Back Alley Brawler gone?




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who finds your comments about him bizarre and paranoid.
Nope. You're not alone in that.



...and also, the guy cut off his PM's entirely and started mostly posting in Beta forums quite a while ago. He was probably aware of this long ago, and had been working hard with his replacement(s). Sometimes after 5 years of a job you just get sick of it and want to make a change.



My cat just told me he's now working for DCUO. Either that or she was asking for some of the cheese I'm eating. I'm not too good at this whole cat translation thingy.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Originally Posted by NobleFox View Post
...and also, the guy cut off his PM's entirely and started mostly posting in Beta forums quite a while ago. He was probably aware of this long ago, and had been working hard with his replacement(s). Sometimes after 5 years of a job you just get sick of it and want to make a change.
quite right. Now my opinions for babs are, as i said, quite positive. And i reiterate that he was a major boon to both the game and ESPECIALLY the forums. but as of late, nelson really had done most of the visable animation work post issue 16, it seems more likely that the was working on something else other than coh. perhaps something that was experimental and either didnt pan out or was changed, but he was Schrodinger's developer for quite some time. A smart company would do well to hire him, and give him full access to the forums. I would give a compeing mmo a box sale just based on them picking babs up, may stay, may not, they still have to earn that, but i support the deserving.

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
if they're smart they would run in a stilted and awkward fashion to scoop him up.

edited to fit the current vids



Brawler: thanks for all of your contributions to the game and community. Good luck with your future endeavors!



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
My cat just told me he's now working for DCUO. Either that or she was asking for some of the cheese I'm eating. I'm not too good at this whole cat translation thingy.
So... your cat is working for DCUO now, hmm? Killer.

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Take care and best of luck, C. Bruce! You rock, and any company will be more than glad to have you.

Thanks for all of your hard work on CoX over the years.



Its a sad day when someone so dedicated to this game has to go.

What many people don't know is that BaBs was a rabid CoH player from the beginning, years before he started working on this game.

I hope this means we get to see him playing more often again!



Originally Posted by Katfood View Post
I hope this means we get to see him playing more often again!
I vote for him having the ability to retain his in game avatar (though not necessarily the power selections available to the npc) while on his player account.



Originally Posted by Katfood View Post
I hope this means we get to see him playing more often again!
And of course, we'll never know.

Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the
Repeat Offenders

Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize



Originally Posted by Katfood View Post

I hope this means we get to see him playing more often again!
I hope so as well.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
Also, there is hard evidence that he is not working at Cryptic. That rumor started from an outdated bit of information floating around on a certain website.
That's too bad. I just read that their Chief Creative Officer left recently. <.<

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



Sad to see him go. All the best to you, BaBs!



I received word through the grapevine that BABs is working with Cryptic again. (Seem his error in properly updating his linked in profile actually ended up being prophetic.)

He sends his regards for all of the well wishes from the forums and CoH community as well as appologies for not being able to offer a more formal farewell.

I also have word that one of the Sr. Programmers let go from Paragon is now working for NVidia.

Formerly "Back Alley Brawler"



They should give him the special BAB's gloves so he can create a character identical to in-game BABs



Originally Posted by Tic-Toc View Post
I received word through the grapevine that BABs is working with Cryptic again. (Seem his error in properly updating his linked in profile actually ended up being prophetic.)

He sends his regards for all of the well wishes from the forums and CoH community as well as appologies for not being able to offer a more formal farewell.

I also have word that one of the Sr. Programmers let go from Paragon is now working for NVidia.
Gee, that's odd, because I heard BaB was auditioning to replace Buster on Mythbusters. But I guess Cryptic is good too, and also in the Bay area. Unfortunately BaB is an animator, not a modeller so I can't hope that "Stretch Armstrong left in the sun too long" look gets addressed any time soon. On the other hand, I can now abuse him on a whole new set of forums now, so there's that.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Unfortunately BaB is an animator, not a modeller so I can't hope that "Stretch Armstrong left in the sun too long" look gets addressed any time soon.
Modeling has little do to with the 'look' in question. It's partly a texturing issue and partly lighting/rendering. They actually deform/animate better and have better body anatomy (if not realistic proportions to start from) than characters in CoH.

What I'm saying is one could take those same character meshes(for the most part), retexture them, light them better and place them in a similarly re-done environment, they'd look fine.




Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Gee, that's odd, because I heard BaB was auditioning to replace Buster on Mythbusters. But I guess Cryptic is good too, and also in the Bay area. Unfortunately BaB is an animator, not a modeller so I can't hope that "Stretch Armstrong left in the sun too long" look gets addressed any time soon. On the other hand, I can now abuse him on a whole new set of forums now, so there's that.
I'd wager that his acquisition has more to do with their title under development than their title that shares this game's genre.



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
I'd wager that his acquisition has more to do with their title under development than their title that shares this game's genre.
That would not be a safe bet. It presumes those are the only two options.

I actually do know what BaB is doing now, and I'm glad he's landed on his feet. He was always very helpful to me, and the community in general. A lot of what we know about the animation system of the game comes from discussions I had with BaB (for example, how power rooting works). Heck, some things we know about the animation system (or at least I know) were not known *until* I asked the question and we stopped to figure it out. And we have mostly BaB to thank for things like weapon redraw trimming, melee attack speed ups, and large elements of power customization.

However, that doesn't mean I'm not above yanking on his chain a little, since I know he still reads the forums occasionally.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
That would not be a safe bet. It presumes those are the only two options.

Very true. I don't know what he's precisely on... but I also didn't want to allude to TOO MUCH of what another developer's working on here, either. Figured it would be safe to just allude to the news of the continuing development and be done with it.

Hope he's working on something he loves, one way or the other...



Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
Someone wanna send me a PM with this Top Seeqrett Projeeqt he's most likely working on? I are teh clueless n00b...
Neverwinter Nights Online

Jack's tried comic books and spaceships, so now it's the turn of fantasy to experience his vision

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



When I first heard about all this, the following when through my mind:

The scene is a darkend office, a brooding figure stands behind a desk.

Namless Criptic Drone: "Sir, I . . . I have those reports."
Jack Emmert: "I already know what they say."
NCD: " . . . Sir, things are looking pretty bad."
Jack: "I've made a lot of mistakes. We need to do somehting. We need to change our perspective. We need . . ."
NCD *gasp* "Surely you dont mean . . ."
Jack: "I do. There is only one man who can save Criptic Studios now."
NCD: *gratuious gasp*
Jack: "Get me: 'The Brawler'."



Well it's good he can still put his talents to the superhero community, and CO definitely needs help in the graphics ect. dept!

However, since he's went over to "the Enemy" can we fix BB's hero background profile?

He grew up in the inner city, and was a gang member, until wanted to give back to the community by joining with the PPD.
Somehow, though this character is obviously more inclined NOT to leave his neighborhood, he manages to glean info/skills from around the world to improve the point where he is super-strong and invulnerable (2nd only to States).
So, inner city thug reforms, then magically studies all kinds of special techniques all over the world to make himself more powerful then almost every other hero/villain on the planet.
Nah, it just doesn't mesh well.
I'm all for suspension of disbelief and such, but it just seems like it was't a very well thought out way to get his powers.
He needs a better explanation for how he received his powers.
Would be nice if there was a contest to update his bio.
Just sayin...