3+ Year Veterans: Why do you stay?




CoH was my first MMORPG. I'm very glad that it was. In some ways, it's spoiled me for other games.

I can easily enjoy my preferred playstyle here. I can solo. I can duo. Maybe team up with a couple of friends once in a while. I can RP when I feel like it. I'm easily able to ignore parts of the game that don't interest me (crafting, marketeering, PvP, CoV). It's casual-friendly, and therefore, still fun for me.

I like making characters and seeing them come to life. I'm very fond of the characters I've made here. The costume creator is fun all on its own. I love to come up with a concept and make it happen.

I've met some amazing people here. I'll soon be marrying one of them. A couple of the friends I made here will be attending the wedding (and flying across the Pacific to do so). The folks I have had the pleasure of meeting in CoH are generous, kind, and most of all, good people.

For these reasons, though my playtime here waxes and wanes, I'll be maintaining my sub until the servers go dark.

Busting heads since 1938

Character references * My DeviantArt gallery * I am an altoholic



I've been here since almost the very beginning, though certainly not active on the forums. I'm not an especially social person, so I've got a few people I game with and the rest of the time I either solo or PuG. Sometimes I wander off and try a new game for awhile, but I always keep my sub going because I know that I can always come back and smash some bad guys for whatever small amount of time I have available. This game is very solo-friendly and very time-friendly. If all I wanna do is a quick nazi beatdown for 20mins, I can do it here.
No matter what else I try, I always find myself coming back to this game.
It never disappoints.



Mainly the new content. And they do what they do very well. I played and left CO and STO. Through both I kept my CoX sub live. I had a feeling I'd need it.



Just got my 54 months in yesterday. I mainly stay becuase of the community and my friends. That and it aint WoW nor does it try to be a different version of WoW. Also the over all story is just to good to pass up. I has to know what happens next.

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon



I like playing through different missions/Task Forces with different people and different powers. Sure, when you break any game down, it's pretty much the same, but I like the variety, and meeting new people.

I'd enjoy it a lot more if work would unblock the COX Forums though .. I never get to read/post anymore. ;-(

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question



I'm still having fun. It's that simple

Just started my first Broad Sword Stalker, and she's a blast. It's not just that no two Archetypes play the same, no two POWER SETS within any single Archetype play the same! And that's the reason I'm still here

There is no such thing as an "innocent bystander"



For me it's pretty much the perfect MMO.

I can RP (the Union RP community is what keeps me pinned here sometimes), I can min/max characters should I feel like it (working on a perma-PA illusion/Rad, IO'd up my Invuln/SS tanker, my Traps/Pistols defender and my Arachnos Widow).

There is a lot of versatility in both builds and costumes. In the big gorilla fantasy MMO, my character in high level raid gear would look like every other character in high level raid gear of the same race, here I can create a character I want and 'gear' doesn't affect my appearance.

I can go solo or do team-based stuff and there is no 'you will raid for the rest of your life in a boring gear grind' element to it.

I've yet to find an MMO which delivers the same level of sheer stoofs as CoH.



I stayed for 5 years, got bored, went off to try other MMOs for 9 months or so then came back here and haven't looked back since.

Why? Because it's fun. It's simple and it still occassionally makes me go, "Oh wow!"

And because that boyhood part of me has always wanted to be a superhero - and here it works.

Originally Posted by BigFish View Post
It's not just that no two Archetypes play the same, no two POWER SETS within any single Archetype play the same! And that's the reason I'm still here
And this too - no other MMO I've played even gives you the variety (or, in some cases, the free capacity to enjoy that variety) that you get here.

"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon

Myopic Aardvark on Twitter



I keep coming back, I can't say I stay constantly, due to the fact that there is no other game like this. The competition in the same genre does not do it for me, and I fell in love with this game at launch.

The reason I keep taking breaks, as the one I am getting ready to, is that my wife and/or I get bored of playing the game. The Halloween event really broke our stride this year.

I like the combat, and I love the travel powers. Sadly the crafting here is awful, as is the skill system, and the fact that most mobs are based of the same skeleton gets rather boring. I yearn to slay some animals at times I guess lol.



6-1/2 years, minus 9 months.

I enjoy playing still.

I like flying.

I like teleporting.

I like superleaping.

I like instanced missions.

I like being more powerful than a room full of bad guys. As opposed to feeling weak fighting just one monster.

I like trying out player made content. There are some great story tellers here.

I like the fact that I can customize my character's appearance. I especially appreciate that the character's appearance doesn't depend on expensive hard to get gear. I don't much care for how gear is used as status symbols in other games.

I like how such gear that the game does provide, inventions, is never outleveled, nor wears out, nor requires maintenance, nor breaks.

I like how inventions are optional, my old characters with SO's still work fine.

I like how I can build an origin story for my character that is somewhat more involved than "Krog, son of Grog, warrior of the kingdom of Thane".

