3+ Year Veterans: Why do you stay?




Because City Of Whatever is the best MMO on the market, and because I need something to do on my Friday nights.



It's the only MMO that let's me be Super in a fleshed out world with gameplay that supports my internal stories for my many characters while also providing highly motivating story arcs.



75+ here...i enjoy chatting/teaming with my friends first and formost. New pwrs and costumes secondly and knowing the in's and out's of the game thirdly. Lately i'm starting to realize that "habit" might be a big reason why im still here. I'm really hoping i20 brings something special or it may be my last issue Sure i may come back but other online stuffs might be calling me!



Because I'm still having fun.

I used to fiddle with my back feet music for a black onyx. My entire room absorbed every echo. The music was . . . thud like. The music was . . . thud like. I usually played such things as rough-neck and thug. Opaque melodies that would bug most people. Music from the other side of the fence.



I enjoy the gameplay for the most part. The community used to be a big reason, but I don't think nearly as high of the community as I used to(with the exception of two sections on the boards).



Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
I enjoy the gameplay for the most part. The community used to be a big reason, but I don't think nearly as high of the community as I used to(with the exception of two sections on the boards).
Welcome back! Your sig is out of date.



I know. I'm not sure if we have up to date banners yet. I guess I could spend five minutes looking.

edit: Fixed



Well this is a simple question with a simple answer...the game is darn good!!

I am going on six years coming up soon and have been through a few rough times. I played six months on a relatives account to level 25 when it was released then bought my own account.

City Of Heroes is the first MMO game to win the E3 best mulitplayer online game. The 2nd MMO recently to win is Star Wars The Old Republic which is due for release in 2011. That is a good background.

The engine is different, the play is diffferent. I have played a few MMOs and I still believe this to be the best 'teaming' experience in any game I play.

When you like something and it treats you right, though there have been a few problems for me throughout my COH time, you stick with it right?

You can log in for maybe a few mintues and do one solo mission if you want that is not fairly too involved. OR you can go headlong into a task force, strike force or team if you have the time. In World Of Warcraft some of the quests can be involved and take you much longer than you thought, not to mention the lengths of the dungeons and flying time. In COH there is no hurrying.

And the world is becoming bigger. With the release of Going Rogue it is a start. My push is for an expansion every 2 to 3 years. COV was 2 years if I remember right.

Your characters are always there, and there is the costume creator which is still one of the best engines of that type to play around with online.

Due to some recent trouble I have had with other PlayNC soft games I will probably not subscribe this summer of 2011. It will be my first time. I have even taken alot of time off with WOW.

And most importantly, the people are nice. I do not think I have ever heard an 'F' word mentioned in any area broadcast channel or in any teaming I have ever done! I am serious.
As a matter of fact I do not think I have heard any serious slang usage at all in all the time I have played!

The community is probably the best I have been involved with. So my hats off to ya if you love the game as much as me. :-D

Has anyone else noticed the graphics getting better or is it just me?



Originally Posted by GlassEye_NA View Post
Has anyone else noticed the graphics getting better or is it just me?

Personally (57 months here) I'm always interested in City of Heroes evolving their enviroments, which is why I am particularly keen on the player-suggestions in the 'All things art' threads (especially the building edition one) being implemented asap.



So yeah, I've been here since 2004. Six years. Wow. Why the hell am I still here?

I stay for my supergroup. I stay for the community. I've been with the same SG since 2005, and frankly, without 'em, I'd have been gone a long time ago. And beyond the SG, well. The CoH community at large is first-rate. I've seen better RP communities, I've seen better PvP communities... but the CoH community AS A WHOLE, as in, the entire thing, is cool.

I stay because the developers tell great stories. I mean, look at the tips system and the Praetorian stuff. The storytelling in CoH just keeps getting better and better. And the devs are committed to stories. Mission Architect, yo.

To be frank, by this point, actual combat in CoH doesn't excite me all that much. As a game, there are better ones. But it's not just a game. It's an MMO.

And as an MMO, there's plenty of reasons to stay.


