Too Many Demon Summoners?




Originally Posted by Primal View Post
I like the way you think. Sadly I can't go the emo route, as she's using that white-eyed insane-grin face, Supernatural Face some#. Vampire, though, that'll work well, and I *think* I can add a pirate hook to the uniform jacket.
Is she the daughter of a deity or Dracula? You're not allowed to play if you're not the child of a deity or Dracula.



I was on a 8 DS Team on Test Once. I had to leave because it was too crowded, but we tore up that map.

And when I was helping a friend with Army of Me yesterday (He was on a Sonic/Storm Corr), the difference between Victory and a Wipe was a second Demons/Dark. (...And a decrease in difficulty to +0.)

As for my character, he looks like what would happen if Raidou Kuzunoha the XIV, M. Bison, and Karl Ruprecht Kroenen had a baby. ...I am guilty of red and black though. But he looks cool!



Already empowered by a deity, that counts as a child. Way ahead of ya there.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Teams of all DS MMs are really rather destructive. I was out Bruted, out Dommed, out everything. Heck, it was hard to get to the mobs sometimes.

And yeah, FotM dies down, every time It can be funny while it lasts though.
Although I am getting a tad sick of the Ember demon roar sound. Its...really a bit too loud, IMO. Cool ,but a bit grating after the umpteenth time ><
Were you here when Thugs MM first came out? If not imagine an 8 man MM team with all it's pets out and each player then casts Gang War.

8 MM's
48 Henchmen
80 Gang War Thug Posse

Now imagine that in a cave mission.



Heh...someone disapproved of my DS/DM summoning nightmares instead of actual demons? I thought it was a rather good idea instead of going the demon route.

Even went the Jubilee/Witchblade route of doing hero stuff in whatever you were wearing at the time.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



This is the reason I wait a significant period of time before rolling an new power. I don't begrudge anyone else playing FoTM (It is delicious soup, after all), but it undermines my personal desire to feel truly individualized.

Except for Dual Pistols. 'Cuz they were dual freakin' pistols.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
I was complimented a few days ago... about how I was the only MM around that wasn't a Demon Summoner. (Playing on my Thugs/Dark, my main villain badger)
Similar thing happened to me when VEATs came out. After getting fed up trying for a couple hours to get a team for my Dominator, I broadcasted that I was starting a team and wasn't a VEAT. Got so many replies right away that I couldn't invite them all. As people kept coming in to replace those who left a common comment when people joined was "I'm getting so sick of everyone being a VEAT today."



Originally Posted by Substrate View Post
My DS/Therm that is waiting for the rush to die off actually looks like the vet non-combat pet impish demon. Tiny little red dude.
Wow epic negative rep for making a silly character. Duly noted guess I need to delete him and never speak of him again.



Too Many Demon Summoners?
I believe, as DEMONstrated in this thread, the answer is NO.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by Substrate View Post
Wow epic negative rep for making a silly character. Duly noted guess I need to delete him and never speak of him again.
Heh, you too? I guess whoever really wanted us to make a succubus.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Well my demon summoner wears red and black and has demon wings, but she's also a mutated penguin who spits poison so...I think I'm okay for the unique department.



Originally Posted by NightErrant View Post
I was on a 8 DS Team on Test Once. I had to leave because it was too crowded, but we tore up that map.
Yeah this is my only issue with there being a surfiet of DS vills right now - the big ones are SO BIG - you put more than 3 or 4 in a tunnel or tight hallway and forget about moving around, targeting what you want to target, or even following the battle.

This weekend I spent half a battle standing on someone's head in a cave - jumped up there to target a specific baddie and *couldn't get down* it was so crowded.

But as long as you don't mind fightin' blind, tons o' demons are pretty unstoppable!



Originally Posted by RobertoLyon View Post
Yeah this is my only issue with there being a surfiet of DS vills right now - the big ones are SO BIG - you put more than 3 or 4 in a tunnel or tight hallway and forget about moving around, targeting what you want to target, or even following the battle.

This weekend I spent half a battle standing on someone's head in a cave - jumped up there to target a specific baddie and *couldn't get down* it was so crowded.

But as long as you don't mind fightin' blind, tons o' demons are pretty unstoppable!
I didnt have this problem on all MM teams.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by RobertoLyon View Post
Yeah this is my only issue with there being a surfiet of DS vills right now - the big ones are SO BIG - you put more than 3 or 4 in a tunnel or tight hallway and forget about moving around, targeting what you want to target, or even following the battle.

This weekend I spent half a battle standing on someone's head in a cave - jumped up there to target a specific baddie and *couldn't get down* it was so crowded.