I like how I can make up to 40 alts per server, on up to 11 servers. More than I will ever need, rather than less than I could ever want.

I could go on...



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post

So, I just got this.

Now, I'm a 45 month vet, and I go back and forth each month on whether to resubscribe*. With the exception of about 2-3 months, every month has succeeded in convincing me. Well played, Devs.

Now, here's the thing. City of Heroes costs $15 a month. In two months, you've essentially bought the game again. In four, you've bought a triple-A title. Considering that I bought a computer specifically to keep on top of The City Scoop, I've put more money into City of Heroes than I have on the rest of my self-funded gaming experiences as an adult. Possibly combined!

So, what is it? Why do I let my bar tab build up so quickly and so monumentally without my even caring?

The Community

Time and again, people here have made me feel like I have a family. They've made me feel welcome, introduced me to new views and perspectives, and have always been for a good team. After the infamous random groups of other games, I can have a Pick-Up Group that provides stimulating conversation and witty banter. I'll never forget when I had never done a Hero-side Task Force before. A group of strangers did the original Positron Task Force. No breaks. Six hours. We stayed in high spirits the entire time. I genuinely can't imagine that experience happening with other games.


So, Veterans, why do you effectively buy this game again and again?

* Except for last year, which was free.
Booze. Or as Antiseptic Poetry put it, "Ale and Whores."

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Just starting to read this thread, but wanted to chime in.

I've been a superhero fan and comic book nerd for most of my 42 years. No other game I've played gives me the feeling of playing my old PNP superhero RPGs (one now an online game) with the Mego figures I used to collect in my youth. The very ones I used to change costumes, with, alter, redress, while posing them in the Wayne Foundation, Hall of Justice, or Batcave.

Both my wife and I play, she has two accounts to my one, and as soon as we feel $45.00 each month is a waste we'll stop. Hasn't happened yet. I've just introduced one of my older friends to the game for the first time about 4 weeks ago, and one of my other friends I used to work with just called to see if I'd be on today.

Looks like it's time to visit Paragon City. See you there...

- Green Lantern
"Say, Jim...woo! That's a bad out-FIT!" - Superman: The Movie

Me 'n my posse: http://www.citygametracker.com/site/....php?user=5608



I don't even know why I'm still subbed. I guess it's that they keep adding stuff I like and it's easy to just log in and play for a few minutes.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



I just got my 57month badge. sometimes i wonder why i keep coming back.

I get bored with it, right now, im just waiting for I19. ive got several 50s who are going to want the end game content.

I get bored with other MMOs too. I cant stant WoW. and Eve-Online got meh for me too.

My wife is still playing CoX strong, she dosn't touch any other game, she puts a lot of time into CoX and dosn't think twice.

i think i stay because i like lighting things on fire, and i can do it in COH without being arrested.....



60+ Month Vet.

I have made many friends here and there are more people to meet everyday. I look forward to when people drop me a PM here and there and cherish all of you as people in my life. The game has many things I haven't yet begun to do and there's so much I still want to try. Couple that with updates and new stuff and I really don't ever want to leave.

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf



Friends.. Without them I would have left!!!



Well for me I like the Game over all. I like the ability to solo or group missions, the diversification of the system allowing you to pick many powers and I can log in and play for a bit and not feel I have to stay on longer to get some ware.

Just to let you all know I have yet to have any of my characters reach lvl 50. Yep thats right after 78 months not once have I reach level 50 however the time will come soon were my character will hit that cap. I will let everyone know when that happens.



Despite being an uberlurker, I figured this discussion was worth voicing my experience in.

Why am I still here?

Character creation is unparalleled, that's my biggest guilty pleasure for sure. There's been very little I've conceptualized that I couldn't make happen in CoX (though I'm still waiting for our darn jetpacks ). But, it's more than that. This community is fantastic--been a member of two long lasting, outstanding SGs, and despite my late forum registration (dunno why it took me so long to get signed up to the live forums after beta) and low post count, I do read these forums an awful lot. What can I say, good vibes all around

I've even been lucky enough to have met a number of the devs over the years, and knowing that we've got such passionate and outgoing folks working on this game is great.

Despite waxing and waning playtime, I inevitably find my way back. A gaming landscape without CoX will sure seem odd, but fortunately that seems to be a long ways away!

@Olympia XLI - 102 months and counting until the end!
Chicks dig giant robots.

SDCC 2010 Sketch by David Nakayama: my most venerable brute, Handle Smasher



It's solo-friendly. It doesn't need me to keep track of a great many variables in order to be considered "good" at the game.

And even until now, I have yet to receive any sort of suggestion on a single-player game that has most of what I like about this game, so I'll be staying on despite the incessant questioning of why I'm playing a MMOG to solo.

Current main:
Schrodinger's Gun, Dual Pistols/Mental Blaster, Virtue

Avatar: Becky Miyamoto from Pani Poni Dash. Roulette roulette~



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
In what other game can I don the mantle of a superhero and defend the city with my friends?

