What are your favorite Newb/NOOB Moments
I remember a couple weeks after I started playing. I'm guessing that I4 had just gone live. Anyway, I was in Galaxy City and I saw the Arena for the first time. I broadcasted "HEY! There's a huge dome-shaped building here! Is that really there or am I just going insane?"
And then I freaked out in Kings Row when I first saw Paladin. I was like "Hey! There's a big ol' rusty robot here! Am I seeing things again?"

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!
I went to the wrong place in the train so i was going to go to the place i wanted to from the train. I clicked on the train but did not let me in i tried to get in about 100 times when i shouted on the broadcast then someone told me there were two places in the train one were you go in and one were you go out.
I do not have any.
At this point I try to stick to myself.
I might be more outgoing if people who are new didn't say things like, "Do you want me to bring Mr. Washington?" and I am like who is that? "It's a lvl 50 tanker." WHY WOULD WE NEED A LEVEL 50 TANKER FOR A SEWER TEAM?????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????
I went to the wrong place in the train so i was going to go to the place i wanted to from the train. I clicked on the train but did not let me in i tried to get in about 100 times when i shouted on the broadcast then someone told me there were two places in the train one were you go in and one were you go out.
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I once joined a boss farm with my Tank. It went OK, except that there was a Fire Controller on the team who kept putting Bonfire right under me, scattering enemies everywhere.
After many dead squishies and several rounds of gathering up loose bosses, I finally asked, "Controller, just curious - is there a reason you keep putting Bonfire under me?" And I explained about the knockback.
I don't remember what her answer was but it was something to the effect of "Oh, it does that?"
To her credit, she stopped doing it without being told to.
Mine is my own personal noob moment... shortly after I started playing the game, I was making my tentative way around Steel Canyon when I come out of a mission, go running around a corner, and see this... THING... running down the street toward me that I'd never seen before.
Over the broadcast I say, "Wow, I've never seen one of these before." Someone else asks, "What is it?"
As I click on it to find out what it is, I realize to my chagrin that I still have an attack autokeyed, and I promptly take a swing at it... and get smacked one inch from oblivion. As I do the belated but sensible thing and run like hell, screaming the entire way, I shout "WHAT THE HELL IS A COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER?!"
Just as I get blasted out of my shoes.
Lying facedown on the sidewalk, I realize that I, a lowly lvl 12 blaster, have just charged a lvl 42 Rikti Communications Officer (someone else's ambush), as gales of laughter fill the broadcast, and a sheepish message makes its way through the LOLs, "sorry, that was my ambush".
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
About the time we were running the hero respec, 34-43 one with the freaks. using stealth and Superspeed in the large room, trying to find the key. Once we found it i thought it would be fun to SS ahead cos this was about my second time running it. I opened the door to the reactor and had a look around. Cool, no freaks. We were fighting our way to the reactor, you know, for teh XP! rather than merits in the shortest possible time. Just as we got into the belt and shield room, I turned to the reactor to see what seemed like the Freakshow, and I mean, THE Freakshow, ALL OF THEM, in the reactor room, there was a bright white flash, and we all appeared in Terra Volta with much chat of 'WTF?' and 'What the he** happened?' as 'mission failed' appeared. Whoops.
Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief
This happened about 2 weeks after I had started playing and I was running around Atlas Park and saw my first Longbow. I didn't know what they were at first. There were walking around in there methodical single file mode. I found them to be quite creepy when they did that. No one else was attacking them. Just to be safe, I trailed them just out of normal aggro range (having learned that from Hellions). How I missed seeing them the first two weeks of playing, I don't know. It took me a while to get the idea (and some helpful research on ParagonWiki) to find out that they would not attack me. I just thought they were up to no good with their walking around. I just couldn't figure out what they were up to, but it was creepy.

