24 -
Please answer his second question. I'm in the same situation (the credit card I used originally no longer exists) and I currently have no credit card information attached to my account. How would I go about getting the refund for my remaining 3 months now?
Just wonderful...I was counting on getting my stipend when my VIP sub renewed today so I would have enough for Street Justice. I guess another few days won't hurt...much
So, to clarify, this error is for this month alone, and will be fixed thereafter? -
I don't mind the change, but I'd much rather prefer they add an Icon to every zone instead, with power-suppressing, well-lit backrooms. And more Universities/Labs. And Wentworth's/Black Markets. More utility buildings in general, rather than adding functionality in places that make little sense.
Quote:For a better look at the beam/laser in each animation, here's a preview:Can anyone address my question/concern?
Any replies would be appreciated.
Power customization could render it closer to what you're looking for. -
Filling out those two questions you couldn't find:
Quote:Q. What will happen to the crit bonus on Eagle's Claw from Martial Arts when it is proliferated to Tankers? Will there be any improvements/changes to Super Reflexes when it's proliferated to Tankers?
A. No bonuses to Eagles Claw, yet, although it is something that is being looked into. There will not be any changes to Super Reflexes in any of its iterations at this time.
Q. When you say Night Fall and Torrent are being merged into Umbral Torrent...does that mean it will take on the knockback properties of Torrent?
A. Yes. It will have the damage of Night Fall and the Knockback of Torrent -
Ah...LEFT click -_-
Thanks for that tip...sometimes I forget about the whole clickable links change they did way back.
And thanks for reminding me of chatsave...does it still have that bug where the color randomly reverts upon relogging? -
I seem to remember a slash command or something of the sort to change the color of any global channel you join as it appears in the chat window. Or was it through some menu I can't seem to find anymore? A little help please!
Quote:This is what I assumed from the UStream as well. I see it as a fast, temporary fix to something players would like asap that doesn't require extensive testing. (Count me among those who want AoE SB asap!) And I don't doubt it would require extensive testing, given the wonkiness of the options menu as is. If it takes Null to shoulder the birden of these and future QoL fixes, I say let it be.I suspect that it's because it's a lot simpler to plop an NPC somewhere, toggle a flag to make him or her interactive, and write up what goes into the dialog boxes than it is to design a whole new interface. One can be done in a few hours; the other would require at least several days, resources from other design groups, plus a lot of extra QA and testing time to make sure it didn't break something else.
This party pack is worth it just to read the gross overreactions. I fully support this kind of perk/expansion model and the direction it's heading. In the future I hope you offer even smaller packs, or sell each part individually and offer a discount on bundles.
This seems like the best possible outcome. I hope, at very least, this means more assets will be directed toward revamping the costume editor and future-proofing it because it needs serious work.
As for the effect this will have on the overall 'look' of the game, I doubt most players will use those legacy options anyway. Now, I don't think that means the devs should always cater to the minority as long as it makes up a sizeable percentage, but in this situation the solution satisfies just about everyone all the same (except maybe the programmers that have to work on the UI). -
Quote:Wasn't this already the case with female tank tops some time ago? I thought that change was out of left field, but still very much welcomed.Sure. Not saying that this is in the queue or anything, but take a look at the tank top. Currently, it's a simple cut-out without any details. Now look at a real-world tank top (like this one http://www.undershirtguy.com/wp-cont...n-tank-top.jpg) and note the trim and stitching along the edges and bottom. Also note the subtle folds and even subtler fabric texture. These are things that could be improved in an updated texture. Would it still be a plain white tank top? Of course! But it'd be a lot more realistic and convincing.
However, if this is the general case, would we also see hairstyles upgraded for conformity as well? As it stands, the classic hairstyles clash with all the new ones that were added about one or two years ago, especially when it comes to color attributes. I could see how some would prefer to keep the legacy hairstyles in that specific case, as an update to those would be on the scale of the ultra graphics reflective change. But even then, I would welcome the upgrade for the sake of conformity and visual fidelity. -
Quote:Is there any way we could have an example of this? I don't mean an image of the updated texture or anything, but rather what costume pieces are considered blurry, and what specific upgrades could be made.Just so we're completely clear, the hypothetical 'new' pieces would look 100% identical at distance, use essentially the same geometry, and differ only in the sense that they look crisper/cleaner/sharper up close. There would be absolutely NO impact to a toon's theme because there'd be no discernable aesthetic change.
Would you really use the legacy asset w/ older, blurrier texture if a cleaner, sharper version was available to you? If so, I'd love to understand why you feel that way. -
While I don't think anyone really prefers fewer options, if these is no compromise between these two scenarios, I'd have to go with option 1. In some cases, menu clutter in the costume creator is bad enough as is (chest details come to mind).
