Question: What powers do you want Alternate animations for?




I'm tossing my support in for the breathe powers too. They're the ones I find the most off putting and difficult to fit in with a concept.



Originally Posted by Riverdancer View Post
Also, any new animations for kinetics - fulcrum shift, transference and transfusion would be nice.
Add the rest of the powerset to it as well in my opinion, excepting perhaps Repel, the animation for which I think suits the power already. But Siphon Power, Siphon Speed, Speed Boost, Increase Density and Inertial Reduction in addition to the three Riverdancer mentioned. I can't think of how they may be given alternates, but being a total Kinetic ***** I would love to be able to do more than just give my little army of Kins different colors.

And I didn't see it mentioned in the list and I'm not sure if it belongs, but how about changing the animation for Rise to the Challenge being toggled on? Perhaps without being rooted as well? I don't mind the animation as is, but perhaps something more akin to Strength of Will. Basically something more appropriate to the name of the power, where it would seem your really ARE rising to the challenge of defeating your foes. As for the rooting, I see little point in that considering every other Willpower toggle doesn't root you for those couple of seconds.

And I wholeheartedly agree with everyone else that has brought up eye beams as a possible alternate for blast attacks of all sorts, excepting perhaps Psionics.

Oh, and definitely either make powers like Super Speed and Hasten tintable or give us a minimal-FX version.



A purely personal list:

Devices/Traps: I'd like to see a less "tech-y" theme for these sets. For example, an "arcane" theme for Traps might replace the mines of Trip Mine with glowing sigils the character inscribes on the ground. Having a couple of less tech-oriented, or simply more unusual-looking, models for Force Field Generator or Targeting Drone would also be helpful in accomodating more character concepts. Of course, some of this might fall into the realm of Pet Customization, which I assume is still off the table.

Medicine Pool: As with Traps, I'd like to see animations that fit more origins. Simply having the character's hands glow, for instance, might fit a number of themes, while flinging a glob of chemicals at the recipient (think Alkaloid from /poison) might fit a mutant or scientific concept.

Assault Rifle: Several of the older blast sets suffer from having very similar animations for most powers, but I notice it most with Assault Rifle. I'm not sure how the animations could be more varied, but I'd like to see differences among the attacks beyond what shoots out of the gun's barrel. For an example of how a blast set can display variety without being as over the top as Dual Pistols (which I consider too outlandish), consider all the different arm motions in Radiation Blast.

Travel pools, especially Superspeed: I'd like to be able to change the stance and FX produced by travel pools. Changes here might allow such things as running on all fours, flying in a lotus position, or just changing the color of the glow from Hasten and Superspeed. Frankly, I'd be happy if it were just possible to tone down the Superspeed glow a little.

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Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
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Alternate animation for Assault Rifle could be getting on one knee a la Rest, and firing the rifle from the side of the chest.

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This may be above and beyond simple alternate animations, but:

Traps in 3 flavors: Magic, Ninja/low-tech/military, future-Tech (triage beacon already looks kinda magical to me).

Blast sets: Can these emanate from a magic/tech wand like Vanguard stuffs?

Hex animations for some debuff powers. Prayer/meditation animations for heal powers. Hand-to-head animations for mental powers.

Off-hand attacks with weapons (ability to replace a ST attack with a shield bash or off-hand punch, a la brawl).

More powers with the dominator "stone spears"-style animation. Imagine inferno with a punch in the ground style animation. Snipes in general should have a cool animation especially since they take so long.

Pools, obviously.

One of Six, Cannibal 6



Fire/Ice sword circle: An animation that involves stabbing the sword into the ground in order to create the elemental burst.

Either broadsword or katana, whichever is more technically convenient: More graceful attacks usable for a fencer type of character.

Alternate animations for blast sets in general.



i like the idea of new animations for pool powers specialy the travel ones, a ground stomp at the end of an Superjump would be amazing for a brute to feel the floor shake as you land so your not landing like a ballerina lol



Poison Trap could be made into a more nature-themed device. Instead of laying down a device, a plant rises from the ground and when threatened (enemies approach the plant) it spews forth toxic vapors.

[Edit] Acrobatic Super Jumping, with flips, twists, cartwheels, and etc. would be excellent.

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Remember kids, crack is whack!

