Stone Armor - Granite Armor




i have always disliked the look of granite.

please change it.



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
For those of you with Stone Armor characters, how attached are you to the current appearance of "Granite Armor"? There are a number of issues with Granite Armor that could be elegantly solved by changing the VFX of the power into something more akin to the other armor toggles in the set. IE, your player model and costume wouldn't go away, there would just be a new set of 'Granite' armor pieces overlaid.

I haven't made any decision to do this, it's just one of the options for dealing with the multiple issues we have with Granite Armor and I wanted to get a sense of how many of you guys wouldn't be able to adapt to a change like this.

Before anyone asks, no...we couldn't have it both ways.
Almost a pity we can't...

None of my stoners are high enough for Granite as it is. (That sounds... odd. Anyway.) On the one hand, I have to echo the "transformation into this giant model = cool," but on the other hand, there are only two times the appearance of a set has made me not play it - Sonic (with the old graphics giving me physical pain,) and Villainside Invuln (no longer an issue with the upcoming - er, issue.) I'd say that's a pretty good track record.

I'd be fine with a model change, as long as it keeps the "visual feel" of granite - the massive, indestructable wall coming over to make you reconsider your career choices.



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
For those of you with Stone Armor characters, how attached are you to the current appearance of "Granite Armor"? There are a number of issues with Granite Armor that could be elegantly solved by changing the VFX of the power into something more akin to the other armor toggles in the set. IE, your player model and costume wouldn't go away, there would just be a new set of 'Granite' armor pieces overlaid.

I haven't made any decision to do this, it's just one of the options for dealing with the multiple issues we have with Granite Armor and I wanted to get a sense of how many of you guys wouldn't be able to adapt to a change like this.

Before anyone asks, no...we couldn't have it both ways.
I'd love a new overlay for granite. Especially if it had crystal, color tint and lava options. I'd also like to see it cover the whole character (no exposed spots), much like ice armor does.
Thanks for asking us

53 Bots/FF/Mace Mastermind | 53 NRG/FF/Electricity Defender | 50 Time/Dual Pistols/Soul Defender | 50 Demons/FF/Mace Mastermind | 51 Necro/Dark/Soul Mastermind | 50 Thugs/Time/Mace Mastermind | 50 Ice/Ice/Arctic Tanker | 50 Plant/Rad/Earth Controller | 50 Illusion/Trick Arrow Controller | 50 Gravity/Force Field Controller
Yes, I like Force Fields.



I've been slowly building up a stone tank. I'd probably build him up faster if a future of visual mediocrity and conformity weren't waiting for him.



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
For those of you with Stone Armor characters, how attached are you to the current appearance of "Granite Armor"? There are a number of issues with Granite Armor that could be elegantly solved by changing the VFX of the power into something more akin to the other armor toggles in the set. IE, your player model and costume wouldn't go away, there would just be a new set of 'Granite' armor pieces overlaid.

I haven't made any decision to do this, it's just one of the options for dealing with the multiple issues we have with Granite Armor and I wanted to get a sense of how many of you guys wouldn't be able to adapt to a change like this.

Before anyone asks, no...we couldn't have it both ways.
as someone who wouldnt mind making a stoner but hated granite covering up my character, i'd be down for it.



As someone who stopped playing her stone tanker after the mid 30s because of how generic they look, I would say change it. On the other hand, I'd ask that you make sure whatever you change it too stays massive looking and cool.

If that isn't possible, or too many people are nay-saying it, would it be possible to add a couple of additional character models that could be chosen from instead? The Devouring Earth have some very cool crystaline mobs and Minions of Igneous have lava-ish ones unless I am completely misremembering.



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
For those of you with Stone Armor characters, how attached are you to the current appearance of "Granite Armor"? There are a number of issues with Granite Armor that could be elegantly solved by changing the VFX of the power into something more akin to the other armor toggles in the set. IE, your player model and costume wouldn't go away, there would just be a new set of 'Granite' armor pieces overlaid.

I haven't made any decision to do this, it's just one of the options for dealing with the multiple issues we have with Granite Armor and I wanted to get a sense of how many of you guys wouldn't be able to adapt to a change like this.

Before anyone asks, no...we couldn't have it both ways.
I wouldn't mind having Granite's appearance changed. In fact, I've always disliked the fact that we look like one of the DE. Plus... if there's a chance this new look could be altered by power customization.... all the better. My Magma Crag would love to have magma Granite. ^_^



I personally hate the fact that Granite Armor covers the entire costume. I would love to have it changed in the way BABs has described.



I've always felt that Granite looked too much like Devouring Earth. I'd love to see something more unique and obviously customizable. I say change it, as long as the end result looks good and has plenty of options to suit various concepts.



Change it.

Old Poo-man granite was taken away way back and people got over it. The people who complain will get over the loss of DE-man.

