46 -
Thank you NCSoft/Paragon Studios for the good times.
You were my first MMO, and the one I was with the longest (~48 months). No other MMO was ever so sweet as you.
Fondest Memory:
I was at an event if I recall, it was a screening of a movie in a boardroom/auditorium in the RCS. I, never being much of a social character, started "hitting on" one of the npcs standing around mostly just to amuse myself. To my surprise, it responded to me. I guess a random dev/mod/whoever took it over and started chatting back to me.
Thank you everyone for all the costume contests, Virtue RP, Hami (Lag) raids, Task Forces, PuGs and special events. -
Westley/Forbin: It's gotta start somewhere, and I lean towards following the rules of the forums first. It's their playground, they get to set the rules. Sure a few immature whiners may have spoiled the fun for others, but what's done is done.
I'm just happy there is a way, albeit a cumbersome one, to check the comments. It's not like the Mods took it 100% away, they just hid it a little better. -
That does make sense. At least it's a work around for those who want to see the comments.
Hold up a sec. When I clicked to give rep to myself on a post in this thread to check my points, I was able to see comments left. Is this WAI, or did I miss details on exactly what the changes were?
Quote:No, it doesn't. Trust me, I rail against this argument all the time at work.This is the sort of thing I mean.
I know that it's 'Always been done that way'. Does that mean it's right?
Now that the issue has been brought to the forefront, I will try to get any groups I lead to gather away from the higher traffic areas. Like I said, it'll take just a few like-minded people working together to make this change. -
Will everyone still be silenced on VU2010 until a mod can get to them again? -
Like in Talos, where most invasion type events are moved to the hill outside the tram. Out of the way from the trainer, tram and Wentworths.
I don't see how this is an unreasonable suggestion. It only takes a few people at first to start the change. Start gathering groups in different locations away from the high traffic areas and trainers, see if the change sticks. -
As a casual (lolcasual) player, I enjoy the length of these types of events. It means I don't have to hurry to get on, I can take my time.
I do understand your frustration, though. It sucks when griefers ruin any experience. -
Quote:Agreed. It was yours to do with what you wished, Nadya.Once you give up a name...
You don't give it up, "but only until I want it back!"
You don't give it up, "so long as you make a really awesome character with it!"
You don't give it up, "for a while"
You don't give it up, "only if I'll get it back if you change your mind."
Of course, you can add a comment including any of the above conditions or any additional conditions you create yourself, but the reality is that once that character's been deleted then the name's up-for-grabs! -
Especially considering the new SK rules. Gives a wider option for who you can grab without juggling Sidekicks and Mentors.
Good advice, the both of you. -
Not at all. I very much enjoy what CoH/V has to offer. It's why I keep coming back!
It may just be that those of us that do are not as vocal as those who don't. -
Quote:Haha? I made this thread to apolige to the peeps I offended, yet I still keep offending them...Spelling is trully a personal refernce. If you want respect of others, you should spell correctly. If you don't care, then prepared to be bashed upon. I know this. Plain and simple! But if you hate someone or something so much, why put all your energy and time into it, when you could be putting it else where? Just a thought...
You know what you should do then?
**** them if they can't take a joke. Bring on the colours! -
I couldn't get HeroStats running for me last night, so no data from me. I'll keep mucking about with it over the weekend and hopefull have some data to post by the end.
Sorry. =( -
Hi. I've been reading this discussion as often as I can and would like to help you all gather data.
I have a level 50 D4 that I use for quasi-farming that is available for help, but I do have some questions.
What program is currently being used to track the drop rates/kills? What should my kill quantity be for best data? What missions/levels are recommended?
Thank you in advance.
Swampy. -
I have only had a chance to play with the new difficulty options. Very entertaining, and my dark/dark defender is once again a challenge to pay.
Other than getting a whole mess of badges from the requirement changes, I haven't really experienced much but am looking forward to some power customization. -