Biggest Problems with the Game Today




The biggest problem in the game is that the Baby New Year mission map isn't in the Mission Architect. If I17 fixes that, I'll be very happy.

I'm also annoyed by elite boss fights that can't be dropped or failed. There aren't too many of those, but I don't have much else to complain about these days. (I've sworn off the CoV patrons because of this issue though, so changing those missions would be nice.)



Originally Posted by Nightphall View Post
Why do so many people use the cargo ship?
It allows for a wide variety of objectives, unlike most other tilesets. It's also big and spacious, allowing flying characters lots of room to maneuver while still being indoors.



My opinion on the initial question...

1) It takes WAY too long to get bugs addressed and fixed. I'm sure most of us can site at least one example of a bug that's been around for ages. Even as mentally fatigued as I am after being up all night I can recall that the Kneel emote has been broken for a while.

2) The age of the game's content. Ultra Mode will certainly bring a fresh coat of paint to the city, but it's still teh same old city. The outbreak plague is STILL running loose in the noobie yard FIVE YEARS later. Likewise, nobody apparently has figured out how to patch that leaking crack in the city dam after five years either. There's other examples, but I'm sure we all get the idea. In real life, five years can bring tremendous change. Not in Paragon City however. Faultline and the Hollows got a moderate facelift. Fairly well done too in both cases.

I'd like to see more of that however, starting with Outbreak. Then revive the zones people figuratively never play in; Perez, Skyway, Dark Astoria and Independence Port primarily. Terra Volta would never see any action either if not for respec trials and the occasional street sweeping badge hunter.

In issue 1, when The Hollows was nothing but a closed blast door, Perez saw a ton of action. I have fond memories of team leveling by Hydra hunting way back then. The city needs a continued facelift. Freshen up and change some of the mission content through the game too. It's bad when us old timers don't even need to read any contact's mission briefings because we're seen it all several times.



Originally Posted by Calash View Post

My machine, as dated as it is, can chew through games like Assassins Creed and BioShock with ease, yet land me in Creys Folly and I lag without looking at anything. Never mind the pain of Grandville or running a large taskforce.
Agreed. My laptop can play ME2 well. Not top settings or anything but still pretty nice. CoX (on the same resolution) has to have its settings turned down too and yet is still slow and laggy even when I'm soloing. And in terms of eye candy there's no contest in terms of what looks better.



Originally Posted by Calash View Post

My machine, as dated as it is, can chew through games like Assassins Creed and BioShock with ease, yet land me in Creys Folly and I lag without looking at anything. Never mind the pain of Grandville or running a large taskforce.
I love how people compare MMOs to Single player games.
There is a *huge* difference. And thats teh interwebs.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



My biggest problem with CoH is with the pre-I3 blueside content just feeling so sub-par and bland compared to the CoV redside content in particular, but also when compared to all post-I2 new/revamped areas such as Faultline, RWZ, Striga, Croatoa etc. It's the major reason I play redside so much more than blueside. The Devs can keep adding new content, but if they don't revamp older content then it will still always be there, making this MMO look its age, and giving this game's detractors something to point at and say "look, see how outdated this game is".

Seeing the Positron TF being revamped for I17 gives me hope that now we have a new lead Dev with a background in world design rather than new systems, we'll see revamps of all the older content sooner rather than later - and not just arc/TF revamps, but faction revamps (like the Rikti makeover), contact revamps (blueside's contact system is clunky and outdated - it needs streamlining, with missions personalised to specific memorable contacts, like on redside) and outdoor zone revamps (Boomtown and DA in particular are desperate for a Faultline/RWZ-style makeover).

I also have a minor problem with safeguards/mayhems feeling mandatory in each level range if you want the explore badge from them and their temp power. I hate mandatory content that you can outlevel, so feel pressured to do on every character - this game avoids it for the most part thanks to Ouro - accordingly I'd like to see all mayhems/safeguards either added to Ouro, or able to be picked up from their Detectives once you outlevelled them (in both cases they'd function like a repeatable TF and would auto-exemp you).



