Would Anyone Play a Longbow/PPD AT?




I had this thought while playing Spider Blue today.

How would the players feel about an AT based in Longbow or the Paragon Police Dept?

Start off small, and rise up to be a Warden or even a Ballista? Be a super powered Cop like Blue Steel ...

My COX Fanfiction:

Blue's Assembled Story Links



To be honest, I think we have more than enough epic ATs. You can easily play what you describe via existing sets and ATs right now, especially considering so many PPD and Longbow powers are borrowed from players as it is.

To answer your question - no, I would not. I do not enjoy plot-locked characters.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



...But then that would be Four HEATs.

...Now, if it was a Praetorian Police/Resistance Soldier AT, --that-- would be cool.



Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
How would the players feel about an AT based in Longbow or the Paragon Police Dept?
i already have a PPD Psi blaster.

IMHO the game already provides the tools to emulate either faction for interested players.

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Three words;

Power Armour AT.

The arm mounted gatling guns and lasers and backpack cannons along with Power Armour that the PPD Hardsuits pack; /Want

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



TBH i want something thats more hero and more villainary AT wise instead of this dead/demon powers we have now- not saying their bad.

I wouldn't play a LB or PPD AT as we can already make them..but i wouldnt mind playing something else- Rularuu for example i think would be epic- something like crey/rularuu mutation hero/villain



Since, other than the VEATS, they've refused since launch to let you join existing factions or access their costume pieces (I'd like some Freakshow faction/costume pieces, myself), I'll wager that no, no one will ever play a PPD/Longbow AT.



I hate, loathe, and despise Longbow, almost as much as I despise Arachnos. They are dull dull dull, overexposed, boring to look at and boring to fight, and a bunch of self-righteous hypocrites to boot. So there is no way I would ever wish to join them.

As for the PPD, we got a bunch of police costume options in the day job issue, we have PPD riot shields, billy clubs, dual pistols...I'd say we have all the tools we need to make a wide variety of police-themed heroes, there is no need for a new AT.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
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Except for power armour. And arm-mounted guns.
Which, annoyingly, only NPCs get.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Personally, I think if a VEAT character decides to switch sides and go to blue, he should have to turn in his Arachnos helm/crab pack for some PPD stuff upon respec.

Say that your character was working undercover in RI or that he turned in secrets to the enemy and earned rank.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Three words;

Power Armour AT.

The arm mounted gatling guns and lasers and backpack cannons along with Power Armour that the PPD Hardsuits pack; /Want
Wouldn't that just be like a hero version aracnios solider?



Originally Posted by Hydrofoil_Zero View Post
Wouldn't that just be like a hero version aracnios solider?
Strangely enough, when the spiders were being talked about, the idea came up to proliferate the EATs to give a hard suit/stealth suit PPD AT to go with bane and crabs, and the Nictus AT as a counterpart to the HEATs. So instead of each side getting both new ATs, each side gets one of them.



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
I hate, loathe, and despise Longbow, almost as much as I despise Arachnos. They are dull dull dull, overexposed, boring to look at and boring to fight, and a bunch of self-righteous hypocrites to boot. So there is no way I would ever wish to join them.

As for the PPD, we got a bunch of police costume options in the day job issue, we have PPD riot shields, billy clubs, dual pistols...I'd say we have all the tools we need to make a wide variety of police-themed heroes, there is no need for a new AT.
^ This, wholeheartedly.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Three words;

Power Armour AT.

The arm mounted gatling guns and lasers and backpack cannons along with Power Armour that the PPD Hardsuits pack; /Want
I would certainly get behind that. most longbow and ppd stuff is already pretty easy to emulate, but the hardsuits have a unique look that would be well complimented by some power armor styled powers.



Longbow & PPD for heroes and some Nictus love for Villians! 2 new Epics each side unlocked by a level 20 character!

To me that would be awesome and even the field even more then it is on the epic front.



I dunno. I think there's some interesting unseen lore in the game about Longbow that I'd like to see touched upon ... from the inside, as it were.

The Radioactive Wardens are revealed to have developed their powers from a sample taken from a villain ... meaning that these people VOLUNTEERED to have their powers bestowed upon them.

Are all the Wardens the result of scientific experiments? Or are some of them mutants?

You have the Wardens, and then you have people like Darla Mavis, Doc Quantum, and other heroes who work with Longbow while retaining costumed identities.

Are there any female Ballistas? Are the Ballista powers inherent or do they involve technology? Notice how the Wardens are a Rainbow of Colors, but none of the Ballistas are?

