What are your favorite Newb/NOOB Moments




I had just started playing my first toon and I was noticing some people that could run really fast with sparks flying out from their feet as they ran. Then I noticed that when I turned on sprint, I could kick up a small bit of dust as I moved. So I figured with some enhancements, that dust would eventually become orange streaks and I'd be going that fast, too.

I ended up six-slotting sprint before I figured out what travel powers were



Originally Posted by tuter_king View Post
I went to the wrong place in the train so i was going to go to the place i wanted to from the train. I clicked on the train but did not let me in i tried to get in about 100 times when i shouted on the broadcast then someone told me there were two places in the train one were you go in and one were you go out.
Don't feel bad. This happened to me the first time just as it did to MANYYYYYY people.

As far as other people. God the list could go on for pages. But my most fondest memory is once when we were doing some missions back in about I5 I think and it was me and 3 or 4 other SG members with a PuG tanker. She was a Fire/Mace tanker that was 48 which already made me suspicious since Mace back then sucked BIG time but as long as she could tank that didn't bother me. She kept getting stunned like every 5 seconds and we had to wait after every mob for the stuns and holds to wear off her before moving on. Finally I got so frustrated I asked her "Is your Plasma shield bugged or something? You shouldn't be getting mezzed like this".

She replied along the lines of "Oh I hate Plasma Shield I never picked it up on this character."

To which I exasperated retorted "You hate Plasma Shield? It's your MEZ protection hun of course your getting stunned left and right. Why didn't you pick it and how the hell did you ever get 48 levels without it?"

Completely bewildered at my astonishment she said "Oh I didn't pick Plasma Shield because I hate the aura and it covers up my costume. Besides you don't really need mez protection as a tanker and it's never been a problem."

So either she was lying or she was as dense as diamond because her answers alone told me she was a complete chowderhead. Didn't matter though because half way through the map after she kept getting stunned every other second (we were fighting Malta) and becoming hysterical that she couldn't function she left the team anyway

The shining world of the seven systems. On the continent of Wild Endeavour. In the mountains of Solace and Solitude there stood the Citadel of the Time Lords. The oldest and most mightiest race in the Universe. Sworn never to interfere. Only watch...[/SIZE][/B]



My fondest newb moment was finding out that the stores shown on the paper map the game came with were actual buildings you could enter.

Also up there was finding out I could slot more than one type of enhancement in a power.

Oh, and I stayed away from Hasten for the longest time because I thought it made your powers cost more endurance.


Also on Steam



First Atlas Park mission that was 'defeat all in a warehouse converted to a dance club", I spent *forever* trying to chase down the NPC's, figuring part of the mission was to calm them down and lead them out, or something.



A looong time ago... well nearly a year... I got the travelpower SuperSpeed for Darth Delicious. It was awesome.... untill I learned it does take a bit of getting used to the sudden speed!

DD kept bumping into buildings or lamps and even ran over people...and sometimes vilains who were a teensy bit too strong for her! *giggles* good times...good times..

CoH Fan-Art Sale still several slots open!

Read my in-game stories and check out my DeviantART page.
- coXso - It was a memorable time filled with art!



I had my share of noob moments. And the more I think about it, the more of them I recall...

-When I first got the game my boyfriend was soooo excited I was finally going to play with him and he brought out his level 40 MM and made me go to GV. I was a level 2 trying to run my way through GV.

-That same night, when I finally made my way into a mission, I started leveling. I thought I couldn't level again without training, so I insisted that we exit the mission and my boyfriend run me all the way across the zone to the trainer. Then I was amazed that he knew where everything was! (Map? We have one of those??)

-I started getting into badging really really early and found out there was an awesome badge for a thing called a TF, but I had to do it by level 15 or I wouldn't get the badge! So four weeks into the game I formed a team of four and we tried to do the Cap TF.

- I was teamed with an SG mate and looking at his badges when I noticed an awesome set called "Vet badges". I asked him how I could get those and he said, "By playing the game." I thought he was either being a jerk or was really stupid and vague. I kept asking everyone I could about them and eventually gave up. I only found out how you get them when I got my first one at three months.

And this last one was someone else's noob moment. I was exchanging tells with someone who was obviously new to the game and obviously an AE baby. (Level 50, didn't know what a TF was.)

"Hey, how do you get that awesome Roman Costume?" (I actually didn't have a roman costume on so it was a mt. Still, I knew what she was talking about, so I answered.

"You have to do the Imperious Task Force."
"How do I do it?"
"Have you done the Midnight Hour Arc?"
"What's that?"
"Is there a point to doing this other than the costume pieces?"