  • Abandonment of even the pretense of game balance with the new difficulty settings
  • Static world and abandonment of storylines; granted that many of them should be abandoned thanks to....
  • ...poor writing. Yes, there are a few rubies in the mountain of rocks but it seems that every time the devs deign to add new content, they dump more rocks on the pile. The new expansion takes a long-awaited feature and ties it to one of the least imaginative plot devices in comics history: the goatee universe (and please, do not insult my intelligence by claiming "it's not a goatee universe")
  • The market is a wretched hive of scum and villainy, and those are its good points; horrid implementation broke in all the ways anyone with a grade-school education in economics predicted and it's not going to be fixed
  • Gameplay feels slow and dated compared to the competition

...just for starters, off the top of my head, and in no particular order.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
My husband and I discussed this at great length yesterday. His opinion is we haven't had an actual good issue since they brought out purples. My opinion is I havent had anything new to do that was fun in over a year.

The fact that they are hiring all these people and cant seem to get free issues out the door that have actual stuff to do created BY THE DEVS, IMO is hurting this game something severe.
Funny. I've found something new to do with every issue they've put out. If anything, they spent so much time putting content in the game in the early issues that they ignored the features and QoL stuff, and now they've swung around and filled in many of those holes recently. It's cyclical. It happens in every game.

Perhaps if the game is no longer fun for you, it won't matter what they put in. You'll burn through the new shineys in a month, and be right back to being bored and complaining about not having new stuff fast enough. It seems MMOs are not good for your ADD.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
Funny. I've found something new to do with every issue they've put out. If anything, they spent so much time putting content in the game in the early issues that they ignored the features and QoL stuff, and now they've swung around and filled in many of those holes recently. It's cyclical. It happens in every game.

Perhaps if the game is no longer fun for you, it won't matter what they put in. You'll burn through the new shineys in a month, and be right back to being bored and complaining about not having new stuff fast enough. It seems MMOs are not good for your ADD.
Nicely put .......



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Call me stupid, but I don't have any problems with the game that I can recall outside of specific precedent.
I was going to join you Sam, but then I realized one, well two things I see as problems with the game.

Lack of advertising.

Still having a NA/EU version and their respective divided communities (servers.) If we were all one big happy family then NCsoft wouldn't have have to go to the expense of creating a separate EU box (which they didn't do for MA, and it looks like it wont be happening for GR either.)



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
Funny. I've found something new to do with every issue they've put out. If anything, they spent so much time putting content in the game in the early issues that they ignored the features and QoL stuff, and now they've swung around and filled in many of those holes recently. It's cyclical. It happens in every game.

Perhaps if the game is no longer fun for you, it won't matter what they put in. You'll burn through the new shineys in a month, and be right back to being bored and complaining about not having new stuff fast enough. It seems MMOs are not good for your ADD.
I am sure at some point in time you weren't like this, When CoV came out I was busy for like 2 years playing it. The guy in the OP asked everyone here a question. Not just you and your friends. Had he wanted to know just your opinion he could have send you a PM. I answered the question from our point of view. I am sorry you felt the need to say that stuff to me again. Its not the first time you have said that to me. If you do not like what I type you can ignore me, or skip it. But constantly coming at me with the I am better than you, thing is getting old.

Please stop trying to get me to quit. "Chase me away". This game needs more and more subscribers not cherry picking less and less. When they add decent amounts of content, yes we are all over it. As others have mentioned in this thread, they also wish for more content. I dont see you quoting them, and saying all this about ADD or "not fun for you" crap.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I am sure at some point in time you weren't like this, When CoV came out I was busy for like 2 years playing it. The guy in the OP asked everyone here a question. Not just you and your friends. Had he wanted to know just your opinion he could have send you a PM. I answered the question from our point of view. I am sorry you felt the need to say that stuff to me again. Its not the first time you have said that to me. If you do not like what I type you can ignore me, or skip it. But constantly coming at me with the I am better than you, thing is getting old.