Blue: Realpolitik, Leading Lady, Glass Lass, Superball, Alec Kazam
Red: Battery Acid, Obsolete, Bugfix



Sarge and I had a random tiny tot run with us one night and something was said that made me chuckle because I never thought of it the way it was said. She said " I see what you do here! You take a squishy blaster and make him a near invincible tank!" Talking about my emp def and his fire blaster.

While he and I have not kept our accounts active as long as everyone else we have been playing off and on since Feb 2005, Feb 2006 respectively. We keep comming back again and again because of our love for the game and the way we can bring all our rp characters to life in it. As for me, its nice to hear that I am doing something right in the game now and again and evertime Valtina gets a complement, it just makes me swell up with pride and remember why I became a super hero!

The community is great here as well, even though I barely post I have never once been talked to like a "noob" even though I self proclaim myself as the eternal noob every day!

Every soldier has two famlies - The one you raise, and the one you raise hell with.
Sgt. Firewalker and Valtina Firewalker permiante Duo



The community. There've been a few times within the past year I've considered unsubscribing for a few months, then immediately changed my mind when I realized I'd lose access to the forums. Besides, it gives me somewhere to get all of my characters I can't play in tabletop games out of my system.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



69 month vet.

I used to play because all my friends were playing it (I recruited most of them). Nowadays.... I just keep the account active should we ever get together again. Right now we are all on a coh break but I am keeping the bases active. About 30 of is will be leaving when dcuo goes live though. I personally am not happy with this games new philosophy that difficult = fun (it doesn't always). I like dynamic gameplay, not fail and learn from your mistakes gameplay. That's just way too punishing to be enjoyed.



I stay for a few reasons.

First off, I love this game, it's a lot of fun, it's colorful it's modern and I get to be a super hero and fly around down town.

Second: It's always new. Several times a year they release new updates and I get to do new missions, or find new stuff or make new powers and something like GR there is a lot to look over and do.

Third: There's almost always something new to do. I 've done a ton of content in my 60 months of being here, but there's still stuff I haven't seen or done or explored before. And I still have characters I'm building up because I want to see what their powers are like when they hit their peak.

Last: The community. I know it's been said to death but this community rocks, most of the people are friendly, most of the time, there's usually something fun to do with people and I've made a few friends and acquaintances in the game that it's a blast to play with them, even if we're just running our 4,678th ITF.

I want to add that the Devs are a big part of that community. I have to say it's really cool that I know at least once a year the Devs are going to be partying in my area of Nor Cal and invite us to go along. I think it's wonderful that the devs will take time to talk with us on the forums, answer our questions and work on stuff we ask for. It keeps me coming back because there is something about being a part of a game where the game makers are saying "ohh you want that? Well that's going to be a ton of work, if it's even possible.. But hey, it's a popular request, we'll try..."

So yeah, that's why I keep playing. I have my breaks here and there, a few weeks or a couple months off but I keep the account active because I never know when the itch is going to hit me and I'm going to want to Unload a holy mother ton of FREEM on some baddies.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



I enjoy the game. It has been continuously improving in ways that I enjoy more than annoy me every year.

Two days ago I got my 78 month badge.

With Incarnates coming soon I cannot imagine leaving for a very long time.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Why do I stay?

With apologies to Billy Joel:

Marcus Cole, P.I., Rikti Crash Site, Sewer Trial,
Malta Sappers, Carnie Strongmen, Portal Corp and you

CoT Trial, Capes at twenty, Crystal Titan, badges many,
Respec, Sidekick, Enter Rularuu.

Striga Island, Council fools, Epic ATs, power pools,
Lusca's in, Epic win, Clockwork building Paladin

Sky Raiders, Super Spy, Ravenstorm, Moonfire,
Bonny Morass, Long Jack, Volcano base, global chat!

Why do I stay subscribing?
Well it's not surprising
When the bar keeps rising.
I'm gonna keep subscribing,
I'll be logging on until the game is gone.