My noob moment was more like a noob habit. Back when I didn't have a grasp on enhancements and how they worked, I would refresh all of my enhancements each and every time I leveled. I actually thought I had to keep them in the green at all times in order for them to work. It wasn't until later it dawned on me that you don't need to do that, and it sure saved me a lot of influence



Started playing two years ago and This is the first MMO I've played, and the first couple of weeks playing I would close the chat window because at the time I played solo and my typing was painfully slow.
Well I finely open the chat windows to see whats its all about and I see
"Help me could someone please help me"
So I'm off to do the heroic thing and painfully type in broadcast ,I'm only a 8 th level blaster but I'll help you where are you at?
Now I swear, funny as it may sound I had never typed before this game and the keypad was alien to me and that small sentence took like three painful minuets to type.
No reply.
Three minuets later in Local chat
I'm only a 8 th level blaster but I'll help you where are you at?
I ping pong around local and broadcast for several minuets and finely get ticked off.
Apparently you don't want my help! noob! I spout off as I log.
As I'm watching the log-out countdown I notice something I failed to see.
" NPC Help me could someone please help me"
Man I was The Noob

@1st. Son

Help Agent Martin in: A Favor for Liberty
AE arc #381565
My 1st. Video: Agent Martin in the new tutorial zone.



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post

CoV was my first MMO puchase so I was a noob to this game and online gaming in general. It was a learning experience for sure and my most memorable newb moment came during the first week or so of my activation.

I had just created a new brute and joined my first ever team after staring at the team invite for a few minutes trying to decide if I wanted to subject my teammates to be noobness.

I joined up and said "hello!" Got a few responses and saw everyone enter the mission. I followed along and once I zoned I decided to make conversation. After about 3-4 lines of comments, someone finally said,

Dude, are you new or something?
Clouded: Ya, is my fly open?
lolwut? no, but talking in global chat rather than team chat is a dead giveaway
Clouded: oh

Fun stuff. Next!
oh thanks for sharing that one you made me laugh I could just picture that



Ok my fondest noob moment was almost one of my most embarrassing in game moments I was talking to my girlfriend and although nothing overly risque definately not the kind of chat I would share with everyone and then I realized I was chatting in coalition chat yes I was new to sg's and coalitions all of a sudden I was seeing a clamering of replies thankfully they were good humpred about the whole thing



They really need to do something about the train exit thing. I still consider myself a pretty new MMO player. (Around nine months in this game, just a bit over ten for MMOs in general. And yes, I started with "that other" MMO.) I was running up to the train in one of the higher level hero zones, and see a broadcast on the lines of

Guy: "So, they still haven't fixed the train door bug?"
Me: (via tell) "What bug is that?"
Guy: "You click on the train doors, and nothing happens."
Me: "Really? I've never seen that one."
Guy: "It's doing it to me right now. I took a break about a year ago, and just re-upped for a month. I'm kind of ticked that this isn't fixed yet."
Me: "Right now? I'm at the train station, I don't see you."
Guy: "I'm standing right in front of the door!"
(I look around, then lean around the corner.)
Me: "You're standing right in front of the exit. I think the train doors are one-way."
(After he sees me and follows me back to the main room and zones)
Guy: "Oh for crying out loud. I've been playing this game off and on for three years, and I never noticed that. Thanks."



I too fell victim to the difficulty slider. I was like oh yeah, this is what my character is.

I came into CoH at the beginning of i3 (I believe...it was the beginning of the WL event). So there I was trying to get from GC to AP. I didn't know about the tram system, so I made my way thru Perez Park. That didn't go smoothly the first few times.

So, I came in at i3. CoH however wasn't my first MMO. My first MMO was FFXI...for those of you who don't know, in FFXI you can't jump.

So there I was, running along, which allows me to run right into one of the fountains due to a little ramp on it.

However, there was no ramp out.

For 30 minutes, I'm running around in that fountain trying to find the way out, not asking anyone, because again I come from FFXI, which isn't a new player friendly MMO, when in frustration I hit the keyboard (and thus the spacebar).

"OMG! We can jump!" was all I thought. heh

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I too have done the train entrance/exit glitch, but my best newb moment was when I was teaming with some level 50 SG mates in PI when I was in the mid-30s on my first character. No mission was set, so I was wandering around portal corp and I found these big blue glowie things - so I clicked on one and entered a level 50+ mission alone. My SG started laughing and asked if I was going to solo that mission.

...I forgot what experience means.



I always thought that the destination list when you use the trains and ferries should include the level range of each zone.



Okay.... this was not in this game, but it was a funny moment....

I was running missions in another game that also used an instanced mission system similar in some ways to CoH/V. I had just gone in, taken out a group of badies and was about to move on the next when I see this grim reaper loking creature moving towards me. Unprepared at the moment, I turn and run out the door.

I turn around and it has followed me OUT of the mission!! What the.... I start hightailing it.... suddenly I poof back to standing right next to it....OMG...It's gonna...wait...it's not attacking me....what's going on?

It was a GM who had come to respond to a question I had asked.

- Garielle
Originally Posted by Frosty_Femme View Post
I said "ur" which is not a word. It's a sound dumb people make when you ask them to spell out "you are".



I remember playing my first creation, a tech tank. I needed to go see this police guy in someplace called The Hollows. Don't ask me how, but I was in Skyway at the time and saw the gate to Hollows. I entered the Hollows on the south side and ran my lvl 5 tank all the way to Lieutenant What's-his-name, taking huge damage from these fierce magician-type villains. I died three times and on the fourth time I made it by hugging the wall and running like hell.

