Alpha Slot Removed from Going Rogue

Adeon Hawkwood



Donuts or alpha slot...decisions decisions



For everyone calling peeps whiners and cryers and ya what ever name calling your good. This is a paid expansion and it wouldn't be so far out there as to asume there would be a little something for everyone in it. Well they just took out that little something some of us where looking forward to so ya we gonna voice our opinions. Deal with it just like we gotta deal with this.



Originally Posted by MrTogo View Post

The "good call on waiting" from so many people bug me because it's a feature in a paid expansion that people have already ordered. If it was a free release, or no one had purchased it yet, then this wouldn't be a big deal at all, and I would probably agree with the good calls.
Why does it bug you? remember they said there's...what? 9 or 10 Incarnate Slots? GR was going to offer 1 slot, I don't see this as a big loss as it was only a sneak peek and not nowhere as heavily advertised as the power sets and zones. Also Incarnates weren't initially a part of GR IIRC.

Players shouldn't act like they're the only ones annoyed, I'm more than sure that the Devs are just as annoyed when they want to do something, but end up having to hold it back based off of player feedback. (i13 PvP changes are a whole 'nother can of worms...)



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
Personally I'm a bit amazed that people are saying "bravo" for implementing and then pulling a system which seems to be broken / underwhelming. I wish my customers would shower praise on me when I do something poorly and then tell them they can't have it yet because of my design flaws.
well you see, in the world of people who actually are not perfect, sometimes we see that we could do better, so rather than throwing out something that doesn't impress, we work on it more so that its better. Blizzard and nintendo have a pretty good record of this, takes forever for their games to come out, but they generally are better for it. You need to hang out with more imperfect people, as mortals are different and can better understand the burden of imperfection..that or your customers are tossers



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
Personally I'm a bit amazed that people are saying "bravo" for implementing and then pulling a system which seems to be broken / underwhelming. I wish my customers would shower praise on me when I do something poorly and then tell them they can't have it yet because of my design flaws.
How can you implement something that hasn't even left Close Beta?

People must be having a major brainfail day or something here...

Alpha Slot: Not performing to par
Par level: Set by Devs
Beta Testers: Confirmed this
Dev response: Withdraw Alpha Slot from GR release
Aim: Improve and bring up to par
Target: Issue 19

I knew as soon as I read it there'd be some whining but, seriously. It's still going to happen, just when the rest of the system comes out.
I can easily imagine people whining when GR came out anyway, going 'Why give us one level if we have to wait till next issue for the rest? Waaah!!1'

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
I knew as soon as I read it there'd be some whining but, seriously. It's still going to happen, just when the rest of the system comes out.
I can easily imagine people whining when GR came out anyway, going 'Why give us one level if we have to wait till next issue for the rest? Waaah!!1'



I think the new tech of the Halloween Banners and the Winter Lord's realm may have been test runs for possible Incarnate zone events - especially the Winter Lord one.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Neuronia needs a reminder:

I sincerely hope that the Developers occasionally log into the live servers, as sometimes the best laid plans of mice and men...

Problems with zone events in general:

i)Need outside triggers, like Lady Grey for zone raids or salvage redemption for Zombie Apocalypse;
ii)Low-pop servers might only draw 15-20 people in zone;
iii)Zone content focused only on level 50s doesn't exactly jibe well with the Super Sidekick system or the pick-up nature of the game;
iv)People get bored of zone events after about 5-10 minutes. Expecting people to exit more profitable missions (Influence, experience gains, merits, drops) to go fight "the big threat" is...naive, to be nice about it.
The Rikti Ship Raid is technically a zone event, which refutes all but iii there, so there are other ways. I, like you, hope it's not something like the above, though. I'm also hope for a little love for the soloers.

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
This news pleases me. I never liked the idea of being able to get one level of Incarnate powers and then have the character sit around twiddling their thumbs for a few months waiting for the next issue before they could progress further. I'd find that frustrating, rather than an enjoyable sneak peek, and I'm glad I'll be able to concentrate on exploring Praetoria and side-switching first, and then get the Incarnate system complete later. YMMV.
I suppose. Did you dislike the launches of coh and cov because they didn't offer the full 1-50 system?

Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
That's correct - reading his post, there's nothing about the way the Alpha slots works or is unlocked being the problem - the problem is that it's not useful if there's no Incarnate content to use it on, as it doesn't scale down when you exemplar - it'd be similar to if when they'd added PvP to the game, they hadn't finished making the Arenas
Which sort of begs the question: who thought it would be a good idea to offer a taste of the system with absolutely nothing to use it on?

I'm not sure that is a better premise than it being broken. In fact it is considerably worse because it shows a large disconnect between the devs and reality.

Originally Posted by MrTogo View Post
The "good call on waiting" from so many people bug me because it's a feature in a paid expansion that people have already ordered. If it was a free release, or no one had purchased it yet, then this wouldn't be a big deal at all, and I would probably agree with the good calls.
This game (and especially this forum) is at the stage where it is mostly lifers. There is almost nothing this dev team could do to people that you wouldn't see numerous posts supporting. It's illogical, but it is what it is.

Additionally you've probably noticed that some people are saying they don't care about lvl 50 content so they don't care about your opinion. That may seem rude, but the inverse is also true. I personally couldn't care less about the 1-20 game. If they said that part of GR was being pulled I wouldn't care at all. I wouldn't clamor to see if I can be the first to get on top of their pole like some are in this thread and others, but I wouldn't have much sympathy.



I've just gotta express my frustration with yet another failure by the dev team to bring something to fruition on time and in a manner that works with the game. First was PVP and then Posi's AE fiasco. This looks to be strike three for him. This time instead of ruining pvp or morally offending his entire playerbase is a failure to meet an already extended deadline for some kind of real level 50 content.

War Witch or someone at NCSoft needs to see the writing on the wall that this kind of carrot and stick routine is costing them customers. I've spoken with numerous people already about the removal of the incarnate system and the feedback I am getting is not nearly as polite as whats posted here.

If the devs really think this game needs more lvl 1-20 content and that a new expansion is going to bring is a massive wave of new players they are very mistaken. This is an old game that is hanging by a string. The player population is steadily declining and the Old Guard is just getting more and more frustrated with constant promises, nerfs and total bait and switch tactics the devs are being forced to use because the can't do their own quality control and don't listen to their players screaming for true level 50 content.

The markets are now effectively merged, not because they wanted to but because they couldn't make side switching work without a unified currency. The great new "expansion" is a bunch of zones existing toons can't participate in or benefit from. Sounds like a regular issue with an expensive booster pack for some new costumes tossed in. I really hope there is something in GR that will redeem the Devs for yet another empty promise but I am not crossing my fingers.

As for the promises of beta invites for vets and pre-purchase players I think its clear that they really don't want our input or feedback and would rather be patted on the back by their fanboys than receive any kind of harsh or opposing opinions to their own.

So like so many of my friends in this game I will be here until TOR or something else comes along. I've enjoyed my time here but at this point my frustration level has reached its peak. It will be sad to watch the game fold, and it will, but they've brought this situation on themselves and I just hope they can dig their way out. Its a very deep hole though.

"If a system can be exploited, it will be exploited. And if a developer thinks their system cannot be exploited, it'll be exploited like a new actress in her first porn movie." Sanya Weather MMORPG Examiner



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
Why does it bug you? remember they said there's...what? 9 or 10 Incarnate Slots? GR was going to offer 1 slot, I don't see this as a big loss as it was only a sneak peek and not nowhere as heavily advertised as the power sets and zones. Also Incarnates weren't initially a part of GR IIRC.
It was more content for my 50's, and I have a bunch of them to play, and I still enjoy playing many of them. So that one additional piece could've kept me entertained for awhile, because I'm a completist on my toons, so they all would've been played until they got the slot. Just because it was only a portion of the completed package doesn't mean I didn't want the first section now. I watch new TV shows as they are on, not wait an extra year for the season to come out on DVD to watch...

All else aside, as long as nothing else dramatic is changed, I'll probably get it. Biggest reason is because all my friends will have it and will probably be in the new zones and I don't wan to be left out.

We all have different reasons to keep playing the game. Part of mine is my high level toons I enjoy playing. IO's kept me entertained and brought new life to the game for me. The low levels, new zones and powersets are great and I enjoy it, but adding something each of my 50's will want will keep me entertained much longer.



I have to say that I am upset about the pulling of the incarnate system... I freely admit that my whole motivation for preordering GR was to get Incarnate abilities on my 50's...

