Discussion: Seven Years of Super Rewards




Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
The 7 year rewards haven't been given out yet, and won't be doled out until late April.

Did you buy the Mac Pack or a Mac license to add to your account at any point? That's the only way you should have access to the Valkyrie costume bits...
Nope, havent bought any packs recently. Not sure why I received these new items, but I'm not complaining.

131430 Starfare: First Contact
178774 Tales of Croatoa: A Rose By Any Other Name ( 2009 MA Best In-Canon Arc ) ( 2009 Player Awards - Best Serious Arc )



Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
Right now only the reverse is possible. Using Vanguard weapons to mimic elemental weapons. Works well though!

ahhh g*d damit women..now i want to make a claws something lol



Originally Posted by HardRider View Post
ahhh g*d damit women..now i want to make a claws something lol
Well why not? Claws is a good set.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



So, for those of us who rejoined after February 1, we're out of luck?



This really isn't fair to those of us who choose to renew manually.



Originally Posted by American_Angel View Post
This really isn't fair to those of us who choose to renew manually.
Not true - plenty of fair warning was given about the 7YEARS rewards, and also.. all you have to do is manually renew before your current sub runs out...

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Originally Posted by American_Angel View Post
This really isn't fair to those of us who choose to renew manually.
I renew manually, I don't see what the issue is. Unless you let your account lapse and stay inactive for a whole day you wouldn't have a gap in your paid time.

In fact you could even make your next payment a day or two early so that's not even an issue. Which is what I did.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



okay so I am not complaining seeing as we get this stuff for free, but wish this top was available, both in general and definitely as part of the pack (or even just for those of us that maintained the account)

also the thing says for maintaining the account through april 18th but then says we get the stuff on april 28th so is that a typo or do we truely get the stuff 10 days after technically earning it? again not a complaint just an inquiry.



This post was quoted in another thread, and I noticed something minor, and thought I'd ask for clarification.

Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
What is Account-Wide?
  • All Vanguard costume pieces that can be purchased via Vanguard Merits in-game today.

Everything else not explicitly listed above, is still on a per-character basis, and still requires Vanguard Merits. (e.g., additional inventory space, curse-breaker, HVAS, Gr'ai Matter).
The gloves aren't purchasable (they're a mission reward partway through the arc that unlocks the ability to earn Vanguard Merits), and they're not "explixitly listed above".

Is it safe to assume that they'll be included in the pack? I assume they will be, but wanted to ask, just in case someone forgot them, because they're not a purchase.




I think, overall, its a great idea. I wish that for those who already unlocked all the costumparts conventionally could be re-embursed for their v-merit equivalents. These took some work to unlock - a lot like the defeat badges.

For example: If you spent 250 v-merits on the helmet (not sure about that price but, w/e), you would be awarded those 250 merits back at the end of the time frame for the 7yr loyalty pact.

Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server



I can haz free transfers?

/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.
Originally Posted by Nights_Dawn View Post
Hazy is right
Can't get enough Hazy? /chanjoin robo's lounge today!



I realise that getting these items for free is great (especially as i love the Vanguard gear) but would it be too much to ask for a quick Vanguard Mace to be made. It's the only weapon in the game to not have a Vanguard option and it would make my brute look soooo much better in his Vanguard threads. I don't know how long that would take to do but frankly i'd be willing to pay for one if thats what it takes.



Originally Posted by Papaknowlesarou View Post
I realise that getting these items for free is great (especially as i love the Vanguard gear) but would it be too much to ask for a quick Vanguard Mace to be made. It's the only weapon in the game to not have a Vanguard option and it would make my brute look soooo much better in his Vanguard threads. I don't know how long that would take to do but frankly i'd be willing to pay for one if thats what it takes.
The only weapon? *eyes the empty slot for Vanguard Pistols, and also looks at his lack of a Vanguard Energy Rifle on his Robotics MM* ... maybe the only weapon that matters to you personally, but mace is not the only weapon not to get a Vanguard Weapon.