Katie Hannon, Sonic Blast, raving Trolls, Red Caps,
Archery, Trick Arrow, debtless level twos

Shiva Strike, SG-Base, Warburg rocket, nukes from space,
Dominators, Masterminds and Brutes and Stalkers too

Grandville, R.V., thugs, Mu Mastery,
Mace Blast, School of Sharks, melee with Electric sparks

Guard the bank, Pocket D, Fusionette and Jimmy T,

Why do I keep on playing?
There's no way to stop it
Other games can't top it
I'll always keep on playing,
I'll be wearing capes untill there's no more updates.

Auction House, Black Market's in, Hamidon is back again,
Recluse' Helmet Souvenir, Rise of the marketeer

Rikti War Zone retcon, Lady Grey, Hero 1,
Rikti bombs in Atlas Park, Zombies rising after dark

Ouroborus, Mender Silos, Flashback, poor old Cyrus,
Reconstruction, Power Slice, Strength of Will, Ablating Strike

Fortunatas, Crabs and Banes, Purple IOs, Extra trays,
Midnight Squad, another zone, Giant mechs in Ancient Rome!

Why don't I stop my alting?
There's so much to do here
I will never be through here
I'm gonna still be alting
When I'm full on Freedom there's ten more to choose from

Dayjobs, second build, World of Pain, Soothe's heal,
Level Pacts, Shield Defence, Villain PPP Respec

Super Leader, Architect, PvP Invention Sets,
Dev's Choice, Hall of Fame, 5-Stars, Buttcapes

Fifth Column rise again, Super Booster costume change,
Barracuda, Doctor Kahn, nerdrage at the badge farms!

Why do I keep on paying?
'Cos the money's well-spent
On this fantastic content
I'm gonna keep on paying
For my server transfers and the Boosters I use

Powerset Proliferation, customize your animations,
Team size set for eight, Pet persistence on

Doppelgangers, Ultra Mode, Dual Pistols, tails that move,
Demon pets, Hell On Earth, email spammers gone

Going Rogue, Alignment shift, market merges, finding Tips,
Heroes in the Rogue Isles, Villains checking blueside

Alpha Slot, Incarnate, Great Escape, Syndicate,
Primal Earth prepares for war, GIMME GIMME MORE MORE MORE!!!

Why do I keep subscribing?
It's pretty clear to me that
Everyone should see that
City of Heroes is awesome
And in another window
I'm-a just about to
Log on, and on, and on, and on, and on...



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



I'm almost up to 69 months, and I love this game for sooooooooooo many reasons. My first SG on the gradually died and I toyed with the idea of moving elsewhere. I have tried most other mmo's and not one of them came close to the amount of fun CoX is.
I love the community, I can spend idle hours at work or at home reading posts by players like Scarlet Shocker,Tired Angel, Major Control, Damz, Mothers Love and so many others and then you find yourself playing with them.
I'm not a a big fan of the costume creator, not because it's not fantastic, I just don't have the imagination and can't be bothered as any one who has teamed with me will know I always look the same.
I have only once or twice heard people berate someone else,I have always heard people be patient and helpful ( 'Where's Kings row?' followed by 'follow me' )most people are more than happy to help. Even now after all this time I see people helping other people.
I can fly and do all the things I read in those old Stan Lee/Jack Kirby comics when the world was still in black and white.
My only regret about CoX is that my crappy dial up connection didn't allow me to play from day one. I will be here until the lights go out.
By the way did they name a server after me? *blushes*



The community, and the want to play the concept I have in my head for a long time ago created superhero, that's likely never to see the inside of a comicbook

Still waiting on that ability to play the concept though, but half way there.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



To the tune of we didn't light the fire?



Originally Posted by virtue View Post
To the tune of we didn't light the fire?
It's 'We didn't start the fire', but yes, lol.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
Why do I stay?

With apologies to Billy Joel:

Marcus Cole, P.I., Rikti Crash Site, Sewer Trial,
Malta Sappers, Carnie Strongmen, Portal Corp and you

CoT Trial, Capes at twenty, Crystal Titan, badges many,
Respec, Sidekick, Enter Rularuu.

Striga Island, Council fools, Epic ATs, power pools,
Lusca's in, Epic win, Clockwork building Paladin

Sky Raiders, Super Spy, Ravenstorm, Moonfire,
Bonny Morass, Long Jack, Volcano base, global chat!