And like some of the posters I have read, I don't really care about lvl 1-25 content... I like my powers... I LOVE making mighty tanks and wading into +2 x 8 Mobs and destroying them... And you just can't do that in the low levels... Going Rogue just doesn't have the draw of new level 50 content... I hope I19 gets perfected before 2011...



Originally Posted by Novawulfe View Post
Darn shame really, if anything else gets pushed back due to "balancing" or "not meeting standards" I'll feel ripped off of my 40 bucks I could have used for something else.
You SHOULD feel ripped off. The pre-purchase you bought was normally selling for $30. Somebody gouged you.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
You SHOULD feel ripped off. The pre-purchase you bought was normally selling for $30. Somebody gouged you.
40 is the prebuy for the complete collection.



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
You SHOULD feel ripped off. The pre-purchase you bought was normally selling for $30. Somebody gouged you.
Made me LOL



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
40 is the prebuy do not receive for the complete collection.
Pre-Purchase, Pre-Order and now "prebuy"? How many ways can you get GR!?




Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
40 is the prebuy for the complete collection.
I know you can order the Complete Collection in advance from many places, but I didn't know that they took your $40 right then and there. I thought they did it when it shipped. Sorry.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by SiGGy View Post
Urgh, great. The only thing I was interested in with Going Rogue has been delayed, wish I hadn't preordered now.
It's almost as if they baited you with something you wanted and then switched it out at the last minute.




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think the new tech of the Halloween Banners and the Winter Lord's realm may have been test runs for possible Incarnate zone events - especially the Winter Lord one.
I just hope they don't end up with the results we see with Halloween Banners currently, there is so much lack of interest in them, that 9/10 attempts fail.

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You have to remember this: Posi said that this Alpha Slot thing wasn't exemplaring... which means in a team of 8 50's who all had this Alpha Slot, guess how many got the benefits from this Alpha Slot?

If you said 8, then you need to read up on "Super Sidekicking"... because your answer is WRONG!!!

The SSK system auto bumps everyone to 1 level below the Team Leader... but it also auto-exemplars to 1 level below the Team Leader; that means the other 7 50's on that team are auto-exemplared to 49 (thus not Level 50 to take advantage of this Alpha Slot). The only true 50 on that team of 8 is the Team Leader in the eyes of the programming... which is the problem.

If all the stuff pertaining to the Alpha Slot is given/used by Level 50's only, then SSK just makes it a HUGE disincentive to team because your 50 is not treated as a 50 on that team, even with members of that team who are all 50s as well. If that Alpha Slot does not exemplar or you cannot progress on this Alpha Slot while on a team because the system treats you as a 49 and the Incarnate stuff has to be received at Level 50 only, then why would you team if it would screw you out of your Alpha stuff?

So, if it was kept as is, then it becomes a major disincentive to teaming. If they changed it so that it could exemplar, that means that the content would have to be made 45-50, not 50 only (because of the +5 rule on powers/enhancement effectiveness retention in SSK) and not the "Level 50 only system" they intended it to be, thus losing a bit of the impact that the devs have planned for this system, and since there is a LOT more than just this teaser in GR, they want to make sure the rest of the stuff in GR is as bug free as possible and probably could not get this system fully working in the remaining month they have before release... for all we know, they could be having so many bugs in Beta that if they don't concentrate on them then the release gets pushed back... and that would be worse than if they pull this Alpha Slot stuff out now.

Ashes to ashes,

The Cape Radio

"It's good to have friends. Wish I did." - Troy Hickman



Originally Posted by Pheonyx View Post
The SSK system auto bumps everyone to 1 level below the Team Leader... but it also auto-exemplars to 1 level below the Team Leader; that means the other 7 50's on that team are auto-exemplared to 49 (thus not Level 50 to take advantage of this Alpha Slot). The only true 50 on that team of 8 is the Team Leader in the eyes of the programming... which is the problem.
Uh.. what? Do you ACTUALLY pay attention when teaming? If you're 50, on a team with a 50 leader, you do not magically lose a level and drop to 49.

"Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these. It might have been."



Hopefully an unannounced round of powerset proliferation is being included with i18/GR's release.



Originally Posted by Pheonyx View Post
If you said 8, then you need to read up on "Super Sidekicking"... because your answer is WRONG!!!

The SSK system auto bumps everyone to 1 level below the Team Leader...
Not if you're the same level as the leader or higher! Sorry but you're WRONG!!!