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Either broadsword or katana, whichever is more technically convenient: More graceful attacks usable for a fencer type of character.
For Katana in my opinion, just because it is more "finesse friendly". Broadswords are generally more brute force. Either way, I'd be down for a more graceful and flowing attack chain.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
One of the projects we are working on is to create more alternate animations for various powers. The animators asked me which powers I wanted to have this applied to and rather than simply come up with a list myself, I thought it would be interesting to open the discussion to you the fans.

Powers with Alternate Animations will still have nearly the exact same Animation Lengths, so this thread is not about creating shorter animations for various powers.

So, let's hear it! Tired of doing Backflips with Eviscerate? Sick of beating your chest like Tarzan? Eyebeams not your cup of tea? Tell us about it!
Sooo excited!

I'd love to see an alternate animation for Hurl Boulder. One that the Legacy Chain use (with the animation being a bit longer of course to match). I'd love to see this for Earth Assault and some of the Earth Mastery powers.

I'd also love to see Arcane variations of all of the Heal Power Pool powers - Aid Other, Self, etc. where you see runes or potions or some such being used instead of a Tech device.

Perhaps also let us pick Flight poses in the Customization window instead of using macros.

Would also love to be able to pick a different effect for the Domination build up and activation power. This may be under customization instead of animation but just in case, throwing it in here too. Something like flames build up around you as you build Domination and then when activated it explodes like a Fire Blaster AIM power. Allow us to get rid of the rainbow and sparkles if we choose and have a Domination build up and activation per set - Fire, Electricity, Mind, Plant, Earth, Ice, etc.


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I'm working on the assumption that pool customization isn't feasible at the moment.
I'm also willing to assume that changing particle effects and animation (ie: blasting from feet or chest/adding pseudo-weapons non-weapon-based animations) isn't particularly easy either.

With that in mind, I think the best option for alternate blasts would be to have animations that fit a different tempo. Some blasts look like you are really trying to put some power into it. For those, add a minimal effort looking animation. Sort of a "I'm powerful and need not actually try." Perhaps holding out a hand casually and flicking your fingers/hands. Think Sylar using ice blast.

Some just look straightforward, for those it might work to have something more involved. More, building power and concentrating it and then "HAAA!" This would probably pull from DBZ-type blasting. Presumably, the animations would have to end with the origin-point of the particles in the same spot, but perhaps it is still reasonable to achieve.

The same rule could apply to weapons-based and melee. Dual Pistols and Dual Blades might have somewhat calmer animations, whereas Assault Rifle might add some flair. Again, I expect that animation times would make too much tinkering difficult.

I'll try to sum it up in short as "Try to find an opposite-feeling tempo, and that could cover a good bit of ground and bypass the illusion that some powers are too slow/fast/dramatic/lacking-ponies."

PS- moar ponies

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For long animations, consider the possibility of front-loading the strike in certain animations with a flourish afterwards (though this would have a gameplay effect if damage is delivered earlier in an animation) For example, in a martial arts kick with a flip afterwards instead of before.

Also, give us a maniacal, laughing, one-handed AR spray for full-auto

One of Six, Cannibal 6



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Elemental melee sword/no sword choices.

I want every one of my fire tank's attacks to use the fire scimitar.

I want every one of my ice melee tank's attacks to not use an ice sword.

I second this one.

Also, apart from power pools (obviously)

Maybe some alternate kicks for elemental melee sets? so its not all punching?

Actually, also... any chance of a random animation setting? So the power randomly choose one of the available alternate animations to play? That would be great to help combat look more dynamic.

Also, in the Poison set for MMs, can we have alternatives for the spitting animations? (Envenom in particular) On some characters, having them spit poison doesn't really work. Just throwing it, or even shooting it from their hand or a device would be preferable.

Also, someone mentioned having some more magic oriented animations for devices/traps. I think that would be quite cool.

Thats all i can think of at the moment, but lots of other good suggestions from people here too

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Weren't we supposed to get a no FX version of Super Strength and Martial Arts?

Some of us don't want super-flashy punches with lights and sparkles.

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Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
A better question would be: For which powers do you want Alternate animations?

Sorry, the whole "ending a sentence in a proposition" thing irritates my inner grammar Nazi
“This is the sort of English up with which I will not put.” - Winston Churchill, on why the not ending a sentence with a preposition rule is stupid.

Sorry, but the old-fashioned, out-of-touch English professors that are still trying to force grammar rules from Latin on to English are my pet peeve.