In what other game can I pull a mask over my eyes, summon the powers of evil and smite hundreds of foes at once?

In what other game can I make any costume I can think of and enjoy playing it after entering the game?

I'm here until the streets of Paragon whistle with emptiness. I'm here until the Isles sink into the ocean. I'm here until Praetoria is consumed by war and falls. I'm here until the servers are shut down.

Why? Because I love it. I truly do love this game. It's given me more entertainment than any game I've ever played. The developers actually care (unlike some OTHER gaming companies with wildly popular MMO's), the community is understanding and knowledgeable (trolls are also few and far between), and I just feel powerful when I play.
The only MMO I have played and my reason for staying is everything that people have said in this thread,I hope the game is still going strong in 41/2 years time as I will be retired and can play longer each day.For the £8.99 I pay each month it is cheap entertainment long my the community and game run

Prof Radburn controller,Celtic Ice Maiden,blaster,Miss Knockout scrapper,Mistress Davina controller,Stone Hart,tank Split Personality PB.Queen Lostris controller,Fridgid Mary blaster,Shocking Fire blaster Future Elfling defender, Little Weed controller,Capo Angelo MM, Commander Buzzsaw MM, Justice Tank tank all 50,s



I recently got the 48 month badge. I stay around because I enjoy teaming with people and making different types of characters. Also, the things that I used to hate about the game got fixed, and they continue to fix the most annoying parts of the game to make it more fun. For example, I HATED sprinting around for 14 levels before I got a travel power, or doing the same combo of sewers, and missions in King's Row so I could get a jetpack quickly. Anyway, they have made those available for purchase and with the awesome Ninja Run power, I can stand to make lowbees again. Also, a few issues ago, they made the Orbouros portals, which make traveling around Paragon City not be such a pain. AND, one of my biggest gripes was always "Why can't we have more co-op zones?", well they rendered that complaint null and void with the Morality missions and the ability to have all kinds of toons on each side. And finally, with the inherent fitness pool, I won't be chained to the same power selections as I used to be when leveling my toons. Anyway, the game keeps getting better for me, and that's why I continue to play for the new features, and new content.




I don't stay. I quit every month and resubscribe every month. Except for the months I don't



For me, it the open ended nature of the game, and the fact that it gets updated with great improvements. Sure, the Halo games, Batman Arkham Asylum and Red Dead Redemption are my favorite console games, but they feel like you are trapped in a box in the end. No other MMO, even the other hero one and the biggest one, has been able to hold my attention like CoH.

Also, its straightforward enough that my wife can play casually.

If I want to team, getting a team is easy. Solo? No problem. Want to spend the evening badging, crafting, spiffing up a costume or re-speccing? Sure.

Great writing, innovative ideas, and frequent updates keep me coming back.

I quit for a while when everyone was doing AE farms almost exclusively. I worry that the game is getting too complex for casual players to enjoy. And I'd like to see many more powersets. But all in all this game has kept my interest since 04, and is likely to continue.

Ideally, the tank will die precisely as everyone else starts fighting, allowing aggro to be spread evenly among the blaster. -seebs, "How to Suck at CoH/CoV" Guide



It's fun. Hard to quantify that, but the reality is I love to just run around and blow up/kill/defeat pixels to relax and I can do that in so many ways in City.

I can be a robot, ninja, monkey or a pirate, or any combination thereof with some alien and/or mutation thrown in for good measure. I can implement almost any character I have been able to come up with for quite a while, allowing me to use my own creativity extensively.

These things keep me playing.

Unlike many that have posted, the community generally has exactly the opposite effect on me. While there are great people here, the fact is I play either with RL friends or solo pretty much exclusively. Interacting with the others players in game is an extreme gamble for me in terms of the ROI on fun and some of the posters here have almost made me walk away entirely for not wanting to be, in any way, associated with them and for fear of grouping with them.

Irrational at best I know, but I have been gamer that generally hates gamers for a very long time.

The petty squabbles and abundance of willfully ignorant people seem to get inflated over the average when rules-lawyers and geeks that think they know better but really just know enough to be dangerous get involved.

So, the game itself keeps me playing. It has nothing at all to do with the other players really, beyond my RL friends that play with me.

"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45



3+ years vet here. I play the game because I enjoy it. I like how everything works from the power choices, costume customisation, leveling up, enemies, missions, etc. I also like how it allows me to solo when I want to (because I like experiencing the missions) or team when I want to.

There are also my friends from my SG which I always enjoy chatting with! I think I wouldn't play nearly as much if it wasn't for them.

Although saying all of that I am taking a small break until I19 hits because I really want inherent Fitness and the lvl 50 content. Also Fallout NV has kind of sucked me in!

Member of GGRRR, a SG on Defiant - check out our website - GGRRR
Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
If your mouse has greater processing power than your gfx card, the answer is yes.