I remember when I first started playing I was doing one of the lowbie Atlas park story arcs and the contact sent me to another zone (cant remember which one :3)
I proceedeed to pull out the map that I got with the box and found I had to go through Skyway to get to this particular zone. Running as a lowbie through super troll infested roads is probably the scariest thing I've experienced in this game
As you may have noticed, I had no idea that there were trains that would have made my life a whole lot easier
I didn't know what debt was until level 25ish or something. And this was back in the day when playing a blaster meant leveling at half-speed.
When the person told me, I was like ""... xD
I love that emote, by the way!

I went all the way to Creys Folly before remembering that they close that entrance to the Rikti crash site and opened the War Zone.
Playing my first blaster, in Talos Island, having just got Ice Storm, I said to our group (waiting for leader to get a mission), the famous words
Charge into a large group of Warriors, and get one-shot by a Hewer Elite before I could get off my power.
Everyone on the team laughed, half-thinking that I'd suicided on purpose. I was mortified, since I'd meant to obliterate the group with my stupid little AOE power.
That was in 2004. I have seen many people say 'hey, watch this' just before they did something exceptionally stupid.
Part-Troll, who used to be Excession777, now playing pantomime with people's mindlets.
This must have been in Issue 1 or so, first time logging in, first character, im running around Atlas Park, and i see some lil ol lady fighting a Hellion for her purse. I manage to smack him down, and i proudly declare over broadcast that "you all can stop looking, I saved the ladies purse!" :3
"Where are the lost in King's Row?"
Having heard this many times, I tell a confused player where the Lost are.
"Where are the CoT in King's Row?"
Having heard this many times, I tell another confused player where the CoT are.
"Where are the Skulls in King's Row?"
I don't have any! I never made a mistake ever!
I also trying to get rid of some great land in Florida for Condos and I inharited a Bridge that I really not interested it keeping!

The Resistance has boobs too, and better hair!
I think it was the third day I had the game (August '04ish) and I was venturing near the warehouses in Atlas Park and jumped down into a spawn of Clockwork that were level six. Being level two, I promptly died--not even seeing the Clockwork. I asked in broadcast: "Where the hell did that lightning come from?"
"Where are you?" someone asked.
"I'm dead and it looks like I'm laying on a pile of trash."
"Oh. Might have been Clockwork."
I had no idea what he was talking about, but didn't want to admit any further ignorance.
It was a couple days afterwards that I saw some Clockwork and said: "Ooooh, that's what that guy meant by Clockwork."
This was way, way back, when I created my first character, ran through the tutorial (carefully reading everything), and found myself at level 2 in Atlas Park. I followed the markers to my first contact, "Azuria", who told me to defeat 5 Hellions in Atlas Park.
I wasn't sure what a Hellion was, but I assumed from the name it must be some sort of small demon or imp. I ran all around the area looking for them (a few times making sure I was still within eye-sight of the big white building, because the last thing I wanted to do was to get lost), but all I saw were some gang members trying to steal purses. I was really tired at this time, having spent most of the day installing the game and creating my first hero, so I just logged out.
I posted on my LJ about my experiences, and some of my friends who'd played the game set me straight.

Character index
I feel like i should just watch this thread with great amusement and just wait ready to pounce . . . . . . . .
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Slotting one of each enhancement possible in a power because I thouht you had to.
Seeing Lusca for the first time, wow.
Getting lost in the sewers...
Thinking Confuse was a terrible power because rewards didn't show up after mobs killed each other.
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
When I got my first character to level 22 (and a million influence was significant for most everyone), a friend loaned me enough influence to purchase 10 shiny fancy mutation damage singles. And I excitedly hit SS and went straight to the magic store and bought 10 shiny fancy damage singles.
I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
Thomas Jefferson

