Fortune go my wife killed




The people that cried in the Dev's ears are the RP crowd for most part & people who's machines apparently can't handle graphical cards swirling around them.

I hate the prompt is back, everyone I know hates the prompt is back, We are all from Virtue.

Now the stupid thing makes you do a recast when you receive it, Its F'ng annoying. Yes, We have had some death's in team, do to that stupid recast animation that roots you & stops your attacks.

So, I know at least 35 people(Im counted as one) who hate that it's back. Honestly, they should just make the damn thing a Self Buff, would solve everyone's problem, then remove damn prompt.

You heard me, SELF BUFF.


I delete more 50s, then you'll ever have.



Originally Posted by Mystic_Cross View Post
oh no, not this discussion again... I can already see the devs will be thinking very long and hard about any future temp powers they add through booster packs.
Which they SHOULD. That's their job. So just make future temp powers self buffs. Done. Next.

Today we find out they arbitrarily deleted all of our global emails without warning. That's acting without thinking, and it frankly pisses me off. I prefer a little deliberation now and again.

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Meh, why piss off half the player base just make 3 simple changes.

1) remove except prompt
2) add a (Do you really want to cast this prompt?) make the caster waste their time.
3) Nerf power to recharge time of 24 hours and duration to 15 seconds.



Originally Posted by GPBunny View Post
Meh, why piss off half the player base just make 3 simple changes.

1) remove except prompt
2) add a (Do you really want to cast this prompt?) make the caster waste their time.
3) Nerf power to recharge time of 24 hours and duration to 15 seconds.
Indeed, why settle for pissing off only half of the playerbase when you can piss off everyone who paid $10 for the power?

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Specifically since it has a typo in it
Is there a way of fixing said typo, I couldn't see one



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
This is a situation I cannot win with. I removed the prompt; people complained until I was told to put it back. Now it's back, a completely different set of people get to complain.
I can live with the prompt (though I don't like it), the extra graphic is the pain, why does it play the MF casting animation when you receive a MF?



Originally Posted by Heart Attack View Post
I can live with the prompt (though I don't like it), the extra graphic is the pain, why does it play the MF casting animation when you receive a MF?
My guess would be that it's a bug

@Golden Girl

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Originally Posted by JJDrakken View Post
The people that cried in the Dev's ears are the RP crowd for most part & people who's machines apparently can't handle graphical cards swirling around them.
Ah...broad, sweeping generalizations. I love them so...

For the record, I don't RP much and I'm running a Core 2 Duo 2.67GHz system(modestly overclocked) with 4GB RAM and a Geforce GTX 260.

I don't like Mystic Fortune on me when I don't want/need a buff. Or when I want to run a character vanilla(without buffs or inspirations) to gauge his/her performance. So the prompt simply makes sense to me. I'd also be happy with an option in the options menu to auto accept/reject.

I hate the prompt is back, everyone I know hates the prompt is back, We are all from Virtue.
So everyone you know in the entire game, everyone in your SG/VG on every server you play on, in both your local and global friend lists and everyone you've run into in the game, hates the pop-up prompt? Is that about accurate? And you've surveyed each of these people specifically to find out that they hate the Mystic Fortune prompt?

Now the stupid thing makes you do a recast when you receive it, Its F'ng annoying. Yes, We have had some death's in team, do to that stupid recast animation that roots you & stops your attacks.
That's horrible.

So, I know at least 35 people(Im counted as one) who hate that it's back. Honestly, they should just make the damn thing a Self Buff, would solve everyone's problem, then remove damn prompt.

You heard me, SELF BUFF.

I could actually support a self-buff...but it seems to thematically clash with having your fortune told by someone else.



Originally Posted by Heart Attack View Post
I can live with the prompt (though I don't like it), the extra graphic is the pain, why does it play the MF casting animation when you receive a MF?
Ah good. I was just about to report this bug, but I see it's known.

...Kinda hard not to notice, actually...

I'm not here to make you laugh.



Slashman can't be expected to know, but...:

I could actually support a self-buff...but it seems to thematically clash with having your fortune told by someone else.
A very similar self-buff is coming with the Mutant Pack, called Secondary Mutation. Some people found it in the game already.

Dec out.