Another option would be to have 2 granite power choices in the power line up each exclusive and identical to the other. *Like SOA power picks* One with New overlay one with DE-man. Everyone wins.



I like granite armour as is. Wouldn't like a change to it myself but as the responses so far are for a change, looks like it will be and make me a sad panda.



I'd have to see what the new one would look like but until then all I can vote is negative against this, ideas for customizaion for current granite would be different syles for the armor for all of the different stages of how the Devouring Earth granite models look

"I just can't sit any other way than this. If I sit the way other people do, my reasoning ability drops by 40%"



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
For those of you with Stone Armor characters, how attached are you to the current appearance of "Granite Armor"? There are a number of issues with Granite Armor that could be elegantly solved by changing the VFX of the power into something more akin to the other armor toggles in the set. IE, your player model and costume wouldn't go away, there would just be a new set of 'Granite' armor pieces overlaid.

I haven't made any decision to do this, it's just one of the options for dealing with the multiple issues we have with Granite Armor and I wanted to get a sense of how many of you guys wouldn't be able to adapt to a change like this.

Before anyone asks, no...we couldn't have it both ways.
I take it that this means my notion of enabling alternate animations on Granite, with one of them calling the NPC form, and the other applying an overlay wouldn't work? Is the NPC form not linked to the animation?

Regardless, if there's no way to offer both options, how closely would we be able to duplicate the current look with the new version? Some people are very attached to the current look; if the new version could be made to look pretty close to the old one, they would likely have fewer objections, and everyone else could get their customizable granite.

(Personally, I'd like it if the power simply replaced all your costume textures and colors with a stone texture, so it looked like you had actually turned to solid stone, rather than just covering yourself with it. I don't get a vote though--I don't have a high-level stoney, and probably never will, unless the set changes dramatically.)

The Way of the Corruptor (Arc ID 49834): Hey villains! Do something for yourself for a change--like twisting the elements to your will. All that's standing in your way are a few secret societies...and Champions of the four elements.



This you can do in AE editing. Is there any possible way babs, you can borrow from this?

I'd hold out for options like this..

That would fit perfectly into the "crystal" set.

And for the lava set, maybe you could borrow a minions of igneous npc.

I like granite armor the way it is. Changing into a huge lumbering hunk of rock is better than having them pasted all over your human form. So let's hold off and give devs time to do it right.



Originally Posted by Soulie View Post

This you can do in AE editing. Is there any possible way babs, you can borrow from this?

I'd hold out for options like this..

That would fit perfectly into the "crystal" set.

And for the lava set, maybe you could borrow a minions of igneous npc.

I like granite armor the way it is. Changing into a huge lumbering hunk of rock is better than having them pasted all over your human form. So let's hold off and give devs time to do it right.
Something tells me that if that were possible, it would already by done.

All I want is a pic of the conceptual design of the new Granite so that I might have an idea HOW it would be changing. Because I can think of literally hundreds of ways that it could change.



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
For those of you with Stone Armor characters, how attached are you to the current appearance of "Granite Armor"? There are a number of issues with Granite Armor that could be elegantly solved by changing the VFX of the power into something more akin to the other armor toggles in the set. IE, your player model and costume wouldn't go away, there would just be a new set of 'Granite' armor pieces overlaid.

I haven't made any decision to do this, it's just one of the options for dealing with the multiple issues we have with Granite Armor and I wanted to get a sense of how many of you guys wouldn't be able to adapt to a change like this.

Before anyone asks, no...we couldn't have it both ways.
I'd be all for this change!



I would NOT like my Granite Armor vfx changed to something similar to other armors.



If there was a version of Granite Armour that allowed me to customise my look rather than just being a giant lump of generic rock, I might actually play a Stone something.

I always hated that Faultline turned into a big nothing instead of his Riker-esque self when he went stone, and then I had to wait for his lumbering rear to catch up too.




Please yes.

Unquestionably yes.



I avoid all powersets that take away my costume. Yes, I'm aware I don't "need" to see my costume in battle, but I like to.

The costume creator is far too powerful a draw for me to simply erase with one power. I wholly support your idea for Granite Armor and could see myself rolling a Stone brute after the change is made.

I would love to see a similar change made to Energy Aura and Dark Armor.



i dont mind the current stone armor look but wouldn't it be simpler to implement Granite under the Weapon customization for different models that could be colored perhaps?
some of us miss the old "poo armor" look.

ultimately though i'm all for more options not less. so if you need to change it to do it:
go for it.



I'd love to have at least a preview of the new effect before giving my answer.
I like the current effect and I am afraid that the new one will, as the others stone armors, not render well at all (especially with a colossus body ).

But if you absolutely want my answer now I would say, keep it as it is.



Bah, I don't like were this thread is going

If Babs removes the slow, bulky feel of the granite I have no need for it anymore. Might aswell play my invul then.

I know my brother would be hearth broken too if you killed off his main.

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