Biggest Problems with the Game Today




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Crey should have a research facility and office block in Brickstown.
The Clockwork should have a huge nest/city in Boomtown
These seem reasonable, but...

The Trolls should have some sort of fortified area in the Hollows
The Thorns should have some sort of entrance to Oranbega in the Perez or the Hollows.
These already exist.

Nemesis should have a steampunk base in the Shadow Shards.
The Outcasts should have a lair in the Hollows or Boomtown.
These already exist as instances, and it wouldn't make sense for their presence to be advertised to people just wandering by.

The Tsoo should have a temple in Steel canyon or Talos.
The Warriors should have some sort of dockside warehouse compound on Talos.
The Family should have an warehouse/office compelx in IP.
The Skulls should have a base in kings Row.
The Hellions should have a base in Atlas.
I somewhat disagree that street gangs and mafia-analogues should have single centralized headquarters, and I definitely disagree that they should be obvious public landmarks.

The Carnies should have a permanent circus tent area on Peregrine Island.
The Lost should have a fortified area in Skyway.
These make the least sense of all. They completely defeat the purpose for those groups; it would be like Al-Qaeda setting up a training camp on the grounds of the Lincoln Monument and advertising it with billboards.

Also, technically a SPOILER, but the Lost do have a fortified area. It's marked by the Unabashed badge.

Originally Posted by Fear_of_Hell
Also, a removal of anonymity from the market would be good. If you buy all of one item, then re-sell it at 20x it's regular value. You should be able to be scorned for it. That simple. You wanna drop prices on the market. hold people accountable.
I don't think accountability matters much here (unless gold farmers are marketeering, though I don't know that we've ever had specific reason to think they would). Price locks and monopolies on the market only work well against people who desperately want the item within 30 seconds of deciding they need it; the real problem is lack of supply in the first place, especially in CoV (where it's not uncommon to see "150 bidding, 0 for sale" on yellow recipes and enhancements at level 50).



Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
Have you tried jump kick recently ? Much shorter cast time than it used to have.
1.5s, which is the same as air superiority, same damage as AS and faster recharge. The only downside is the 20% chance for knockup rather than the 100%
This is true. I was trying to fit 5 pools on one of my characters, out of desperation checked Jump Kick for the first time in years, and found that the DPS is quite good.

Unfortunately it looks so freaking ridiculous that I can't look at the screen when I play him. I'm too embarrassed. You'd think Power Customization would have solved this, but Pool attacks are among the numerous powers that don't have alternate options.

To answer the topic: Gameplay variation.

Maps and new enemies don't strictly answer this, but can give the illusion of doing so. AI improvements would help a lot. * Puzzles are difficult in an MMO because developer time greatly exceeds player time, and 95% of players are going to be told the answer by the first 5%, who already did it. Nevertheless they are what we come to expect for content, and a wonderful type of challenge over the "moar HP" approach that usually comes down.

There's a bit of expectation that the upcoming "End Game Content" will cover this, and I do hope so. The Invention system was a superb addition to the game that motivated lots of high-level play, and I can see other new dimensions for character improvement they might bring in. But grinding for new shinies is still grinding.

* The AI is a lot better than when the game is first released. But AI improvement is a constant process, and I'd like to see this aways evolving for better power cycling, varied enemy strategies (positioning, target selection, etc) and unexpected behaviors.



Long time player, first time poster. For me it would have to be lack of content. A few new contacts and maps would be greatly appreciated, I think.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Crey should have a research facility and office block in Brickstown.
The Tsoo should have a temple in Steel canyon or Talos.
The Warriors should have some sort of dockside warehouse compound on Talos.
... etc.
In general, I agree ... but in specific ...

I'd rather have at least one special instance or map of an HQ flavor for each foe group. You may be able to access the instances from those zones without unlocking, but there wouldn't be a visible territory on the map.

Mainly, that's because if there WERE visible strongholds on the zone map, why wouldn't heroes take them out? They would be obvious targets, and after they were cleared there would be the awkward situation of still having them on the map. I think it's better to just have areas of concentration, like finding a lot of Lost in "The Land of the Lost" in Skyway.

