Fortune go my wife killed




I actually want WAY more prompts. I want to be prompted when some jerkwad wants to give me Speed Boost or Adrenaline Boost WITHOUT ASKING! I want to be prompted when some inconsiderate rad defender tries to accelerate my metabolism without even checking to see if I like my metabolism right where it is. Don't force field defenders realize how ugly those bubbles look on my toons!? I want to be prompted so I don't look all stupid covered in bubbles, or have my fire-based toons covered in a lame ice suit, or my ice characters surrounded by silly little spinning fire rocks. I want to be prompted when some dead teammate causes me to have a flashing light on my head! I don't want no flashing light on my head! And I want prompts to protect me from my own stupidity, like when I foolishly hit a self-heal or something; I want the game to prompt me and make sure that I really wanted to do that. You shouldn't be allowed to mess with your hit points without at least being warned.

We need moar prompts!

Never argue with stupid people. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

@vanda1 and @nakoa2



Ooooh no, the horror, I've had my recharge/damage resistance/defense/recovery/damage buffed, and the effect didn't even show up all the time, the whole thing was over dramatic. I just didn't get it I guess.

I prefered it without the prompt, it was so easy for teams to buff themselves up, even mid combat, still even with a prompt, no hard feelings.

But as people point out, the devs can never please the customers , so we are how having extra code written into the game to 'Customize' said prompt. I don't know, to me, it just seems like a waist of code and labour.

Combat Kangaroos, Justice Server. First 50's
Jirra Roo Plant/Storm/Stone/Musculature Controller
Combat Kangaroo Rifle/Energy/Mace/Spiritual Blaster
Kung Fu Kangaroo Martial Arts/Reflexes/Body/Spiritual Scrapper
Tribal Arc Shield/Elec/Mu/Spiritual Tanker



Originally Posted by Lenneth View Post
Thank the very vocal and loud minority who complained about it.
As opposed to the vocal minority of, what? Five people? I'm glad you feel so cavalier about trampling my preferences if it benefits you, but I hope you'll understand if I don't appreciate it.

Originally Posted by Frogfather View Post
Minority? You think more than 50% of the people in this game even noticed there was a prompt?
Yeah, I do. Next?

By the way, so what if more than 50% didn't notice the prompt? If, say, 49% of people noticed the prompt, then that's a much bigger majority that we have on most issues here.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



One of the best thread titles... ever.

[CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=white]The #1 True Villain badge collector on Infinity.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]



Originally Posted by Thaumator View Post
One of the best thread titles... ever.
Specifically since it has a typo in it

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Specifically since it has a typo in it
Indeed, the omission of the letter "t" cracked me up. It adds a whole new outlook on the title.

[CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=white]The #1 True Villain badge collector on Infinity.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]



By the way, has anyone actually noticed what the patch notes say about this, or what they hint at regarding Mystic Fortune in general?

Players may once again choose to not accept or decline the Mystic Fortune buff power.
I'm genuinely torn here. I can't decide if I want to decline the power, of if I want to not accept it. Decisions, decisions...

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Mystic Fortune may have killed the OP's wife, but at least he was wearing a neat costume when he did it.

(N.B. This may be less amusing to those who don't play on Liberty and/or frequent costume-related forum topics.)

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



Originally Posted by PuceNonagon View Post
I actually want WAY more prompts. ... We need moar prompts!
Lemme guess. You work for Microsoft, don't you?



Originally Posted by Blood Spectre View Post
Mystic Fortune prompts ***** my dog!

Seriously annoyed at the prompt again though, foar reelz.
This is a situation I cannot win with. I removed the prompt; people complained until I was told to put it back. Now it's back, a completely different set of people get to complain.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
This is a situation I cannot win with. I removed the prompt; people complained until I was told to put it back. Now it's back, a completely different set of people get to complain.
And you sound surprised by this? Really?

EDIT: Sometimes it seems like the smaller the issue, the more violent the 'mood swings' on it. As for me, meh, prompt, no prompt, whatever.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
This is a situation I cannot win with. I removed the prompt; people complained until I was told to put it back. Now it's back, a completely different set of people get to complain.
* watches Castle take the Kobayashi Maru test *

You ever see that web "game" where the button keeps moving so people can't click it?

