Biggest Problems with the Game Today




Originally Posted by Wondering_Fury View Post
I like this guy ^^

(Quick replies, I'm at uni and bored as hell.)


Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
So, what? EU vs. US is the new CoV vs. CoH?
Yes. lol nonAmericans. You can't have a server list merger for the same reason as CoV can't have consignment houses: If that happened, you might have fun on your own and not look longingly at Americans/CoH. You need to be reminded of your place in the devs' world!

Now stop posting on our forums and get back to your ghetto!

(For the record: I very nearly transferred my characters to the EU servers when they came out because I wanted Passport on my badge toon. I wonder if that option is still open...)



Originally Posted by Teeth View Post
Yes. lol nonAmericans.

(For the record: I very nearly transferred my characters to the EU servers when they came out because I wanted Passport on my badge toon. I wonder if that option is still open...)
Nope, that was discontinued a long, long time ago.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I didn't see a point in NOT being on the US servers when I was being coddled to switch over and I don't see it now.
And thanks for sticking to it. Have had a great time playing (and conversing) with you on a US server.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
So, what? EU vs. US is the new CoV vs. CoH? I live in Europe, myself, and if "your" future is bleak as EU version players, it's only because the EU version of the game in general was an incredibly unnecessary and frankly STUPID idea. Personally, I'd expect to see both sets of servers opened up to each other in the near future.

P.S. I still subscribe to the US version of the game.
The EU version of CoH/V was set up at a time when NCsoft still was looking to have a development and operations presence in Europe. Having CS staff on more appropriate local times, together with specific language servers, was likely considered a good option at the time.

Similarly for the Korean City of Hero decisions, I'd expect.



Yeah, I'm glad that as far as PC games are concerned, Australia is part of the US.



Originally Posted by NuclearToast View Post
And thanks for sticking to it. Have had a great time playing (and conversing) with you on a US server.

Thanks, NT I love the US community, even if we have our fair share of arguments here, and the forum merge has only served to show our community can benefit from adding the EU players to it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
No, thank you. Removing content from the game is probably the QUICKEST way to make me lose interest. Far as I'm concerned, the city has been developing in the most efficient way possible - retain all the old content for those of us who actually like it, but add new content for those looking for something new. Rooting out the 5th Column has got to be the WORST thing that has happened to the game, content-wise, and even now that they're back... They really aren't. They have almost not story to their name, and all the good bits were given over to the Council anyway.
You know, I'm inclined to agree with you. Further, if the older content is removed from the game, new players will miss the content that connects the over-arching storyline to any new content that may come along. That would be a travesty.

Paragon is rife with advanced and mystical technology. We have the Menders, for instance. It's conceivable that heroes and villains alike could be sent to the future to prevent villains from coming to the past to wreak havoc or to work with future versions of their allies. This is a staple of comic book lore. This would give the devs a chance to create new versions of existing zones without replacing them, per se, and do it in a mission-based format.



Originally Posted by Vanex_NA View Post
here's my list:features for soloplay (teamsize diff setting, better avg xp per mob in soloplay, debt nerf, DXP, blasters shooting while sleeping, ...), is CoX turning to City of Soloing?
I fail to see how implementing features for solo play could possibly be construed as something wrong with the game.

The game is rife with casual players who have jobs, go to school, and manage families. They don't have tons of time to get involved in teams for a variety of reasons. Or, they simply prefer solo play. It has always been a design goal for the City of games that teaming was entirely optional.

However, over time, solo play became less appealing, leading many people to feel that they were being forced to team. This idea ran contrary to the stated design goals of the game. It was therefore corrected.

How could you possibly get the impression that that is wrong?



Originally Posted by Teeth View Post
My contention is that purples aren't generally "available." It is virtually impossible, for example, to purple out 16 characters (split hero and villain) playing 5 hours a week, assuming you haven't been playing those same characters for like four years (which "altoholic" definitely implies). The only people for whom purples are "available" are the very serious players who have considerable time to invest in the game, which was intended by the Devs and is thus "working."
I don't like purples idea, discussing if they're few or not or the "time to invest" is no use to me: I'm against that fantasy-like-MMO feature in a superhero MMO.