An example of a special instance would be to create an Oranbega-themed tunnel network for the Circle in The Hollows that is similar in concept to the sewer network. The Trolls might have tunnels too (in addition to the Cavern ones) that lead into Boomtown and Skyway.

Along similar lines (re: use of instances), but quite different (way different application), a revamp of Croatoa might try to implement a scenario where the zone changes according to developments in the arcs as they are played. So there might in actuality be half a dozen different maps of Croatoa, with the standard Green Line destination referred to as "Salamanca" or "New Connaught." The standard Salamanca would have no warring tribes, just a contact that hands out a camera temp power to "capture" Sally and, I suppose, a way of summoning Jack and Eochai to battle (perhaps using the throne and pumpkin patches). And Gordon Bower, who starts the chain of arcs.



Originally Posted by Lord Mayhem View Post
/agree. Honestly unless new zones will be radically different from existing zones (e.g. moonbase, space station, underwater city, arctic supervillain base, Rikti homeworld, etc.) then instead of completely new zones I'd rather have a zone revamp or just some new missions/contacts/enemies being added to existing zones. Cimerora was a nice change of scenery, but it's woefully underutilised considering all the work that must have gone into making that and the Midnight Club.

Going Rogue is all well and good - and I'm very much looking forward to it - but no matter how new and polished the Praetoria city zones are going to be they're still urban zones being added to a game where 90+% of the existing outdoor zones are urban - that's not exactly a recipe for variety.
I agree. I'd like to see better utilization of the zones that already exist. Surely working with a zone that already exists reduces the art requirements for new development by at least half?

I also agree that I don't want art resources used as they were with Cimerora / Midnight Squad, where these resources aren't used very much due to their specialized nature. I like the notion of having a good 5-6 arcs take place using the same basic set of assets.

As for GR ... I'm not looking forward to it. I doubt it will encourage me to continue playing. While it will be nice for players to get a couple new power sets and new foe groups - even if they are all goatee variations - GR sounds to me like a VERY SMALL expansion. More like a double-sized issue, really.

It probably would have been more exciting if GR had been released back in 2008.

If GR happens to contain certain improvements in regard to storytelling, then I would be much encouraged. But having been disappointed on this front for so many years now, I have to believe it simply isn't in the plans, period.



Originally Posted by EvilArtist View Post
Why is Tony Kord just standing on a random rooftop? Talos Island is supposed to be home to some of Paragon's high-tech industries, so shouldn't his company have a building there? A new building could serve as an additional setting for more missions and stories.
Tony Kord is actually standing out by the street in Atlas Park. The person standing on a building that you might be thinking of is probably Juan Jimenez.

Tony Kord's office is in KR, which I suppose is due to lower rent and favorable zoning. However, despite his rep as an inventive genius, his office looks like a rundown apartment building. I suppose that's just a clever exterior to hide the high-tech interior.

Also ... for some strange reason Kord always has Circle conducting rites on his helicopter pad. Surely there is some explanation ...

One of the buildings in KR I've always wanted to have worked into an instance is the Guns & Ammo store between the trainer and the train.



Originally Posted by Teeth View Post
I somewhat disagree that street gangs and mafia-analogues should have single centralized headquarters, and I definitely disagree that they should be obvious public landmarks.
They don't have to be obvious - just buildings with more going on in and around them.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by konshu View Post
Tony Kord is actually standing out by the street in Atlas Park. The person standing on a building that you might be thinking of is probably Juan Jimenez.

Tony Kord's office is in KR, which I suppose is due to lower rent and favorable zoning. However, despite his rep as an inventive genius, his office looks like a rundown apartment building. I suppose that's just a clever exterior to hide the high-tech interior.

Also ... for some strange reason Kord always has Circle conducting rites on his helicopter pad. Surely there is some explanation ...

