Question: What powers do you want Alternate animations for?




Powers that come out of the face (eyes/mouth) as an alternate to coming out of the hands and vice versa.

Weaponized versions of powers that would normally animate out of the hands (Dark Guns, Electric Cannons, Ice Rifles, Sonic Blasters, etc) and vice versa.

Insectoid swarm animation of all ranged powers.

Custom colors for pool powers.

Tantrum animation for Foot Stomp

Porting many off the CC emotes to self buff powers

Alternate Walk and Ninja Run animations

More custom skins for non-weapon set weapons (ie. Fire/Ice Swords, etc)

Ripple/Echo effect for Super Speed

A different 'gather-then-shoot' animation for non-weapon snipes

More 'Hong Kong cinema' animation sets for Katana, Ninja Blade, Ninjitsu, Martial Arts and Dual Blades (maybe even Claws and Battle Axe)

Slasher flick animations for Battle Axe and other bladed weapon sets (and anything Stalker related)

Colored bullets (tracer rounds)?

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
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Jump kick definitely (as I saw above)

Medicine (heal other, heal self, sim, rez)

Sonic powers...yes makes sense to come from the head area / mouth since that's where sound comes from, however, not all my sonics are built assuming that's the source of the attack. NPCs have guns that fire sonic attacks.

In general if at all possible change blast style/ranged powers to have option to select the animation and source of the power (not on a per set basis just a general selection process that makes it work for ANY power). As it seems now, many of the early sets were similar animations.

These 2 might not fall in this category - but dare to dream:

Archery/TA - change arrow source to be a wrist launcher or crossbow/gun style?

Assault Rifle - change to have no gun but be wrist mounted or alternate source of the power somewhere on the body. Another one since I'm already out there - AR is actually dual wield style where one hand holds the Burst/Shotgun/Slug bullet rounds in one gun and the other hand has a grenade launcher/flame thrower ...animation would play from the appropriate hand.

Super Jump - alternate SJ animations would be nice similar to the way Fly was done. Always seemed like my guys were not Hulk size for how I would expect them to perform an SJ.

Super Speed - see SJ.

Mental/Psychic Powers - any alternatives would be nice (don't build many psychics just because of the animations in Mind Control/Psychic Blast/etc...)



I'd love to see animations for sonic blast that didn't involve my character hollering. Specifically the option for the sonic rifle or something. Actually I'd love to see all the non-weapon blast animations get a weapon option; rain of fire could be an airburst napalm grenade from a rifle, ice blast could be some kinda freeze cannon thing, that sort of stuff.



Originally Posted by Gehnen View Post
Jump Kick looks outright crazy on non spider-hero guys.
Indeed. A forward hand-spring into a mule kick, and then reverse back to standing? Does not fit all character concepts.

How about more like what "Jump Kick" suggests? Two commonly seen options:

1) As in Karate or Tae Kwon Do, the attacker jumps, tucks knees tightly to the body, and then kicks the lead leg out to the side, striking the target with the outer side of the foot; then retracts the kicking leg and lands gracefully on two feet.

2) Like a drop kick in pro wrestling, the attacker jumps, tucks knees tightly to the body, and kicks both legs, striking the target with the bottom of the feet; then turns the body in mid-air to land belly-first on the ground, and quickly stands up on two feet.

Any other variation you come up with will probably be better than the current animation.

I don't see many characters that use Jump Kick. One player who did use it told me she chose the power because she liked the description; but, she was surprised because it didn't look like what she expected. She planned to respec out of it.

Maybe if the animation looked more appealing, more players would choose the power?



Body Mastery/Energy Mastery Epic Laser Beam Eyes...I'd like a 1 handed or 2 handed blast away at the enemy with energy attack (Power Blast would work).

Total Focus and Thunderstrike to get an Eagle Claw animation (obviously with more hand time than EC currently has, due to longer animations).

Charged Brawl to get Thunder Kick or Storm Kick as an animation.