Is Ms. Liberty-- or at least Longbow?-- somehow prejudiced against people who have inherent super powers?

Whatever happened to the Sapper who cost Maverick her powers?

As for the Paragon Police Dept, why is Blue Steel the only authorized super hero working for PPD? Why are ESPers and Peacebringers the only metas working for the PPD? Is there some kind of prohibition against metas working for PPD instead of Longbow?

As for story arcs, maybe you could play a corrupt police officer or Longbow hiding their villainy and framing innocents for your crimes ... or maybe you could be wrongly accused and spend the journey from 1-50 searching for evidence to clear your name while running from your former colleagues ...

My COX Fanfiction:

Blue's Assembled Story Links



Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
How would the players feel about an AT based in Longbow or the Paragon Police Dept?

Start off small, and rise up to be a Warden or even a Ballista? Be a super powered Cop like Blue Steel ...
yup i would....BUT i would want it to be more fleshed out like originally when i heard dayjobs where going to be implemented i thought it was going to be something like grand theft auto style like how you could jump in a cab or ambulance or pizza delivery and pick up people and drive them around or just go nuts and drive off a cliff .

where you did mini games,that type stuff on the side .

but son i was disappoint ,when it just revolved around getting a badge when your not playing the game.

so yeah if it was something like grand theft auto's sandbox type play then yup .



I still want a Clockwork Epic AT for the Going Rogue expansion, and I'm going to keep saying it until I've brainwashed you into wanting it too. Imagine shooting lazer beams out of your arm cannon, being dark and mysterious because you're a robot and nobody understands you, but you don't care, because you're a ******** robot. You'll love it. Trust me.

Longbow seem like an obvious choice, being that we can play as Arachnos, but the key difference, I think, between Arachnos and Longbow is that, while Arachnos have/had some very cool gadgets and powers that were specific to them, Longbow really don't. They are entirely re-creatable through the costume designer, and their powersets are almost entirely made up of combination you could make up on your own. That and I really don't see where a story for them would go.



No. I believe we have seen enough of Longbow....

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Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
I hate, loathe, and despise Longbow, almost as much as I despise Arachnos. They are dull dull dull, overexposed, boring to look at and boring to fight, and a bunch of self-righteous hypocrites to boot. So there is no way I would ever wish to join them.
Oh thank you. I thought I was the only one. You also forgot tyrannical. They took over Atlas Park, Galaxy City and Kings Row from the PPD and no one batted an eye. Not to mention the RWZ storyline and what Ms. Liberty wanted to do with Vanguard. I wish that there should be a storyline that just exposes them for the fanatics they are. And it up to both Heroes and Villains to shut them down for good.

As for the PPD, I wouldn't mind them since all of my characters have either a police,military, or off the streets. I just realized I made Marvel Characters, Dang it.



I like the Nictus idea, but how would they be different from Warshades?



Originally Posted by LegionAlpha View Post
Oh thank you. I thought I was the only one. You also forgot tyrannical. They took over Atlas Park, Galaxy City and Kings Row from the PPD and no one batted an eye. Not to mention the RWZ storyline and what Ms. Liberty wanted to do with Vanguard. I wish that there should be a storyline that just exposes them for the fanatics they are. And it up to both Heroes and Villains to shut them down for good.
Well there's the RWZ one for starters. Rogue faction my butt. And that arc in Nerva where you steal a prototype Sapper gun from them is pretty incriminating. All their terrorist actions on foreign soil, taking money from private citizens to fund said terrorist activity...and now we have a Longbow recruiter standing on the Use Might for Right badge. The evidence just keeps piling up.

Besides, like others have said, you can copy pretty much all their powers. Just make the hats, chest detail and tights pattern available to players, unlockable with a hidden badge that you have to kill a thousand Arachnos for, and there you go, you have your "Longbow AT" with much smaller investment of developer time.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Well there's the RWZ one for starters. Rogue faction my butt. And that arc in Nerva where you steal a prototype Sapper gun from them is pretty incriminating. All their terrorist actions on foreign soil, taking money from private citizens to fund said terrorist activity...and now we have a Longbow recruiter standing on the Use Might for Right badge. The evidence just keeps piling up.

Besides, like others have said, you can copy pretty much all their powers. Just make the hats, chest detail and tights pattern available to players, unlockable with a hidden badge that you have to kill a thousand Arachnos for, and there you go, you have your "Longbow AT" with much smaller investment of developer time.
I like the idea of a Longbow option with a storyline though.