Originally Posted by Teeth View Post
Also, the context of your statement seems to imply that you should be going for PvP sets; if purpling out a full server doesn't seem unreasonable enough for a casual player, how about fully slotting PvP sets on an entire server?

Basically, the problem here is that you're complaining about the lack of access to something that was put in the game on the premise that access to it should be restricted. That seems silly to me.
PvP? already told you it is broken, I'm not interested and I won't go for PvP sets either.
I'm complaining because it would require centuries, but again I'm against purples.

Originally Posted by Teeth View Post
A fully purpled character should have enough global recharge and accuracy to stomp a proper 15...
A normal 50 with SO has so much greater chance to win a lv 15, just because of five more powers and SO over DO/TO, put purples over this and you've annihilated the poor 15 and.. pvp.

Originally Posted by Teeth View Post
Now stop posting on our forums and get back to your ghetto!
Thanks for confirming what is the current CoX-EU situation.



Originally Posted by TyrantMikey View Post
I fail to see how implementing features for solo play could possibly be construed as something wrong with the game.

The game is rife with casual players who have jobs, go to school, and manage families. They don't have tons of time to get involved in teams for a variety of reasons. Or, they simply prefer solo play. It has always been a design goal for the City of games that teaming was entirely optional.

However, over time, solo play became less appealing, leading many people to feel that they were being forced to team. This idea ran contrary to the stated design goals of the game. It was therefore corrected.

How could you possibly get the impression that that is wrong?
I'm not a casual player and I don't want to pay my money for solo playing in a multiplayer game.

I can soloplay if I'm in that mood, but why it is so much encouraged in a massively multiplayer online game?

I've returned to CoX because I knew how good was the teaming compared to other MMOs I've played; what I see is soloplay and PL(=farm) to 50 then farm again to get those "purples": it is not my idea of superhero MMO.



The market. The earlier poster's comment about it being 'a wretched hive of scum and villainy' is dead on. Newcomers and non-farmers need not apply.

Drop rates. IMO they've been borked since I-13 and even before that they dropped a disproportionate amount of mez, snipe, and pet recipes and not enough ranged, melee, targeted, and PBAOE damage recipes. Purples... I'm not even going to go there.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Originally Posted by Vanex_NA View Post
I'm not a casual player and I don't want to pay my money for solo playing in a multiplayer game.

I can soloplay if I'm in that mood, but why it is so much encouraged in a massively multiplayer online game?

I've returned to CoX because I knew how good was the teaming compared to other MMOs I've played; what I see is soloplay and PL(=farm) to 50 then farm again to get those "purples": it is not my idea of superhero MMO.
So then, the alternative is to simply ignore those players who do enjoy solo play, with the occasional team play sprinkled in.

Comic books are rife with examples of loner heroes: Batman, Punisher, Spider-man, and so on. By and large, they worked alone. The team-based play we see here is an abberation forced on us simply because this is an MMO. Don't overlook the RPG part: lots of us want to role-play loners. We shouldn't be penalized for that, or left in the dust in favor of teamers, who enoy end-of-mission bonuses, teaming benefits, and so on.



I have to add some things that some people have brought up recently. I agree that this game needs to start adding "weight" to the content to make some thing required. A vast majority of the game gets ignored by a large portion of the player base because it doesn't yield the "zomg best xps evar!" It is almost impossible to get a SF going Red Side and not just because the population is so small. Hell even grouping is hard to do because for the most part the benefit for grouping isn't great enough to make people want to put the effort into getting a team together. I have to disagree with people who say we don't need more teaming content because we have so much solo content I believe it is time for some REAL community building content for us to tackle.

No relation to Arachnos!

Part Pack: Now the majority of players know how we, PvPers, have felt for years now. Don't want to be so "civil" now that you have been completly ignored, do you?



Originally Posted by TyrantMikey View Post
So then, the alternative is to simply ignore those players who do enjoy solo play, with the occasional team play sprinkled in.

