What are your favorite Newb/NOOB Moments




When I started the game, I rolled an Inv/SS Tanker (yeah, brimming over with originality I was back then).

Looking at the power descriptions, I didn't want to take Unyielding, because it meant I'd be hit more.

Took my very patient SG on Victory (are the Poisonous Pansies long since gone, or do any of you still play this game?) dragging me round the Terra Volta reactor after explaining in very polite terms how dumb I was to rectify that mistake.

Thanks guys, for rescuing me from my own noobishness.

"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon

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Originally Posted by The Hound View Post
My favourite noob moment? During Issue 11's release...

I was never good with enhancments, I thought that once you got them in your inventory, their effect was immediete. So for two whole Issues I sat with the same enhancments in my inventory, with completely unslotted powers.

Eventually, I stumble across a team with Set Bonuses. When I ask "How'd you get the Set Bonuses?" the team leader shouted "Hah! Noob!" and kicked me.

Well, I know how to get them now! Thank you self-learning!
I was in a debate with someone who claimed that learning this game is very easy and takes no time at all. I claimed that as vets, it's easy to say that, but when you think back to all the different things you had to learn when you first started, it's a different story. Yeah, the game's not hard, but that doesn't mean there's not a lot of stuff to learn. And my example is that the enhancement system is not intuitive and is something you don't learn in a minute. For a brief while on my first character, I thought that when you combine two enhancements, you get one that's twice as strong. So I kept combining them to make them twice and three times as strong, and have something like a single 15++ damage enhancement in my power instead of three level 15 enhancements.

Originally Posted by ransim View Post

He asks then if I had increased my difficulty. I said no, not that I know of. He checks my mission listing and sure enough its set to Relentless. He asks me again and I insist no I hadn't. He then asked if I had talked to a Fateweaver and I said yep and when she asked how my characters reputation I said she's definitely Relentless. I hadn't read what the fateweaver was actually doing I just though it was a cool title.
Ha! I did the same thing. I think a lot of people do that. I thought "well, my blaster's personality is Tenacious, but my scrapper definitely thinks he's Invincible!" LOL!

Arc ID#30821, A Clean Break

The only problem with defeating the Tsoo is that an hour later, you want to defeat them again!
"Life is just better boosted!" -- LadyMage
"I'm a big believer in Personal Force Field on a blaster. ... It's your happy place." -- Fulmens



Okay, I remebered another N00b moment I had, since ones that were only discussed in RL apparently count.

It was a similar thing with the Fateweaver on Mercy Island. With a dominator. A low level dominator.

I thought something like, "all those people have cool titles before their names, and I want one. This must be how they get them." The fact that there were only 5 options in the Fateweaver list and that I had seen way more than 5 different titles in front of people's names didn't register at the time.

My brother (who had been playing both CoH and CoV for a while previously) must have been endlessly entertained by me, since I was trying to solo a single-digit lvl dom on the third or fourth difficulty setting, and then complaining that the missions were too hard.

I did this with my first corruptor, too. It took me about a month of off-and-on playing (and several hints from my increasingly amused brother) to finally get it.

The worst part of all this is, he's my younger brother. Ouch.



Similar to Dark Respite's story, my friend and I were running around Perez Park, all beefy (so we thought) level 12s or so. I saw a weird creature I'd never seen before and went running up to check it out.

A level 40-something Rikti turned me into an instant grease spot.

Between fits of laughter, my friend managed to squeak out, "If you don't know what it is, maybe you shouldn't run RIGHT UP TO IT!"


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Ha! I did the same thing. I think a lot of people do that. I thought "well, my blaster's personality is Tenacious, but my scrapper definitely thinks he's Invincible!" LOL!
heh, you know I did the same thing, except I decided that Tenatious was a good sounding title for my scrapper. So I had no problems

It wasn't until a couple of weeks later playing in the hollows that the team was mentioning changing rep that I learned what I'd done.



Originally Posted by tuter_king View Post
I went to the wrong place in the train so i was going to go to the place i wanted to from the train. I clicked on the train but did not let me in i tried to get in about 100 times when i shouted on the broadcast then someone told me there were two places in the train one were you go in and one were you go out.
I can top that, back in early CoH beta when you used the train there was no menu for the destination zone. Yep, you had to visit every single station in the loop.

Well after going from Atlas Park to Galaxy City to Kings Row to Steel Canyon and finally Skyway City, I forgot about how the stations worked and could not figure out how to make it backwards as I thought I was at the end of the line or something.

