Biggest Problems with the Game Today




The blue cave map.

Oh, and the boob slider needs to go up a few more levels.

We don' need no stinkin' signatures!



Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
I was going to join you Sam, but then I realized one, well two things I see as problems with the game.

Lack of advertising.

Still having a NA/EU version and their respective divided communities (servers.) If we were all one big happy family then NCsoft wouldn't have have to go to the expense of creating a separate EU box (which they didn't do for MA, and it looks like it wont be happening for GR either.)

This. I'd mostly agree with Mr Tow too, that the game doesn't have very much wrong with it, but the divided community and the lack of any coherent marketing strategy for the game are mind-boggling

If I could change anything within the game it would be twofold:

Give PVP a severe rethink to make it enjoyable for those who are hard core and for the casual too, possibly by making one server a PVP server where existing PVE zones are casual, and PVP zones are hard core.

Make Giant Monsters worthwhile fighting. Make the fights epic and make the rewards commensurate with epic fights, effectively giving them back their raison d'etre.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Suspicious_Pkg View Post

Oh, and the boob slider needs to go up a few more levels.
I'd be happy with realistic physics!

Stay Gold, Paragon. Stay Gold.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
And furry-supporting tools.

[CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=white]The #1 True Villain badge collector on Infinity.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]



Originally Posted by Thaumator View Post
And furry-supporting tools.
wow that actually makes you look even more like a moron...congradulations *slow clap*

Edit: In order to keep the discussion on track...about the only thing wrong with CoH currently to my tastes is the lack of map diversity AND the old pre-faultline/striga content.



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
wow that actually makes you look even more like a moron...congradulations *slow clap*
Oh the irony -

[CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=white]The #1 True Villain badge collector on Infinity.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]



eh so I misspelled a word, it happens...atleast I'm not hating people that have no affect on my life whatsoever...go you...


Ok you know what, going to rant now.

Seriously, whatever happened to just ignoring parts of society you didn't like? I freaking HATE *****, they're biggotted upstarted little pieces of **** with the average intelligence of a shoe. You know what I do, I don't involve myself with them. So you hate furries, outside of the internet the chances of you actually meeting a furry, especially one dressed up and shouting it from the rooftops is probably very slim. Most of this 'furry hate' seems to be because it's 'cool' to hate them, the way it use to be cool to hate nerds and geeks, which you can make fun of here because that's what we all are, if you weren't nerdy you wouldn't be playing an MMO that wasn't world of warcraft.

Just ignore them if they make you that freaking angry...don't speak to them, ignore whatever it is about them that gets up in your grill and walk away...

/rant off



Originally Posted by Thaumator View Post
And furry-supporting tools.
You've seriously got a problem, man...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



You know what's the biggest problem with the game?

Those stupid "Hunt X Council" missions on hero side!!!!


A. How are they a THREAT still?
B. It's incredibly difficult to find Council members without having to fight off a huge 5th Column boss.
C. I feel BAD for the Council! I jump in there, he's already getting beaten and shot at, and then I'm gonna HELP 5th Column by beating him up more?! How is that a heroic act?! xD




i have 2 issues with the devs..not the game

the game is alot of fun..but its what the devs past and present( no i dont blame anything but e.d. on states)

devs vision on pvp...should be fired for their thoughts on the pvp drop rate and the so called " fix" to the last fix for the fix of pvp..

that is until another 2 years when they "fix" the "fixing" for the "fix" that was originally for the "fix"..yeah i said it . another ball dropped on this one. again even. how do you justify a drop rate for a system you screwed up and actually tell people its ok. great work indeed!

and 2nd..the pure repetition in this game they call "new content" or a new "issue"

making a tail thats been in the game for 5 years and animate it then call it a new issue?..come on...that use to be what we called issue and a half back in the day.oh plus a new mission..then they fix a buncha junk and add thats the new issues for the last 2 years.

time to motivate in that office or start clearing desks..this is why the numbers show such a decline in posi's past 2 years as head dev.



oh and one more thing wrong with the game..the people who come on here and tell people to quit the game and never come back.

not a smart move if you see the numbers keep droppin youll be in for more then a few surprises and you wont like em!

these are the reasons why i wont touch this game only when its free activation week.if they want peoples money they better hurry or gr will be a day late and a buck short.