Comic books are rife with examples of loner heroes: Batman, Punisher, Spider-man, and so on. By and large, they worked alone. The team-based play we see here is an abberation forced on us simply because this is an MMO. Don't overlook the RPG part: lots of us want to role-play loners. We shouldn't be penalized for that, or left in the dust in favor of teamers, who enoy end-of-mission bonuses, teaming benefits, and so on.
What makes you think solo players were penalized? I've soloed a lot without any problem and with several AT, even without setting the "not looking for a group" flag.

About aberrations I can counter with some more if you like..

Let's say we look for a compromise, the best for everyone to have fun.



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
-More tilesets/maps (again like Sleestack/others have said, it's very repetitive).

-More content needed. This doesn't mean only new some content (like the Posi TF for example) would be a great benefit as well.

-Bases. This means things to do in your base as well as base raiding and Cathedral of Pain trial.

I would think that quite a few people would be interested in more content/bases/base raiding/CoP trial returning.
The problem is the devs KNOW all this but getting them to ACT on it is the never ending battle we've had with them for YEARSSSSSS. I remember the last time I actually had a physical conversation with a dev in regards to the Cathedral of Pain and the Calvin Scott TF (*see below for brief description) was way back when Ouroboros was being put in the game. I just happened to log in one morning before the servers were going to go down on the TEST server and went to the O zone. Standing there next to the pool was none other than Positron.

He explained he had gotten into the office early and was taking care of a few things before his 'day' started. We talked for a good 20 minutes and while I explained that Ouroboros was interesting and a good idea what the game really needed was more 'hard' content. That is content which actually mattered in canon and was part of the game and you were rewarded tangible benefits like an IO recipe (this was before horrible merit system), or a TF badge. I told him he had two such pieces of content just sitting and collecting dust that could have been tweaked up and put out already to add to the game in the form of the COP and the Calvin Scott TF. The Calvin Scott TF came up because back when Ouroboros first came out there was a bug that actually let you access the TF and start it. The problem was after the first mission you had to go back and 'talk' to the contact to get the next mission and Calvin had been taken out of the game by then so there was no way to continue.

I told him with just a few tweaks to the details of the Task Force all he had to do was place the Calvin Scott avatar back in the game perhaps in IP inside the hospital or something and boom. He instantly had another Task Force to add to the player content and a good TF was once again restored to active life. The same thing went for the COP. I told him that like unlike the villain SG computer the ONLY thing the blue SG computer offered was a still defunct COP trial that didn't look like it was EVER going to be fixed since base PVP was something that seemed like it was NEVER (and it still hasn't) been fixed. So I told him why not just take the COP and revamp it a little and release it (and here was the kicker) as a joint trial or TF just like the Lady Grey. This way you were adding both content to blue side and the starved red side and resurrecting dead hard work the programmer's had put into making the bloody thing.

Positron conceited that my ideas had a great deal of merit and that he would certainly consider them and see 'what he could do about it'. Whelpppppp. That was back in Issue 11 I had that conversation and here we are now on the cusp of Issue 17 and where are we..... nowhere. Both Calvin Scott and the COP sit collecting dust which is the most frustrating thing because it's content that is already DONE. It it needs is some spit and polish and it could EASILY be slipped back into the game with little fuss and bingo you've got instant player content which is finally back into the game after a long hiatus and the player base is happy 'new' content is back in the game to help fill the 'something to do that was generated by the devs' list.

Will though we ever see this happen? I HIGHLY doubt it. It's been six issues since that conversation with Posi and what I suggested could have easily been implemented since then. Why though nothing has been done about this simple fix? Now that is a question I can't answer but considering I asked for about a YEAR afterward in PM's and board queries and was never acknowledged indicates to me that those pieces of content are considered dead issues for reasons unknown or that an answer is not forthcoming because they don't wish to discuss it for some reason. Why? Who knows. But it would sure be interesting to find out why at this point.

