Am I the only one who hates doing side mishs?




Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
hero side, what's the point? Safeguards are dud content, the second I get my temp power I'm outta there.

villain side, heck yes I do the side missions! They punctuate my rampage of destruction through Paragon City quite nicely.
Huh. I could not feel more differently if I tried. Mayhems are utterly dull, so hit the bank and get out of there. Side missions in Safeguards add to the hectic nature of them, so hit those in between rushing around to stop all the vandals.

We'll always have Paragon.



Mayhems are awesome - some of my favourite content in the game - and side missions only add to the awesome.

Safeguards are not awesome, unless you do the sides, in which case they become... well, still not awesome, but alright.

That's solo. On a team I'll go with the flow, though if it comes to a vote I'll vote to do the sides unless the team is so incompetent I can't wait to get out. That's unbearably incompetent only, since a mildly incompetent team can be quite amusing in the chaos of bank missions.



Perhaps safeguards should be run in reverse? Not identical to mayhems, of course.

What if the bank robbery was the capstone to everything else? Or at least a percentage of it. Set a point system for NPC villains stopped, higher amounts for completing the side missions. Once the team reaches X number of points, they're rewarded with the bank alarm and the final scenario.



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
On a good team (or even an awesome solo character) you can run to the Smash and Grab location and trip all the alarms at the same time. It's like getting an entire mission's worth of foes coming straight to you. How can you beat that?
I like doing that solo with my Stalker or Brute and then I'll Super Jump all over the map just before doing the Jail Break. I love watching that steady stream of Longbow drift out of the elevator and moments later drop at my feet.
Mua ha ha hah ha ha

Oh, sorry, don't know what came over me there.

"I used to make diddly squat, but I've been with the company for 16 years and have had plenty of great raises. Now I just make squat" -- Me

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I'm just glad that after years of being tortured by teams that had no idea of what to do in a mayhem or safeguard, or even that there WERE side missions, virtually everyone I play with these days knows about side missions and is willing to do them.

I'm not up for clearing zones, though ... too much like farming for me.



Originally Posted by NeverDark View Post
Huh. I could not feel more differently if I tried. Mayhems are utterly dull, so hit the bank and get out of there. Side missions in Safeguards add to the hectic nature of them, so hit those in between rushing around to stop all the vandals.

Same here. Destroying inanimate objects for more time is pretty boring. Both hero and villain I usually hit the bank, hit the badge and leave.

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Originally Posted by Nurvus View Post
I sort of prefer to do bank missions solo now. I like getting the exploration badge, and I like doing side missions. It's very rare for me to get on a team that wants to complete all of that. So yeah, I don't hate side missions at all, but I don't bother teams about completing them. I just do it myself.
I know of very few more frustrating experiences than doing either a Mayhem or a Safeguard with a team. Solo, I can defeat a time-giving spawn in about 15 to 30 seconds (depending on the character), making them a net break-even or slight timer gain. With an 8 person team, we lose timer on every spawn we fight, which costs us all the lovely side missions ... and, not infrequently, costs us successful completion of the main mission.

I'm vaguely weirded out by the two examples (so far) of Mayhem mission hate. The Mayhem missions are, more than all of the rest of City of Villains combined, more than anything else, what I wanted City of Villains to be when it was first announced: picking my own route, searching for opportunities for crimes to commit, terrorizing the cops, recruiting a sidekick to show them how much better than them I am, destroying superheroes sent to thwart me. And all the more so once I reach Brickstown and have a guaranteed 4 or more side missions. If City of Villains had been nothing more than a long string of, say, a couple of hundred Mayhem missions, one for every neighborhood of every zone in Paragon City, I would have been happier than a pig in Congress.

Safeguards, a little less so, but only for two reasons. I do agree with the original poster that it gets old defeating a spawn of enemies to get a key and then finding out that the actual mission is on the far side of the map. And the constant running or flying back and forth as vandals spawn all over the map gets really old. And Safeguards lack the sheer joy of smashing up all of that stuff; there really needs to be more missions in City of Heroes where you go into a villain's lair and smash up their carefully-crafted super-weapons for bonus points. As objects decline in relative hit points, the later Safeguards make it way, way too easy to lose time to random spawns blowing up property. And even before then, the timer really gets tight; I still think the random enemy spawns should grant 30 seconds to the timer.

