Too Many Demon Summoners?
Heh, that random howling is rather grating, isn't it. There have been times when I've jumped because I didn't realize a demon was nearby until it started baying in my ear. That sound seems to be mixed more prominently too.
I'm one of those wierd people that UNsummons the pets when I'm running around the zones. Keeping track of pets, making sure they don't draw aggro or get stuck somewhere, is a real bother.
I would very much like it if the Devs would SHUT THE DEMONS UP. Already getting very sick of hearing all the noises that they make all the time, especially in crowded places like the Market.
Its kind of ironic actually... after all the complaints of CoX becoming a farming game, they finally gave in and made a cow based summoning set, with pig squeels every couple of seconds....
All they need now is a pitchfork set for melee charecters and in game music changed to this:
Demon summoning is overpowered as it stands, and just about everyone but the devs seems to know it.
Thankfully the Devs seen to have the foresight to wait until all the excitement has died down, so they can judge how the set performs in normal circumstances before they do any more balancing to it.
I'm still waiting for GR to get the Clockwork pieces. My own demon summoner is going to be a clockwork programmed to summon demons so that his creator could figure out exactly how to recite the pacts so that the demons did not turn on him. After going through an intense period of trial and error, he finally managed to perfect the magical seal so that the demons would not immediately tear him into pieces. He rushed into the room set aside for the ritual to examine his new minions only to painfully discover that they were bound to the Clockwork, and not himself, leaving the Clockwork with new found freedom and power.
On a side tangent, I found it initially very difficult to see just wtf was going on when I got into my first demon team. They're so friggin' big, noisy, and glowy that often I can't see where anything is when I'm near them, or they push you all over the damn place because of their size. I also don't really feel like they do that great of damage in comparison to what I'm doing, but I'm willing to bet most people playing DS don't really know how to play MM.
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
Demon summoning is overpowered as it stands, and just about everyone but the devs seems to know it.
Due to this more people than usual are running to play demon summoning hoping that the devs dont catch on. That combined with the fact its a new shiny means theres gonna be a fair amount of cattle ranchers for a while to come yet. Try running a cave with 8x demon summoners... its no fun trust me ![]() |
^ This basically. Except I played my Plant/Emp during the City of Neo.
Mainly because if there are loads of one type of a character running about you tend to get invited to PuGs easier if you aren't them (especially in the case of MMs). So I've mostly stuck to my Ice/Psi Domi who tends to work well with the demonic horde. I would like to know why so many Demon MMs are big scardie-cats though, half the time I'm the one opening combat. I've also started a Widow who is late teens, but she gets a team handily anyway since you rarely have too many SoAs. |

The others are scared of debt.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
You mean the markets that were down for much of the time Demon Summoning has been available yet where people have been rocking their auras and footstomps for the past 3 years?
The Demons simply do this annoying howl at random the entire time they are summoned, while spamming footstomp is a conscious jerk decision. They howl while at mission doors, while at the vendors, etc... No other Mastermind henchmen do this sort of thing, why the Devs decided to make Demons as annoying as possible I do not understand.
Auras never bothered me at all, most of them don't have an annoying audio component like all heal-spamming has.
Heh, that random howling is rather grating, isn't it. There have been times when I've jumped because I didn't realize a demon was nearby until it started baying in my ear.
I actually ran into a Demon summoning MM named Cowapocalypse, described as the Herald of Mooageddon. Black and white with horns of course.
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
I haven't seen a single demon summoner in Atlas, Talos or anywhere cool.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
I haven't seen a single demon summoner in Atlas, Talos or anywhere cool.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Everyone else I've teamed with with a DS/ MM looked like a demon/succubus or wore lots of black/red/possibly a 3rd color (thought I ran into one at a trainer who wore black/blue). But all looked to have a dark motiff.

Dungeoncleaners! (ID#125715): Slay the Adventurers! Rescue the Monsters! Return the Treasure!
Peppermint Cat-- Lv50 Mewtant Ice/Eng Bls
I haven't seen a single demon summoner in Atlas, Talos or anywhere cool.

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I opted for a human-sized gummi bear MM. Bright shiny colors on her.
![]() |
Not so much a black and red demoness/succubus.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
My DS/Traps is a binder of demons through foul technologies, he considers himself an Aristocrat, & heart as black as the abyss.
His outfits are quite proper & pristine or flamboyant in nature, but never the broody black & red look.
Here his Description
Listen, I make no qualms of who I am, I am a monster, I am not some poor man plagued to walked with the damned, I am the damned & they are my kin. I choose to use my science & technology to bind the unholy to my will, to control them & use them for my own despicable ends. Do not assume otherwise, because you'll be next fool I bind to my will...
Dark foreboding man, Fabien is highly intelligent & highly skilled in controlling, murdering, torture, maiming, & anything else his blacken heart craves.
Calling himself the Aristocrat of death, he hedonistic man, with the desire to use his tech to bind everything to his will. Some say he's made even darker pacts & has slept with the foul demons himself, he just smiles & watches his playthings shred you apart & relishes in your screams. He truly is a despicable man of impulse, he always claims every man has a demon in themselves, its up to the man to see what they do with it.
So yah,
I delete more 50s, then you'll ever have.
I haven't seen a single demon summoner in Atlas, Talos or anywhere cool.
(and on liberty, you will see mine, in a few months)
Because you haven't played with my DS/DM
![]() ![]() The others are scared of debt. ![]() |
Maybe I have. It's all a blur of scantily clad ladies and grunting, hideous monsters at this point. (I'd love to say "Just like college" but that'd be a lie).
I've certainly teamed with Demon MMs who open with Tar Patch and Fearsome Stare. I liked them. But I've also teamed with lots of Cowardly Lion types who all stand there when you say "Ready". Generally I say "Bored now" and Ice Patch from cover to encourage them to get started.
One can never have too many VEATs though. Mmmm. Soft-cap on top of saturated Drain Psyche.
You can never have TOO MANY Demon Summoners! LOL I joined the ranks of the FoTM and currently I have one at level 18. I team with a good friend that has created a DS as well and the combo is devastating.. Let's see playing as a duo we have already managed to get Impounder and Vandal Badges out of the way and I need a little over 100 more PPD for that Mayhem badge. We don't Do mayhem missions we demolish them and leave absolutely nothing to attack when we go (that includes cardboard boxes, metal crates, etc..) We took on Tsoo in a newspaper mission and it seemed like the whole thing was filled with Sorcerers. They went down so fast I was amazed.
I think its an extremely fun powerset and am enjoying it. And before anyone asks My minions are named
and Fickle
I am planning to name the next Fester and I haven't quite decided what to call my Demon Prince yet (How does BOB sound? No? Okay I'll work on it more ) LOL :-D
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
I enjoy my DS/Thermal. Rushed her up to 32 with a friend (since we played into the high 20s on test the normal way). Have since been taking it slow and working on IOs, which is taking a while since the market blew up. My pets have 69-86% RES to S/L which is pretty awesome. I can solo +2/x6 without any issue. Only MM I've ever played where I can put all pets on aggressive in a team of 8 set to +2 and not lose a single pet across numerous missions.
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.
I would very much like it if the Devs would SHUT THE DEMONS UP. Already getting very sick of hearing all the noises that they make all the time, especially in crowded places like the Market.