Calvin Scott Task Force

A Mind in Danger

* CategoryTask Force
* NoteCalvin Scott is Aurora Borealis' Husband, convinced that Sister Psyche's presence in his wife's mind was going to kill her, he turned up in Independence Port during Issue 3: A Coucil of War asking willing heroes to investigate a way to seperate their two consciousness'. Sister Psyche was returned to her own body in Issue 4: Colosseum. An unexpected consequence of this was that Sister Psyche's hold over Malaise was broken, allowing him to slip back into insanity, and turn evil once again.
* IntroducedIssue 3
* RemovedIssue 4
* Team Size6 team members required
* ContactsCalvin Scott (Independence Port)
* SouvenirSoul orb
* Level Range30 - 36

Mission Index

1. Defeat all agents in base (Circle of Thorns,Nemesis,Rikti,Council,Malaise)
2. Defeat all Rikti in base
3. Take file to Rebecca Brinell
4. Interrogate Crey agents
5. Interrogate Nemesis soldiers
6. Interrogate Circle of Thorns
7. Take tome to Azuria
8. Defeat Tyrkis & his covern
9. Take books to Azuria
10. Defeat Punkadelic & his cronies
11. Interrogate Freakshow
12. Defeat Malaise & his men

Notable Foes

* Mission #12: Malaise, Arch-Villain (Malaise)

The shining world of the seven systems. On the continent of Wild Endeavour. In the mountains of Solace and Solitude there stood the Citadel of the Time Lords. The oldest and most mightiest race in the Universe. Sworn never to interfere. Only watch...[/SIZE][/B]



Originally Posted by Lord_of_Time View Post
The problem blah blah date with posi bring back CS TF
If Sister Psyche's mind is now not in ABs body anymore, why would Calvin want Heroes to do his TF?



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



I've forgotten about this thread and missed a lot, but just to hit a recent point:

Don't overlook the RPG part: lots of us want to role-play loners.
If someone roleplays in a forest and there's no one there to hear it...does anyone care?

MMOs are utterly dependent upon social ties for player retention. Developers can't rely on content to retain subscribers because it takes months to produce maybe a week's worth of content. People stay in MMOs they've played out primarily because of the people they know there, whether those people are guildmates or regular teammates or even just folks they chat with every night. The best way to foster those connections is to steer players towards multi-player content. While there should always be something for soloists to do, it is perfectly proper and almost certainly necessary that there be powerful incentives for players to team up.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
If Sister Psyche's mind is now not in ABs body anymore, why would Calvin want Heroes to do his TF?

Obviously you didn't bother to read my entire post or you would have seen my answer to that question. I REALIZE that certain aspects of the TF is outdated and not in line with established canon. That's why I said the devs would only have to make a few tweaks to the TF in regards to story and dialogue and BAM. You have a new TF. For instance. While it's true Sister Psyche no longer inhabits the body of Aurora Borealis they could rewrite it thus:

Though they no longer share the same physical form there remains a strong psychic connection between Sister and Aurora since they spent so many decades together. The Circle of Thorns are well aware of this and have discovered a secret artifact the Soul orb which they can use to create a bridgehead between the demonic realm and our world. With this orb they can fuse together Aurora and Sister together again and use their superior vessel to carry the essence of the demon Ba'al. The only person who could successfully perform this ceremony is someone who's mind has both been touched and controlled by Aurora and Sister and that is the insane AV Malaise.

That way you still have essentially kept the same principle characters in the TF along with the mission souvenir of the Soul orb and the final AV of Malaise. It's the job of your TF to capture or destroy the Soul orb and defeat Malaise so that the ceremony can't be completed and you have saved both Sister Psyche and Aurora Borealis. You could also keep Calvin Scott as the TF contact since it was he who brought this calamity to your attention and is requesting your help since say the Freedom Phalanx is currently engaged in combat off world and only you and your team are available.

