Originally Posted by MaHaBone23
![]() I want to unravel the mystery of why everyone in Steel Canyon has turned into a GORILLA. [EDIT - not collectively one singular gorilla. That would be just silly.]
Biggest Problems with the Game Today
1: Lack of end-game content. The devs put in all these shiny IOs for level 50s to chase, but there isn't much content for us to use to chase these shinies. I realize this game is about the journey, but there should be more to do once you've made that journey a few times.
2: Merge the markets. That is all. The journey is less fun when you can't get the stuff that makes it more fun because there is no one selling. 3: Old, half-finished content is abandoned rather than being expanded upon. I would rather have more Shadow Shard or Dark Astoria content than another new zone full of <insert shiny new enemy that will be either farmed or avoided entirely>. |
2. Agreed, I really just don't understand why there is this huge dev resistance to merging the makets, the reasons they've given so far are kind of rubbish (one being "oh it'll make things more expensive for villains"...erm...no...if villains have access to the same supply/demand as heroes then surely they'll be able to earn more inf per transaction anyway?). It just seems like the devs are keeping it seperate because...I got nothing...
3. The major fault of the outgoing administration aka Positron was that he was incredibly focused on "NEW AND SHINEY!" to a level that was facepalm inducing. He's now been put on the team for the NEW AND SHINEY! Endgame content while Melissa has moved into the lead dev position. I Honestly wouldn't be surprised if the Positron TF revamp was her doing.
Several times it's been explained that "New and shiney is great, it really is...but there's a crapload of stuff that is either:
A) Just plain awful: Most heroside content pre-CoV (post CoV it vastly improves).
B) Been left to rot: Boomtown, Shadow Shards (just make it Co-op), Dark Astoria."
Just a few examples. We don't need a crapton of new zones, we just need the zones we do have reworked to be decent, putting gold leaf over a turd doesn't make it any less a turd. Putting more new and shiney zones and TaskForcess in doesn't make the old, zero content hazard zones or shockingly boring and overlong TaskForces look any better...
...one being "oh it'll make things more expensive for villains"...erm...no...if villains have access to the same supply/demand as heroes then surely they'll be able to earn more inf per transaction anyway?
That would be very bad, apparently.
Exactly. I think we have enough zones and they all have pretty unique themes, even though I don't think the themes are always utilized as well as they could be.
Going Rogue is all well and good - and I'm very much looking forward to it - but no matter how new and polished the Praetoria city zones are going to be they're still urban zones being added to a game where 90+% of the existing outdoor zones are urban - that's not exactly a recipe for variety.
Why isn't there a building for the world HQ of the Crey Corporation?
The lore on the official website mentions that Countess Crey moved the headquarters of Crey Biotech & Crey Industries (the latter is the parent company, according to this page on Paragon Wiki) from Switzerland to Paragon City, but that would have been before the First Rikti Invasion/War - for all we know their HQ was in Crey's Folly near their factories (eastern map area) or wherever the Crey lab was that polluted the area (per official site) and has been abandoned/relocated now (personally I like to think their HQ was that huge twin-tower skyscraper in the southwest corner of Tangle Town, though I have no evidence for it). Crey "Security Chief" Tavish Bell mentions that Crey has multiple factories just "outside" Paragon City now, so their HQ may not even be within city limits anymore (i.e. the areas we get to visit in CoH).
In her contact text Kelly Uqua confirms that the huge Crey facility at the far east of Crimson Cove in Nerva Archipelago (with two skyscrapers plus lots of warehouses containing cages with Rikti/DE etc inside) is an office of Crey Industries, but she doesn't say it's the global HQ, though it's certainly big/impressive enough to be. With the malleable legal situation in Nerva (it being disputed territory between Recluse's "government" and the UN protectorate status that gives Longbow their mandate for being there) it would probably suit a "dodgy" corporation like Crey to have their HQ there for tax reasons - I can't imagine anyone is collecting corporate taxes in Crimson Cove - protection money perhaps, but not taxes

