Issue 17 - Patch Notes 1800.201005212331.1T




Patch notes for build 1800.201005212331.1T




  • Fixed a bug that caused many critters with ranged attacks to change behavior and prefer melee range, including Rikti Drones and most Mastermind pets. Critters should behave as they used to again.
  • Fixed a bug with the Blackwand power drawing from the ground and planting the player vs. just drawing the weapon normally.
  • Players may once again choose to not accept or decline the Mystic Fortune buff power.
  • Shield Defense (all) – characters will no longer walk on air when jumping with a shield drawn.

  • Fiery Aura Fiery Embrace will no longer cause Travel Suppression in PVP
  • Teamwork/Mind Link will no longer cause Travel Suppression in PVP
  • Telekinesis in the Ancillary pools should now behave the same in PVP as standard versions and no longer repel players.

  • The Backup Radio temp power now has only 5 charges as intended.

  • Fixed a bug that caused only Wolf Spider minions to count towards the Spider Smasher badge.

Mission Architect
  • Fixed an issue with enemies disappearing when using "The Fab" unique map.
  • Fixed a bug where pets would malfunction when using “The Fab ” and “Grandville” unique maps.
  • Fixed pathing problems in the first room in the Vanguard Base (Interior) map.
  • Guest Author: Quest for Magic: The last objective map icon will now work.
  • It is no longer possible to create an un-completeable mission with defendable objects.
  • Guest Author: Stolen Legacy Part 2 and Part 3: Correct some typos in the contact text.

  • Lady Gray Task Force: Reduced the Green Mitos’ hold protection from magnitude 53 to magnitude 10.
  • Fixed a bug where the last objective of a mission will still be marked if the player resets the mission and starts over.

  • Put back the Braided Buns hairstyle from the Martial Arts pack, which had temporarily gone missing.

City Zones
  • Midnighter Club – Fixed a bug that sometimes caused characters to get stuck in the ground when moving between the Midnighter Club and Cimerora. The previous fix stopped working as soon as a player took a pet through the portal, and would not start working again until the shard was restarted.

  • The Observer camera now properly flies again.

  • The drink emote will no longer cause female characters to slide back and forth.



  • Dispersion Bubble inadvertently set to affect a maximum of 16 targets. Corrected to a max of 255.

  • Dispersion Bubble inadvertently set to affect a maximum of 16 targets. Corrected to a max of 255.

  • Broadsword and Shield Defense – the Head Splitter power will no longer play the Air Superiority attack animation when flying with a shield readied.
  • Katana – Weapon draw animations now work correctly again.

  • Faultline – The Safeguard mission in this zone now correctly starts at a PPD van instead of a cave entrance.
  • Positron Task Force Part 1: The final mission door is now located in trams instead of an office building.
  • Katie Hannon Task Force – in the “Defeat Mary MacComber” mission, the successive waves attacks did not increase in difficulty as intended. This has been fixed.



  • Demon Summoning/Crack Whip – the description was corrected to state Knockdown instead of Knockback.

  • Good Villains Never Die (Part 2): Fixed a bug where the name for the final boss in the task, "Find Thomas Mane" was labeled incorrectly.
  • Good Villains Never Die: Adjusted Leonard’s location to make him slightly easier to get to.

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The drink emote will no longer cause female characters to slide back and forth.
I'll have what she's having!

One of Six, Cannibal 6



Players may once again choose to not accept or decline the Mystic Fortune buff power.
Boss hiss on this one, I rather liked not having to hit the damn prompt everytime.

"I accidently killed Synapse, do we need to restart the mission?" - The Oldest One on Lord Recluses Strike Force



Originally Posted by Jake_Summers View Post
Boss hiss on this one, I rather liked not having to hit the damn prompt everytime.
I on the other hand, couldn't be happier! I hate being ninja buffed by this stupid power when I have no intention of fighting anything. I then have to listen to it for twenty damned minutes. So annoying.

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
Players may once again choose to not accept or decline the Mystic Fortune buff power.
WOOHOO! Thankyou thankyouthankyou! /emote Snoopydance



Why are we putting the Fortune prompt back ? So now for all those that were annoyed by it have to look at the Yes/No prompt in the middle of their screen / in the middle of a fight. How is this better ? {chant} no prompt, no prompt...

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Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
[*]Players may once again choose to not accept or decline the Mystic Fortune buff power.
I hope it will be like the Teleport prompt, and players can select in the options if they want it auto, or the accept/decline box.

Arc ID 104041 Attack of the Mini Phalanx Solo Friendly; Custom Characters; Comedy.
Arc ID 292449 The Shadow of Eihbon Solo Friendly; Canon Related; Magic.



/joins the 'NO PROMPT' crowd.

Hitting yes everytime is just annoying and unnecessary especially in the middle of a fight.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
  • Players may once again choose to not accept or decline the Mystic Fortune buff power.


1. When Mystic Fortune is cast on someone, rather than go through the buff-accepted animation, the one receiving the buff goes through the MF casting animation, which looks pretty bad.