On second thought, I can see why one would want to keep more consistency in the look of the game and its characters...but if consistency is the priority, wouldn't all NPCs also require these "auto-upgrades"? -
Quote:This is easily solved by typing in /cleartray after a respec...I hated having to sort everything out before so now I just start fresh instead.It would be AWESOME if they'd re-work the respec process so that your power trays don't end up full of every single temp power or vet inherent you have and your actual powers are all jumbled up or pushed off the trays. I can really deal with the rest of the respec process just fine, but what it does to the power trays is awful >.<
As for inherent fitness, while I disagree with most of the complaints presented, I am almost as tired of hearing the same counterarguments over and over again. I wish they hadn't let the cat out of the bag until more details could be presented, if only to calm those who think an associated nerf is inevitable. A Q&A and FAQ about just this issue would be welcome right about now. -
Quote:Great costume concepts!They seem fairly generic, they don't scream "insect' or "Lizard" or anything like that. They're just... that. BioLum has a fishy feel, but even then, it doesn't appear to have scales. Keep in mind that I think this is a good thing. They KIND of look demony, or boney, or coraly, or planty, or fishy. Enough so that you could use them for a number of costumes. Props for that.
For the record, here's what I came up with.
Honestly, was I the only one who thought "Zerg" when they saw the set?
I completely agree. It's puzzling to see so many narrowly define Organic Armor as demonic when it can be a number of things, which is always a good thing. I just wish there were a "with skin" option instead of plain leather or whatever shiny texture that is. -
Subjective Feedback: Though I find Dimension Shift and Energy Morph a closer fit to Technology or Science origins, I can understand why it's included with Mutants since those origins can overlap. I, for one, will be using those two on 90% of my characters.
The Showoff emote makes no sense though. Unless you're trying to say something about mutants! Growl I can do without; it looks a bit awkward on anything but feral characters, or anything with wings. Despite that there's plenty reasons for me to pick this booster up.
Some videos of the costume changes and showoff:
Dimension Shift
Energy Morph
Rapid Boil
Showoff -
Subjective Feedback: Really loving the Organic Armor set. Having a hard time wrapping my head around Bioluminescence, but it's the kind of biological/mutation-based costume pieces I expected. It would be great if the...glowiness of it were a bit more pronounced though. Also, Organic Wings are terrific; shouldn't there be matching Bioluminescent wings?
Quote:The OP is not so much about the prompt as it is the bug that has come with it for this new patch. I would not call that bashing, nor throwing the issue at anyone. However, the thread has horribly derailed into the same discussion as all previous threads on this matter. I would have bailed out on this thread, much like those, if not for the fact that this bug IS a potential griefing tool and I would hope anything like that would get priority in fixing. I was also surprised with most of the discussion from people unhappy with the return of the prompt...everyone seems open to the idea of more options at this point than less.I am not dismissing anyone or anything (This new rooting animation is different than the prompt and shouldn't be thrown at those who are happy to have their options back).
Many people who hate the prompt were all over anyone suggesting that we want the option back to decline.
So, yes, I brought some history into this thread...
But... wait... Look at the OP of this thread and its title.
Come on.It is further bashing of this change and people brought plenty of the history in here before I decided to reply.
Quote:I came in defense of Castle who did the right thing. He restored the power's options. The rest of the devs can maybe help the people who dislike the prompt. Win/win
I agree with this, but that is not a fair representation of this thread. Most are just trying expressing their desire for a true compromise and want to be heard, just like those who wanted the prompt returned in the first place. -
Quote:The majority of this thread consists of people upset at the decision to bring the prompt back, ultimately looking forward to the auto accept/decline solution. Only a couple people are 'insisting' this change should be undone in spite of those who prefer the prompt.People who do not like the prompt should be pushing for the UI change to include an auto accept/decline option instead of insisting that players who want to decline shouldn't be able to.
Quote:It's not your fault, Castle (And all Developers), that many players cannot accept middle grounds and compromises between differing opinions and playstyles. This is a trait rampant through much of humanity.
Clearly, dismissing players who don't want to be stuck with a 20 minute buff, debuff, visual and/or audio effect are not worthy of respect by some rather vocal (but certainly not whining) enemies of prompts.
Until there is an option to auto accept/decline, the prompt is the compromise.
The prompt is not the compromise, it is a temporary solution that is just as bad as not having a prompt option altogether. The devs should not be praised for providing a bandaid for the situation, much less a bandaid that is bugged.
Ideally, I'd like to see Mystic Fortune disabled until a proper prompt can be programmed into the UI. That way, those who dislike the prompt will no longer have to deal with it, and those who prefer the prompt really can't complain because there is no random, obtrusive buff to worry about. Of course, then you invite the complaints of those who feel entitled by their $10 to randomly buff anyone they want...the lesser of three evils, perhaps? -
I think you will find that the complaint from this particular thread (or at least the OP's) is different from anything involving the prompt. It's the rooting animation of receiving the buff that's causing issues. There is also the griefing potential of someone buffing you while you are running for your life from some very dangerous enemies. Now you not only have to deal with clicking yes or no (or even just hitting a bind), but if you choose yes you will be locked into a possibly fatal 3-5 second animation.
Quote:I'm surprised more people aren't annoyed by this issue and are instead continuing the pointless debate about the prompt itself. Oh wait, I'm not.I'm indifferent about the prompt, it's the 3-5 second interupting Graphic on the target thats an issue.
This whole rooting animation when accepting the buff issue needs to be fixed...preferably soon. And preferably, but not necessarily, with the prompt matter solved with a dialog that can be set to 'auto-accept'. -
Quote:Do not want
Players may once again choose to not accept or decline the Mystic Fortune buff power.
If the problem is that the buff lasts too long, I'd rather see the duration and recharge time shortened...at least until the "Always Accept/Decline" option is implemented.