Fire Sword to be given the Barrage Animation (maybe with fire blades formed ont he hands or fiery claws to account for the lethal damage). The 1-2 punch shouldnt require the DOT style of Barrage, as I don't think Slash has the DoT component of it.

Sonic Attack sending out blasts through the hands would be great too.

[EDIT] Havok Punch getting a Jump Kick animation would be awesome too!

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Originally Posted by Castle View Post
One of the projects we are working on is to create more alternate animations for various powers. The animators asked me which powers I wanted to have this applied to and rather than simply come up with a list myself, I thought it would be interesting to open the discussion to you the fans.

Powers with Alternate Animations will still have nearly the exact same Animation Lengths, so this thread is not about creating shorter animations for various powers.

So, let's hear it! Tired of doing Backflips with Eviscerate? Sick of beating your chest like Tarzan? Eyebeams not your cup of tea? Tell us about it!
change burns animation. it looks good now.but another option like footstomp.maybe like a punch to the ground and have a volcano like burst fromthe ground up to hit the npcs



Non-tech version of /traps and /devices. Someone had the great idea of making mystical/magical versions of the items - which would make these two powersets actually possibly interesting to me.

Pretty much all power pools.

Fighting: All could use alt animations. One or two more punches, NO MORE Donkey Kong chest pounding, and yeah, something else for weave.

Flight: Jetpack Options would be great - much like Earth/Stone gets rock, crystal, lava versions of their powers. Flight could have Longbow, Sky Raider, and Goldbricker jetpack options, or even helicopter/rotor packs. I'd like to see an uppercut or maybe even a kick for Air Superiority.

Medicine could definitely use some changes. Now that Demon Summoning has somatic casting gestures, you could probably hack some of those for healing/revive, etc.

Speed - I'd really like a different Hasten effect, maybe lightning vs. "fire", or a initial "vibration" effect that just leaves a (colorable) aura afterwards? Supress effects for SuperSpeed would be well received.

Teleport with something like the CC: dimensional shift; or even CC: energy boil would be cool.

No idea how to change Concealment, Leadership, Leaping, & Presence. Fitness is all auto powers, so there are no animations. This is basically the case with Leadership and Leaping as well.

EDIT: oo wait, /e getsome would be good for provoke/challenge/taunts. Maybe the Roar emote as well. And there's a part of me that wants to use /e flex for Intimidate

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Originally Posted by Castle View Post
One of the projects we are working on is to create more alternate animations for various powers. The animators asked me which powers I wanted to have this applied to and rather than simply come up with a list myself, I thought it would be interesting to open the discussion to you the fans.

Powers with Alternate Animations will still have nearly the exact same Animation Lengths, so this thread is not about creating shorter animations for various powers.

So, let's hear it! Tired of doing Backflips with Eviscerate? Sick of beating your chest like Tarzan? Eyebeams not your cup of tea? Tell us about it!
Can Phantom Army be given a customizable option to allow the summoned decoys to spawn as summoned "Doppelgangers".. They can keep all the same attacks obviously.. I just want to summon real illusions

I guess a much more realistic request would be to give Teleportation an alternate animation as the Dimensional Shift animation.

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I for one like eye beams, and would prefer this and different poses for eyes beams on energy blasters...

Or even give the animations of Sonic Blasters to energy blasters, thats very X-Men Havok looking

Also, not sure if this is the rgith thread, but how about different effects/animations of power buffs.

I would LOVE the sonic buff animations (the rings around the body) as force fields.



Animations for different origins: Ninja-hand signs/mystic hand guestures/tapping on the wrist/pulling a gadget from a belt.

Alternate emanation points.

Ability to set the existing alternate Fly poses as the default pose.

Alternate grunt sounds when jumping.

In the way-too-much-work-to-be-practical department: Powers that have a half-dozen alternate animations each, and the ability to set your character to randomly select from a given subset of those animations every time the power is used.



A no-animation version of Psychic Blast and Psychic Assault, and maybe a no-animation Mind Control as well. They can still do a flashy build-up of power, but a subtle idle animation or crossed arms or simple glare or angry stare rather than the current wavy-hands and psychic sneezes would be awesome.