Why do I stay subscribing?
Well it's not surprising
When the bar keeps rising.
I'm gonna keep subscribing,
I'll be logging on until the game is gone.

Katie Hannon, Sonic Blast, raving Trolls, Red Caps,
Archery, Trick Arrow, debtless level twos

Shiva Strike, SG-Base, Warburg rocket, nukes from space,
Dominators, Masterminds and Brutes and Stalkers too

Grandville, R.V., thugs, Mu Mastery,
Mace Blast, School of Sharks, melee with Electric sparks

Guard the bank, Pocket D, Fusionette and Jimmy T,

Why do I keep on playing?
There's no way to stop it
Other games can't top it
I'll always keep on playing,
I'll be wearing capes untill there's no more updates.

Auction House, Black Market's in, Hamidon is back again,
Recluse' Helmet Souvenir, Rise of the marketeer

Rikti War Zone retcon, Lady Grey, Hero 1,
Rikti bombs in Atlas Park, Zombies rising after dark

Ouroborus, Mender Silos, Flashback, poor old Cyrus,
Reconstruction, Power Slice, Strength of Will, Ablating Strike

Fortunatas, Crabs and Banes, Purple IOs, Extra trays,
Midnight Squad, another zone, Giant mechs in Ancient Rome!

Why don't I stop my alting?
There's so much to do here
I will never be through here
I'm gonna still be alting
When I'm full on Freedom there's ten more to choose from

Dayjobs, second build, World of Pain, Soothe's heal,
Level Pacts, Shield Defence, Villain PPP Respec

Super Leader, Architect, PvP Invention Sets,
Dev's Choice, Hall of Fame, 5-Stars, Buttcapes

Fifth Column rise again, Super Booster costume change,
Barracuda, Doctor Kahn, nerdrage at the badge farms!

Why do I keep on paying?
'Cos the money's well-spent
On this fantastic content
I'm gonna keep on paying
For my server transfers and the Boosters I use

Powerset Proliferation, customize your animations,
Team size set for eight, Pet persistence on

Doppelgangers, Ultra Mode, Dual Pistols, tails that move,
Demon pets, Hell On Earth, email spammers gone

Going Rogue, Alignment shift, market merges, finding Tips,
Heroes in the Rogue Isles, Villains checking blueside

Alpha Slot, Incarnate, Great Escape, Syndicate,
Primal Earth prepares for war, GIMME GIMME MORE MORE MORE!!!

Why do I keep subscribing?
It's pretty clear to me that
Everyone should see that
City of Heroes is awesome
And in another window
I'm-a just about to
Log on, and on, and on, and on, and on...

I just did the right thing and listened to the official music video while I read this. Made my day. Can we get together a band and make this a reality?



Now I'm grinning smugly at praise from the great Marcian Tobay!



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
I just did the right thing and listened to the official music video while I read this. Made my day. Can we get together a band and make this a reality?
There's also that paraody version about internet flame wars - but the content means it can't be linked here

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I tried to make each verse refer to a separate Issue, but I think some overlap occurred.

My GF says I have too much spare time on my hands.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



I love City of Heroes! Even though, the rolling of a new toon and leveling up process has gotten easier and quicker than in the days of yore, its still a process...

....but, this game is never the same game twice, one day you can solo Marauder, the very next day Marauder footstomps you into oblivion!

I like the "stick to it-ness" of the average player here, even if the team is just plain outgunned, most players keep trying till a mission complete splashes on screen...other mmo's, not so much.

I stay because I want to improve my "gamesmanship", every session I learn something about my character, power tray setup and enhancements to tweak, to make my toons more awesomer (yes, thats a word.).

I will be receiving my 66 month badge soon, even though this is not the only ncsoft game I play (Guild Wars), CoH gets the priority because during events, Infinity players show up and its like battle royale! I love it!

Friends? nah. Give me an epic battle anyday with toons I've never seen or heard of before and I'm gonna keep forking over the 15 bucks lol!

Whaddya mean, we aint got no booze?!