What are your favorite Newb/NOOB Moments




I couldn't figure out how to talk in anything but global, and had to be instructed.

I also played a blaster.. and took the leadership and medi pools. And Recall Friend. And then wondered why at levels 25-35 she sucked eggs as a blaster. (Take more blasts, maybe?)



Originally Posted by Miss Chief View Post
About the time we were running the hero respec, 34-43 one with the freaks. using stealth and Superspeed in the large room, trying to find the key. Once we found it i thought it would be fun to SS ahead cos this was about my second time running it. I opened the door to the reactor and had a look around. Cool, no freaks. We were fighting our way to the reactor, you know, for teh XP! rather than merits in the shortest possible time. Just as we got into the belt and shield room, I turned to the reactor to see what seemed like the Freakshow, and I mean, THE Freakshow, ALL OF THEM, in the reactor room, there was a bright white flash, and we all appeared in Terra Volta with much chat of 'WTF?' and 'What the he** happened?' as 'mission failed' appeared. Whoops.
Heh MC, I did the exact same thing with Carni the first time I ran this (Skyraider version).

I was doing the Invis Scout thing and had been told to scout ahead and TP the team into the reactor.

But I thought the reactor would be a seperate map or an elevator or something. So I opened the door, saw a reactor, thought "Oh right" and then turned my back on it to TP the rest of the team to the room too. Didn't know opening the door meant the ambushes would trigger. 2 minutes or so later, while we were still getting it together *Flash* "Mission Failed"

Wouldn't mind but this was way back and the Diff on the mish was high (+2/+3s I think) so we'd be slogging through the damn thing for hours.

I felt like a right muppet.

*Edit : And of course countless times I've done the "Friday night special" of clicking 'Quit Team' instead of 'Exit Mission'



Originally Posted by Niviene View Post
Let's see, mine would be my first day in CoH Beta I decided to wander around and "explore". Saw a tunnel and thought ohhh cool I will head this way (at level 6). Ended up in Skyway and proceeded to "Hover" for a bit to check things out only to get turned around and lost.

Long story short...

Couldn't figure out how to get back to Atlas and had to call a friend via phone to ask her to log in and TP me out of trouble because I couldn't figure out how to get into the train station. There was a large group of players on top the train station however, I was far to embarrassed to ask them how to get into the train station. *hangs head in shame*

2nd Story -

Same friend came up with a brilliant idea when fighting CoT's on the roof tops in KR. If I fell off the roof, she could TP me before I.... SPLAT...
30 splats later we decided it wasn't possible
Back in the early days, people tried a lot of bungie-jumping with TP. It can be done, but you have to start before the player starts to fall.

My favorite, 2 min into the game noob moment was coming to a dead-stop in front of (what I later realized was) an invuln tanker, who was running one of her auras. "Oh that's cool. How did you do that in the costume creator?" I asked.

Fortunately, the player was afk.

Nivie's post reminded me of my favorite thing, probably ever, that I did early on in the game (back when I knew nothing about being an efficient player and was more focused purely on "oh neat" moments... I kinda miss those days.). I had a Ill/Kin 'trooler (FX) and had both Repel and TP foe. I'd get on top of medium-height buildings in KR, turn on Repel, stand right on the edge of the building, and TP foe the CoT (and others) from the ground to right in front of me. BOING! theyd go flying, crash to the ground below, only to be TP'ed right back to me. Rinse, lather, repeat, until I finished them off with brawl.

Not very efficient, I know, nor much of an XP gainer (most of the damage they took was from falling), but fun.



Originally Posted by Hallowed View Post
Nivie's post reminded me of my favorite thing, probably ever, that I did early on in the game (back when I knew nothing about being an efficient player and was more focused purely on "oh neat" moments... I kinda miss those days.). I had a Ill/Kin 'trooler (FX) and had both Repel and TP foe. I'd get on top of medium-height buildings in KR, turn on Repel, stand right on the edge of the building, and TP foe the CoT (and others) from the ground to right in front of me. BOING! theyd go flying, crash to the ground below, only to be TP'ed right back to me. Rinse, lather, repeat, until I finished them off with brawl.

Not very efficient, I know, nor much of an XP gainer (most of the damage they took was from falling), but fun.
Now THAT sounds like fun!



New to CoV my first toon was a dominator. I was on a PUG, merrily going through punching stuff in the face. I saw a couple of the group members ahead of the rest of us, so I ran to catch up to them.

Turns out they were Stalkers setting up for assassin's strikes in the middle of the next group of mobs. All the members of my PUG saw was me merrily running into the middle of the group of mobs alone and face-planting. I didn't explain why I'd done such a stupid thing, and nobody asked.