Some players may not think lore or the little details are worth bothering with, but for me it certainly makes the world a bit more interesting to explore. In fact I'd like to see every faction in the game having a headquarters or base somewhere in a persistent/outdoor/public zone.
I think the game lore is a strength that often gets overlooked because the contact/buttonmash/clue storytelling structure doesn't work for a lot of players, especially on teams.
I'd like to see the devs revamp CoH with an eye to improving storytelling methods. They would keep the same lore, but show it / tell it better.
for all we know their HQ was in Crey's Folly near their factories (eastern map area) or wherever the Crey lab was that polluted the area (per official site) and has been abandoned/relocated now (personally I like to think their HQ was that huge twin-tower skyscraper in the southwest corner of Tangle Town, though I have no evidence for it). |
Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"
Exactly. I think we have enough zones and they all have pretty unique themes, even though I don't think the themes are always utilized as well as they could be.
- The Pit in Sharkhead could have a Caged Consortium guard & Lt. looking over the edge and clicking on the LT will give a short "fetch" situation: a piece of equipment fell down and is being played with by slags (clicking on the guard would give some sort of "uh yep, it's down there somewhere" type of NPC chatter);
- a kid's stuffed toy fell into the water in Founders' Falls and floated over to some DE in the wooded/grassy area, have 2 parents and kid near Icon so they're easily found, kid tells about toy floating away, a parent gives the mission;
- the Fort in Port Oaks begs for a mini-mission arc with a contact near the entrance (idea: tour guide, with a few tourists standing around her, is missing one of her tourists - find tourist, who wants you to find his camera, a two-part arc);
Placing these contacts near mission doors, stores, or other places that players generally go to would help players find the contact, but otherwise these contacts and missions are optional. Some could even give badges.
Heh.. one thing I thought of for a badge: do a "heroic" deed for a citizen of the Rogue Isles gets you a badge (say, "Hero for a day") and sometime later when you talk to Lord Recluse he congratulates you for helping one of HIS citizens (makes for good publicity).
(Not a serious post, just a small change i would like to see)
One of my biggest problems with this game has been around from the start.
The entrance to the trams.Is there anyone else who is sick of having to move around a big map every single time you use it?
They make this big entrance, then cut it in half with a see through divider and then stick that big wall of map right in the middle of what is left.
If there was a point to it, I have never heard it.
Please turn the map 90 degrees.It is annoying.
And I am tired of running into it.
(Not a serious post, just a small change i would like to see)
One of my biggest problems with this game has been around from the start. The entrance to the trams.Is there anyone else who is sick of having to move around a big map every single time you use it? They make this big entrance, then cut it in half with a see through divider and then stick that big wall of map right in the middle of what is left. If there was a point to it, I have never heard it. Please turn the map 90 degrees.It is annoying. And I am tired of running into it. ![]() |

There are tons of other crap that needs fixing as well. What they need to do is go back and look at every single negative change that effected players and really ask is this change needed still with the way the game plays now?
Things I would love to see rolled back.
Travel Power suppression
Phase Shift nerf
Hami-O nerf that made them into Dual SOs
Resistance cap per AT nerf. Seriously no one is going to get there without a ton of IO and/or outside help.
ED if not for all powers then for a select few like hasten, stamina, travel powers
Things that make no sense and that are extremely unfair
How this game is so AT mod dependent when it should not apply to certain powers, for example why do defenders have to get the best bonuses for leadership? A leader could be anyone it doesnt have to be a defender. If anything if they really wanted to push it, masterminds should get the highest bonus because they are the very definition of leadership in this game but they dont.
Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator
Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!

Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.
There is a rather large Crey-branded building in Kings Row. Can't remember exactly where it is at the moment, but it's giant and brown and monolithic and hard to miss. I always thought that this building was Crey HQ, or at least the "public" Crey HQ.
It has some passages that lead under it like an exterior lobby type deal, but no actual interior.
It's nothing like the Crey buildings in Nerva, with the tiny bit of interior and the Crey agents outside doing PR work with the citizens and the big walled-off area out back with the cages and buildings and such.
There are tons of other crap that needs fixing as well. What they need to do is go back and look at every single negative change that effected players and really ask is this change needed still with the way the game plays now?
Things I would love to see rolled back.
Travel Power suppression
Phase Shift nerf
Hami-O nerf that made them into Dual SOs
Resistance cap per AT nerf. Seriously no one is going to get there without a ton of IO and/or outside help.
ED if not for all powers then for a select few like hasten, stamina, travel powers
Things that make no sense and that are extremely unfair
How this game is so AT mod dependent when it should not apply to certain powers, for example why do defenders have to get the best bonuses for leadership? A leader could be anyone it doesnt have to be a defender. If anything if they really wanted to push it, masterminds should get the highest bonus because they are the very definition of leadership in this game but they dont.

My SG-mates and I would like to see the Devs fix the Cathedral of Pain/Items of Power/Base Raid system.
How long has that been down now? And... what?... because of an "exploit"? What has AE been, since inception?
Gee, I know you guys are dedicated to new content that will bring in new players, but how about some "missing" content that will retain some of the faithful? I'm only a 9-mo vet here, but some of my fellow SG members have been around for a while... and they've been playing lately ONLY during events, because everything else is just more of the same.
I expect the same to happen a month or two after Rogue goes live... they'll play the content to completion and wait for the next event.
Aside from that, there's the in-game content we've all worked so hard to build... a nice base with all the amenities. We've done one helluva job of building and decorating a showcase SG base, and we'd welcome a return of base raids and the Cathedral Trial.
Some players may not think lore or the little details are worth bothering with, but for me it certainly makes the world a bit more interesting to explore. In fact I'd like to see every faction in the game having a headquarters or base somewhere in a persistent/outdoor/public zone.
I also think it would really benefit the overall presentation of the game's stories if the "sets" were better.
I think the game lore is a strength that often gets overlooked because the contact/buttonmash/clue storytelling structure doesn't work for a lot of players, especially on teams.
I'd like to see the devs revamp CoH with an eye to improving storytelling methods. They would keep the same lore, but show it / tell it better. |
There is a rather large Crey-branded building in Kings Row. Can't remember exactly where it is at the moment, but it's giant and brown and monolithic and hard to miss. I always thought that this building was Crey HQ, or at least the "public" Crey HQ.
It has some passages that lead under it like an exterior lobby type deal, but no actual interior. It's nothing like the Crey buildings in Nerva, with the tiny bit of interior and the Crey agents outside doing PR work with the citizens and the big walled-off area out back with the cages and buildings and such. |
Of course, that kind of haphazard zoning and development wouldn't really be that surprising in Paragon City if you stop and think about how crazy office building interiors are designed.