But aside from the lovely rewards, I "get" that Safeguards are a lot closer than anything else in the rest of City of Heroes to a realistic "day in the life" of a superhero: more things going wrong at once than you have time to respond to, villains who don't wait for you to show up to start their evil deeds, and so forth.

It feels to me like almost nobody "gets" that part of what's so cool about City of Heroes is the overwhelming variety of ways to level up, of ways to enjoy the game; people take each others' word for what's the most XP-efficient and loot-efficient way to level, and migrate to that in thundering herds. City of Heroes is a game where you can choose street sweeping solo, street sweeping in teams against more dangerous public enemies (hero only), stand-alone randomly generated missions, multi-part solo stories, multi-part team-required stories, "Danger Room" simulations, PvP and PvP zone missions, realistic "day in the life" superheroics (hero only), and intense terroristic crime waves (villain only).

Most MMOs would only have at most 2 or 3 of those choices. Yes, I admit, CoH could stand another balance pass on the content to make some of the less-chosen paths less disadvantaged relative to the others, so you don't feel like a chump if you try to recruit a team to street sweep Perez Park, say, or so you don't feel like you're wasting your time if you Go! Hunt! Kill Skuls! But one the list of things I love this game for is that it has all of these viable choices, and they all work; it's a marvel of game design.



Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
I'm vaguely weirded out by the two examples (so far) of Mayhem mission hate. The Mayhem missions are, more than all of the rest of City of Villains combined, more than anything else, what I wanted City of Villains to be when it was first announced: picking my own route, searching for opportunities for crimes to commit, terrorizing the cops, recruiting a sidekick to show them how much better than them I am, destroying superheroes sent to thwart me. And all the more so once I reach Brickstown and have a guaranteed 4 or more side missions. If City of Villains had been nothing more than a long string of, say, a couple of hundred Mayhem missions, one for every neighborhood of every zone in Paragon City, I would have been happier than a pig in Congress.
The side missions are okay. My complaint with them is the same I have with the whole of Mayhem missions: they feel really petty. Random, wanton destruction just doesn't feel supervillainous to me; I don't see the point in smashing up the city when I'm trying to rule it. The scattered destructible objects are the worst part. Kicking over trash cans and punching newstands doesn't make me feel like a supervillain, it makes me feel like a Skull.

As objects decline in relative hit points, the later Safeguards make it way, way too easy to lose time to random spawns blowing up property. And even before then, the timer really gets tight; I still think the random enemy spawns should grant 30 seconds to the timer.
Hmm, I haven't run into that since I8 beta when they were introduced. I had assumed that they took out the ability to lose time to vandals.

But aside from the lovely rewards, I "get" that Safeguards are a lot closer than anything else in the rest of City of Heroes to a realistic "day in the life" of a superhero: more things going wrong at once than you have time to respond to, villains who don't wait for you to show up to start their evil deeds, and so forth.
That's exactly what I love about Safeguards. There are villains committing crimes, not just standing around, and they're fast and frantic and never dull. I feel the same way about Safeguards as you do about Mayhems; if I could have long strings of them, I'd do almost nothing else.

We'll always have Paragon.



Originally Posted by NeverDark View Post
Kicking over trash cans and punching newstands doesn't make me feel like a supervillain, it makes me feel like a Skull.
Setting fire to buildings makes my fire/thermal corruptor feel like a Hellion...

... alright, more like a Hellion.



I logged in as my namesake toon yesterday and was at a loss as to what to do. So I thought I'd do some badging. I noted the Force of Nature Accolade on ParagonWiki and saw I needed just some more Arson side-missions to get the badge.

Running the few newspaper missions required to get Wiggy the Brit to offer me the Mayhem Mission didn't take long and then it was off to Peregrine Island to cause chaos. I didn't rush straight to the bank (the standard team-tactic I've seen), instead ambling slowly through Peregrine smashing all before me. Once I got to the bank I robbed it blind, cleared it of the so-called defenders and the person in the lycra claiming to be a hero.

My main objective complete I went hunting for an Arson side-mission, I managed to keep the timer going for about an hour start to finish while clearing out 3 side-missions (not an arson among them, oh well). While doing it I decided to head up to the PPD station, bash down the door and free Critical Mass for the heck of it.

All in all I really enjoy Mayhem missions in general (and Safeguards hero-side) and think that the side-missions are one part of them that increases my feeling of superness. I'll be the first to admit that Mayhem's on a team can be one of the saddest failures ever as people run willy-nilly uncertain what to do next. That being said, solo or on a team of players experienced with them Mayhem/Safeguard missions are uber-fun, the side missions are icing on the cake.