Previous posts have covered just about everything I want, but I'll add my list anyway, just to get more votes in:

Aid Self/Other - An obviously magical animation. A wand / potion / waving hands like casting a spell.

Fire/Ice Swords - A high-tech version of these attacks. Yes I realize that runs the risk of people using them as stand-ins for Light Sabers, I'm sure the animation team is intelligent enough to figure something out.

Other Fire/Ice melee attacks - As others have said, sword versions for consistency, and non-sword versions for the sword attacks for the same reason.

Sword attack for other sets - Why are there no Electric Sword or Energy Sword attacks? Perhaps alternate animations could fix that.

Super Strength and Martial Arts - MA type animations for SS, and SS type animations for MA. Plus 'Street Fighting' type animations for both. I'd love to have a melee character that is obviously super strong, but also obviously has some martial arts training.

Magical and high-tech versions of all blast attacks - A Tech origin Blaster whose Energy Blasts eminate from his high-tech blaster rifle would be nice.

Cooler is better - Just sprucing up many of the animations without improving the powers would make a huge difference. Blaster > Devices > Gun Drone, being an auto-gun that sits on your shoulder like the Predator had would make up for the fact that it sucks. Or Blaster > Munitions Mastery > LRM Rocket, having the rocket fire from a launcher on the back like the Malta Mechs do would make it worth using just for the effects alone.

Eye Beams/Breath Weapons - I have at least one Scrapper who'd have Weapon Mastery > Shuriken if the animation were a pistol shot instead of an antique Shuriken. A Tech Origin Tanker who'd love to have Laser Beam Eyes, if the beam came from his Blaster Pistol instead of his eyes. And it's difficult to justify taking Breath of Fire on any Tech Origin character.

Broadsword > Confront - I'd really like to have the 'Point the sword and challenge your enemy' animation that Katana and Dual Blades has.

Empathy - High-Tech versions of these animations would be nice as well. Perhaps copying that tricorder over from Aid Self/Other for some of them.

Dual Pistols - Some animations that are less Gun Fu/Animae and more Wild West or SWAT team-ish would be nice.

Pets - Here be the mandatory demand for alternate Master Mind pets. I'm tired of the WW1 looking Mercs. I want my Bots to... etc., ad infinitum.



This isn't a request for an alternate animation, but for a way to use them: for sets that have multiple animations, how about the ability to use different animations- either alternating, or at random. Would make more sense on the unarmed and armed melee sets than the blast sets, but could be useful for anyone.



Dual Blades: Animations that are more about brute force than finesse.
Defense Poses: Crazy poses when you activate a power a la Japanese Super Heroes (Ultra Man, et al.)
Control Sets: Something besides the hand wave or double hand wave. Something like the Demon Summoning animations would be cool.
Katana: The old broadsword copy animations.
Fire Blast: Something for Flares that isn't just holding your hands out.
Radiation Blast: Non-eyebeam version of X-Ray Beam.
Psychic Blast: Versions that fire from the hands instead of the head.

Also I agree with all the elemental weapon/non-weapon requests.



Eviscerate -Just looks stupid. Also if I remember correctly this is why Stone Armor Brutes cannot have Claws.

Single claw attacks. ie one hand with claw. That way we can have claws and shield.

Ice Sword Customiztion

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I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill



Assuming power pools are right out, let's go down the list...

Ice Armor: Ice Armor in all its forms is unattractive at times. On an Ice Tanker, the character can be built for it and it can be fine, but it's usually considered an eyesore when used on another. For Ice Armor, I suggest a "Breastplate" option that only covers the wearer's torso, and perhaps one that just gives the Breastplate, Gloves, and Boots.

Fiery Melee and Ice Melee: Swords should be an option in all the melee attacks. The current "sword" attacks should have swordless options. The sword is an iconic image that should be available through the whole set for those that want it, but shouldn't be so mandatory for those that don't. Also, Fire/Frost Breath needs an animation where it comes from the hands, or by pointing a sword at the foe. Fire Breath has a rather unique feel that clashes with most fire users.

Dual Pistols: Please, please, please give us some more mundane animations. As beautiful as the twisting and gun flippery is, I can't help but think that it makes me look like a monkey. And don't get me wrong, I love my "Bananas Akimbo" DP/Ice Blaster, but it looks ludicrious on the cowboys.

