Too Many Demon Summoners?




Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
I've certainly teamed with Demon MMs who open with Tar Patch and Fearsome Stare. I liked them. But I've also teamed with lots of Cowardly Lion types who all stand there when you say "Ready". Generally I say "Bored now" and Ice Patch from cover to encourage them to get started.
Any /Dark Miasma MM who doesn't open with those two (or even is afraid to 'start things rolling') deserves far worse than you're giving them.

Then again, perhaps the new set has attracted some players who normally don't run MMs and don't understand them too well yet.



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
You can never have TOO MANY Demon Summoners! LOL I joined the ranks of the FoTM and currently I have one at level 18. I team with a good friend that has created a DS as well and the combo is devastating.. Let's see playing as a duo we have already managed to get Impounder and Vandal Badges out of the way and I need a little over 100 more PPD for that Mayhem badge. We don't Do mayhem missions we demolish them and leave absolutely nothing to attack when we go (that includes cardboard boxes, metal crates, etc..) We took on Tsoo in a newspaper mission and it seemed like the whole thing was filled with Sorcerers. They went down so fast I was amazed.

I think its an extremely fun powerset and am enjoying it. And before anyone asks My minions are named

and Fickle

I am planning to name the next Fester and I haven't quite decided what to call my Demon Prince yet (How does BOB sound? No? Okay I'll work on it more ) LOL :-D
It's funny you say that. My Demon Prince was originally named Bob.

Now the lineup is...




...all proper names for creatures from the land of nightmares.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Sod the demons, I just wanted a whip-based powerset.


I'm enjoying these more than my previous MM villains (Agent Flux - Bots/Traps, and General Dare. E. Lee, one of those mysterious Ninja/Poison cows that hide in fridges, have access to massive amounts of technology and are constantly trying to force psychedelic mind-control cheese down youngsters).

That said, a team of 6 Demon/ MMs - particularly if any of them went /Thermal and are using the shielding buffs - aren't just going to set light to the Skuls. They could well take the average video card with them.

Is it time for the dance of joy yet?



Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
Any /Dark Miasma MM who doesn't open with those two (or even is afraid to 'start things rolling') deserves far worse than you're giving them.

Then again, perhaps the new set has attracted some players who normally don't run MMs and don't understand them too well yet.
Hmmm...I actually vary it up...

Fearsome Stare here.
Tar Patch there.
Oh look time for a Howling Twilight.
Okay Darkest Night gets a turn.

And sometimes when I'm not really worried, I just send the pets in first.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
You'll see more costume variety later too, once more people start going beyond the "default" DS look - just like how now you see lots of DPs without trenchcoats
I think we're already seeing some variety. On the few teams I've run with, we've had the "I'm a demon, you're a demon, he's a demon, she's a demon, wouldn't you like to be a demon too?" guys. Sure. But I've seen a couple of nice, creative concepts outside of this.

Here's my little homage character.

Not everyone is in the "That's why we're called DEEEE-MONS! And not the Easter Bunny!" mode.

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Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
Any /Dark Miasma MM who doesn't open with those two (or even is afraid to 'start things rolling') deserves far worse than you're giving them.

Then again, perhaps the new set has attracted some players who normally don't run MMs and don't understand them too well yet.
I've been playing a Necro/Dark since villains launched, so the concept is alien to me too. I'd assume in general that Me and/or my Pets Go First should be the standard opener for any team without a Brute (or if the Brute is feeling squishy against whatever we're facing).

* Hell, I've got a specific bind to force one of my Zombies into melee all the time as my chief alpha absorber just so I can have even more pets out at once. (and to watch him die horribly time and time again. Poor old Mr Pink).



Originally Posted by Nuclea View Post
No, stacking in this game is overpowered, always has been. A single DS MM is no more overpowered than a single Thugs MM. It's the stacking of -Res when you have 8 of them that gives that appearance.
Think about a team of 8, all running maneuvers.

Tank/Brute? Who needs one?

And while I'm not overly fond of the "tripping over all the pets" style of play on large teams, DS is the first MM set I can actively get into. Mostly because I, personally, do more than just stand there and buff-bot the pets.

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Are they making life hell for you?
I see what you did there.

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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
It's funny you say that. My Demon Prince was originally named Bob.

Now the lineup is...




...all proper names for creatures from the land of nightmares.
Yeah. Did that with my demonized catgirl during test.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Yeah. Did that with my demonized catgirl during test.
It fit my toons concept. What else would you name creatures you summon from nightmares? Hyper active and playful when she doesn't need to be serious (and when you have a horde of nightmare creatures doing things for you, sometimes you can get away from even that).

I did however help friends come up with more demon/not so cute names for their demons though. But then, they were actually summoning demons.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Nuclea
Originally Posted by Sunstormer
Demon summoning is overpowered as it stands, and just about everyone but the devs seems to know it.
No, stacking in this game is overpowered, always has been. A single DS MM is no more overpowered than a single Thugs MM. It's the stacking of -Res when you have 8 of them that gives that appearance. Same thing would happen (and did happen) with an all Thugs team. Ever seen an all Rad superteam in action? Or an all VEAT team soft-capped to everything using TO's?

Thankfully the Devs seen to have the foresight to wait until all the excitement has died down, so they can judge how the set performs in normal circumstances before they do any more balancing to it.
Still waiting for the "inevitable", as one person called it, nerf to Venom Grenade on VEAT-heavy teams.

Blue: ~Knockback Squad on Guardian~
Red: ~Undoing of Virtue on [3 guesses]~