One of the buildings in KR I've always wanted to have worked into an instance is the Guns & Ammo store between the trainer and the train.
I'd like a lot of the contacts to be moved inside, just for variety - like half the police contacts are inside, so I think it'd be nice to be able to go into someone's office, or even their apartment to talk to them, rather than doing it on the street all the time.
For example, instead of Maria Jenkins standing in Poseidon Square by the statue, she'd be found in her apartment in the building opposite the statue.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by EvilArtist View Post
Of course, that kind of haphazard zoning and development wouldn't really be that surprising in Paragon City if you stop and think about how crazy office building interiors are designed.
I'm actually an Architect by day. Those 'office building' interiors make /me/ crazy.

As for zoning, well, Paragon is better than Houston (but not by much!)



Originally Posted by konshu View Post
Tony Kord is actually standing out by the street in Atlas Park. The person standing on a building that you might be thinking of is probably Juan Jimenez.

Tony Kord's office is in KR, which I suppose is due to lower rent and favorable zoning. However, despite his rep as an inventive genius, his office looks like a rundown apartment building. I suppose that's just a clever exterior to hide the high-tech interior.

Also ... for some strange reason Kord always has Circle conducting rites on his helicopter pad. Surely there is some explanation ...

One of the buildings in KR I've always wanted to have worked into an instance is the Guns & Ammo store between the trainer and the train.
Ack! You're right! I was thinking of Pet, er, Juan.

When I first starting playing the game, I remember trying the door for that Guns & Ammo store as soon as I saw it! I was sooo disappointed that it was just like all the other doors in the city w/o missions...



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I'd like a lot of the contacts to be moved inside, just for variety - like half the police contacts are inside, so I think it'd be nice to be able to go into someone's office, or even their apartment to talk to them, rather than doing it on the street all the time.
For example, instead of Maria Jenkins standing in Poseidon Square by the statue, she'd be found in her apartment in the building opposite the statue.

The devs could even have fun with that kind of thing and create missions where your contact is kidnapped and you have to check an instanced version of their office for clues.



Originally Posted by tyrrano View Post
as for zoning, well, paragon is better than houston (but not by much!)



Originally Posted by EvilArtist View Post

The devs could even have fun with that kind of thing and create missions where your contact is kidnapped and you have to check an instanced version of their office for clues.
Like the clickable stuff for the history badge in the Midnighter Club?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I'd like a lot of the contacts to be moved inside, just for variety - like half the police contacts are inside, so I think it'd be nice to be able to go into someone's office, or even their apartment to talk to them, rather than doing it on the street all the time.
For example, instead of Maria Jenkins standing in Poseidon Square by the statue, she'd be found in her apartment in the building opposite the statue.
One of the things I've wanted to see since I started is virtually all contacts moved into instances.

The only contacts that need to be in zone are open contacts, like the Security Chiefs, Wincott, Gordon Bower, Stephanie Peebles, Jim Temblor, etc. And with existing game mechanics, even these could be altered to be instanced.

What are the advantages of going instanced? Here are a few.

One, you can meet your contact in a variety of places, instead of always trudging back to the same spot. I realize we use cellphones for missions a lot, but the way the game is presently arranged when you use the cellphone the other players on the team don't automatically see the contact exposition related to the new mission. If you could visit the contact via instance, everyone could see the new mission info if it was given as dialog.

I'm not saying we should replace cellphones, and I'm not saying we should slow down all gameplay by forcing whole teams to travel to instances, but it might be nice to have another option to work with.

Two, you can put the contact on different maps. For example, you could meet Azuria at a magic shop, you could meet her at a MAGI HQ, you could meet her at the Midnighter's library, and you could meet her at the MAGI vault. This helps tell story visually.

Three, you could show interaction between your contact and other NPCs. Again, this boosts visual storytelling possibilities.

Four, if it fit the scenario, you could exit the instance directly into the mission. In other words, you enter the MAGI HQ, you click to get mission dialog, and then a red arrow points to another door or portal in the HQ which takes you directly to your mission.

Five, it might even be possible to construct a situation where you can exit multiple doors for the option of simultaneous missions (one mission, but occuring on separate maps with multiple objectives).