Thugs: While on topic, could Thugs get access to the flashy Dual Pistols animations? That'd be nice. And on the topic of Thugs, if you can't give us total customization, can you at least give us the option to replace our thugs with Hellions or Skulls? And give Robots some Clockwork and Maltabot options, Mercs some Sky Raiders, RIP, and PPD, Zombies some Banished Pantheon, and Ninjas some Tsoo? Perhaps require a badge to unlock.

Dark Melee: Some kicks would be nice. This isn't a big deal, because Dark Melee is a really nice set already, but if it's not too much trouble, some kick options would be appreciated.

Ice Control: This is an entirely personal request I'm sure, but I'd like a Jack Frost in Rikti Monkey form. Just a little white Rikti Monkey instead of the translucent ice construct. Also, a Snow Beast option would be nice for Jack Frost.

Super Strength (Hurl): I'd like the option to replace the rock with the random item from Propel, allowing us to throw gargoyles, boxes, and all sorts of random objects.

Illusion Control: Doppleganger technology exists. Being able to replace the illusions with dopplegangers would be amazing. Also, I currently have my illusions recolored to look like Longbow (red and white, it looks pretty nice with my character in Longbow garb). Some "Enemy group" options similar to what I suggested for Thugs would be nice.

Archery: Arrow Color options would be nice. I have a character called "Silver Archer." He's a son of Apollo and thus uses Silver Arrows, so... Silver arrows would be nice.

Alternate cast animations for blast sets, including the Kin Melee animations to allow for a more summoning/blasting/element controlling feel and animations that summon up items to fire from. Give options of daggers, staves, wands, and specialty gloves, and that should give a nice variety for special attacks. Musical instruments for Sonic attacks would also be greatly appreciated. Trumpets, Guitars, flutes... All in all, 'weapons' for non-weapon sets.

Claws: Invisible-Claw Option. For characters using Zombie hands or other hands that come with claws in them already.

NPCs: A Single Method to Greatly Expand Bases



Alternate animations for MM pet summons

Origin themed power animations

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*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



Integration's chest beating should die.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.


Posted's my short list.

NO FX for travel Powers. all of them..possibly a step or jump into rift and appear in new spot for teleport. maybe even "dark" teleport

But definitely no fx for, hasten, SS, SJ, Hover and Fly.

Kicks for Energy Melee. I wanna kick a energy ball into the face of what ever I am fighting.

lose the Flip for Elude...I hate it. in fact I hate all back flip animation for attacks.



I like the no fire/ice sword idea. I'd probably have one or two uses for it too.

But, how about using all the pre-existing swords, only with fire/ice effects added to them. I'd like elemental versions, but I'd also like to see the actual sword underneath as well. Like a fire sword, only with an actual sword with flames/ice on it, as opposed to just a sword made of fire/ice.

Seeing as I'm probably asking for too much, might as well throw in Axe and Mace elemental variants as well for the Fire/Ice melee options. As well as, electric/energy/dark elemental variants as well for at least some of the melee attacks.

Stone melee could also use a couple more hammer shapes, as well as a no hammer option. Hmm, maybe Stone Brass Knuckles/knuckledusters. Maybe brass knuckles would be a better glove request.



Elemental Weapon Attacks: All the Fire Sword and ice Sword and Stone Hammer type attacks I'd love to see weaponless versions that are more universally related to using that element as an attack.

Power Pools: As many of the power pool powers as possible to be allowed to have a non animated effect as well as variants for the Medicine Pool that do not use the "tricorder."

Prestige Sprint Powers: The ability to color the various powers would open up a LOT of RP and creativity and the ability to match the looks to character concepts.

Dark "Skull" Powers: The various Darkness powers that incorperate a skull in the effect I'd love to have a more generic option that would fit other concepts beyond just using some other dimensional darkforce. Since they can be colored already I find myself skipping attacks that have that specific effect so I can color the rest of the sets into a different theme.

Ice Armors: I'd love for a variant of Ice Armor that wasn't as big and blocky. Maybe something inspired by the Stone armors with icicles and crusts of rhime and ice on your bode but not a giant body suit.

Granite Armor: Ability to color the current version as well as a non body swapping version that can be colored and also shows the character at the same time.

Claws: A way to allow for feral/fingernail non appliance claws to work for the character.



As an alternate to Unstoppable and other power's Tarzan chest beating I'd like to use the Cimeroran yell.

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