So there I was, instead trying to run back to Atlas Park across Skyway City at level 4, dying multiple times and being sent back to the hospital near the train station until someone told me what I already should have known.



Way back when I was flying around Perez Park with a level 30 something fire/fire blaster badge hunting. I was heading through the lake when a giant green blob appears before me. I had never seen anything so big before! My heart racing, I took off straight up and away from it certain of my impending defeat.

Suddenly, nothing happened.

I stopped, turned around to see why I wasn't dead yet.

It was a grey con Kraken.

I defeated it solo in short order, mostly as retribution for proving I was a noob.

Seriously though, there should be a master checklist for these types of stories. I'm pretty sure I've done everything already mentioned in this thread.

ED slotting pre-ED? Check
Wrong door at tram? Check
Unknowing difficulty change? Check
Power snafus? Check
Bugging things that weren't bugged? Check
Getting lost? Check
Exploring to Talos with a level 4 and deleting it because I couldn't get back? Check




Originally Posted by Calash View Post
I went all the way to Creys Folly before remembering that they close that entrance to the Rikti crash site and opened the War Zone.


Me too!

My first invite to the Rikti War Zone I opened my map - found it - right there off Crey's Folly.

My team was wondering - you comin? you on your way? - waiting patiently as I headed for the RWZ.

Someone noticed I was in Crey's and asked via Tell: Have you ever been to the RWZ before?

Nope - they politley and patiently explained how to get there.

The team had a good-natured laugh at my expense, I didn't mind - felt like a level 35 n00b tho.



There's actually a thread going in the Forum Games section called "1001 Things Every Lvl 50 Should Have Done" or something to that effect. A lot of these would probably go well on there.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



My most shining Noob moment would have to be when I was unaware that the train system existed, and that is connected the zones. I was no higher than level 7 and decided to check out one of the other areas so I ran all the way across the zone I had been in to "Skyway City". When I got there not only was I way too low leveled to deal with the average encounter there was also a Rikti attack. Needless to say I died...a lot. Plus side...I now know of the transit system. lol



I have 2 NOOB moments of my own.

When I first started out, I was so excited to get my very first jet pack. I wanted to see everything on the map screen, so I went up as high as I could get to fly around and get rid of everything darkened out. I thought this is fantastic; as I went from zone to zone doing this right up until the day I discovered two things: falling from great heights really, really hurts. And finding out the jet pack was only just a temporary power! (had I clicked on info, I would have read this; but wheres the fun in this I thought at the time!).

I was also learning the train system when I started out, found the green line and ended up at Founders' Fall. I was walking around thinking wow, what a beautiful city, when something hit me and I died. I thought; what the heck!?! So I went to the hospital, got a couple of feet and died again. I did this 4 times in a row, even attempted to run back to the train station with the same effect. Thank goodness another more experienced player saw me laying face down on the pavement and asked if I needed help. I told them this zone is tough, I can't even get from the hospital to the train station without dying. They laughed and told me this area may be a bit too high level for me at the moment, and was kind enough to get me back to the train station.

Honorable NOOB moment to mention; getting stuck on run, plowing directly into a really angry mob while frantically clicking the keyboard and moving the mouse rapidly with eyes and mouth wide open watching in vain as I died!

Be happy!



I didn't actually see this one but FG did and it made my day. In atlas broadcast.

Generic600021:I logged in and my name was like this. Yesterday it was Hulk Man. Help




My moments (not uber-hilarious, but make me smile...)

1) Slotted the wrong enhancement in my MA/SR Scrapper, and I thought I had ruined her permanently (didn't know at the time you could put other enhancements over them), a point I loudly protested about in Broadcast (THIS SUCKS!!!!) before some patient one helped me out...

2) Got Fly at lvl 14, and used it for several levels before I realized you could used the mouse for turning (I used the q,w,r,x keys for 3d movement...and it was sluggish to say the least). I remember getting real frustrated trying to keep up with a team during a bank mish - them zipping all over the place...

3) Got invited to a team, followed the Red Pointer to the spot of the mission (the side of a cliff)...and got extremely upset when I couldn't find the team nor a door entrance. Finally, this Hole magically opens in the side of the Cliff and a teammate comes out and says "This way, please *chuckle*"

4) relatively recently (it's never too late to be a noob), I'd just started seriously trying to work the market, and started trying to sell the *real* expensive stuff. I put something for sell for 30 Million. No immediate buyer, so I yanked it back out...Then I proceed to protest to everyone in the vicinity that Wentworth's *stole* 1.5 million from me and I wanted it back *NAO!!!*

Ahh...good times...



