Are people just rude?




You don't get it often.
But it tends to happen every time the Rikti or the Zombies have got enough of their endless army/decomposing kindred together again to attempt to wail on a zone.

Now, this isn't their fault. They are, after all, bits of programing, all motives of battle and honour/brains aside.

Why, why oh why, do people always camp out for Invasions by the trainers?
Atlas Park is the worst offender. People group around Ms Liberty like she's promising free nights out and candle lit dinner to everyone within 9 metres.

Now, that's all fine and dandy for the high levelers. 25s, 50s, 42s, 19s...but what about the players who are, y'know, level 6? People who aren't too fussed about the invasions, due to the scaling code meaning they cant really contribute much, and who just want to level and get on with things?

Trying to level during an invasion can be a freaking nightmare. I asked in broadcast, a little exhasperated.
"You could go to Galaxy."

So, people are supposed to be put to inconvenience because people couldn't move a grand total of about 100 metres to the park that is within spitting distance of Atlas Plaza?
"Why inconvenience the majority for the minority?"

It seems mass convenience, however non-sensical, comes at the cost of others. No, it's not a game breaking issue. Its not a bug or anything.
But its rude and inconveniant.

What surprises me more is that the area around trainers is coded to accept Rikti and Zombies spawning in the first place.
Why not make the area around them off-limits? Maybe even spawn some high level Longbow/Arachnos troops during raids, for the looks of it, and for one shotting any rogue invaders.

Because, correct me if I'm wrong, but the trainers are there to be used by the players for leveling.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Now I'm not saying I agree or disagree. I'm just making a statement based on my observations.

1. Trainers are locations that everyone knows about.

2. The people trying to use the trainers are going to get jumped by the event NPC's anyway with a good chance of getting killed because they are on a different screen and they aren't fighting back.

3. And just because I know someone else will say it, I'm going to say it first. They can easily go to another zone to level up where it's safe.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Now I'm not saying I agree or disagree. I'm just making a statement based on my observations.

1. Trainers are locations that everyone knows about.
So is the park just in front of it. Or the areas nearby.
It's pretty hard to miss a big clump of blue names with all the auras and shields up

2. The people trying to use the trainers are going to get jumped by the event NPC's anyway with a good chance of getting killed because they are on a different screen and they aren't fighting back.
Isn't that all the more reason to make trainers out of bounds for Invasion spawning? No one likes being ganked. Being ganked when your afk sucks worse. Being ganked when your immobile, in a supposedly safe place on a different screen?

3. And just because I know someone else will say it, I'm going to say it first. They can easily go to another zone to level up where it's safe.
By the same arguement, the invasion hunters could move a grand total of a couple of hundred metres, have the exact same invasion with the exact same numbers and with the added bonus that people who aren't taking part can go about their business as normal.

Just general replies, by the way, and explanation of the reasoning =]

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



people look to gather in spots tht r easy for everyone uring events. as most people do nothing and hang out under the globe thats naturaly the best place to be.
we get it over in vills as well. for us in cap its near the BM. as thts a hub for vills in cap



You're probably safer a trainer crowded with other players, and their heals, taunt auras, and buffs, then you would be at a deserted trainer. There's a good reason one of the badges is called Safety in Numbers.

And if you're AFK for that long, it's your own fault. Get over it, port to the hospital, and get going. The broadcast CLEARLY states that all "non-combatants" should seek shelter. Go inside.

On a less preachy note, it's actually pretty fun to hover at a safe height during invasions. Zombies still spawn near you, right out of the ether, and then plummet to the ground.

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Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.



Atlas giving you trouble? Walk a couple hundred yards to the RWZ and train in the safe, covered Vanguard base.

The quartermaster is also an excellent place to sell.

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Are people just rude?
Are you honestly just now figuring this out?

Humans are self-centered creatures. Adjust accordingly.

Be well, people of CoH.



Why there? Because that is where people met since I joined, that's why.
Not a great answer but a simple and true one.

I haven't been here all that long yet and still remember there being a ritki invasion before my fist toon hit level three... In my brilliance I tried chasing down/following one of their ships with typical results... I was actually quite annoyed newbieland wasn't off limits to such nonsense.

But I got over it.

Should trainers be protected areas? Ya, probably. Then again, newbie death with no debt is a good teacher.

Oh, and the reason "the park" isn't as good is the park is a big area. People like a definitive spot to head to. Do zombies spawn atop city hall? Or maybe atlas' globe??? Both would be k-cool places to gather I'll have to check next time.....



I don't think people are being rude, just traditional. We've always gathered there, so we always will.

Thematically why should it be safe from spawning? The Zombies and Rikti DONT CARE!

In game play terms should they be safe, yes course they should and when they are people will move, until then tradition will carry on. You can moan about it, but it isn't going to change unless the devs make a change.



Like in Talos, where most invasion type events are moved to the hill outside the tram. Out of the way from the trainer, tram and Wentworths.

I don't see how this is an unreasonable suggestion. It only takes a few people at first to start the change. Start gathering groups in different locations away from the high traffic areas and trainers, see if the change sticks.



Because :

  1. The trainers of each zone are THE centralized location for the zone.
  2. More importantly, there are Police Drones NEAR the trainers for safety, but not so close that they zap all the enemies without giving you a chance to get them first. It just helps keep the amount of enemies to a "safe" level with the drones nearby.
  3. As a result of 1 and 2 above, people feel "safer" near the trainers.