So 3 months, 4 accounts, roughly 150 euro for just these packs? No thx.

Rather see account-merges, account-character-transfer or alike then stuff like this.



Originally Posted by SinergyX_NA View Post
So 3 months, 4 accounts, roughly 150 euro for just these packs? No thx.

Rather see account-merges, account-character-transfer or alike then stuff like this.
Yes, because the 150 quids worth of subs is solely for this, it's nothing to do with game access or anything like that.

Account character transfers, which i'd love too, could be tricky in terms of doing it in a way which doesn't encourage Real Money Character selling and the like.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
Yes, because the 150 quids worth of subs is solely for this, it's nothing to do with game access or anything like that.

Account character transfers, which i'd love too, could be tricky in terms of doing it in a way which doesn't encourage Real Money Character selling and the like.
It is, why else would i keep 4 accounts fully active for 3 months straight, when i can only play one at a time? At top i have 2 accounts active at any given moment, US and a EU one. I wouldnt mind a certain date, when your account has to be active (as that 'other game' does), but a full period of time for 'a wonderful 7yr reward' is plain bullocks.

Apart from the fact NCsoft still bugging up my paypal payments, making it nearly impossible to keep 4 accounts active at any given time.

And why would account transer be bad? It will only affect those who need it, specialy with the upcomming merge. Majority doesnt even have a 2nd account, let alone a 3rd or 4th. (and for 'abuse' its simple, only transfers within a Masteraccount can be done).



Well, for one thing - if people (like you) could transfer characters you like from those two accounts you don't play much, then those people might cancel those accounts and NCSoft would lose that subscription income.

Would you pay for account transfers? Would you pay the equivalent of one month's subscription for each transfer? Because that's the only way I ever see it happening. If you're hoping for free transfers, I think you'd be as well off wishing for a flying pony.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
Well, for one thing - if people (like you) could transfer characters you like from those two accounts you don't play much, then those people might cancel those accounts and NCSoft would lose that subscription income.

Would you pay for account transfers? Would you pay the equivalent of one month's subscription for each transfer? Because that's the only way I ever see it happening. If you're hoping for free transfers, I think you'd be as well off wishing for a flying pony.
One way or another, they will loose at least 2 subs from my side once the 'acces to all' opens up, alike all other EU&US players that now can play with just 1 account. Why would i pay twice for a sub that can acces both? Each month i'm paying quadruple now, i could've transfer 1 character, leaving me eventualy with just 1 account to play on any server.

So yes, i would serious pay a month-fee for a transfer, i would several without a doubt.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I renew manually, I don't see what the issue is. Unless you let your account lapse and stay inactive for a whole day you wouldn't have a gap in your paid time.

In fact you could even make your next payment a day or two early so that's not even an issue. Which is what I did.
I didn't think it would be a problem, either. But things got kind of hectic for a few days and next thing I know I have an account expired email

I renewed it shortly after I found out, was far less than 24 hours. Does that still count as an uninterrupted account? Or am I out of luck on earning the pack because my account lapsed for half an hour?



Originally Posted by Isa View Post
I didn't think it would be a problem, either. But things got kind of hectic for a few days and next thing I know I have an account expired email

I renewed it shortly after I found out, was far less than 24 hours. Does that still count as an uninterrupted account? Or am I out of luck on earning the pack because my account lapsed for half an hour?
Things got hectic for me too. PayPal wouldn't let my payment go through. I went to renew a few days early and it kept disallowing. And PayPal support aren't very helpful. I went another method to get it done on time.

But I was also told by some friends that if you email NCSoft support about the issue they'll flag you for continuation if you were trying.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Things got hectic for me too. PayPal wouldn't let my payment go through. I went to renew a few days early and it kept disallowing. And PayPal support aren't very helpful. I went another method to get it done on time.

But I was also told by some friends that if you email NCSoft support about the issue they'll flag you for continuation if you were trying.
Actualy, its NCsoft's system that is borking up, due Paypal's security features. After payment, random payments are set under 'investigation' for a quick review by Paypal, but this 'state' is returned to NCsoft's system and will flag it as 'failed'.