I can laugh about it now, but is still the single most terrifying moment I've ever had in-game. And I loved it. When I got to the contact I stood up in my chair and screamed in triumph.



I've had my fair share of noobish moments back when I started in 05 I think?
First time I respecced my fire/fire blaster at lvl 15 (Super achievement for me back then) I thought I had completely ruined a blaster I loved so much, as I thought the respec allowed you a second build type of thing, god knows what went through my head...

The second one I can recall don't know if you classify this as 'nooby' but finally getting that lvl 6!! and getting hover, making sure as I hit lvl 11 it was 6 slotted with fly speed thinking it'd be like fly... lol/fail

@Psycho Jas



As entertaining as all these stories are, doesn't this thread point to some very obvious QoL reforms that could go a long way toward making the game much more n00b-friendly?

Sure we laugh about trying-to-go-in-the-out-door stuff now, but back then, it was pretty frustrating right?

Thank goodness the "heroic" nature of the game itself attracts players who will go out of their way to fill in the glaring gaps in early-game instruction.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
So, I came in at i3. CoH however wasn't my first MMO. My first MMO was FFXI...for those of you who don't know, in FFXI you can't jump.

So there I was, running along, which allows me to run right into one of the fountains due to a little ramp on it.

However, there was no ramp out.

For 30 minutes, I'm running around in that fountain trying to find the way out...
My favorite so far, in a very sad, sad kinda way.



Just cos i think this thread is funny and would like to keep it alive...

I remember getting my first toon, a blaster to 6 and getting hover... i always wanted to fly. I was sent to the Hollows and died several times trying to get to my mission, so i hovered there instead, with only a training enhance in it's one little slot. Took me about half an hour but i made it safely and felt i was vastly superior to all the mobs on the ground!

My other noob moment was thinking everyone was so lovely for always saying 'Lots of Love' all the time, took me ages to figure out lol meant laugh out loud.



I've got tons of newbie moments from way back when (most of the "hey watch this!" type), but the most embarrassing one has to be:

Shortly after the PvP zones where added to the game (meaning I'd been playing the game for what, a year or so?), I got a mission in Boomtown.

Somehow I got turned around and kind of lost. I'm standing in front of the PvP Zone doors complaining to my wife that the game must be bugged and for some reason they've upped the level restriction for entering Boomtown, but it's still handing out missions there (I was level 11 at the time).

I even sent in a bug report on it.

Shortly afterwards I opened the map and realized I wasn't anywhere near the Boomtown gate

6000+ levels gained and 8 level 50's
Hello, my name is Soulwind and I have Alt-Itis.



For a very short while I thought it was really wierd that people would take a break to read teammate bios after a mission was completed.



Oh yes..
The joys of playing the game for the very first time, making a blaster and heading out..

Only to indeed stack Training enhancements for triple the power (and thinking things were very expensive to have to buy 9 of them to 3 slot!)...
To find that Hover is NOT a suitable power to avoid the deadly spawns of mobs in the Hollows, trying to get to the other end of the zone to get to another area (trains? what trains?)...
Wondering why my endurance would drain so fast when I was fighting, thinking that Hover and Fly cost the same...

I'm so glad those days are long gone now



Originally Posted by Baler View Post
For a very short while I thought it was really wierd that people would take a break to read teammate bios after a mission was completed.
All of these are funny, but this really made me laugh out loud. I'm at work, so I immediately tried to stifle it, turning my normal chuckle into half-chuckle, half-tortured squeak. My reputation as the mutant of the office is firmly established!

Alright, my turn. I entered the game on the recommendation of a friend. He was quite generous with his inf, and I gladly accepted as much as he could throw at me. When I finally get to slot my DO's, I bought 2 of each, and combined them (thinking that made me super-duper uber). The next time I went to get enhancements, I didn't have enough to even get 1 of each. Any time he'd ask if I wanted any inf, I said yes until he finally asked where it was all going.

He got a little mad. I was on my own when it came to influence for the rest of the game!



Originally Posted by Lucretia_MacEvil View Post
Okay, I remebered another N00b moment I had, since ones that were only discussed in RL apparently count.

It was a similar thing with the Fateweaver on Mercy Island. With a dominator. A low level dominator.

I thought something like, "all those people have cool titles before their names, and I want one. This must be how they get them." The fact that there were only 5 options in the Fateweaver list and that I had seen way more than 5 different titles in front of people's names didn't register at the time.

My brother (who had been playing both CoH and CoV for a while previously) must have been endlessly entertained by me, since I was trying to solo a single-digit lvl dom on the third or fourth difficulty setting, and then complaining that the missions were too hard.

I did this with my first corruptor, too. It took me about a month of off-and-on playing (and several hints from my increasingly amused brother) to finally get it.

The worst part of all this is, he's my younger brother. Ouch.

Hehe ... for me it was my son! While learning this game the house rang to repeated comments of "MOM!", "No, Mom!", Do X, Y or Z, Mom!.", DON'T do X, Y or Z, Mom!", etc. In tones ranging from exasperation to patient resignation!