I can see/hear it so clearly sung by none other than Veruca Salt "I want buff click... i want a buffest...i want a buff click for all of the buffs... the mystic the speed boost and all the shields buffs and if i dont get it now im going to scream!!! ...I want the buff click for all of the pretties except for the clear mind the dev should know that by now or im going to screammmmmm"

come on people yea... lets pull the dev's off of important game changing stuffs(see GR) and have them fix a minor annoyance...learn to play and control or toons...or maybe after GR they can add a "how to control your toons with buffs section to the tutorial



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think that the problem with making it a self buff is that it doesn't really fit with the idea behind the power.
That and it's not meant to your characters more powerful. It's meant to make your teams more powerful. It's something nice you can do for your teammates, friends you run into at WW or -- wait for it -- strangers you pass on the street.

I'm not here to make you laugh.



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post

I could actually support a self-buff...but it seems to thematically clash with having your fortune told by someone else.
This made me think that perhaps they could change it to you had your fortune read. I am sure someone can probably come up with a better way to phrase it.

I like getting the fortune cast on me.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.




I'd like to know how the Fortune buff is different from any other buff in the game.



Originally Posted by Weatherby Goode View Post

I'd like to know how the Fortune buff is different from any other buff in the game.
It lasts 20 minutes of game time and doesn't go away until then even if you die or log off for three years.



Originally Posted by Kinrad View Post
I find that these two binds are very useful for closing popup boxes when you enter newpaper missions and accepting/declining buffs.

/bind y, dialog_yes
/bind n, dialog_no

Not a perfect solution, but they do help.
Great idea. I didn't know about the "dialog_" command.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
This is a situation I cannot win with. I removed the prompt; people complained until I was told to put it back. Now it's back, a completely different set of people get to complain.
Hey neat, I got quoted by Castle.

I'll just say I was much happier when MF worked like every other buff in the game and you just had to shut your stupid face and deal with the buff.

It's not a big graphic or sound, it's pretty modest. But whatever, don't waste any more precious Dev hours on this non issue.

Even though it did **** my dog.

Paragon Unleashed, Unleash Yourself!



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
Every time something like this comes up, I'm reminded of something I'm told a wise man says at work. Then I look at my signature to get the words right.
You have no idea how many times I think about your sig when reading the forums. It has enriched my life.

"...his madness keeps him sane.": My Profile on VirtueVerse
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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Stupid double post! I thought the forum software wouldn't let me post the same thing twice? What happened to that check?
They stealth-removed the "Double post? Y/N" prompt dialog in the last forum patch.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by Clebstein View Post
It lasts 20 minutes of game time and doesn't go away until then even if you die or log off for three years.
Oh, like the safeguard/mayhem powers.

Still don't see the problem.

Edit: And you can got into your powers menu and delete it if you want.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
This is a situation I cannot win with. I removed the prompt; people complained until I was told to put it back. Now it's back, a completely different set of people get to complain.
As mentioned, why can't we have a proper resolution?

We get one for Team Teleport, why not Mystic Fortune?

Option: Accept Mystic Fortune: Enabled/Disabled

Done. Yes, I realize this takes work.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by NuclearToast View Post
They stealth-removed the "Double post? Y/N" prompt dialog in the last forum patch.

There was never a prompt. The system used to tell me "this post already exists" and it didn't do that now. I highly doubt it's been removed, too, so I wonder why it didn't trigger.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Peacemoon View Post
Castle you really annoy me sometimes. Yes there is such a thing as listening to player feedback but at the end of the day, you are the designer not us. There comes a point when you should make a decision which you think is right for the game and stick to it.
This is a test, right? I mean, if he stops listening to the players and does whatever he thinks he's right, there's someone already waiting to complain that he listened to you, right?

I'm on to this game.

This why I keep telling Castle that what he should do is take his priorities from the lead designer, allocate resources and schedule time with the producers, listen to feedback from the players, discuss the plan with the powers team, and then just do whatever I say. Its simple, and its consistent.

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Originally Posted by Weatherby Goode View Post
Oh, like the safeguard/mayhem powers.

Still don't see the problem.

Edit: And you can got into your powers menu and delete it if you want.
I don't think you can delete the MF buffs.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.