For me it has to be repetitive content, specifically mission maps. Even with MA giving us a boatload of stories ranging from decent to excellent, they are all on the same maps that have been in the game for years. The spawn points are the same. Most maps I can almost run with my eyes closed at this point.
Travel power suppression. I HATE this mechanic. HATE. IT. Related to the last item, rooting while activating powers. I'd love to see this pretty much done away with, with the exception of a few powers (e.g., snipes, Tier 9 powers, etc.). |
Also, many of the TFs and some SFs are of poor, poor quality. Just mind numbing to run and very dull. If they were not required for accolades, etc., I don't think I would do them very often. Any additional ones need to be ITF quality.
The 'content' itself - not too much superhero type stuff gets added. Many of the signature supers are dull and not too exciting. They look lame. Also the constant different versions of the same signature people. I mean really...give it a rest. If you guys tried to sell this as a comic book today, it wouldn't do too well. When I used to read comics there would be some grand story lines and big missions. Why not add some cosmic super adventure? The enemy factions in CoX are not very exciting (there are some but this game does not make me think supers/comics all the time).
Sure there is a ton of content but if you go through a small percentage of it then you have seen almost everything in the game. Also the game mechanics don't change much either as you move along; it's the same mechanic and look for most of the game.
Not much in the end game.
Powers that aren't worth it(Im looking at you jump kick)
Defensive sets that need aidself/tough/weave to be viable.
The inability to delete old contacts, Im sick of sorting through them. Or have a level range sorter.
PVP needs to be totally scrapped and re-worked, it needs to be a non-speciality. They need to make builds that work in PVE work equally well in PVP. That simple. Yes you can do it, just get creative. PVP should be a part of this game that is important. The entire concept of COH/CoV is that heroes and villains are at war with each other. Hell, they should have ways to get into paragon city and the rogue isles and actually attack each other on the home front.
That being said about PVP, I think the drinking of "haterade" By some types of players on PVPers and pvpers on others needs to stop. A LOT of the problems in this game are player-based and things that we, as a community need to solve.
Also, a removal of anonymity from the market would be good. If you buy all of one item, then re-sell it at 20x it's regular value. You should be able to be scorned for it. That simple. You wanna drop prices on the market. hold people accountable.
Powers that aren't worth it(Im looking at you jump kick)
The inability to delete old contacts, Im sick of sorting through them. Or have a level range sorter. |
Have you tried jump kick recently ? Much shorter cast time than it used to have.
1.5s, which is the same as air superiority, same damage as AS and faster recharge. The only downside is the 20% chance for knockup rather than the 100%
Any contact in your active tab has missions or an introduction for you.
If they have nothing for you they move to the inactive tab.
You really don't need to delete them, the game moves them automatically.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
The HUGE gap between updates! I think i16 was in Sept and i17 is supposed to be in April?! Are you kidding me?! Didn't we have enough of this crap last year?! I thought issues were supposed to be every 4 mos, not every 8 months! Brutal! What makes it worse is the last slew of issues didn't give us much to do. Not shocking to see why so many people left the game. I don't know when this will stop. The Devs even said it would be approx. 4 months between issues. I can understand some delay etc for GR but this is too much.
Some players may not think lore or the little details are worth bothering with, but for me it certainly makes the world a bit more interesting to explore. In fact I'd like to see every faction in the game having a headquarters or base somewhere in a persistent/outdoor/public zone.
The Tsoo should have a temple in Steel canyon or Talos.
The Warriors should have some sort of dockside warehouse compound on Talos.
The Thorns should have some sort of entrance to Oranbega in the Perez or the Hollows.
Nemesis should have a steampunk base in the Shadow Shards.
The Carnies should have a permanent circus tent area on Peregrine Island.
The Clockwork should have a huge nest/city in Boomtown
The Trolls should have some sort of fortified area in the Hollows
The Family should have an warehouse/office compelx in IP.
The Skulls should have a base in kings Row.
The Hellions should have a base in Atlas.
The Outcasts should have a lair in the Hollows or Boomtown.
The Lost should have a fortified area in Skyway.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork