3+ Year Veterans: Why do you stay?




Short of one gap (over a dispute with NCsoft), I've been here since the
original beta.

My reasons probably mirror everyone elses.

1> The game concept (classic comic book heroes & villains) intrigues me
more than (woefully overdone) mythical elves and dragons.

2> The friend of mine who originally talked me into playing the game (I'm
not, by nature an MMO guy) is still here and we duo together weekly

3> Replayability is off the charts: By that I mean, that no two ATs play
the same way - sometimes even 2 of the same AT play differently
(especially true for Khelds). While some of the missions and whatnot get
pretty dull, the ATs and powersets differ enough to stay engaging.
Unsurprisingly, I have a lot of alts...

4> It's solo friendly (which I do 90%+ of the time). I prefer standalone PC
games over MMO's generally, but this one is solo-friendly enough that I
can treat it like a standalone -- I like that.

5> Cost - that recurring payment was the biggest sticking point for me.
However, my friend, putting it in perspective of a couple mixed drinks at a
bar covering the entire month of play, finally convinced me that the cost
was tolerable.

6> Forums/Community: In game, most folks don't even know I'm there (by
my own intent), so the forums are the "social content" of the game for
me, and by and large, there is a very diverse, and interesting group of
(mostly) intelligent and friendly people - I like that part too.

For me, it all adds up to sticking around awhile...


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



My boyfriend's nearing his 60 month anniversary, while I'm around 45+.

Not long after finally giving in and becoming addicted to this game, I gave up my 20-year-long weekly comic book habit because it had become more fun playing this game than reading the same ol' titles, same ol' stories, month after month. Considering my monthly comic bill used to be closer to $100 a month, I honestly think of this game as saving me money. I'm still in a hero-verse, but I get to play my characters and tell my stories, my way. IOW, I treat CoH as my own sandbox MMO.




75 month vet. Although I benefited a great deal from their recalculation of vet numbers; I was gone for more than a year at one point.

Something like 42 month vet on my 2nd account... I think? Can I add them together and call myself a 117 month vet?

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



72 Month Vet here. I stay because it's still fun, really.

I haven't made any lasting friendships (yet?), but the game seems to attract the types of people I like.



78 month vet. Longer if you count closed beta. A whole lot longer when I include the pre-game following of the development and community forums.

My reasons are similar to others.

I like to play MMO's for gaming fun, and the social interaction that comes with it.

The game is science fiction in nature and modern in period instead of high fantasy. I get to use plasma and nanobots instead of magic missles or relic swords.

The game concept is based on comic book heroes & villains. I've always enjoyed comic books. This game allows me to be a hero in a way that superhero RPG's like Champions allowed me to play them.

The friends I've made, and continue to make, who share a common interest in gaming and having fun within MMO's.

It's solo friendly. I don't have to team if I don't want to. I enjoy teaming, but there are times when I'm just as happy to do a few missions by myself.

Forums/Community: the community and Devs have found a common ground that fosters a positive environment for its players.

- B.

Crey Threat Assessment: Bayne
Virtueverse: Bayne
The Defenders of Paragon



78 on my main account around 70? on my second account. The reason I stay is I am still having fun. I consider around $30 a month cheap for the amount of entertainment the game provides. I do a little of everything the game offers so when I get bored with one aspect I just focus on another for awhile. I also love making new characters and each one has to get to level 30 at least so I can see how they play.



Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
I stay because they won't have me anywhere else. That, and I like Cai's avatar.



I love superheroes, so I was in the game on day one. I'm still here because I love the customization (both costumes and powers), the powerset and combinations, and the combat action. Also, it's a great community. Love you guys; mean it!


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



I love playing Superhero and I've made a couple of very good friends here. Most of my buddies have departed for other games but there are a few of us still hanging around.

I can solo, I can team, I can rp or not. I still find something new to do when I log in. I don't log in as much as I used to but it's nice to know its there when I get the itch to be heroic.



Been here since the day CoH went retail. At first it was something new and I made a lot of friends. I used to have much more time to play and having a strong SG of active people kept me entertained. For the money $15 a month was a small investment considering the hours I spent playing.

Now I don't have as near as much time to play, most of my earlier friends stay greyed out, but for $15 a month it's still a good investment. I've taken breaks from time to time due to real life or slight case of burnout, but I always come back. As long as theres something new for me to try out, a new powerset combo, changes to powersets, new task forces/ strike forces, new costumes to customize my characters, and a great community, I'll probably still be around.

Spines/ D A lvl 50 Scrap, stone/wm lvl 50 tank, Kat/reg lvl 50 Scrap
Grav/Kin lvl 50 Cont, Fire/Enegry lvl 50 Blast
Warshade lvl 50, PB lvl 39, nightwidow lvl 50, crab lvl 42
plant/thorns lvl 50 dom, ice/fire lvl 40 dom, grav/nrg lvl 41 dom



It's a fun superhero game.

And it generally fits my play style nicely, except for the team-oriented stuff. And if I could put up with bypassing the team-oriented stuff for the first couple years, I can certainly put up with it now.



