What are your favorite Newb/NOOB Moments




For the longest time I thought I mistakenly bound a key to send a tell to someone named 'Starget.' What's great is, I heard someone else mention this Starget person and thought to myself "Wow, small world! They know the person that I have a weird bind to send a tell to..."

It turns out I needed glasses~ $target! The realization made me feel really stupid.



The thread i made that made me THE noob

Saw a patch note about origin enhancements and quickly made a thread about it getting all excited that there will now be invention enhancements specific for your origin . . . . people laughed . . . . . . . a LOT!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



i got really mad that the train wouldnt accept me during a respec tf. it happened intermittently thereafter. a couple weeks later i realized that there is an "IN"train and an "out" train and i was trying to go out thru the "IN" gate.
also, any time i tried to type to my team b4 a fight and ran headlong into the mob in front of me, because "R" is autorun. now every new toon i make, 1st thing i do is type "/bind R nop"
not realizing i could skip the hollows.
not realizing i could slot more than one of each type of enhancements in any given power until a week before Enhancement Diversification.
6 slotted brawl.
I accidently kill stole with an auto-power as I was typing a response on broadcast to a newer guy who asked what kill stealing was.

Ive got more, but Im saving them for my book(which, the way i write, might not come out for a loong time).



Two of them, both related to Shadow Cysts.

1) The team I was on got wiped by a Shadow Cyst spawning in a bad spot. We were regrouping down the hall, getting ready to attack again. I meant to type something in the chat box, but forgot to actually *select* the box first, typing while looking at the keyboard, not at the screen. So, I type in an "r" and my toon goes barreling into the Shadow Cyst again, aggroing the room and managing to wipe the party for the second time in ten minutes.

2) Just a couple of days later, with the first noob incident fresh in my mind, I mention to my teammates what bad news those cysts are and that I hope we won't run into any. I mention that it could be a problem, since we have two Khelds on the team. The team says what? no, no Khelds on the team, what are you talking about? Turns out I was mistaking Defender AT icons for the Peacebringer icons in the team window.



I remember this one time back in the days of AE farms that... someone, I forget who, got a few teams together to beat down Lusca.

And there's this Lv50 Warshade on my team complaining that Lusca gives too little XP and that we need less people attacking her.



Originally Posted by Soulwind View Post
I've got tons of newbie moments from way back when (most of the "hey watch this!" type), but the most embarrassing one has to be:

Shortly after the PvP zones where added to the game (meaning I'd been playing the game for what, a year or so?), I got a mission in Boomtown.

Somehow I got turned around and kind of lost. I'm standing in front of the PvP Zone doors complaining to my wife that the game must be bugged and for some reason they've upped the level restriction for entering Boomtown, but it's still handing out missions there (I was level 11 at the time).

I even sent in a bug report on it.

Shortly afterwards I opened the map and realized I wasn't anywhere near the Boomtown gate
There was a time during the first year of the game when Boomtown had a level requirement of 12+, but you could be sent there at 10-11, at least via the Positron TF, possibly via the security chief mission.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



The first time I got two IOs from the same set...
I slotted them in Different sets...and got mad that the effects didnt happen. Until I realised, probably after some explanation, that they had ti be slotted in the SAME power.
Oh, and that you couldn't have two of the same set in a power.

Master of technology indeed

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Here's one I still do sometimes:

I'm getting my kiester handed to me, try to run away, but none of the movement buttons are working. I die, then in team chat I say "ssssssseewweeqqqqqsswwsseeqqwesqwssswwedammit what the hell!"

Also, a little known fact about the train exit/entrance issue: if you get the train station really drunk, it will let you go in through the out door.



Originally Posted by satorisan View Post
Hehe ... for me it was my son! While learning this game the house rang to repeated comments of "MOM!", "No, Mom!", Do X, Y or Z, Mom!.", DON'T do X, Y or Z, Mom!", etc. In tones ranging from exasperation to patient resignation!

After reading this, I realized that I do this to my parents all the time and then wonder why they don't want to play CoX with me very often.

/e facepalm



Let's see, mine would be my first day in CoH Beta I decided to wander around and "explore". Saw a tunnel and thought ohhh cool I will head this way (at level 6). Ended up in Skyway and proceeded to "Hover" for a bit to check things out only to get turned around and lost.

Long story short...