I got a couple

1) When I was level 25 or so I got a team with some level 50's from my SG. We were in Grandville doing some Rikti missions. Not every had arrived at the mission door so I casually say "I'm just going to wait inside." As soon as I entered the mission I was great by a bunch of Rikti monkeys and I ran out screaming "EVIL ALIEN MONKEYS!" on the team channel. After the traumatic event I wandered over to some Spiderlings I saw scuttling around thinking they were part of the scenery only to have them blast me apart because my mentor was too far away.

2) When I first got Hover. My SG mate/leader was hovering above Fort Darwin in Mercy Island doing some recruiting. I decided to join him up there but thought that you couldn't move up with Hover for whatever reason so I spent a painful five minutes flying into a wall slowly moving up it lol.



I've had a few, but here's the ones i can think of straight away.

Attempting to use TP Foe on Paladin ._.
Attempting to use a Hold/Immob on Paladin ._.
Attempting to use Confuse/Decieve on Paladin ._.
Realizing that you could actually have the same kind of enhancment slotted twice on a power (Which i only found out very recently)
Looking for a Tech Store, which led to a near-suicidal run through Skyway City upon which i realized: the enhancments were too high for my level.
Searching for a scientist for about 20 minutes before eventually giving up
Trick or Treating on a door on my own when i was in a group of 8 ._.
Learning how to use auto-attack, then aggroing the boss because of a miscalculation in range.

Ah .. it's good to reminisce, isn't it?

I was doing some playthroughs of City of Heroes. Now they will serve as memories of a better time ...



On my first toon, I was in Atlas Park and received a mission in Galaxy City. Looking at the map, I saw that I could run there through Perez Park. I get to the gate and run into an invisible wall. While running my mouse cursor over it to see if I have to click on it like a door, I finally get a hand when I reach a guard. Clicking on the guard, I am told I wasn't high enough level to enter.

I look at my map again and while checking the different points of interest, I come across Yellow Line. I switch to the City Map and see a yellow line that travels around Perez Park and goes through to Galaxy City. So I run to the Yellow Line train station and see the marquee above the train entrance door with Next Stop: Skyway City and so on. So I stand there waiting for Galaxy City to be listed so I can go there.

While I am standing there, other heroes run in and disappear into the train and I remember thinking, "How lucky they are to get their train right away." When Galaxy City finally scrolled across the marquee and I clicked on the door, the destination menu appeared and I felt so foolish.

Another moment was the first time I died in a mission was in Kings Row. I exit the hospital and look at my navigation bar to figure out where to go and was surprised that it had changed from yellow to red. For the longest time, I thought it changed to red if you died in the mission. Imagine my surprise to see a mission change to red when I was on a team before I even entered the mission, but other teammates had entered it.

A third newb moment was six-slotting Brawl with Damage TO....on a blaster.



Chalk another one up in the Confused Exit/Entrance Train Room column.

My most recent isn't - thankfully - all that recent. My lower teened Inv/SS tanker was wrapping something up in Skyway and saw a character with a great look. He ran up to look closer and was about to send a tell as to how exactly they had done that with their aura... when - BOOM - faceplanted.

Yeah, that was the first week they let the Supa Trolls out.

There was also that incidence of six-slotted Rest and Brawl, but I think I've embarrassed myself enough for one day.

MA arcs: #1669, "A New Breed Rising"



Originally Posted by ReclusesPhantom View Post
I got a couple

2) When I first got Hover. My SG mate/leader was hovering above Fort Darwin in Mercy Island doing some recruiting. I decided to join him up there but thought that you couldn't move up with Hover for whatever reason so I spent a painful five minutes flying into a wall slowly moving up it lol.
hahahahahahahaha! Oh man, what a great story!

Arc ID#30821, A Clean Break

The only problem with defeating the Tsoo is that an hour later, you want to defeat them again!
"Life is just better boosted!" -- LadyMage
"I'm a big believer in Personal Force Field on a blaster. ... It's your happy place." -- Fulmens



Six-slotting Flurry and wondering why it still didn't work as well as it did for everyone else. ("Sands of Mu"? What's that?)

Trying to land on the blimp after I got my very first flying power.

Seeing this awesome looking ship dropping some kind of flashy thing, and flying up to get a closer look. (ZZOTTT!!!)