In short, Paypal cant change their random check (or their security), NCsoft wont change their 'payment response' handling. Support told me to contact Paypal, Paypal says its NCsoft not accepting a 'under investigation' payment. Short, i'm borked and missing the 7year boat on all my accounts.

Strangly enough, Ncsoft is the _only_ company i ever seen that rejects such payments, and i've done tons of payments with Paypal.



Originally Posted by TheSin View Post
Actualy, its NCsoft's system that is borking up, due Paypal's security features. After payment, random payments are set under 'investigation' for a quick review by Paypal, but this 'state' is returned to NCsoft's system and will flag it as 'failed'.

In short, Paypal cant change their random check (or their security), NCsoft wont change their 'payment response' handling. Support told me to contact Paypal, Paypal says its NCsoft not accepting a 'under investigation' payment. Short, i'm borked and missing the 7year boat on all my accounts.

Strangly enough, Ncsoft is the _only_ company i ever seen that rejects such payments, and i've done tons of payments with Paypal.
Contact NCSoft support, inform them of the issue and that you've been trying to make payments. See if they'll flag you for the 7year stuff anyway (fuss if they don't, escalate it if you have to). It's beyond your control.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
Define Active/Uninterrupted
Let's say your subscription gets renewed on 3/1. This is fine. As long as your account is active each day from 2/1 to 4/18, you're eligible. You'd be ineligible if say, you cancelled your account on 2/28, then waited until 3/1 to turn it back on.
OK, I think I am totally screwed here.......

I made a large withdrawal (for me anyways) from an ATM on a Saturday a couple of weeks ago. The problem is due to some technical glitch it did it twice, overdrawing my account. The problem was fixed by Wednesday of the next week, but of course my CoX main account was due on (you guessed it) Sunday. I was extremely busy that weekend and just mentally threw up my hands and resigned myself to having to buy the Vanguard pack instead of getting it for free. Annoying, but I can deal with that. Now as I understand it the Constant Badge isnt the version of the anniversary badge they give out every May, it's actually bundled with the deal with the Vanguard Pack? Is that correct?!?

I guess I need clarify something. I am a MAJOR badge junkie. I have always made sure I had my badge character on for every special event, every limited offer going all the way back to year one. Badges and a close group of friends are the only things that have kept me interested in CoX at points over the years Im losing IG friends over a RL relationship so now I find that it's a real possibility that I will NEVER be able to earn this badge because of a retarded ATM? Someone tell me this isnt happening? I suppose as sad as it is, if this is the truth my time here is probably done. I know that my stupid OCD badge fixation may seem shallow, but it keeps me interested and having fun. I hope it isnt as bad as it seems.....confirmation please? Are there any options? Or possibly will there be a way to earn it ingame down the road ala' the xmas badges from past years being able to be bought at current xmas events? I dont really care about the other stuff, just the badge. ill probably buy the vanguard booster if possible, but the badge is the dealbreaker for me.



Originally Posted by Starstryke View Post
I guess I need clarify something. I am a MAJOR badge junkie. I have always made sure I had my badge character on for every special event, every limited offer going all the way back to year one. Badges and a close group of friends are the only things that have kept me interested in CoX at points over the years Im losing IG friends over a RL relationship so now I find that it's a real possibility that I will NEVER be able to earn this badge because of a retarded ATM? Someone tell me this isnt happening? I suppose as sad as it is, if this is the truth my time here is probably done. I know that my stupid OCD badge fixation may seem shallow, but it keeps me interested and having fun. I hope it isnt as bad as it seems.....confirmation please? Are there any options? Or possibly will there be a way to earn it ingame down the road ala' the xmas badges from past years being able to be bought at current xmas events? I dont really care about the other stuff, just the badge. ill probably buy the vanguard booster if possible, but the badge is the dealbreaker for me.
Pretty sure the answer isn't the one you want...