically for Free players (or just new players in general). It'd be great if we could actually get a bunch of topics in a similar format to mine (not saying that mine's perfect).
  13. On the syntax debate, it would make the most sense to order by how much each part narrows down your results--since there are the most powersets, a powerset would be listed first, and since PvP/PvE is only two possibilities (tied with Mids' build included/excluded), it would be last. Then again, PvP/PvE are of set length, so it's just as easy to read everything else and easier to read PvP/PvE if you put it at the beginning.
    If there were any optional properties (such as a specific purpose), it should be last so as to not interrupt the constancy. Anyway, a "build without IOs included" property would also be a great one to add into the titles for free and premium players. And since people will very rarely, if ever, be searching for a "no Mids' build included", it should be acceptable to leave "Mids' build included" out (but don't leave out "no Mids' build").

    PvE Powerset/Powerset Archetype (No IOs, for soloing)
  14. EM Pulse causes an endurance crash, which is counterproductive since it detoggles your debuffs for a bare minimum of 5.5 seconds (with Hasten and Accelerate Metabolism plus the cast time of Enervating Field plus a Catch-a-Breath) without outside help. Oppressive Gloom is a defense that costs very little.

    What power would you want to drop in order to also take Super Speed? I liked every power in this build more than I liked extra stealth.

    Edit: Oooh. EM Pulse DOESN'T cause an endurance crash, it only drops recovery. So while it may drain your endurance, if you've got a good amount when you fire it off, it won't detoggle your buffs. Perhaps I would replace Beanbag with EM Pulse, then, and change Oppressive Gloom to Super Speed for that stealth.
  15. My title...I didn't ask for it, I didn't choose it, and I didn't put it there. Haha. I requested a change.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
    THANK YOU! That's been bedeviling me for a long time -- the Titan Network folks appear to have it right, but the overwhelmingly random general usage on the forums made me doubt which was correct.
    I said that, too, on the first page!

    So, in protest to the title format (it's too wordy and doesn't allow for details), and in accordance with SinergyX_EU's post, I've posted a topic specifically for Free players!
  17. Description: Assault Rifle has a pretty good number of AoE (area of effect) attacks. Radiation Emission is a wonderful grab-bag of buffs, debuffs, and other abilities. Together, they make a rather well-rounded build for team play, as well as a formidable solo build. This topic contains an Assault Rifle/Radiation Emission Corruptor build using no Invention Origin enhancements (IOs) so that Free and Premium players get the most out of it. The topic is written so as to help Free and Premium players familiarize themselves with common jargon.

    Once you have downloaded, installed, and opened Mids' Hero and Villain Designer, copy the following "data chunk", go to Mids', hold Control, and press the I key.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

    Description of each power:

    Burst is single-target damage. Use it and Slug to fill the gaps in your attack chain.

    Radiant Aura is a heal that works on both you and your allies. Some people put this power on auto-fire, but it drives a lot of players crazy when they're using it out-of-combat. When you're fighting, if your team is taking damage, feel free to use it.

    Slug is single-target damage. Use it and Burst to fill the gaps in your attack chain.

    Radiation Infection is a powerful debuff. It makes foes easier to hit (-Defense) and makes it much harder for them to hit you (-ToHit). This will usually be the first power you activate in combat.

    Buckshot doesn't use a lot of end (Endurance) for the amount of damage it deals to enemies in a cone-shaped area. It's also a very quick power, but it does KB (knockback), so avoid using it from within a group of enemies since it will spread them out. This will probably be your most frequently-used attack when you're fighting more than one mob (foe--short for mobile entity).

    Accelerate Metabolism is a great team buff. If you're soloing, use it whenever it's recharged. If you're on a team, either tell your teammates that it's recharged or get as close as you can to the largest group of people in your team before activating it.

    Enervating Field costs a lot of endurance, so you probably shouldn't use it when you're running low. It reduces the amount of damage enemies deal, as well as making them take more damage when they are attacked (-Resistance). As long as you're not running out of endurance, use this power frequently.

    M30 Grenade is endurance-heavy, but it can hit more targets than other AoE attacks. Because it knocks enemies back, and excessive knockback drives many players crazy, avoid using it from within a group of enemies.

    Combat Jumping is immobilize protection and a tiny bit of defense for a very low endurance cost. It's actually quite useful for hopping around mid-combat to position yourself for optimal use of your other powers.

    If an ally is defeated, resurrect them with Mutation. If you have Fallout and your defeated ally is near a group of enemies, use Fallout before Mutation.

    Flamethrower is a bit of a strange power. It costs a lot of endurance, has a short but wide range, and takes seven seconds for its damage to be fully dealt, but it has high base accuracy and its damage type isn't resisted as commonly as Lethal is. Because Corruptors' inherent ability, Scourge, depends on enemies having low health, and due to Flamethrower's DoT (damage over time) nature, it is best used near the beginning of a fight, after Full Auto.

    Lingering Radiation makes your foes move more slowly (Slow), attack less frequently (-Rech), and regenerate health less quickly (-Regen). It's especially useful on enemies of the AV (Archvillain) class or higher.

    Super Jump is your out-of-combat travel power. Don't use it when you're fighting. It cannot be active at the same time as Combat Jumping, so you can click Combat Jumping to turn off Super Jump and vice versa.

