Am I the only one who hates doing side mishs?




When doing a bank mission, after its over everyone always wants to do side missions. Im always voted out lol.
Am I the only one here who doesnt like doing them?

I dont like doing them because they just feel so scattered to me, running all over the place.
Id rather exit and do a new mission

Global: @Fire Beam



Originally Posted by marc100 View Post
When doing a bank mission, after its over everyone always wants to do side missions. Im always voted out lol.
Am I the only one here who doesnt like doing them?

I dont like doing them because they just feel so scattered to me, running all over the place.
Id rather exit and do a new mission

Really depends on the PuG. If people are gelling, and staying tight on the <tank/kheld/meatshield>, and know what to do, sides can be very VERY fun. But if it's a team that's not working as a team, sides can be torturous.



Also depends if you want the badges doing the side mishes gets you.. aren't they part of an accolade? Or did I imagine that?



hero side, what's the point? Safeguards are dud content, the second I get my temp power I'm outta there.

villain side, heck yes I do the side missions! They punctuate my rampage of destruction through Paragon City quite nicely.

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Yes, yes you are.

Seriously - besides the badges some may want, you can get some nice temp powers from some of the side missions, and IIRC SOs for the smash'n'grabs. And doing them beforehand, of course, gives more time for the bank job.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
hero side, what's the point? Safeguards are dud content, the second I get my temp power I'm outta there.

villain side, heck yes I do the side missions! They punctuate my rampage of destruction through Paragon City quite nicely.
Agreed completely.



Also, if you're not after temp powers or badges or whatnot, punching up the nice, close together spawns of PPD (with convenient Longbow ambushes that come straight to you!)/enemies loitering on the streets is faster than traveling to the next radio mission.



I really like them - it's one of the few times in the game where the timer isn't way too long, so you can actually run out of time.
But a lot does depend on how well the team can work together

@Golden Girl

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I sort of prefer to do bank missions solo now. I like getting the exploration badge, and I like doing side missions. It's very rare for me to get on a team that wants to complete all of that. So yeah, I don't hate side missions at all, but I don't bother teams about completing them. I just do it myself.



i like side missions on both sides, they allow a sort of variety to the game from the standard beat everyone up and click one glowie missions we tend to get, plus the badges look cool, so you may not be the only one, but you are one of the only ones i have heard of.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
hero side, what's the point? Safeguards are dud content, the second I get my temp power I'm outta there.

villain side, heck yes I do the side missions! They punctuate my rampage of destruction through Paragon City quite nicely.
I find myself agreeing with Goats way too much around here.

Safeguards I just leave. They're so crappy what's the point?

Mayhems I love the side missions. Just as long as the team know that I'll be flying to it, to grab myself some lovely Eagle chumps to bring to the party as well.

Mmmm. Clustered Bags of XP standing in doorway. *drools*



Safeguards are a nice change of pace when you are in teams that like doing Radio and oh horror Newspapers (there is no good reason to do more newspaper missions then to get your contact). Doing side missions extend those breaks so yes i like doing them. Getting the badges is a nice bonus as well.

As a villain, doing sidemisisons is an essential part of the havoc you want to create.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I really like them - it's one of the few times in the game where the timer isn't way too long, so you can actually run out of time.
But a lot does depend on how well the team can work together


"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Personally, I love doing side missions. Sorry, but the bank doesn't contain nearly enough booty to satisfy me...I'll be hitting the jewelry store, the local crime syndicate's warehouse, and heck why not torch that office building while I'm counting my loot?

Only thing I could live without is breakouts. They cause problems, because it means if I end up in the slammer, I have twice the hell to deal with getting back out. And kidnappings, because I adamantly refuse to deal with NPC's and their Artificial Stupidity...

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



On a good team (or even an awesome solo character) you can run to the Smash and Grab location and trip all the alarms at the same time. It's like getting an entire mission's worth of foes coming straight to you. How can you beat that?