Also, could we get a Psionic Dart that looks less like a Psionic Sneeze? I'll still never use it for anything but pulling, but the current animation looks awful and makes me want to say 'Gezundheidt' every time I see it used.



My preference would be to allow all melee weapons or all fisticuffs for elemental attack sets. For example, My fire melee I would love to have all of her attacks to use a fire sword animation. Same with stone, ice, etc. On the flip side, to be able to use non-weapon elemental attacks. Fire melee with no fire sword, just fists of hot, fiery madness.

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Two-handed animations for Broadsword, showing the weight and force of a massive weapon. I think it would be possible with the current animation times. This would be to the exclusion of Shield Defense, obviously.

Aid Self, Aid Other, and Stimulate made to look magical, without any prop usage. Perhaps even something similar to Empathy animations.

As others have said, weaponized versions of powers. Energy Melee Sword, Dark Melee Knives, Ice Rifles, Heavy Weapons Energy Blast, etc.

Magic casting animations for Blast sets, such as Fire Sorcery.

A gatling gun we can use for Assault Rifle. A crossbow we can use for Archery. A rocket launcher we can use for LRM Rocket, and yes I don't care if it causes redraw.

Shoulder mounted attacks, whether it be Flame Thrower, LRM Rocket, Full Auto, or Explosive Blast.

[Edit] Oh, and thank you ever so much for allowing us to give input on this matter. I don't think I can say it enough, but there it is.

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Dark Melee/Siphon Life - I would like a more punch-y animation to match SP/Smite.
Dark Melee/Midnight Grasp - same as above

Dark Blast/Gloom (and the PPP version) - A selectable "projectile" would be nice. The skull is awesome, but it doesn't fit with some concepts and coloring options.

edit: An alternate to the 3.3s Total Focus animation (several powers).

edit2: No FX look for Ice Armor. I hate the encased in ice look.

Pools (unlikely, but wth):
Medicine/Aid Self - A non-tech-tricorder option would rock.
Flight/Hover - At the least, selectable poses a la Fly would be nice.
Energy(Body) Mastery/Laser Beam Eyes - A (perhaps colorable) copy of Power Blast's animation, which shares the same animation time, would be awesome.



One more: Elemental Claws for fire/ice/elec/dark/energy melees.
Also maybe claws

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Originally Posted by Psywarrior View Post
My preference would be to allow all melee weapons or all fisticuffs for elemental attack sets. For example, My fire melee I would love to have all of her attacks to use a fire sword animation. Same with stone, ice, etc. On the flip side, to be able to use non-weapon elemental attacks. Fire melee with no fire sword, just fists of hot, fiery madness.
This too, this would be amazing. I could finally make the fire sword character I have wanted to make, without the silliness of the other fire melee animations.



Dominator: Fiery Assault: this may be far-fetched, but give Cremate and Incinerate mock Fire Sword and Fire Sword Circle animations, like Icy Assault.

Dual Pistols: less Gun-Fuey animations, like what Malta Gunslingers already use, and an alternating animation for Dual Wield where the character twirls in the opposite direction (Dual Wield reminds me of Zoolander... HE CAN ONLY TURN LEFT!!!). Rain of Bullets could have an alternate where the bullets simply arc down onto the target area, as opposed to spiraling all over the place. Piercing Rounds could also use a less far-fetched animation.

Martial Arts: Focus Chi: instead of the standard Build-Up animation, use the Ninjitsu fist-to-hand animation (ex: Kuji-In Rin, Kuji-In Sha, etc).

Claws: Eviscerate: something akin to Broadsword: Disembowel, a nasty upward strike.




1. What a nice thing to ask about. TYVM for even asking!
2. A lot peeps made good comments:
a) Muon_Neutrino's list is good
b) BillZ and your comment about evis - yes, make it sweeping strike.
c) Yours: LBE make it a beam from hand or something mabe like focus (I know theres a time diff there)

**3. STONE MELEE: I dont like the hammer/mallots at all. Alternate non-weapon fisticuffs, plz. Please make sure they maintain the uppercut and beat-down flavor - the variety of angles in attacks are excellent - use this more**

4. Could you extend the time on KM assassin's strike and give it to Consentrated Strike (tier 9?), I personally dont like all the hand waving.
5. Fire/Ice swords are weird - use the behemoth counter parts like hammerfist for GFS.