    If you are fighting enemies that have knockback or holds, which are quite common, keep Acrobatics toggled on.

    Use Hasten whenever it is recharged, unless you're not in a fight. It makes all your powers recharge more quickly.

    Stealth is intended for stealth. It slows you down and costs quite a bit of endurance for a tiny defense boost, so you should avoid using it in combat. Instead, make use of it when you want to skip to the last room on a mission map--and make sure Oppressive Gloom is off when you do so, because attacking and being attacked make the stealth effect shut off for a while.

    Super Speed stacks with stealth to make you much harder to detect.

    As an Assault Rifle character, Full Auto is your pride and joy. It does high damage to up to ten enemies in a very long arc, it has high base accuracy, and it uses little endurance relative to the amount of damage it deals.

    Dark Consumption will help you keep your endurance up, since Radiation Emission is a rather endurance-heavy powerset. Make sure your nearby foes have Radiation Infection applied to them before using this power, and it's best to use it near at least three foes.

    Fallout is a very powerful debuff and nuke that you can use when a teammate falls in battle. In a tough fight, try to avoid being defeated before your teammates are, so that you can use it on them.

    Dark Embrace should always be on. Almost all foes do smashing damage, and this power reduces incoming smashing damage by about 32% when enhanced.

    Soul Transfer is a powerful self-rez which stuns just about any foe that isn't an Archvillain or higher class. Its stun aspect is insignificant if you are not on a team, because the power also renders you untouchable for 15 seconds, which is longer than the foe stun lasts unless it's enhanced at least 58%.

    EM Pulse is a powerful regeneration debuff (making it useful for Archvillains, Monsters, Giant Monsters, etc.), a nice hold with a 50% chance to hold Bosses, and an excellent endurance drain and recovery debuff (meaning foes will be unable to use their powers for a while). However, it has a recovery crash, meaning that you cannot automatically recover endurance for the next 15 seconds. Use this power when you are not low on endurance, preferably when Dark Consumption is recharged.

    Make sure Radiation Infection is on your nearest foes before using Soul Drain on them. This is also a power which is best used in a large group of foes at the beginning of a fight, before Full Auto. Use Combat Jumping to hop into and then back away from the group for this.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
    So for who is the forum actualy made?

    All fun and stuff, but new players and f2p veterans have little to no use in this forums, IO's and Incarnate are unavailable to them. Most builds with IO's are made to have certain 'dump powers', not making them that efficient for non-IO players.

    Then look at the 3 topics currently in this forum:
    1. Only a mid-export dump
    2. Short forum and export dump
    3. FULL forum and export dump

    Not only people are overwhelmed by the huge list of information, there is no info about the exact usage of the build or purpose of the build (farmer, pvp, casual, cheap, max recharge etc).

    And even if people ever get IO acces, you even seen the IO's used? Apocolypse, Kin Combat, Lotg's and Hami-O's, whats the freaking use for that on a avarage player?

    Like you said:


    Asume, in time, this forum will be filled with non-confirming-the-format-topics of freaking expensive IO-set builds, how can new people search in that? In the AT topics there are only AT-related builds, only AT-related questions. This will just be a dump-place for anyone who made up some fictional build in Mid's without _any_ reason or explenation why the build was made this way.

    Looking back at the guides (though some old), several great players even gave several builds in their guide, from SO's for 20/32/50 builds to IO builds and even the 'freaking expensive but perma-stuff' IO builds. They gave hints and tips, variations on certain sets due whatever reason, that is stuff new players want to read, not some dump-hole of fictional builds.
    That's kind of a hard-hitting point. Perhaps the forum should be repurposed for specifically SO-based (and Hami-O?) builds without pay-for powersets.
  19. What did people do before when they wanted a character of X variety but didn't know whether it should be a specific archetype?

    I actually think the archetypes should be subforums of this forum, with the more general discussion going on in here, or perhaps with completed builds going in the archetype forums. Something like that would clutter up the English message boards page a bit less.

    Also, officially, Mids' has the apostrophe after the S. The guy who started it called himself Mids. And maybe we should get a sticky on the Mids' topic so it won't be engulfed in builds!
  20. For great Street Justice! (Darn you, Zwillinger.)

    MidsÂ’ Hero/Villain Designer 1.952 - October 2011

    New features:
    • Street Justice has been added

    Fixes & changes:
    • Stalker / Energy Aura / Disrupt no longer has its repel and knockback effects
    • The Set Bonus Finder no longer miscounts enhancements required for an effect.

    Known issues:
    • Windows Vista and Windows 7 have issues with the updater due to UAC interfering with writing to the Program Files folder. Many of these problems can be resolved by (a) installing as Administrator, (b) running Mids as Administrator, or (c) installing Mids to a location other than the Program Files folder.
    • Diminishing Returns for PvP mode have not yet been added; all buffs currently show their full, unmodified values.
    • The Power Graphs for the current build do not display effects for pseudo-pet powers like Ice Storm. This does not affect the Powerset Comparison, which is now fully aware of pseudo-pets.
    • Power Boost affects some powers that should ignore its buffs, such as Ice Shields.
    • Temporary and Accolade powers are not being affected by buffs such as recharge rate.
    • In some cases, the Reactive Interface DoT damage doesn't correctly factor in the CancelOnMiss for the damage, resulting in slightly higher damage being reported.