Seeing an "A Bomb" and running away as fast as I could.



Originally Posted by TheShattered View Post
Realizing that you could actually have the same kind of enhancment slotted twice on a power (Which i only found out very recently)
I didn't realize that at first when I started playing either (back around I7). It wasn't until reading the forums and hearing people complain about ED that I realized you could.

See QQing is good for something! ;-)

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Originally Posted by ransim View Post
He asks then if I had increased my difficulty. I said no, not that I know of. He checks my mission listing and sure enough its set to Relentless. He asks me again and I insist no I hadn't. He then asked if I had talked to a Fateweaver and I said yep and when she asked how my characters reputation I said she's definitely Relentless. I hadn't read what the fateweaver was actually doing I just though it was a cool title.
I did this one when I first started playing too! I didn't understand why my level 6 Stalker was suddenly having so much trouble fighting bosses.

Although I swear that back then they didn't yet have the explanation that this will change your difficulty in the text.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Heh, I remember being a newb.... I had a grav/storm as either my first or second character (don't remember which), and I'm standing there in atlas fiddling around with my powers when I get invited to a team. Turns out we're going to the 'sewers', wherever that is. So we go in, and looking back on it now it was actually a pretty competent team. We all ran around killing stuff and leveling like mad, but as usual eventually people wanted to get on with the game and the team broke up. One team member told me to go get killed and I would wake up in the hospital outside. To my newbish self, that didn't sound like a very good idea ("why would I want to get killed on purpose?" - it didn't help that at the time, the game I had been playing most often was diablo 2 on hardcore mode!), but I remembered that I had some sort of teleporter power that I had stuck on one of my alternate trays, so I used that.

Needless to say, I spent an awfully long time wandering around pocket D before I found the exit. Then, I had no clue which zone to exit into, so I ended up in faultline. I very quickly figured out that it was much too high level for me, but I couldn't find the pocket D entrance again. So I had to trek through skyway to the train - did you know that skyway is a very confusing zone to traverse on foot? And since it was the first time I'd used the train, I then got very confused as to why it wouldn't let me go in the out door. At this point, the most experience I had with the game was a couple hours watching over my brother's shoulder, which is the only reason I knew to take the train at all. I'm just thankful to the vet who told me that there was a train station in skyway, when I started asking in broadcast how to get back to atlas from faultline!

And I had the 'sands of mu <--> flurry' confusion for quite a while, too. I remember thinking: "I keep hearing that flurry sucks, so why does everyone I meet seem to have it?" Ahh, to be a noob.

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



I was a fresh young 30 second verteran of the game on my first toon, a Fire/Ice blaster, who's costume i was SOOO proud of (in hindsight, it was probably my greatest fashion travesty in my entire CoX career.)

First of all, I was TERRIFIED of getting run over. By the cars. I'd always looks both ways before crossing the street, and never fought anything while standing in the street, because surely those big-*** sedans would be insta-death, right? (In hindsight, I recall that i was also playing Unreal 2004 at the time, so that's probably where my insane phobia of videogame automobiles came from.)

I was also convinced that if i could attack an enemy from behind, I could do more damage and/or have a better chance to hit. Even if they knew I was there. So I'd attack some Skull or Hellion, then run 180 degrees around them, attack again, rinse and repeat. Of course, all the while never turning MY back on any enemy. (I can't explain where this idea came from. Morrowind maybe?)

With a few door missions and street sweeping, i managed to grind my way to level 7. However, I was starting to get frustrated with the game since I hadn't gotten any new powers... Until someone clued me into the whole "training" thing. (I'll just go ahead and blame this one on Diablo 2 or something...)

Some stranger in-game was kind enough to clue me into the train system early on, so now I always make an effort to help show new players where/how the train system works.

Stay Gold, Paragon. Stay Gold.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.




CoV was my first MMO puchase so I was a noob to this game and online gaming in general. It was a learning experience for sure and my most memorable newb moment came during the first week or so of my activation.

I had just created a new brute and joined my first ever team after staring at the team invite for a few minutes trying to decide if I wanted to subject my teammates to be noobness.

I joined up and said "hello!" Got a few responses and saw everyone enter the mission. I followed along and once I zoned I decided to make conversation. After about 3-4 lines of comments, someone finally said,

Dude, are you new or something?
Clouded: Ya, is my fly open?
lolwut? no, but talking in global chat rather than team chat is a dead giveaway
Clouded: oh

Fun stuff. Next!



I thought Hover was Flight...