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Hmmm - how about:

1) Medicine Pool - something other than a "tricorder" - like a magic wand or "laying on hands" animation.

2) Many "sub-weapon" powers having random animations - such as Ice Sword and Greater Ice Sword in Ice Melee, or their firey counterparts in Firey Melee, or Stone Mallet/Heavy Mallet in Stone Melee etc. Basically so that every time you use it one of 2 or 3 animations play just so you aren't doing the same move over and over again.

Edit: I like Psywarrior's suggection above - the ability to change the look of, say Frozen Fists to that of a Sword attack, or the Ice Sword powers to hand-to-hand strikes, just to keep thinks consistent.

3) Flight - how about a jet pack appears when you click the power (maybe make it part of the costume?). Or things like energy auras surrounding the character when it activates (or even the just the bottom half of his body).

Those are the ones that jump right out at me at the moment - will have to think on it.

Edit: CHase Arcanum in post #42 has some great ideas as well!



One of the animation/fx that I really like is the trail of color you get when running with the Blackwand.

Should sets like Dark/Electric/Fire etc. get a wand variation on the animations something akin to the Blackwand would be a nice touch.

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Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
A better question would be: For which powers do you want Alternate animations?

Sorry, the whole "ending a sentence in a proposition" thing irritates my inner grammar Nazi

That being said:
  • Travel powers would be key. Alternate animations for Hover (walking in air, yoga position), Fly (disc fly, ice fly, fire fly, flying in an upright position), Super Speed (skates, rocket skis), Teleport (Ninjitsu hand gesture, snapping fingers), and alternate FX for Hasten.
  • Whirling Axe. I remember a bug when Whirling Axe would play the Whirlwind animation. I thought that was actually kind of cool
  • Old West / gunslinger animations for Dual Pistols (to agree with other posters)
  • Aid Other. Would be nice to have alternative to the "tricorder." Perhaps have alternatives for Natural (infusing chi) and Magic (casting a spell) origins.

Will annotate others I can think of them.
Been saying this forever now. Please give us options like hover boards/discs and jetpack/rocketpacks for flight.

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*All (non-weapon) blast sets: Each set should ideally have a hands-based, head/eye-based and chest/body-based animation for most powers (as some may not make sense).

*Every power using the chest-pounding/roar animation: An alternate, more subtle animation without a roar/yell.

*Medicine Pool: Non-tricorder animations (spells, glowing hands etc.)

*Dual Pistols: Non-gun-fu animations for some of the most gun-fu-like powers. IMO, there are several powers that work just fine for a more traditional gun-based character.

*Elemental melee attacks (fire, ice, NRG, etc.): A full set of elemental sword attacks, and non-sword animations for those attacks currently using a sword.

*Stone Melee/Earth Assault: Similar to above, hammer-based attacks for all melee-based attacks (incl. fault & tremor).

*Alternate Granite Armors: If custom coloring of granite armor is not possible (as BaBs once stated, I believe), make 3-10 different versions of granite armor. At a minimum, simply offer a set of differnet colors. Ideally have a few models that use different model geometry.

Non soap-bubbly bubbles/fields. Non-rounded, lattice-based fields would be ideal (think the soccer ball shield from Halo).



Empathy Auras- I hate the one where you have to throw your arms up- am I doing the wave or dropping an aura?

Total Focus- maybe a way so that you don't have to jump?

Zapp- It's just rather blah to me.




Since you brought it up, does this mean that there's some likelihood that eviscerate WILL get an alternate animation and thus those that have wanted to play a claws/stone brute will finally be allowed to?

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Elemental melee sword/no sword choices.

I want every one of my fire tank's attacks to use the fire scimitar.

I want every one of my ice melee tank's attacks to not use an ice sword.
Yes yes yes!