But as long as you don't mind fightin' blind, tons o' demons are pretty unstoppable!
My only experience with them so far was being on a team with three of them, but I was running a Corr - you know, with ranged abilities - and I didn't have that problem. Now, mind you, if I had been running a brute...



Geez, I don't recall EVER having enough room in a cave mission on a big team. Even if no one has any pets at all, the way getting blocked or just some big oaf shoving me around via superior ping* is an inevitability. The hate of caves, or those silly sewer-map bottleneck rooms, is not just MM-related.

* or graphics, or whatever the hell causes that. It's irritating as crap.



I have absolutely no interest in demon summoning.



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
This is the reason I wait a significant period of time before rolling an new power. I don't begrudge anyone else playing FoTM (It is delicious soup, after all), but it undermines my personal desire to feel truly individualized.

Except for Dual Pistols. 'Cuz they were dual freakin' pistols.
^ This basically. Except I played my Plant/Emp during the City of Neo.

Mainly because if there are loads of one type of a character running about you tend to get invited to PuGs easier if you aren't them (especially in the case of MMs). So I've mostly stuck to my Ice/Psi Domi who tends to work well with the demonic horde. I would like to know why so many Demon MMs are big scardie-cats though, half the time I'm the one opening combat.

I've also started a Widow who is late teens, but she gets a team handily anyway since you rarely have too many SoAs.



Uh this happens whenever any NEW set is released. I guess you weren't around for hordes of VEAT heavy teams on red side when those were initially released or how they dropped significantly numbers after a few weeks of being out.

Also demon summoning is kind of an extra special case, since it has been one of the most requested sets since CoV beta, more so than Dual Pistols which only became rabidly requested after Thugs were released.



Demon summoning is overpowered as it stands, and just about everyone but the devs seems to know it.
Due to this more people than usual are running to play demon summoning hoping that the devs dont catch on. That combined with the fact its a new shiny means theres gonna be a fair amount of cattle ranchers for a while to come yet.
Try running a cave with 8x demon summoners... its no fun trust me



Originally Posted by Locksmith View Post
six of the eight were DS MM’s (the other two were Spiders).


The really fun part is every time one of the group had to leave the replacement was another DS MM!
I was in a team just like this on Friday - except I was one of two Corrs (and occasionally the only Corr) - in a team of Demon MMs.

I would have hated to be a brute on that team!

After a while a Thugs MM seems he hadn't got the memo!



I laugh when people refer to anything new as "FotM" Builds when something new comes out.

Me, personally, I think that the "It's Shiney and new I want to try it" Brigade fits more really.

Haven't splashed out yet myself, still got so many project on the go at the moment trying to get what I want ready for GR yet to be honest. But now I have 100% ready to go SG/VGs on Virtue (mainly solo) and enough prestige to kit out relevant Teleporter rooms should we be able to use TP beacons to the other side with Grey characters, and more interested in the Incarnate area than new powersets at the moment. That and wanting to finish off 4 or 5 alts I have in the 40s before GR hits to on a few servers, well I'm kinda busy.



Originally Posted by Predatoric View Post
Demon summoning is overpowered as it stands, and just about everyone but the devs seems to know it.
I don't think they are any more powerful than Thugs or Robots. In fact, I think I like Thugs more. I do think it may be a wee bit better than Necromancy. Ninja and Mercs? Well, they can't all be on top. But they are still good sets that can crush the enemy.

You get any 2 or more masterminds on a team, and they WILL crush the opposition. If you were on a team with 2 or more Demon Summoners, I wouldn't over-react.


Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



Originally Posted by Bull Throttle View Post
I was in a team just like this on Friday - except I was one of two Corrs (and occasionally the only Corr) - in a team of Demon MMs.

I would have hated to be a brute on that team!

After a while a Thugs MM seems he hadn't got the memo!
Being melee orientated would be horrid at the mo. I'm occasionally tempted at the log on screen to try my level 12 Dark/Energy Brute but then think about the swarms of demons getting in the way and decide to play something else instead.



Originally Posted by Predatoric View Post
Demon summoning is overpowered as it stands, and just about everyone but the devs seems to know it.
Weren't Demons nerfed a couple times during beta?

Due to this more people than usual are running to play demon summoning hoping that the devs dont catch on. That combined with the fact its a new shiny means theres gonna be a fair amount of cattle ranchers for a while to come yet.
I see no difference from i7 when Thugs came out or pretty much any power set that comes out that's actually new (Willpower, Dual Blades, Shield Defense)

Try running a cave with 8x demon summoners... its no fun trust me
Being on any team with more than 2 Masterminds is painful.