There you go. With just a few minutes I managed to not only maintain the mission integrity of the TF but also explained why the TF is relevant again. Maybe Paragon Studios should put me on the payroll

The shining world of the seven systems. On the continent of Wild Endeavour. In the mountains of Solace and Solitude there stood the Citadel of the Time Lords. The oldest and most mightiest race in the Universe. Sworn never to interfere. Only watch...[/SIZE][/B]



I thought they were just going to do that TF through Ouroboros. That would mean you don't have to rewrite any of it.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I thought they were just going to do that TF through Ouroboros. That would mean you don't have to rewrite any of it.
They were, but apparently there were issues with implementing the contact.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
A lot of recent changes have been popular with the existing player base - power colour customisation, MA / AE - but it hasn't drawn that many players back. I fully appreciate the effort that went into such systems, but they aren't draw cards for new players.

Ultimately the same issues that CoH was criticised for when it launched exist today: repetitive maps, nothing really to do but combat and no real variety to the game. Some of the more interesting, more involving content appears in later updates, but it hasn't been pulled through to the earlier stages of the game - the very time when it is important to hit the new players and keep them interested.

The biggest problem with CoH/V is that it isn't releasing content that is attracting new players while also retaining the existing ones. It isn't growing in terms of active account terms. Sadly I don't think War Witch will be given the resources to turn that around and will have to come up with something inspired to likely hold steady when DCUO launches (assuming that SOE doesn't totally drop the ball... and given the amount of focus they put into learning from CoH/V, I don't think they will). Plus with Paragon Studios working on their next MMO, the focus of the studio will shift away from building CoH/V towards building the new title.

I'm waiting for GoRo to wow me, but the currently released info lacks features to get that excited about right now. Perhaps there will be a close-to-release info blitz, but that also runs the risk of those new features being buried by other news, so potential players don't hear about it.
Exactly how I feel and why I let my sub lapse longer and longer each time I take a break. I resubscribed for the month but don't expect to extend it beyond that. Good QoL features but for me personally, really nothing new to do. Same here in hoping GR brings more to the game than I've read so far.

(But when I do log in for a session, it is for a longer duration here than I do in CO. Been enjoying DDO more than anything right now.)



Originally Posted by sleestack View Post
For me it has to be repetitive content, specifically mission maps. Even with MA giving us a boatload of stories ranging from decent to excellent, they are all on the same maps that have been in the game for years. The spawn points are the same. Most maps I can almost run with my eyes closed at this point.
Yup. This, more than any other of the little things I wish were different in this game, is the biggest reason why I rarely play these days.

Although, I gotta agree with you on travel suppression as well.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
The game need more maps. Everyone agrees that COH is too repetitive. (Everyone in the MMORPG scene anyway.) More maps would held alleviate this.

To clarify: Not new zones. New mission maps. Not new skins/redesigns (troll rave/etc) I'm talking new maps from the ground up.
Exactly. I think we have enough zones and they all have pretty unique themes, even though I don't think the themes are always utilized as well as they could be.

I also think we need new buildings to go along with those new maps. There should be museums and banks and sport arenas. Why isn't there a building for the world HQ of the Crey Corporation?

How cool would it be to see that building standing in Steel Canyon (Paragon City's financial/corporate hub according to the backstory), maybe with a lobby that anyone could go into? Of course, Crey Security would stop you from going any further inside, but later when you're the appropriate level for the Crey missions, you would enter an instanced version of the building for your missions.

Why isn't there an actual building for Lou's Garage in King's Row? I loved it when they gave the mission interior some custom textures, in spite of the nonsensical layout, but Lou needs a persistent exterior as well.

Why is Tony Kord just standing on a random rooftop? Talos Island is supposed to be home to some of Paragon's high-tech industries, so shouldn't his company have a building there? A new building could serve as an additional setting for more missions and stories.

Paragon City has never really felt like a proper city to me when it comes to the details. The scale is right, but it always ends up feeling like a random collection of generic buildings connected by really weirdly designed streets.

New buildings and new interiors would, I think, do so much good for both immersion and gameplay.



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Old, half-finished content is abandoned rather than being expanded upon. I would rather have more Shadow Shard or Dark Astoria content than another new zone full of <insert shiny new enemy that will be either farmed or avoided entirely>.