Please stop trying to get me to quit. "Chase me away". This game needs more and more subscribers not cherry picking less and less. When they add decent amounts of content, yes we are all over it. As others have mentioned in this thread, they also wish for more content. I dont see you quoting them, and saying all this about ADD or "not fun for you" crap.
Does it mention anything in my previous post about me being better than you, or anyone else?

If it seems that I'm quoting you a lot, it means you've been saying the same thing over and over and over in many different threads. Once again, I suggest that this game no longer holds your attention the way it once does, and most likely no longer will. You aren't the only one that feels that way, I'm sure, but you are definitely one of their flag-bearers, and if you don't like people quoting you, say your piece the first time and go do something more fun. I'd rather play with people that are having fun than spending their game time /wrist-ing and trying to bring others down to their level of misery. There's plenty of people that have been playing as long as you or longer and still enjoy the game very much.

If you're saying the negative things you generally say to try to build the game up, that's one thing, but sometimes it's hard to tell with you if you're being constructive or just a whiner. They're not the same thing.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



The biggest problem with the game today?

Today's not July...



Originally Posted by Heartbreaker View Post
The biggest problem with the game today?

Today's not July...
Well, it's not April... that is the biggest issue. Ultra Mode + Whips = LOTSOPHUN

but its still Feb >.>



It's funny reading over a few of the other posts now that I've had the time to do so...

Mainly I'm thinking the economy complaints. The LAG with WW and the BM is unholy beyond words. HOWEVER, while I agree that the economics are a bit screwed up, take a look at some of the other games with higher level ceilings and greater ease of transferring money and equipment to alts. I briefly played WoW for example. I saw the high end gear for LOWBIE characters going for 50,000 to 100,000 in some cases. My level 25 Blood Elf Rogue... No way in hell he could have ever afforded anything but the low end, standard gear. I was a very casual player and didn't have PLing and farming connections.

CoX is the model of sanity compared to at least MY experience with the economics of Everquest 2 and WoW. The reality here is almost nobody is willing to take the poison pill it would require to bring the economy totally into balance. You'd have to kill farming completely to do it. It's the farmers raking in vast amounts of influence/infamy and rare salvage/recipes that are driving up prices.

How many threads were there here screaming about AE farming getting nerfed though? People completely overlooked what AE farming was doing to prices at the auction houses at the time. All they cared about was they couldn't have a new 50 in 2 days. THAT coincidentally was HORRIBLY lowering the quality of play out in the "real" game world too.

Anyway, that's a side issue. Sticking to the point, I think the Devs have done a fair job of balancing the economy. Not great, but fair. Farming and PLing are always going to be a part of games like this it seems also, so we have to expect that there's going to be a bit of a gold rush economy. Those of us who can't afford to completely purple set out our toons have to accept that trade off for having more of a life outside the game. The horribly expensive stuff in the game is supposed to be ultra rare anyway.



Originally Posted by Teeth View Post
I see a lot of repeated suggestions and complaints, but I'm curious: What do you think the most important problems with the game are right now?

[CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=white]The #1 True Villain badge collector on Infinity.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]



Originally Posted by Thaumator View Post
LOL. True, but they did create the Pocket D to keep them safely confined to one ERP zone.



Originally Posted by Stardrive View Post
LOL. True, but they did create the Pocket D to keep them safely confined to one ERP zone.
Let me direct you to this thread, to show just why such a perception is flawed and, frankly, wrong;

Anthro characters =/= Furries, in the common 'insult' sense of the word
RPers =/= All ERP'ers

Please dont confuse personal bias and opinion with reality.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Day Jobs. Grrrr... haaaaaate...