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Hero side they feel anti-climatic. Once I hear the "Mission Over" music, I exit. And that is on pretty much any mission. I'll not stick around to "clear a map" on normal missions either.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
...faster than traveling to the next radio mission.
Yeah it's odd - the majority of the players out there are looking for "teh max XPs" and I think a well-run Bank mish is one of the best opportunities for a nice long, uninterrupted stretch of straight-up XPs.

Yet people are sometimes reluctant to "use" the Bank mish as it was designed, going for the Temp power and nothing else.

Personally I've only REALLY enjoyed the Bank mish on maybe 2 or 3 PuGs I've ever been on...and again, it was when the team didn't get split up "out in the open" hunting Vandals, and proceeded directly to the doors once those showed up.



Originally Posted by Rodoan View Post
Perhaps safeguards should be run in reverse? Not identical to mayhems, of course.

What if the bank robbery was the capstone to everything else? Or at least a percentage of it. Set a point system for NPC villains stopped, higher amounts for completing the side missions. Once the team reaches X number of points, they're rewarded with the bank alarm and the final scenario.
Here's the thing: in theory, in mayhem missions, we're supposed to hit the bank last. In theory. In practice, that's not how it works out.

Safeguard missions force you to work in reverse to how the devs thought players would work in mayhem missions. You go for the bank first, and take out the smaller heists later.



I hate the side missions with a fiery passion unless I'm doing the mish solo. I've seen too many teams (good OR bad) just explode in random directions and never get back together. This usually leads to death on all sides and a fiery passion for not doing the side missions.

I'm not the droid I'm looking for.

MA Arc ID 8121: Rapp'Mas'Ta's War. The Rikti are trying to incorporate sonic effects into their weapons? THAT can't be good. Maybe we should ask them to stop.



Originally Posted by marc100 View Post
I dont like doing them because they just feel so scattered to me, running all over the place.
Id rather exit and do a new mission
Well, of course that is your option (ie. exiting).

I like sides sometimes, myself. The district is in chaos with a major villainous intrusion, so yep, seems to me they should feel scattered, with the heroes running around putting out fires (sometimes literally (g)). Barely controlled chaos (sometimes even not that controlled). Easy for the team to get separated or ratpacked from different directions. A fracas.

My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.




I hate side missions too.


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Originally Posted by BBhumeBB View Post
Well, of course that is your option (ie. exiting).

I like sides sometimes, myself. The district is in chaos with a major villainous intrusion, so yep, seems to me they should feel scattered, with the heroes running around putting out fires (sometimes literally (g)). Barely controlled chaos (sometimes even not that controlled). Easy for the team to get separated or ratpacked from different directions. A fracas.

AKA team carnage! Heroes dont stick together, heroes split up and take each sidemission head on solo!

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Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
On a good team (or even an awesome solo character) you can run to the Smash and Grab location and trip all the alarms at the same time. It's like getting an entire mission's worth of foes coming straight to you. How can you beat that?
Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
I like doing this, except for one level range in the 20s-30s where Equalizers and Ghosts spawn. That's just asking for a death no matter what you are.
You've clearly never played a Plant Dominator, or a Thug/Dark MM.

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Originally Posted by NeverDark View Post
... Random, wanton destruction just doesn't feel supervillainous to me; I don't see the point in smashing up the city when I'm trying to rule it. The scattered destructible objects are the worst part. ...
I always interpret that as being for the same reason that V blows up The Old Bailey and the Parliament building in V for Vendetta: to demonstrate that the superheroes cannot save you, to demonstrate that if you're siding with the superheroes because you're sure they'll always win, you're on the wrong side.



I enjoy the time pressure of both Mayhem and Safeguard missions, including the side missions. is a great source of information for this game.

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Originally Posted by Xalaqia View Post
I enjoy the time pressure of both Mayhem and Safeguard missions, including the side missions.
What time pressure does a Safeguard have? Run in, slaughter the hero, and do whatever.

It is very hard to screw up a Safeguard unless you have a team that can't follow the simple instruction of "Go to Bank".



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
hero side, what's the point? Safeguards are dud content, the second I get my temp power I'm outta there.

villain side, heck yes I do the side missions! They punctuate my rampage of destruction through Paragon City quite nicely.
This. Mayhems are about the only place in the game you really feel villainous cause you can break stuff heh. The sides are also important for FON accolade.