Originally Posted by Cyberforce View Post
I remember playing my first creation, a tech tank. I needed to go see this police guy in someplace called The Hollows. Don't ask me how, but I was in Skyway at the time and saw the gate to Hollows. I entered the Hollows on the south side and ran my lvl 5 tank all the way to Lieutenant What's-his-name, taking huge damage from these fierce magician-type villains. I died three times and on the fourth time I made it by hugging the wall and running like hell.

I can laugh about it now, but is still the single most terrifying moment I've ever had in-game. And I loved it. When I got to the contact I stood up in my chair and screamed in triumph.
Sooo much was lost in regards to the lessons the old Hollows taught before temo travel powers and the zone re-vamp.



What lessons would those be, besides "don't go in there!" My understanding is that part of the reason they decided to totally rebuild it is that almost no one ever used it.



Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
Now THAT sounds like fun!
It was. Repel might be the power i've had more fun in th game with that other powers. It's not as cool or powerful as others, like say Lightning Rod, but I've done so many fun things with it.

Playing soccer with low-lvl Hellions (as the ball) in AP/GC...
Trying to launch mobs into the portected areas of AP without the drones disintegrating them...
Pinning tough mobs into corners in perpetua-boing....
Zooming down the advanced slope with every singel glowing toggle, incl Repel turned on (ooked really cool zoomed out)...

I love Repel.



Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
Now THAT sounds like fun!
Originally Posted by ShadowsBetween View Post
What lessons would those be, besides "don't go in there!" My understanding is that part of the reason they decided to totally rebuild it is that almost no one ever used it.
Because you entered the Hollows with no more than your tier 1 travel pool power, unless you hovered there (sandwich time!) or got your lazy rear TPed there, you had to learn to effectively navigate a high mob-population zone intelligently, without drawing aggro. Messing up usually resulted in a quick death, as mobs were huge, and usually higher level when you had to travel cross-zone. Learning to actively use your camera and what aggro-ranges were are lessons many a CoX "vet" could still use today.

"Hey we're doing mishs in GV and you're just lvl 5. Need an escort?"

"Pffft. I'm a veteran of the old-school Hollows. I'll get there on my own."

When they intro'd the Hollows, and for a good time thereafter, it was a very heavily player-populated zone. Eventually, people got lazy and went for the easier/quicker solutions, which is why it "needed" a revamp. It's a more intelligently designed zone now, but the players in it are not learning the lessons they used to.

And yes, I realize this equates to old curmudgeon "In my day..."



This is not necessarily a CoX newb moment, I am a newb in internet chatroom lingo too. It took me FOREVER to figure out what 'lol' meant! And then once I figured THAT out people start using 'ROFL' and 'LMAO!' Ha ha!

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



When I started CoH, it was the first MMO I had ever tried, so I wasn't a terribly social person online and overall, shy. That said, it was a big deal to add someone to my Friends list at the time. I still remember the name of the first person ever to be added to Friends, and that I was in the Hollows on a Frostfire team with him. He eventually graduated to Global Friends.

Nice thing is I still keep in touch with him when he logs on, even though it's not too often these days.

Needless to say, a lot has changed since then. I now lead an SG full of people I'm proud to call my friends. Funny how that happened.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
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Originally Posted by Amygdala View Post
When I started CoH, it was the first MMO I had ever tried, so I wasn't a terribly social person online and overall, shy. That said, it was a big deal to add someone to my Friends list at the time. I still remember the name of the first person ever to be added to Friends, and that I was in the Hollows on a Frostfire team with him. He eventually graduated to Global Friends.

Nice thing is I still keep in touch with him when he logs on, even though it's not too often these days.

Needless to say, a lot has changed since then. I now lead an SG full of people I'm proud to call my friends. Funny how that happened.
Wait. You were SHY?

A Guide to Champion Drama
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Ashcraft been published.



Originally Posted by Hallowed View Post
Because you entered the Hollows with no more than your tier 1 travel pool power, unless you hovered there (sandwich time!) or got your lazy rear TPed there, you had to learn to effectively navigate a high mob-population zone intelligently, without drawing aggro. Messing up usually resulted in a quick death, as mobs were huge, and usually higher level when you had to travel cross-zone. Learning to actively use your camera and what aggro-ranges were are lessons many a CoX "vet" could still use today.
With all due respect, I (and many of the people I started out with) didn't need those lessons. We learned them running from Qeynos to Freeport in EQ1, way back in "the olden days". Translating the same logic to this (or any other) game was beyond simple.