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Stardrive View Post
I saw the high end gear for LOWBIE characters going for 50,000 to 100,000 in some cases.
Huh? A large fraction of tier-one recipes in CoH require salvage that often goes for 50k to 100k per piece, and this is usually the common salvage. Granted, patience can get it for you faster, but not always by much. Is 100,000 just worth more in Wow?

Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man
Day Jobs. Grrrr... haaaaaate...
Is this serious, or sarcastic? I guess some day job accolades are useful, but I never see them breaking the game. Is your post intended to emphasize the current quality of the game by identifying something completely trivial as the most important problem in the game, or do you actually have something against Day Jobs?



Originally Posted by Teeth View Post
Is this serious, or sarcastic? I guess some day job accolades are useful, but I never see them breaking the game. Is your post intended to emphasize the current quality of the game by identifying something completely trivial as the most important problem in the game, or do you actually have something against Day Jobs?
I think it's the compulsive badgering getting to him

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Really Really want new mission maps, and I know I'm gonna catch some flack for this but I agree with Perfect Pain. Some new content such as hazard zones with contacts and an alternate story line for villains, and for heroes the fleshing out of the abandonned hazard zone including full sotry arcs and a 1-50 story arc for normal hero ATs that gives some purpose besides arrest the latest cult or facist group. Heros could use an optional "destined one" style story arc and villains could use an "I dont work for Arachnos" story.

Work in progress no more. I have decided that I'm going to put my worst spelling errors here. Triage Bacon, Had this baster idea, TLR

"I'm going to beat the Jesus out of Satan!" My Wife while playing Dante's Inferno



Originally Posted by Teeth View Post
I see a lot of repeated suggestions and complaints, but I'm curious: What do you think the most important problems with the game are right now?
Predictability. Warehouse map #17 is always the same, the story behind why you're sent there is always the same, the contact who sends you to it is always the same, the enemies you face on that map, for that story, are always the same... you can look at a mission and know that you'll be sent to a certain map, that you'll be fighting a specific enemy group on that map, you'll know exactly where the objective is and even which "glowie spawn" it's likely to be (safe, desk, wall safe, etc.). You can go in with a different costume, different powers, different team, but it's still Warehouse #17 populated by Enemy Group #8 with Glowie Spawn #11 in Room #9, in Story #41.

Randomized maps, randomized story elements (foes populating map, reason for going there, etc.), like newspaper/scanner missions, but more thorough, more all-encompassing, covering every contact and mission, would remove the predictability and improve the replay value of the game.

I also think we need deformable terrain, because it's just not a superhero/villain scenario without walls being destroyed and craters being blasted, but... *shrug*



When you you take away all the extras like story and names the missions in this game basically comes down to this simple statement, Some noun did some verb so now you must verb his noun. I'd just like some new stories and some new instances to discover those stories in.

Work in progress no more. I have decided that I'm going to put my worst spelling errors here. Triage Bacon, Had this baster idea, TLR

"I'm going to beat the Jesus out of Satan!" My Wife while playing Dante's Inferno



Originally Posted by Teeth View Post
Is this serious, or sarcastic? I guess some day job accolades are useful, but I never see them breaking the game. Is your post intended to emphasize the current quality of the game by identifying something completely trivial as the most important problem in the game, or do you actually have something against Day Jobs?
Day Jobs murdered my father and molested my dog.

No, really I just think they're a bad idea. I never liked the idea of rewarding people for not playing a game. Couple that with the idea that you have to log out in a certain place, for a total of 21 days to earn each badge, and you've got some players (like me) who feel that playing their badge character at all is counter-productive to the badging process. If there was one thing I could take out of the game, Day Jobs would be it.

I never said they were game breaking, but that's not what the OP asked. I just think they're mostly pointless and a waste of time. And anyway, given that they're so trivial (as you yourself mentioned), that should imply that other than this very small portion, I'm totally thrilled with the game--which I am.

(But I also understand that this is only my opinion, and other people feel differently. So I'll stop talking about Day Jobs. For now. >_>)

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!