2. MF can't be cast on anyone with Walk toggled on (which I assume is WAI). However, the one being buffed can turn on the Walk Toggle while the Accept Dialogue Window is up and counting down, then accept the buff, then turn off Walk. This doesn't stack the buffs (except for a brief moment, when an exclusionary code turns off the old buff). However, this does allow one to get their buff changed (and changed again) until they get the buff they want. This sort of takes away from the design of the deck of random buffs (one is drawing from a tarot deck).

3. While not really a bug, it is something that bugs a lot of us: The Accept Dialogue Window popping up. I prefer the auto-accept of Live.

BTW folks, there is no option to have the prompt show or not.

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Look you guys, we can't please everyone, and I for one am a fan of MORE choice, not less. Hopefully it'll be as Photonstorm has said and have the option to disable the prompt.

Hello, my name is @Caligdoiel and I'm an altoholic.



A start on the pvp fixes. Good to see. Now lets get to the rest.

Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.



You can put me in the group happy to see the prompt back. I'd rather hit "No" than automatically get stuck with a -ToHit from one of the random fortunes. Hopefully they made the behaviour a toggle in the in-game settings, so we can choose to autoaccept if desired.

[Edit] Zombie Man beat me to it, and evidently there is no toggle. *sigh* Please don't remove the choice dialogue again, just make it a toggle, devs. Please.

"Yes, yes this is a fertile land and we will thrive. And we shall rule over this land, and call it... ... This Land."

Main: Mikuruneko (50, Katana/Regen Scrapper)
Alts: Many



Originally Posted by Aisynia View Post
I on the other hand, couldn't be happier! I hate being ninja buffed by this stupid power when I have no intention of fighting anything. I then have to listen to it for twenty damned minutes. So annoying.
I swear to go around and use every single buff on my Defender and Controller in drive-by buffings to help people like you see that this has always been in the game and that Mystic Fortune is no different and has no logical need to be treated separately.

Let's put the same dialogue on all buffs then. Now, you'll have to deal with constant pop-up dialogues from drive-by buffers. Is that what you want?

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
I swear to go around and use every single buff on my Defender and Controller in drive-by buffings to help people like you see that this has always been in the game and that Mystic Fortune is no different and has no logical need to be treated separately.

Let's put the same dialogue on all buffs then. Now, you'll have to deal with constant pop-up dialogues from drive-by buffers. Is that what you want?
So you're buff griefing? How juvenile.

Hello, my name is @Caligdoiel and I'm an altoholic.



Good job Devs for all the bug fixes you DO put in. Keep them coming!



im in the "no popup" group, i hated the popup when we had it and was so glad when they got rid of it



Bah. Hated the popup and was very glad when it was gone. But I guess people complained loudly enough for the devs to put it back in. Kinda sucks how a few people have to ruin things for everyone.



Nice list of fixes.. Though, the re-fix to me will just get annoying. Give us an option to hide the prompt like we have for teleport powers. I don't like missing out on a me because I am too busy arresting bad guys to pay attention to window pop-ups.

With all these fixes in here.. you'd think there would be a fix to the Shield patterns..

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Yay for the option to accept/decline Mystic Fortune!
How did you manage to do it, Castle? This really makes me and the Mrs. very happy.
(I hope the bug Zombie Man reported can be worked out)

Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
I swear to go around and use every single buff on my Defender and Controller in drive-by buffings to help people like you see that this has always been in the game and that Mystic Fortune is no different and has no logical need to be treated separately.

Let's put the same dialogue on all buffs then. Now, you'll have to deal with constant pop-up dialogues from drive-by buffers. Is that what you want?
No, Zombie. I love and appreciate all that you do for the community, but that is nuts. All other player cast buffs last 2-4 minutes. Mystic Fortune lasts 20 minutes.
That alone makes it very different.
Waiting for a 4 minute buff to wear off is acceptable. 20 minutes? And it lasts through defeats?
Seriously, there is no way you can factually claim it is "no different and has no logical need to be treated separately".
That is entirely inaccurate.
So, take it back and praise the prompt!

EDIT: HAHA, neg rep'd with "Cry More"! Guess they missed the "yay" and all that dancing I was doing. (Isn't it better to discuss something rather than leave an anonymous attempt at an insult?)

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



I'm actually okay with having the prompt back. Being stuck with a 20 minute buff is like being stuck with someone else's dinner bill.

It's not optimal, but it's no worse than the dialogue pop-ups at the beginning of some mishes.

Just make these binds to accept or decline teleports, accept or decline trade invites, dismiss mission intro text popups, etc.
/bind Y "dialog_yes$$dialog_answer Accept"
/bind N "dialog_no$$dialog_answer Decline"
(actually, I do shift+Y, shift+N)

Like I said, it's not optimal, but it's better to have the choice.


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What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
3. While not really a bug, it is something that bugs a lot of us: The Accept Dialogue Window popping up. I prefer the auto-accept of Live.

BTW folks, there is no option to have the prompt show or not.
Sigh. Count me firmly in the camp of hating the prompt.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



Players may once again choose to not accept or decline the Mystic Fortune buff power.
Do not want
If the problem is that the buff lasts too long, I'd rather see the duration and recharge time least until the "Always Accept/Decline" option is implemented.