Speaking of which, I was turned on to CoH by a guildie who was going to be kicked from guild for skipping raids (to play CoH, I later learned). So from the moment I started playing, he was showing and teaching me all about the game (that wasn't necessarily a good thing. Hi Brickstown tram!). Anyway, I'm playing my blaster (fire/dev because, as he told me, smoke grenade is 'f-in ridiculous. You gotta get it!') and, having played a druid and wizard extensively in EQ1, I kited everything when solo. No no, you don't understand, I mean EVERYTHING. Enter mission, find first spawn, throw down caltrops, and run in circles around the group throwing fire blast and fireball (no flares because "that power sucks", as I was told) at them until they di...err, were defeated. Then, wait for caltrops to recharge, move to the next group and repeat. Then I complained about how leveling speed here was worse than in EQ (yeah, I'm sure elemental planes access there and playing this game like a special needs player had nothing to do with it ).

My first day playing, I thought the only place people teamed was at the Brickstown tram (and that most of the team had to stay at the station for some reason).

For a week, I thought Kings Row was a high level zone whose intent was to kill low level toons by tricking them into thinking it was low level (with the spawns near the tram). Why did I think that? Because the first four times I entered the zone, I got flattened in seconds by a level 30+ ambush of some kind.

I thought you could only enter your character's bio at creation. So while making one character (dark/dark defender), I spent so much time on her costume and bio that I thought I had switched to the rad/rad defender I had intended to make next. As a result, my dark/dark defender has the name I had planned to give the rad/rad.

First stalker (so I should've been a vet, right???), I set her up like I do all my characters and put brawl on auto. Then wondered why my assassin's strikes weren't doing as much damage as people said it should (hey moron, try not attacking and dropping hide before you AS!).

@Remianen / @Remianen Too

Sig by RPVisions



I will admit this, after I swore never to......

Back when, before the timers for spamming were implemented, my evil twin would take over and spam broadcast just to get a reaction out of people.

Another that I heard about a lot: Before globals became easy to find, people would harrass others under alternate, joke names. (I had a friend do this to another person. The person getting harrassed asked repeatedly in broadcast how he was to report for harrassment. It doesn't sound like much, but if you were in Atlas on Champion that day, you'd laugh at it to this day.)

Can't come up with a name? Click the link!



I deleted a level 17 once because he racked up to nearly a level of debt, this was back on the american servers before all the debt reducements and the examplering system.



My favorite n00b moment happened today.
I player known on Defiant Villains to use the ITF as a way to PL him from 35 - 50, asked if the ITF is Hero or Villain..... *Points to first link in sig*



My friend got me into CoX and she (on a male tanker) exempted down and was showing my (female spines/SR) scrapper around. We picked up a 3rd person and was doing missions. At the end of the mission my teammates mysteriously just "disappeared" and I ran around lost, completely disoriented, and trying to find the exit again.

My teammates told me that I could just click "exit" on the navigation bar, and AHA! There it was. I didn't know that, I said.

This results in huge hilarity where the 3rd party pointed out that getting lost and having no sense of direction was a girl thing, and my "male" friend would have to take care I don't get lost.

"Honesty is for the most part less profitable than dishonesty." -- Plato

Playing Gods (51106) - Heroic Lvl 5-20
What Rough Beast (255143) - Villainous Lvl 40-50



Originally Posted by RemianenI View Post
With all due respect, I (and many of the people I started out with) didn't need those lessons. We learned them running from Qeynos to Freeport in EQ1, way back in "the olden days". Translating the same logic to this (or any other) game was beyond simple.
Some of learned them lessons from ducking orcs in GFay and Crushbone, but I don't think any of us were the "vets" in question, hmm?



Originally Posted by FunstuffofDoom View Post
Some of learned them lessons from ducking orcs in GFay and Crushbone, but I don't think any of us were the "vets" in question, hmm?
Probably not, no.



Two n00b moments for you,

Way back a friend and I where in Perez, and I'd just hit level 10, literally as the Gratz was being typed, I fell over dead. A level 50 Malta jumped off the building and splatted me. It started a live time of Ding -> Death chains.

Again in Perez, a friend and I exit a mission, and I'm Dot'ing like crazy, I'm popping greens and still taking crazy damage....Kraken was 15 ft from me.... That was how I learned there was Giant Monsters in the game.



I am a 60 month vet and my favorite moment was in PI, (pre-AE) with my level 50 Def I was teamed with a group running missions (can you believe it?) and a level 40 we had sidekicked with us looks over at me and asks, "What does Rest do?" I stood there very quiet and after I was finished laughing I answered them.