Six, you don't have that annoying situation where your contact may always be found standing at the same spot, day or night, inactive, with everybody else crowding around. Instead, you get the feeling the contact is always there for you as part of your specific mission.

FWIW, this is more or less how I did it when I made a simulation of CoH using the NWN toolset. I thought it worked very well.



I understand the need for the "accuracy" concept in the game, but this should NEVER apply to hitting static items. I hate that my high level superhero swings at a giant vault door and misses. How does THAT happen? Or when you blast a cardboard box and miss (!).

Make accuracy 100% on static items so we don't all look like putzes in from of our teammates ("He missed that trash can! Loser!! LOL")

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



Originally Posted by GGG247 View Post
I understand the need for the "accuracy" concept in the game, but this should NEVER apply to hitting static items. I hate that my high level superhero swings at a giant vault door and misses. How does THAT happen? Or when you blast a cardboard box and miss (!).

Make accuracy 100% on static items so we don't all look like putzes in from of our teammates ("He missed that trash can! Loser!! LOL")
Or maybe the trash cans are ninjas in disguise! Huh? Ever think of that, Mister?



Originally Posted by sleestack View Post
Related to the last item, rooting while activating powers. I'd love to see this pretty much done away with, with the exception of a few powers (e.g., snipes, Tier 9 powers, etc.).
Seriously. I hate that. Does every hero in any comic book stop just to activate their powers ? nope.

How inconvienient would it be for Green Lantern to stop moving to activate his power ring. Or for Supes to stop flying and hover while he activates his heat vision.

PLEASE let me use my powers while i run

We shall defend our game, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the forums, we shall fight on the news, we shall fight on Facebook and in twitter, we shall fight on the internet and at the corporate offices; we shall never surrender.

-Inspiration from Winston Chruchill



Originally Posted by GGG247 View Post
I understand the need for the "accuracy" concept in the game, but this should NEVER apply to hitting static items. I hate that my high level superhero swings at a giant vault door and misses. How does THAT happen? Or when you blast a cardboard box and miss (!).

Make accuracy 100% on static items so we don't all look like putzes in from of our teammates ("He missed that trash can! Loser!! LOL")
Yeah, I could see the static items having -Def and possibly +Res.



As much as I love QoL additions, I just want the Devs to focus on adding content to existing zones now and more mission types/variety. Don't add more outdoor zones - get those artists and world designers working on new tilesets and instance maps instead - we spend 90% of our time in this game inside instances, so lets have some more variety there - most of the criticisms I see from non-subscribers on MMO fansite/news-site/blog comments cite repetitiveness of the instance maps as the main reason they quit CoH (and they usually mention warehouses and caves...) and that it's the main reason others should avoid playing this game. That needs to be tackled asap.

I have faith in War Witch - I think she's more in favour of adding mission content than Positron was (he obviously likes new systems - maybe because they were more interesting for him to work on), as his tenure was rather content-light and system-heavy - I just hope she gets to read this thread to see how we all feel about this issue.

Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Er, how do we know this? The lore only says a Crey facility got bombed, not their HQ.
Er, maybe that's why I used phrases like "personally I like to think" and "though I have no evidence for it". It's all in the reading.



Originally Posted by Lord Mayhem View Post
As much as I love QoL additions, I just want the Devs to focus on adding content to existing zones now and more mission types/variety. Don't add more outdoor zones - get those artists and world designers working on new tilesets and instance maps instead - we spend 90% of our time in this game inside instances, so lets have some more variety there - most of the criticisms I see from non-subscribers on MMO fansite/news-site/blog comments cite repetitiveness of the instance maps as the main reason they quit CoH (and they usually mention warehouses and caves...) and that it's the main reason others should avoid playing this game. That needs to be tackled asap.

I have faith in War Witch - I think she's more in favour of adding mission content than Positron was (he obviously likes new systems - maybe because they were more interesting for him to work on), as his tenure was rather content-light and system-heavy - I just hope she gets to read this thread to see how we all feel about this issue.
Agreed, but ... I don't have faith in War Witch just yet. Just a bit of frayed hope.