Couldn't figure out how to get back to Atlas and had to call a friend via phone to ask her to log in and TP me out of trouble because I couldn't figure out how to get into the train station. There was a large group of players on top the train station however, I was far to embarrassed to ask them how to get into the train station. *hangs head in shame*

2nd Story -

Same friend came up with a brilliant idea when fighting CoT's on the roof tops in KR. If I fell off the roof, she could TP me before I.... SPLAT...
30 splats later we decided it wasn't possible



I only remember two, though I'm sure there were plenty more.

I was running on my first team and someone asked if anyone had any blues. So I gave him an awake...(well, they ARE blue)

The second was, you know when you open the team search window and there is that space to write your search comment? I thought that was where you typed what you were searching for. For months I had someone else's alt's name as my search comment.



This thread made me remember something fun I used to do waaay back in the day.

It used to be that if you sidekicked someone it wouldn't show their level as sidekicked up, it would show what level they were naturally. So, naturally I decided to take advantage of this little 'feature.'

A few times I would get a mission that would spawn an ambush when it was called in. I would wait to call and head to KR, ask a friend to get on a low level character, sidekick him and sit on top of the building while he was below.

Call in the ambush. Have the friend say something about shiny lv 50 ambush in broadcast. High level heroes would come to help clear it only to find a lv 6-8 wailing away at the 50's like it was nothing. The resounding WTFs in broadcast always made me laugh.

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Ashcraft been published.



Oh I've had several n00bilicious moments even after 5 years of playing this game. However, my most recent one was losing "Master of" for my team running on an MoITF run. It was the first mission at the end where the nictus ambush got triggered. I was running my recently minted lvl50 earth/therm troller.

I see the rush coming and said as such in team chat. I also mentioned "be ready to exit as soon as the mission complete shows up". I helped the tank who was taunting the nictus rush by throwing up stone cages and stalagmites but as I was jumping away, my finger slipped off the spacebar and hit the 'n' button on the keyboard. *cringe*

Before I could correct the issue I was plastered by ranged damage from Novas and that was that. =/

I probably lost some points on the respectometer but good thing the team only set Master settings as more of a 'why not' thing with gaining XPs as the primary goal.

Like I said, even 5 year vets have their n00b moments still. I only hope its my last one heh.

The Mentor Project - Because we were all new to the game at one time...



A week into playing the game my friend finally had to tell me that there was a trainer in each area. ._____.



I had a n00b moment just the other day, even after playing for 2 years...

I was on my Blaster, and the team had just entered the first mission of the day. Right in front of us was a nice big group of Lost, so we wait until everyone is in and get ready.

"Everyone ready?"
*Blaster charges headfirst through the mob, aggroing everything. Promptly gets flattened.*

Note to self...Hit ENTER before trying to type "Ready"...

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



Couple weeks ago. Great team decides to do Bank mish. We pop in, clear the bank (getting great exp!) and the mission complete music plays so (out of habit) I hit the mission exit button.

The rest of the team is like !!! noooo!! Of course you can't re-enter the truck when you do that. *sigh* I was the only one on the team who knew where the exploration badge was too. :\



First days of playing, and I never really read the tutorial stuff. On a pug, and the mission completes, and everyone disappears. As I headed to the door to exit, I was pondering how they all had gotten there so much faster than I could.... I later discovered the Exit button.

Favorite I've seen - on a team with some in-game friends, and readying to attack one group. One player starts to move their character forward a bit to get in range just as the Kin tosses a Speed Boost on them. Wham! Right into the mob, and faster than you can type lol they were dead. It took us several moments to stop laughing enough (in Vent, btw) to carry on and actually attack that mob.

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Great thread. Here is mine.

I'm teaming with my regular group of 2 others. I don't have stamina and am out of endd. I rest and when eveything is full, get back up and cannot move. I'm confused and type in chat that I can't move thinking that I might have lost connection to I am testing to see if that goes through. But, sure enough my chat appears and they say they aren't having any issues. I can't figure out what is up. I tell them I'll be right back, I need to restart because I cannot move. I come back re-enter the mission and everything is fine. I blow it off as so bad connection thing.

A few days later, I'm solo and the same thing happens. Now that I have time I'm determined to not restart and reset my mission. I spend probably 20 minutes trying to figure out why I cannot move to no avail. I write out my petition and am just about to send it when I see it. The rest icon on my status. In fairness, this was before the red text or any of that but, still I thought rest ended when you filled up. Why else would my character be standing? He must be ready to go!