I'm always hoping Ms.Liberty helps and joins in on the battle but no she just stands there like a cement block, so even though she has never helped I have faith and wish to see it the one time it does happen.



they always disappear around the black market, it should have the same mechanic.



I sympathize, and you have a point. But I'm not sure the issue is worth recoding for. These events are both temporary and seasonal. Go to Wentworth's or make a sandwich instead. It'll be over soon.

Heck, if it's a slotting level and you are that much of a lowbie, simply wait until you reach the next level and train up twice.

I agree people should move off a bit, but getting them to do so....well, you might try herding cats instead.



Originally Posted by MaHaBone23 View Post
The broadcast CLEARLY states that all "non-combatants" should seek shelter. Go inside.


Or wait it out to go level up. This is an event. it wont last forever, just workaround it if you arent interested in joining.



Originally Posted by Swamp_Goblin View Post
Like in Talos, where most invasion type events are moved to the hill outside the tram. Out of the way from the trainer, tram and Wentworths.

I don't see how this is an unreasonable suggestion. It only takes a few people at first to start the change. Start gathering groups in different locations away from the high traffic areas and trainers, see if the change sticks.
This is the sort of thing I mean.
I know that it's 'Always been done that way'. Does that mean it's right?

It's probably more annoying due to the circumstances, and genuine new players would be much more interested in actually joining in the fighting. Maybe.

But I would hazard a large guess that, if people gathered in the park rather than by Ms Lib, people would all group there instead.

For anyone arguing that 'People wouldn't know where it was'...
If you failed to see the mass of blue names and/or the explosions and powers going off all around, you would have to be so blind that you actually shouldn't be able to play computer games. (Without being plugged into it, like Cerebro or something.)

For the arguement of 'Go somewhere else where it's safer' etc. It's still a matter of convenience and/or QoL. Trainers are a basic feature of the game. Yet they are not 'safe zones'. By rather strange comparison, WWs is. Thats a basic but not necessary part of the game. That just strikes me as...wierd, frankly.

Although the drones are, theoretically, supposed to keep enemies off the plaza, that doesn't help if they erupt right out of the ground/appear out of the ether, does it?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Are you honestly just now figuring this out?

Humans are self-centered creatures. Adjust accordingly.
Well, it was that or a thread title that would have been somewhat hypocritical

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Velocity View Post
I sympathize, and you have a point. But I'm not sure the issue is worth recoding for. These events are both temporary and seasonal. Go to Wentworth's or make a sandwich instead. It'll be over soon.
Temporary, yes, but seasonal, only kinda. Yes, we do get a lot more zombie invasions during this time of year, but zombie invasions do happen year-round.

I wouldn't object to a "kill-zone" similar to the BM going in by the trainers in Atlas, Galaxy, and Mercy, just to give lowbies a safe spot to train. If they did, Zombie teams (and Rikti teams when those come along) would probably move off either into the park or up onto the Atlas pedestal, but either way they would not interfere with those who couldn't give a whit about the invasions.

As for why they gather there, I think it's probably inertia combined with an easy reference point for newbies. People have always gone to Ms. Lib to fight the zombies, so when zombies come, people expect to be fighting them at Ms. Lib, so they gather at Ms. Lib to fight them, and so on and so forth. Then, if someone who's new to the game asks where all the zombie fighting is happening, it's easier and faster to say "At Ms. Liberty", than "100m in front of Ms. Liberty, in the park". Not saying it's right, just saying it happens.

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It's worth pointing out that, with a few exceptions, almost all naval battles were fought close to land, often in narrow passages, choke points, and outside major ports. That's despite the vastness of the sea.

The reason is because the vast empty ocean looks the same everywhere, and there's no real reason to BE in one spot or another during long passages. The only places enemies were likely to meet were places where access was controlled or shore assets attracted attention.

That's the case here, I would hazard. People will gather in places they're familiar with and can easily describe even though there's a vast area they could choose.

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"In front of Atlas" isn't the hardest thing to type, even for the most cack-handed person.

As I've said, and people keep ignoring, it's nigh impossible to miss a group of players, especially with AoE shields and stuff up. If they moved to the park at the bottom of the steps, people would simply migrate there.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Two points:

  • You can train anywhere. Go to Galaxy, go to the Rikti War Zone. They are not difficult to access.
  • If you cannot survive the invasion, you should either log off that character or leave the zone. Even if the trainer's area was clear of all other players, you'd be attacked and defeated by invading forces.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
This is the sort of thing I mean.
I know that it's 'Always been done that way'. Does that mean it's right?
No, it doesn't. Trust me, I rail against this argument all the time at work.

Now that the issue has been brought to the forefront, I will try to get any groups I lead to gather away from the higher traffic areas. Like I said, it'll take just a few like-minded people working together to make this change.



Am I a bad person for getting a laugh out of how many times people have said some variation of "go to another zone" as I predicted?



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Why, why oh why, do people always camp out for Invasions by the trainers?
um, isn't the answer obvious?
1) Major landmark which is also...
2) Displayed on the in-game map.
3) No police drones.

In a zone where the trainer has drones nearby (like Talos), the crowd goes elsewhere (the hill, in Talos).

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