Been here a long time, some might say too long. I have enjoyed the game and many aspects of it. But ask the question at a later time and the answer maybe different. Much displeasure with the current direction the game has turned, I hope it is a passing phase.

American Valor,
Sentinel of Liberty

by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG



75 month vet, closing on 78.

Why am I still here?

Because I'm still having fun, dude.

And I can't wait to see what they come up with next.

Final Straw, DM/Regen Scrapper
Solari, Fire/Fire Blaster
Real Americana, MA/SR Scrapper
Task Force Timmy, Grav/Rad Controller
Astral Paragon, Spines/Regen Scrapper
Mr Drama King, Katana/Regen Scrapper
Psi-Stunner, Psi/Mental Blaster



I primarily stay for 2 reasons: the people in my Supergroup and the fact that no other MMO has done as good of a job representing the superhero genre.

Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of aspects of this game that I object to because I don't feel they belong in the genre (mostly for aesthetic reasons-- Wentworth's and the AE are themed very poorly, and I have to handwave their existence to use them). But other games, while doing a few things better, overall get even less right.

That's my simplified answer. There are a lot more reasons that matter, but not as much as those two, including the community, the fun of the combat, investment in my characters, and belief that we have some of the best devs in the industry.

Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)



I enjoy them game, as far as MMOs go, its just about perfect for my casual game style needs.

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



I first got into online gaming when we originally got Broadband and GW was the original game, (beta invite popped through the door) which lasted two weeks. when that finished, I thought 'there must be other games out there'.
One search later turned up CoH EU beta. I thought I would give that a try, nearly SIX years later I am still here. I made so many friends in the beta, that I could not just leave.
As to what keeps me here (once again) the Community. I have now enticed my partner to play (herself a 3 year vet now). no signs of flagging at all.

My other half can be heard on Monday night between 8pm til 10pm (uk time)
as a DJ for www.roguesradio.com
I myself do make a rare appearance from time to time - work permitting.

take care y'all and see you in the city




I stay because simply it is the best game I own. I have an emotional investment in my main toon, and the story. While I may take a break from time to time, I'll always return. And I'll be here until the day the servers shut down and COH2 opens.

Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster

That Stinging Sensation #482183



36 months, and lately it's the MA and related community that keeps me around.



Closing in on 63 months here and I still play the game at least 3 times a week (even in my busy season when I can log as many as 70 hours+ a week at work).

Simply put I love this game. Always dreamed I could fly when I was a kid and now I can. . . And Super Jump (love Super Jump). . . and super speed. . .and so on and so on. I enjoy playing my 50's more than anything else, especially when I have their builds just right and can ramp up the challenge.

You guys on the forum entertain me relentlessly. I dont post much but I check the forums at least once a day (come on closed beta invite).

And while my entire SG now sits empty, once it was filled with RL friends and online friends, and most of time is spent soloing, i still love the community in game. For the most part, the people that play this game are friendly, helpful, and the embodiment of the comic book hero. I have never played a game where the chatter is as much fun and spirited as the game itself!



Originally Posted by Mirai View Post
It's a fun superhero game.

And it generally fits my play style nicely, except for the team-oriented stuff. And if I could put up with bypassing the team-oriented stuff for the first couple years, I can certainly put up with it now.
This, and...

I love my female characters. A few more polygons to refine the curves a bit more and I won't need to subscribe to all those po... uh, never mind. But, I have always preferred reading about the heroines more than the heroes. Now I can have tailored-made heroines do my bidding, er, be super with their own stories of my creation (within the confines of the game at least).

I do play fantasy MMOs on occasion (more off than on, though). I've been a long time table-top gamer, and computer multiplayer gamer for a long time (its been there longer than you might think).

But I find that this so-called CoX community is quite cliquish. I switched servers to Virtue to find more RP in playing the game, and except for bio's being more likely written, the RP community is very cliquish and either all-RP-all-the-time or none at all. I've gone back to my original server (Champion) more often and not bother with teaming at all. I've played for hours, even on Freedom, without a team invite or even a tell. And if a PUG barely says anything I leave after a mission. I've tried to banter and blather , too often to no avail.

I want chatter and banter, people!

Oh, and global channels... drama llamas, trolls, the overly-sensitive "can't say ANYTHING bad no matter how truthful" carebears, and overzealous channel mods has had me quit those, too.

At least my characters talk back to me.



this game has just interested me more because of the mechanics (ive been here for 51 months)

i dislike other games because after a certain point its just grind grind grind, and i can only grind so much, i need content too (example of a game which failed in this aspect is asda story, lvl cap is like 85, content basically ends at 40, after that its raids and grinding, example of grind is i saw a screenshot of someone who was at lvl 59 and 1.5 mil xp was only like .02% of the amount needed to get to 60)

i like this game because it doesnt require the gear system like other games do, its a LOT more free in terms of how you slot the toon

i also like this game for the variability in builds, this game gives you tons of options and it doesnt take forever in a day to lvl



My electronic family is all here. I cannot imagine my life without the folks that play on Protector. They (even though we're all crazy) keep me sane.

Plus, I love my new kin brute. VROOM VROOM!!

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!