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
On a good team (or even an awesome solo character) you can run to the Smash and Grab location and trip all the alarms at the same time. It's like getting an entire mission's worth of foes coming straight to you. How can you beat that?
My Necro/dark would do this solo, was simple carnage.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
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Yes somewhat maybe. i dont know

i like doing them cos they help with the badge which btw is a a$% to get the higher u lvl due to the fact mayhems take longer to get. for example. the arson badge.. doing 5 mishes just for 30 seconds in a mayhem is crap. so i do them lower lvls.



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
On a good team (or even an awesome solo character) you can run to the Smash and Grab location and trip all the alarms at the same time. It's like getting an entire mission's worth of foes coming straight to you. How can you beat that?
Or as I like to call it: Brute Heaven.

Definitely fond of pulling that one on my Fire/Stone. That and purposely causing the "Longbow Swarm" where fifty-some LB show up in the same location. Nothing like a good 50-on-1 slugfest for your Mayhem's grand finale...

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



I remember when I finished my first Arsonist side mission and stood in front of a burning building.

That was about the moment I was sold on side missions. Like others have said, Mayhem Missions just make you feel delightfully villainous, and after robbing the bank, you're left wanting more, like, say, blowing buildings up, robbing more stores, and busting the local jail.

A Mayhem Mission is only complete when the property damage you caused ranks to the hundreds of millions. Otherwise, what's the point?



Originally Posted by marc100 View Post
When doing a bank mission, after its over everyone always wants to do side missions. Im always voted out lol.
Am I the only one here who doesnt like doing them?

I dont like doing them because they just feel so scattered to me, running all over the place.
Id rather exit and do a new mission

I think hate is too strong a word, but I only do side missions if the team requests it. If i'm solo, never. I'm not a badge hunter, and I just don't care about them.

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Normally, I'm not overly fond of any of the safeguard content after the bank robbery. However, I've noticed that, solo or group, my xp winnings seem to dramatically increase by clearing all. So I never object if asked to stay.

This is anecdotal at best. I'm not one of the number-crunching crowd and cannot explain why this is. Perhaps its simply remaining in a concentrated area for longer, as opposed to waiting outside the door of the next mission for many minutes.



Solo or on a good team I enjoy them. Clearing a Safeguard is a nice chunk of XP bundled with a temp power or two if you get a weapon deal.

Bad team I say pass as the team inevitable will split up and fall apart.



On teams, I don't really care either way. Solo, I do the weapons deal and then bugger out with my shiny new temp power. Which I then proceed to never use.



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
On a good team (or even an awesome solo character) you can run to the Smash and Grab location and trip all the alarms at the same time. It's like getting an entire mission's worth of foes coming straight to you. How can you beat that?
I like doing this, except for one level range in the 20s-30s where Equalizers and Ghosts spawn. That's just asking for a death no matter what you are.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



I don't care either way, but doing side missions on a team, you really need someone to lead the team, or a full team of people who know what they're doing, otherwise teams frequently scatter or get lost and people start dying.

I was on a team last night running radio missions in Talos. Leader had me pick a mission. When we exited, I had a bank mission coming up, and asked if we wanted to do it. Leader set another person's mission and said, "We'll do the bank after this." So I said sure, and grabbed the bank mission.

After the other mission the leader set my bank mission. One player who had been on the team for at least an hour and a half said something like, "Ugh, bank mission." I said, "Well, that's why I asked before I grabbed it, not everyone likes them."

We enter the mission, except for the one person who complained. He suddenly says, "Well you must have asked hours ago because it's not in my text window. Bank missions are a complete waste of time!" And then he rage-quits.

Funny thing was, we accidentally let one of the villain's henchmen slip past us and before we new it we were being kicked out of the mission for failing. Whole thing took 2 minutes.

I'm always fine with just stopping the robbery and exiting though, if that's what people want. I don't consider that a waste of time -- it's really one of the fastest missions you can complete. Sides are just if everyone wants to do them, most people understand that.

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