Originally Posted by Optic_Spark View Post
Seriously. I hate that. Does every hero in any comic book stop just to activate their powers ? nope.

How inconvienient would it be for Green Lantern to stop moving to activate his power ring. Or for Supes to stop flying and hover while he activates his heat vision.

PLEASE let me use my powers while i run
and how is important market and crafting for Wolverine? does he salvage something after defeating his enemies, packing everything he collects for some "future" use? or does he "sell" everyghing at the stores?



So I'm running around Steel Canyon arresting Outcast leaders to take them off the street (okay, I'm badge hunting) and it hit me... I feel like just one of the many mostly-unsung heroes of the real world: the police (and fire-person when putting out fires in Steel). There's no real glory or fame, the mobs are back on the street within minutes (I really hate the faster respawn rate that was put in some issues ago). On villain side it's about the same, you're just a policeperson for Arachnos (no matter the RP spin you put on it as I often do).

No newspaper has headlines with your name in large print, no paparazzi with a police cordon around outside when you exit the mission door (not even once); I can see not doing with every mission, but end of story arc missions could have them as the news of the completed "case" (arc) is released to the public. In Paragon City being a superhero is just an almost-normal job. Yeah, there's thousands of superheroes in the city, but you don't see that many at once.

Don't treat my character as one of a many thousands cast member, but as one of a few dozen. On the less populated servers that is almost true . Would be nice to see my character's name up in lights. Or for TFs, perhaps the TF name is shown, perhaps on some continuous running marquee in AP or Galaxy (Aeon City in Cap for redside?), or even Pocket D. Make it look like my character's actions are making a difference, instead of the pat on the back by contacts. Have the big names say something to you about your lastest endeavor as NPC chatter (just once per endeavor). This should include zone events that you've taken part in.

Ah, the word finally came to me: recognition. Give my character the recognition it deserves for being a superhero (or supervillain in the service of Arachnos).



Originally Posted by Gaming_Glen View Post
So I'm running around Steel Canyon arresting Outcast leaders to take them off the street (okay, I'm badge hunting) and it hit me... I feel like just one of the many mostly-unsung heroes of the real world: the police (and fire-person when putting out fires in Steel). There's no real glory or fame, the mobs are back on the street within minutes (I really hate the faster respawn rate that was put in some issues ago). On villain side it's about the same, you're just a policeperson for Arachnos (no matter the RP spin you put on it as I often do).

No newspaper has headlines with your name in large print, no paparazzi with a police cordon around outside when you exit the mission door (not even once); I can see not doing with every mission, but end of story arc missions could have them as the news of the completed "case" (arc) is released to the public. In Paragon City being a superhero is just an almost-normal job. Yeah, there's thousands of superheroes in the city, but you don't see that many at once.

Don't treat my character as one of a many thousands cast member, but as one of a few dozen. On the less populated servers that is almost true . Would be nice to see my character's name up in lights. Or for TFs, perhaps the TF name is shown, perhaps on some continuous running marquee in AP or Galaxy (Aeon City in Cap for redside?), or even Pocket D. Make it look like my character's actions are making a difference, instead of the pat on the back by contacts. Have the big names say something to you about your lastest endeavor as NPC chatter (just once per endeavor). This should include zone events that you've taken part in.

Ah, the word finally came to me: recognition. Give my character the recognition it deserves for being a superhero (or supervillain in the service of Arachnos).
I must have missed the bit where it says "to protect and serve and be famous"

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I might have to go with PVP. In other games i love to PVP, but in this i never want to. I'm on Virtue so there's people, it's just a Blaster vs. a Scrapper is hard. I think it's unbalanced and needs some fine tuning.
This game could have such great PVP, It just needs work.



Originally Posted by Slope View Post
I might have to go with PVP. In other games i love to PVP, but in this i never want to. I'm on Virtue so there's people, it's just a Blaster vs. a Scrapper is hard. I think it's unbalanced and needs some fine tuning.
This game could have such great PVP, It just needs work.
Really, PvP is extremely hard to balance and as far as I know, no game has it right!

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.