My noob moment:

I played long and hard on my first toon until I hit lvl 24. At this point I went around broadcasting, looking for a respec trial. Someone told me that the trial was called "Hami." As a result, I went around broadcasting, as a lvl 24 that I was looking to do a hami.



I did the train doors thing plenty of times too, yup. Also, it took me ages to realise that a troller wasn't actually a toon built specifically to fight Trolls.

But my biggest n00b moment was probably when I logged in to CoH for the 2nd time ever. First time I logged in I built myself shiny new blaster, played around with him for a bit, logged off, all was good. Then next time I logged in... he was gone! I was really annoyed, figured I hadn't saved him properly or something stupid like that, so I grumbled a bit started all over again from scratch. What I'd done of course was just log on to a different server - hadn't realised that toons were server-specific, I thought they followed you around wherever. I think that original blaster I built is still sitting over on Infinity at lvl 5 or something...



Originally Posted by Baler View Post
For a very short while I thought it was really wierd that people would take a break to read teammate bios after a mission was completed.
To be fair: It makes sense. Especially in this game.
I Thought for a long time, that "Bio Break" means "reading or writing in ones biography". And i thought: "Can't they do this _after_ the mission?".

Luckily, i never had problems with the train exit. But it took me a short time to figure out, you can use more then two colors on costumes. ^^



This one happened to my son a month or so after we started playing the game. His younger sister asked if she could make a character on his account and he said yes but on a different server. She did so and had a fun time. The next day he logs in and clicks the top server as usual and instead of seeing his list of characters he only sees his sisters. The house is then filled with him screaming her name in panic abusing the hell out of her for deleting all his toons. She of course denies touching them and a big fight ensues. My wife and I intervene and I ask my son did he remember to switch back to the right server. He looked at me blankly for a second then looked very guilty and said "oops".

He had to be very nice to his sister for the rest of the night.



My first day playing CoH, shortly after i3, I was given a mission sending me to the Hollows. So I look at my map, and see that the quickest way to get from Galaxy City to the Hollows is through Skyway. So at level 5 I began a day long trek on foot thru purple filled territory to try to get to my contact, dying so often and retracing my steps that I actually gave up on the game for several weeks in frustration.

Only when I returned later did I discover the secret of trains, and how one could have taken me to Atlas Park...



Originally Posted by Six View Post
...it took me ages to realise that a troller wasn't actually a toon built specifically to fight Trolls.
I LOLed.

My little gaming group has fond memories of being newbs together with our first SG, Special Forces. The first version was called Speshul Forces, and for a very good reason, having to do with me, the leader. We were doing some sort of mission in King's Row, and we were something like L6. I had read some of the forum guides, and I figured I knew my stuff, so my rad/rad had his low-level rad blast on autofire for a fight we'd just finished. We were jogging along to get to the next mish and I saw a large group of Skulls lounging around. I clicked on the leader as we went by just to see what level he was, forgetting that I'd put my blast on auto. The Skulls aggroed, but they didn't get to me in time, so I figured all was good until they wiped out the half of my team that was bringing up the rear.

Yeah. Speshul Forces indeed.

My other favorite story comes from the same crew, but at least it wasn't me this time. We were in the Hollows, trying to get to a mission door that was a mile and a half away through enemy territory. At the time, we had NO idea what was at the bottom of Grendel's Gulch, or even if there WAS a bottom to some of the chasms. We were all very careful getting around them.

All but my roommate, who took a running leap, slammed into the opposite wall, and slid all the way to the bottom. Well, now we knew there was a bottom to the chasms, and we waited while he looked around for a way to get back up to us. Then we see this in the team window: "Hey guys, there are all these skeletons down here, and thsssssssssssswwwwwwwwqqqqqqqqwwwwww." We watch his health go *pfft*. He'd aggroed a large pack of rock monsters, and they were NOT happy.

I'm not the droid I'm looking for.

MA Arc ID 8121: Rapp'Mas'Ta's War. The Rikti are trying to incorporate sonic effects into their weapons? THAT can't be good. Maybe we should ask them to stop.



I remember doing a sewer team with my friends. Then they all started dying intentionally, and I was SO CONFUSED! Then they explained about the hospital TP...

Another good one was my first time in RWZ. I was on my 35 emp/dark defender. I saw a pylon, and ran up to try and solo it...