Short Hiatus
Enjoy Dragon Age Origins. It is full of win, and cake. Maybe not so much cake.
See you back soon!
Origins made me cry. Which a video game hasn't done for over a decade. It's BioWare's best work to date, I think (it's not particularly original, I admit, but the execution is very well done. The characters especially.)
My husband has been sunken into Dragonage for the past two wees. I haven't seen him since.
Cynics of the world, unite!
Taking Care of the Multiverse
I don't have many friends in-game, so this will not affect many of you...
I deactivated my account this weekend, and will be taking a short hiatus from the game. The primary reason is the holidays are here and new games are aplenty and I find myself with both limited time and increased choices in gaming options.
I'll be back later I'm sure. I will be active on VV a little, archiving my stuff there and possibly moving it to my own wiki for safe keeping.
Anyway, for the few out there that care, you won't see me over the next little while. I always lurk on this forum, (even when I am not active) so I'll stay in touch with Virtue that way.
In the meantime I'll be changing into a mouse to escape "the Fade", and trying to win the "Pacifica Cup" with the Seattle Sounders.