Originally Posted by Vanex_NA View Post
  1. Market, superheroes do not spend hours at the action house, period, leave that to those fantasy-MMOs
  2. IOsets and purples, those discourage alt-ing, very heavily unbalance PvP, favor farm and PL, and some more devious effects
I kinda like the market. It breaks up the alleged monotony, and if you only want to frankenslot you really don't need to spend much time there. I am starting to lean towards "inflation coupled with low supply" as an issue, though.

PvP balance doesn't strike me as a significant concern right now, and I somewhat disagree with the specific case of purples. (I funded an entire alt with the sale from one Apocalypse recipe!)



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
-More tilesets/maps (again like Sleestack/others have said, it's very repetitive).

-More content needed. This doesn't mean only new some content (like the Posi TF for example) would be a great benefit as well.

-Bases. This means things to do in your base as well as base raiding and Cathedral of Pain trial.

I would think that quite a few people would be interested in more content/bases/base raiding/CoP trial returning.
I completely agree. But on the "content needed" question you do realize that there are over 340,000 AE mission arcs to choose from, right? And if we eliminate all the crummy ones that Okay, I get your point. (no insult intended for the producers of the many AE arcs that are awesome).



Originally Posted by Coldmed View Post
oh and one more thing wrong with the game..the people who come on here and tell people to quit the game and never come back.
Usually you'll find our community is pretty friendly until someone starts acting out. It's only when someone comes in and says "THIS GAME SUCKS" that someone tells them to get out. Take this thread for example:

Someone who doesn't play very often asked a question. We had a few "Huhs?" but overall mostly people giving ideas and theories on why they'd do double exp now instead of after i17. It wasn't until someone came in and called everyone "delusional fanboys" that people started saying "If you don't enjoy the game, just leave."

And I tend to agree. If it's not fun, don't torture yourself, and don't drag others down with you. There's a difference between feedback and suggestions and "THIS GAME SUCKS, YOU'RE ALL DUMB FOR PLAYING."

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Well, for what it's worth, here's my list:

1. Too much stale crud, especially hero side.

2. Too many things in the game feel "85% done and forgotten about" or simply plain forgotten about.

3. Related to #2 -- loss of momentum. New things are added (new zones, new mechanisms, new storylines) and then they don't do anything more about it for years. Take, as a very good example, how long it took between the launch of AE and the arrival of Guest Author arcs -- or the way that the dev's choice languished for months.



Originally Posted by Leif_Roar View Post
Well, for what it's worth, here's my list:

1. Too much stale crud, especially hero side.

2. Too many things in the game feel "85% done and forgotten about" or simply plain forgotten about.

3. Related to #2 -- loss of momentum. New things are added (new zones, new mechanisms, new storylines) and then they don't do anything more about it for years. Take, as a very good example, how long it took between the launch of AE and the arrival of Guest Author arcs -- or the way that the dev's choice languished for months.

I see your three and raise you Oroborus. What ever happened to more flash-backs?

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Originally Posted by Thaumator View Post
And furry-supporting tools.
I have to know. Are furry-supporters a greater or lesser threat than developer fanbois? Can we get Stephen Colbert to investigate on this?

Character index



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Ooh... what about inability to remove people from global channels if they're offline? I know of a few global channels that have filled up and there's nothing you can do about it but start a new one. Like Virtue LFG.
I thought there was a slash command for this, the problem is that you can't tell when they were last on, so are not sure you're removing the right people.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Originally Posted by MaHaBone23 View Post
I'd be happy with realistic physics!
But, ....
. . . But you HAVE read SuperHero stuff, right?

