8 -
Quote:To be fair: It makes sense. Especially in this game.For a very short while I thought it was really wierd that people would take a break to read teammate bios after a mission was completed.
I Thought for a long time, that "Bio Break" means "reading or writing in ones biography". And i thought: "Can't they do this _after_ the mission?".
Luckily, i never had problems with the train exit. But it took me a short time to figure out, you can use more then two colors on costumes. ^^ -
Okay, you are all saying it was just bad luck? *sighs*
I wasn't aware of the Beginners Luck, the aforementioned lvl 34 EMP Defender is from Issue 3 or 4 (yes, i tend to level slowly *g*) and the Beginners Luck thing flew right over my head. I can't remember to have struggled this much with my "old" chars, though perhaps this is due to repression. :/
To my shame, i hadn't thought of recipes or sets. I try to IO slot for accuracy first. Thanks for the advice!
Though, you have to admit: to miss 4+ times in a row _is_ frustrating. And when that happens a good deal of the time you want to _play_ one can tend do get a little frustrated. And perhaps thats not the message we want to send to new players... -
Both the Tank and the Psi Blaster are at level 10 atm. The Ice Blaster reached level 14.
I'm aware of observation bias but the yesterday play-session (Tank in the Hollows from 6 to 10) and the session where i brought the Psi Blaster from 6 to 10 were both a kick in the gonads of rationality. As i said, with my higher chars, i didn't notice this behaviour. Only my very young chars are subject to a cruel randomness.
I tried TOs 3 Level above me with the tank and the blaster, and it meant not the slightest difference.
The problem: i _have_ to go through these low levels, and its more and more a fight and less fun. I think there has to be done something. The lower levels should be as rewarding and fun as the later levels (and to hit something or to have success can be a reward to). -
Without chitchat right to the point: To me, it seems there is an err... Accuracy-Hole somewhere between level 4/6 and 14/16 that needs to be fixed. I clarify and explain an idea further on.
Clarification: I often start new characters and sometimes there is a concept that i really like and play further. Last seen with an Ice/Ice Blaster, a Shield/Energy Melee Tanker and a Psi/Mental Blaster. Till Level 4/6 everything seem to go very smoothly with every one of this chars. Especially the Tank is really fun. From Level 6 on is where the hassle begins.
Everyone of these chars begins to develop a hit/miss ratio of nearly 50/50. Even outfitted with "high" TOs, the chars seem to miss very very often. I observed a string of hits versus 2 or 3 even cons and immediately a string of misses against the next even cons. Whats frustrating is not the misses, its frustrating because its a string of misses. If it would be hit, miss, hit, miss, ... i wouldnt be angry.
Example: vs. even con -> the Tank has 3 Attacks from Energy Melee. First Attack - miss, second Attack - miss, third Attack - miss, Brawl - hit, first Attack - miss, Sands of Mu - hit, second Attack - hit (YAY there is only a sliver of life left on the baddy!) -> every normal attack misses, Brawl hits - there is an even tinier sliver of life left... WHY? GOD? Why could this F***ing last normal Attack land a hit? Nearly every time, when its crucial that the next attack scores a hit or when the enemy has only a fraction of health left, the attack misses (between 4/6 and 14/16).
I didn't notice this on my level 32 EMP/Rad Defender and on my level 20 Arrow Blaster. My level 26 Ninja MM doesn't seem to have these problems. Only my young and small chars have to fight against game-mechanics instead of muggers. Or is it all a Nemesis Plot?
Suggestion: Couldn't the attacker get a really short accuracy buff if
1) only for the next one attack
2) on an enemy that has x% health left
What i mean is: My tanker sees, that the enemy is beaten. There is only a sliver of willpower left, that lets the enemy stumble and swing a little. It shouldnt be hard to hit your enemy if he is in that condition, shouldn't it?
It just isn't fun to miss whole attack series.
It just is cruel to miss whole attack series if the enemy would be down with next hit (and that hit never arrives).
It just is thoroughly frustrating to get teleported to the hospital, because the enemy, that would be down with the next hit, beats you because you never hit. -
I had a long vacation from CoX and despite the fact, that i sat on a 18 month Vet Badge, my highest Char was and is a EMP Defender (then) level 24 - now level 32. The first time i logged back in after nearly a year or more, i went to ICON to play with my costume and the new Costume pieces (and set myself to "looking for mission team"). As soon as i entered ICON i got a tell:
"Hey, wanna do AE?"
I responded: "Whats an AE?" cause i didn't know. The whole AE Issue went straight over my head.
The Answer: "Mad XP!"
*shrug* I chatted with him and he seemed nice (and he _was_ nice - the whole group was), so i accepted and went to a building in Talos and there we went into a Computer thingie and indeed, it was "Mad XP!", but also boring. My first and last time in this AE - thingie. -
Schulligung...Ich werde meine eingerosteten Chatkenntnisse mal wieder aufpolieren und den Channels beitreten. Auch wenn Empathen jetzt scheinbar nicht mehr zwingend vorrausgesetzt werden, ich bin letztens von einem Teamanführer zum Ende der Mission hin per Tell fast erstaunt für die Heilarbeit gelobt worden - und ich habe nicht anders gespielt als vor 1 Jahr wo sowas niemandem auffiel.
Egal, Gut ich werde dem Server (und */Rad) dann erstmal noch die eine oder andere Chance geben. -
Ah, Danke für die Antwort.
Gibt es die Möglichkeit seine Charaktere auf einen anderen Server übertragen zu lassen? -
Ich bin schon eine ganze Weile in CoH unterwegs, hab die Anfangszeit auf den Amerikanischen Servern zugebracht und bin dann nach EU migiriert. Zwischendurch immer mal wieder Pause. Nun bin ich wieder einmal da, jedoch scheint zumindest der Server auf dem ich meine Chars habe wie ausgestorben zu sein (Zukunft, soweit ich weiß). Von den Amiservern hört man von hoher Auslastung. :/
Ist es wirklich so, daß die EU Server ausgestorben sind, oder irre ich in der Hinsicht? Wenn ich irre, wo _sind_ die Leute? Früher war Atlas Park sehr viel voller jedenfalls. Auch habe ich auf meinem Empathie-Defender ständig Blind Invites bekommen. Heutzutage kommt kaum noch was, nicht mal ein Tell.
Gibt es eine Möglichkeit einen Empathie/Rad Defender vernünftig solo zu leveln? Ich scheine nach Zweit-Build bauen auf Schaden auch genausogut mit Steinchen werfen zu können. Wahrscheinlich ist "Radioaktivität" der Fehler, ich schaffe jedenfalls nur mit Mühe und Not die einfachsten Missionen. :/ Mache ich etwas falsch? Kann man mit Rad überhaupt vernünftig Schaden machen?
Danke im Voraus!