Oh and you forgot the initial installation of the prompt which people must have wanted removed.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Heart Attack View Post
I'm indifferent about the prompt, it's the 3-5 second interupting Graphic on the target thats an issue.
I'm surprised more people aren't annoyed by this issue and are instead continuing the pointless debate about the prompt itself. Oh wait, I'm not.

This whole rooting animation when accepting the buff issue needs to be fixed...preferably soon. And preferably, but not necessarily, with the prompt matter solved with a dialog that can be set to 'auto-accept'.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
This is a situation I cannot win with. I removed the prompt; people complained until I was told to put it back. Now it's back, a completely different set of people get to complain.
Originally Posted by Tyrrano View Post
And you sound surprised by this? Really?

EDIT: Sometimes it seems like the smaller the issue, the more violent the 'mood swings' on it. As for me, meh, prompt, no prompt, whatever.

Castle, you should know by now. . . There is NO pleasing us.



Both options can cause something to happen against your will. The division is over which thing is more undesirable, and is being debated strictly between people who consider either effect (or, in some cases, both effects) notably obnoxious. There are two ways to win: either go to the additional trouble of making everyone able to set things up just as they like (and contemplate the possibility that this will be demanded for every ally buff ability), or categorize both groups as the sort of customers who are excessively difficult to please.

(Full disclosure: I don't consider either effect notably obnoxious and am frankly astounded by the level of distemper on display.)

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Originally Posted by Castle View Post
This is a situation I cannot win with. I removed the prompt; people complained until I was told to put it back. Now it's back, a completely different set of people get to complain.
Would it be easy to add a checkmark at the bottom of the dialog for an "Always accept Mystic Fortune buffs" option? Similar to the delete salvage/recipe dialogs, among others.

That way, the people who don't care about declining buffs can get them automatically, and the ones that like the prompt never have to tick it.

Justice Hunter, 50 Inv/SS Tank

Slenszic, 50 Sword/Energy Stalker

MA Arc IDs: 1355, 2341, 2350



Originally Posted by Heart Attack View Post
As of the patch today when you are given a fortune you have to accept it again, seems like a retrograde step and to make things interesting you now have a graphic show when it's cast on you which stops you in your tracks for about 3-5 seconds which earlier today got my wife killed in a mission.

Wonder if this is intended? Has anyobe seen todays patch notes?
yeah no

her idiot teammate got her killed



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
This is a situation I cannot win with. I removed the prompt; people complained until I was told to put it back. Now it's back, a completely different set of people get to complain.
Well, you can win - but only with the ultimate victory - which is a choice in the options menu to disable or enable all buffs - it'd make everyone happy

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
This is a situation I cannot win with. I removed the prompt; people complained until I was told to put it back. Now it's back, a completely different set of people get to complain.
You'll just have to try a third option.

How about keeping the prompt, and once people have clicked yes/no, another prompt shows up and asks "Are you sure? (yes/no)"? Answering "no" at this prompt would bring up the first prompt again.

Alternatively, adding a setting where we could choose if we get the prompt or not would probably make most people happy.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Well, you can win - but only with the ultimate victory - which is a choice in the options menu to disable or enable all buffs - it'd make everyone happy
No. . .There are those who want to enable some buffs, but not others.
Each buff in game and going forward needs it's own enable or disable option listed in the Options Menu.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
This is a situation I cannot win with. I removed the prompt; people complained until I was told to put it back. Now it's back, a completely different set of people get to complain.
I think you will find that the complaint from this particular thread (or at least the OP's) is different from anything involving the prompt. It's the rooting animation of receiving the buff that's causing issues. There is also the griefing potential of someone buffing you while you are running for your life from some very dangerous enemies. Now you not only have to deal with clicking yes or no (or even just hitting a bind), but if you choose yes you will be locked into a possibly fatal 3-5 second animation.



Is there an option to NOT have it prompt in settings somewhere?

I soooooo like it to not have it prompt.

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Originally Posted by Castle View Post
This is a situation I cannot win with. I removed the prompt; people complained until I was told to put it back. Now it's back, a completely different set of people get to complain.

Why can we not have an option to set to enable the prompt or disable it, and thus accept the buff? That way it would be the best of both worlds, and if people wanted the prompt, they'd just not disable that option (like for accepting TP, the dialog box when entering Pocket D, etc).

I really disliked having that pop up in combat and obstruct the action, and I ended up having to ignore it as much as possible, or get killed while fumbling to click it.

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