Okay, so I had been playing fairly sporadically for the past couple of months (imminent I16 has got me got me back with bells on, tho'). I'm a 4 year vet, but... well, I guess some things get lost in the back of my mind when I haven't played much in a while. So this is kind of a re-noob moment.
Last week we had the whole SG on and were running missions, while I was doing a lot of that "OK, what do these buttons do again?" that's always present when you dust off alts, and even more pronounced when gameplay's gone from once-a-day to once-a-week. We're running scanner missions in Talos.
We finish a mission and zone out. It's dusk-ish outside. As we're standing by the mish door, waiting for a new mish to come up, in the distance I see a huge dark silhouette against the war wall-- the shape resembled Juggernaut, but, like Godzilla tall. Over Teamspeak my cry is heard:
"That huge dark shape over there! What is it?!"
They look around for a couple of seconds, baffled... then, "Dude. That's the Talos statue."
Far in the distance, silhouetted in the twilight, and at such an angle that his horns blended into his shoulders, giving that sloped-head-no-neck appearance, that statue scared the bejeebers out of me. I was suddenly certain that a new Giant Monster had been added somewhere in I15, I hadn't heard about it, and that new GM was REALLY giant and was about to step on us.
After they laughed at me awhile, the consensus came, "...You know, that WOULD be really cool."
Check... and Mate (poster) - Arc ID# 15095 (comments)
Invasion on Earth BX1132! (poster 1) - (poster 2) - Arc ID# 98943 (comments)
Global @ARH
I'd like to brag a bit and say that I don't really have many n00b moments (or, if I did, I managed to erase them from my consciousness). I have a younger brother who is really into this game, so I just ask him if I'm confused instead of broadcasting my ignorance. If he's not available for some reason, I ask others in-game, making it clear that I'm new to this level/aspect/story/etc. of the game. I usually get a good response and go from there.
The one n00b moment that I know of happened to me when I was getting my hero to the higher levels and commented about needing to do whatever missions to open up the ancillary power pools (I had already gotten a villain to 50, and assumed that the hero-side would have missions like the villains did). I was politely informed that this was unnecessary, since they were available "for free". I explained that I'd never had a high-level hero before, and we all had a good laugh.
For the record, I was on a team when I said this, so the world at large hasn't known about it until now.
I went to the wrong place in the train so i was going to go to the place i wanted to from the train. I clicked on the train but did not let me in i tried to get in about 100 times when i shouted on the broadcast then someone told me there were two places in the train one were you go in and one were you go out.
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I actually bugged it a couple of times. =(
My favorite personal n00b moment was when I took Flurry instead of Hasten on my ma/sr scrapper because a recharge bonus didn't sound like much fun.
Between the original Storm Kick and Flurry, I think he had like a 45 second attack chain....
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
1) The very first time I had a train mission. I had been on at least one (someone else's) before that, but I felt proud that it was my very own little zone, even if only for the duration of the mission. That was a good newb moment for me.
2) In the yellow-line tram in Steel, a L50 had a bugged ambush hovering above the doors to enter the train. It was a flying L50 Malta Sapper and was ignoring him. It was also ignoring me, a L8 Scrapper (I was not teamed). A crowd formed just inside the doorway of the tram, just barely able to see the scene.
So what did I do?
I drew my broadsword and started jumping, trying to hit a foe that was +42 to me. After a "lol" from the L50 and a whole lot of misses, I finally hit the Sapper. It turned and Zapped the heck out of me, draining all of my end, but not killing me. Then it continued to ignore me.
At one point everyone was new to COH/COV. Mistakes are made as you learned the system, and adjusted how you played accordingly. However, we sometimes encounter players with a unique gaming style or line of questions that makes your head hurt. So what have been some of your favorite newb/NOOB moments. I remember one time on a team, another player ran and stood on the head of a fallen freak, and stopped playing. I asked what are you doing? They replied "they don't rez when you stand on their heads!"
Another time it was Halloween, and a zombie raid was going on. My team was headed to an area in PI where many zombies respawn. The team allowed a person brand new to the game on the team, and when zombies were falling all around us, this new player kept shouting in caps "STOP KILL STEALING FROM ME, YOU'RE TAKING ALL MY XP!"
So what are some of your favorite newb/NOOB moments?
Be happy!