(... picking up cars by their bumpers, indeed! . . .)



The fact that this could be the best thread of this game could be a problem.

I for one have the problem of what this game could be but, isn't...



We are heavily instanced here, but we are still limited to the same restrictions about destructibility as in the open world, I think we should be able to go all out in these instances.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Usually you'll find our community is pretty friendly until someone starts acting out. It's only when someone comes in and says "THIS GAME SUCKS" that someone tells them to get out. Take this thread for example:

Someone who doesn't play very often asked a question. We had a few "Huhs?" but overall mostly people giving ideas and theories on why they'd do double exp now instead of after i17. It wasn't until someone came in and called everyone "delusional fanboys" that people started saying "If you don't enjoy the game, just leave."

And I tend to agree. If it's not fun, don't torture yourself, and don't drag others down with you. There's a difference between feedback and suggestions and "THIS GAME SUCKS, YOU'RE ALL DUMB FOR PLAYING."
Yeah, there's that, but the problem of late is a bit more complicated than "push out tha n00bs".

I think the general fatigue is showing in the playerbase such that people are tired of meeting new folks with exception for players that are really competant right off the bat, unique personalities, etc... those who are interesting will never find a problem with finding friends, but not everyone is. Being nice or mature isn't enough anymore. Most groups I find just want to keep the circles they have left. Not saying it's right or it's wrong, it's just what's happening.

For example: If everyone knows somebody in the game and they say "I have a problem with X", there's a genuine dialog. And understandably so, they put in the time, they deserve to be heard. However, if nobody knows who someone is (say me, for example) and I ask about the same problem, using the same verbiage, I get responses telling me to "love it or leave it", "quit whining and play", "tl;dr" even if it's one sentence long or I'm simply ignored. I don't have to act out; there's plenty out there with more vet badges or a higher post count who will do it for me.

I didn't have such an issue with problem X, nor was I that upset with it to begin with, that I was considering quitting over it. But the kneejerk reaction is enough for me not to ask the community anything to begin with. And the less people I associate with... well, you can guess where I'm leading.

If the problem is me, then don't worry, my subscription ends tomorrow and it's a problem that will solve itself. I will return for Going Rogue, but if I run through the content and come back to the same point, I'll make an even harder decision. I love this game. I wouldn't have paid $300 to have a broadband radio antenna installed at my house in the middle of Farmtown America if I didn't like playing it. I want to find a group who likes it too, but the distrust of strangers is becoming more and more of a problem for me. Sure, nobody here owes me anything. But then again, neither do I owe anyone.

/QQ off

But my little rant is a bit off topic. Developers can't do anything to fix this problem, so I'd offer the following:

-- I keep reading about AE exploit after exploit being made, the exploit getting patched, then people who made the mission/used them complain and stop playing it except for those interesting in writing stories. I remember reading before the Mission Architect that there would be no XP in missions, and I was fine with that, but since the cat is out of the bag, eliminating XP from AE missions would do more harm than good.

But let's face it, there's no secret which group the devs side with: drop XP rewards in the AE 25% across the board for levels 1-25, and 50% from 26-50 so that regular gameplay is more or equally useful for levelling than the Mission Architect is no matter how the combinations are made. (You can always write an easy mission. Even if you do, playing a regular one provides more benefit XP wise.) This way there's still incentive to play Architect Missions (influence unaffected, tickets still let you buy stuff you can't get directly any other way), and power-levelling is contained with no further concern.

I don't expect many people to take favor with this suggestion, since it's a nerf... but I'm making it all the same.

-- I use a laptop computer that I dock at home, and the at-home monitor I use is a different resolution than my laptop LCD, and what's more: a different aspect ratio. I would like the ability to change video options outside of "in-game" before I launch the client, so I don't have to start the client, go to 800x600 mode, sign in, change the resolution, sign out, sign in again, restore the Window Locations of my HUD items*, and then play. If I make bad choices the client won't support, fine, kick me into 800x600, but if I know what I'm doing, this would save 5 minutes of playtime per day for me.

-- On that asterisked note, the game only saves ONE preset of Window Locations for whatever resolution you're on. I find myself having to shuffle windows between monitors of different Aspect Ratios. While I don't expect the game to automatically try to handle this, I hope in the future that more than one preset file is available, or a file that recognizes presets made at one resolution and keeps it separate from another one of a different resolution.

-- Costumes: there are way too many similar belts. Your choices are basically leather, studded, or spikey. (With a few exceptions.) Make animated ones (power belt with rotating light/pattern effects, belts that have moving clamps or gears when you use a travel power, moving tails are a great move forward, BTW), ones for body-type specific use (female only: flowers, rings, lace, etc., enormous only: tire radial, duct tape, airline cables, boat chain, etc.)



Right now i can easily understand Tahquitz since i have saw a lot of players in this game which have that kind of attitude toward the more ''strange'' players. A problem that i can see is that a lot of them already forgot that they started before here same as the new ones to this game.

No matter you are a very famous veteran that have payed full time from the beginning or if you are a new player in this game, we all have the same rights to express what we feel. I love this game and always will since it still the most unique MMO on the market. No attitude will make me change the way i like this game.

Thing that i have seen that must be changed when it comes to development is the over population of bugs. I know developers here work hard and we give them the proper credit they deserve to make the game a better experience for us everyday, but they must not forget that even the simplest bugs and small details can make the game look bad and they can't be forgotten.

I have seen a little increase on players that just want to invite you to a team if your powers can Farm or PL. In my own words that is one of the most ridiculous things i have ever seen. If i want to play and help others i am not gonna over check your build so you can play with me. I have nothing against Farm or PL but that is not the only purposes on this game. I love character concepts from my own unique ones and from characters who inspired me from comics, movies, cartoons anime, manga, video games, alternative literature, historical figures and anything non-mainstream. I respect everyone who likes powers for farming since they will have a great advantage in leveling faster but we all have the same rights to be part of a team too.

The point is if we take a little consideration and have a little detail we can make this game a better healthier community and like a lot of nice people here i have meet from veterans and newer ones, we always make the difference for the good of this game.

I always respect anyone opinions as long you respect mine too. I hope Going Rogue brings back a lot of good things in additional of Demon Summoning and Greater Graphics.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Usually you'll find our community is pretty friendly until someone starts acting out. It's only when someone comes in and says "THIS GAME SUCKS" that someone tells them to get out. Take this thread for example:

Someone who doesn't play very often asked a question. We had a few "Huhs?" but overall mostly people giving ideas and theories on why they'd do double exp now instead of after i17. It wasn't until someone came in and called everyone "delusional fanboys" that people started saying "If you don't enjoy the game, just leave."

And I tend to agree. If it's not fun, don't torture yourself, and don't drag others down with you. There's a difference between feedback and suggestions and "THIS GAME SUCKS, YOU'RE ALL DUMB FOR PLAYING."
In all honesty, I have yet to encounter any posts or rants for
that matter that are driving players away. I'm fairly new to the
forums and assume that some of my questions might have the
userbase rolling their eyes and snickering "Great, another N00b."

But everyone here is friendly and helpful as far as I can see.

You have to take a negative comments in context. I would rather
let the player and forum base speak for itself. It's not always as
some would make you believe: One rotten apple does *not* spoil
the whole bushel.



Originally Posted by Darthic View Post
In all honesty, I have yet to encounter any posts or rants for
that matter that are driving players away. I'm fairly new to the
forums and assume that some of my questions might have the
userbase rolling their eyes and snickering "Great, another N00b."

But everyone here is friendly and helpful as far as I can see.

You have to take a negative comments in context. I would rather
let the player and forum base speak for itself. It's not always as
some would make you believe: One rotten apple does *not* spoil
the whole bushel.
One rotten apple does *not* spoil
the whole bushel: A very wise and very realistic point.