Miss Chief

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  1. While many many people may not agree with the reasons, EVERYONE should stand 100% behind the troops on the ground that have sworn to go where their commanders tell them without objection, on the whim or orders of someone hundreds or even thousands of miles away looking at a map or being told what is happening 'on the ground' when the very same report has likely been re-written, sanitised and checked for anything that could get some pencil pusher in an office somewhere in trouble.

    I stand beside you, resolute and proud.

    (it's also my birthday tomorrow, spare a thought for those who's special occassions and special days will forever be overshadowed by what happened.)
  2. In case you guys didn;t understand from my Twitter response and Facebook post, NOT HAPPY as an EU player that we're excluded. If you can't treat everyone equally THEN YOU SHOULDN'T RUN ANY COMPETITIONS AT ALL.
  3. All of the ones posted above, ALL OF THEM!

    Especially the Terra arc, Aaron Walker in Prae as well. oh Wretched man is also great, because it comes so early in the Rogue isles and shows that while for a lot fo people Arachnos and Villainy is a choice, for some it's a job and they have lives and relatives and also pay a heavy price for their choices.

    I think the one that really got me most of all is part of Crimson's World Wide Red arc (I think). When i found out they'd genetically engineered a child to be the centre of a Zeus Titan and then you have to fight it and the kid inside is screaming out that he can't control it and you have to beat it down, knowing that you're going to kill the child really choked me up, because I have kids of my own. I've only played it a few times because it's about a dozen missions through Crimson's arc but it chokes me up every time as it makes me think about how inhuman Malta are and also makes me think about someone trying to hurt my kids.
  4. Hmm, very much in two minds about this as I've spend a fair wedge softcapping my DM/EA brute to everything apart from Psi and Toxic I think. Of course she now runs all four EA toggles, Combat Jumping, tough and weave, but thankfully she has the powers to back that end use up. I have an open mind, but a taunt aura will be nice. Only thing that does bother me is now she'll get even more defence but if she's already soft capped i wonder if I'll notice or need it. Good to have Energize though but it does make me worry about my end use.
  5. If anyone wishes to come to Defiant we'll make you very welcome! join Defiant Events EU and we'll all be happy to see you. (just make sure you speak the Queens English please. )
  6. And now it's running at 12kb/s and nothing has changed. This sucks!

    Closed the launcher and restarted it. now 2,000 kb/s. Great, but I shouldn;t have to close it and reopen it half a dozen times to keep the speed up!
  7. not really sure what's going on here but it's running like a beast right now, getting 1600kbps like I would expect.
  8. I posted some relevant info in GD, but I'll post it here too. I have a 20 meg DSL connection (and I get 20 meg) but thansk to my 1TB HDD going all Clockwork on me I've had to reinstall windows 7. That went fine, Steam updated CoD balck Ops just fine, max download 2MB a second, average about 1.7-1.9MB a second. Download the NC launcher and it's crawling along. It's been as low as 12kb/second and as high as 250-300kb/second, but rarely close to that. it's NOT my connection (Wired) as I also just started another Steam download for BF2 and that raced up to 1.9MB/s within a few seconds. please help, i want to play!

    i'll not rant about the EU not getting a boxed copy of GR I could have already installed from in this thread, I already did in the GD one.
  9. Thanks to my 1TB HDD deciding to make noises like the clockwork king (Boo!) I had to reinstall windows (which also coincided with an upgrade! WOOHOO!). that was all fine, no problems. I also had to reinstall CoH. no idea where my discs are and even then the latest disc I have is probably CoV.

    No problem I thought, i'm rocking a 20 meg connection, I'll have the game downloaded in a couple of hours. Erm, actually, no. Not even close. I know my connection is working as it should because I re-downloaded CoD Black Ops through Steam. Max download speed 2MB a second.

    As I'm typing this, the NCSoft Updater is rocking along at 69kb/sec. Sometimes it'll have the odd moment where it peaks up to 250-300kb/sec but it only stays there for a few minutes. I've tried changing it to US instead of EU, just in case, but this made no difference. This is torture. Oh, now it's showing 12kb/second. That's like double dial up. Seriously guys, if you're not going to give us a boxed copy of Going Rogue in the EU, liek we cried out for and asked for many times, at least make sure the downlaod server is up to the task of letting people download it! <NOT HAPPY SMILEY FACE>

    I've just started the battlefield 2 download through Steam. Within 10 seconds of launching I was running at 1.9MB a second again. it's NOT my connection! Is there anything I can do other than leave it on all night?
  10. I've done probably about 3 dozen trials, mostly using my DM/Energy Aura Brute that's softcapped for 'normal' PvE stuff and she's more survivable for it. I'd probably say more Lambda's than BAF's, but only a 60/40 split. I've yet to get ANY Rare or Very Rare reward table from any trial. I try to cause as much trouble as possible and regularly get 'warned' by Siege, Nightstar etc and often 'collect' Nightstar and Siege and bring them to the tennis courts but I'm very much a single target Brute until i got my Void power recently. If it truly is random, then I guess I've been very very unlucky. If it's based on the amount of 'work' you do then there's really not much else I can do. I have no buffs other than the incarnate one I have just slotted (the +Dam res, +def one, Clarion?) and my mystical fortune. If it's really based on amount of damage or activity the game sees you doing, then that's a very very poor decision by the Dev's and should be looked at again.
  11. Miss Chief

    Zone Tetris

    We've used Pocket D on Defiant, but then we have a much smaller server pop than some of the other servers on your side of the pond.
  12. Some of you may be aware of the thread I posted recently raging about how my Invuln scrapper has been having, erm, 'difficulty' with the Incarnate trials. So I shelved her for a bit and will look at respeccing her at some point (even though I still feel I shouldn't have to. She's still running Fitness pool anyway so it'll be a few free power picks which will probably end up being weave, Tough and Combat jumping, but I digress) so I played a few other characters and i have to say, now that i've done quite a few BAF's and Lamdas. I've had FUN.

    Sure my Dark Melee/Energy Aura Brute is far far better suited to either trial than my Invuln thanks to some softcapping but it's been quite good fun. We've failed a few, completed a few at a relative breeze, one we just completed with 5 seconds to spare when it really, really looked like we'd fail which felt good. Yes they're difficult and can, at times, be soul destroyingly 'unfair' towards certain characters who may be weak to the damage types used a lot, but I'm willing to maybe change my mind about the Trials. I've used my Earth/Kin Troller (which everyone should try. Hella good!) has proved to be most useful on the BAF trial, not so much on Lamda and she is also pretty squishy, but she's a Squishy, so it's kinda to be expected.

    I still don't like the grind that's going to be required, but I can see that the system is designed to give you something to aim for in 6 or 9 months time. It HAS to be something very long winded and 'grindy' otherwise people would be finished it all by the end of the month and then possibly be bored and leave. It would be good to be able to get threads in a decent quantity faster, sure, but at the moment I'm willing to accept the Dev's vision.

    I daresay if I try my Invuln again I may be filled with Nerdrage again, but hey, that's my perogative.
  13. So now I have to take Weave and combat jumping to make the trial survivable and fill my tray exclusively with purples?

    I also hate to tell you this, but when you run invinc you won't just have one bad guy in range, you're likely to be hitting double figures. All with damage types you're weak against. And who all are likely to use ranged attacks to do it.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rubberlad View Post
    I20 Incarnates content: its over-complicated, uber grindy, extremely repetitive, and insanely costly for its conversion fees (I'm still trying to afford purples - now this?!!).

    Not sure a casual player like me can pull this off on a regular basis - and I say that after having just beat my 50's head against the wall on the Lambda Sector trial. Am I supposed to pull it off at all? I want to feel the epicness of the new Incarnate content but all I feel is a very painful grind that I never want to attempt again. Don't get me wrong, I'll definitely give it another try this weekend but if this ends up being limited content that *has* to be grinded over multiple hours daily just to get somewhere, I'm probably going to consider the Alpha slot my stopping point for all lvl 50 toons in future.

    Sorry for the whine; today's content update made me feel like Jack Emmert was put back in charge of the game - and it ******* terrified me! This is the first time in a long time that I felt a major content feature wasn't accessible to me (Introducing PvP Arenas was the last time and look what happened there). And I was so looking forward to taking my 50 to the next level (sigh). Back to Atlas Park... and a long wait for Issue 21.

    OH MY GOD. This is exactly how I feel about i20 and the incarnate content. yes everyone wanted a way to increase your characters powers and we've now got it, but it's completely over complicated and far too involving and just confuses the hell out of me. it makes very little sense in terms of how you build your character to level 50.
  15. Oh, right, so I have to spend large amounts of influence to make my build 'suitable' for the trial and read up on how to do it? Yeah, Well done Paragon! They've always said you shouldn't need any 'type' of character to complete something, yet if we ended up with a team without many buffs and poor energy def or res then we'll stand a much higher chance of failure?
  16. Congratulations Paragon Studios. You just made one of my Invulnerability Scrappers powers completely pointless, and IMO made her completely piontless too.

    Which one? Invincibility. It's pretty much a 'must take' for any invuln character as it provides a good chunk of your Defence and also gives you a nice little to hit boost. Well tonight I ran a lambda trial. And I got creamed repeatedly. Ad I don't mean I died a bit and got annoyed or I died 5 or 6 times. I managed to rack up a full quantity of debt on my level 50 scrapper within 20 minutes. Yes she has tier 4 and yes she has a few sets through her build but she's not softcapped (and I don't see why she should have to be either if the Dev's continue with their 'IO's are optional, we haven't made the game any tougher' mantra) but she was completely useless. Her major points are S+L Resistance which is next to useless thanks to all the fire and energy flying around, she has very little ranged defence which for a melee based character who should be 'in there' shouldn't be a necessity either. Basically she's now completely pointless and incredibly painful to play on the Incarnate trials. I feel like giving up on her and she used to be my favourite character. The trial should be difficult yes, but IMo they've taken it too far. it suits some characters perfectly and practically encourages people to softcap, simple because just about any level of resistance is utterly pointless.

    Congratz Pragon, you just relegated one of my favourite to 'No i don't want to play her on this, she'll spend more time face down and in the hospital than fighting' league.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ArcticFahx View Post
    At which point he gets a global name change token so he can change it to @WhateverHeWants, so the 5 minute weird name isn't really valid.
    And that's OK, IF the person he's losing his global name to is a regular player and payer who has been playing the game longer than he has. I'd also accept that. But if he gets a mandatory rename because of someone who played in 2007 on a trial account for two weeks or got given the game in 2008 and only played his inclusive month and hasn't even played the game since, even on free reactivation weekends, or even, in my possible case, played a two week trial on the US servers and I could lose my global name to my own inactive trial account then I'm sure he'd and I would be mightily pissed off, and IMO justifiably so.
  18. I think I speak for the majority of EU players when i say that we'd rather NOT merge if it meant losing our global names. I only play on one server as it is and still have slots free on it.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
    As always with City of Heroes, no good deed goes unpunished.

    Give a group of players something they have been asking for for years, but tell them that in the process a small number of them might have to make a concession because of it, and suddenly that benefit that they have been asking for for years is seen as a slap in the face.

    Yes, it stinks that some European players will have their global names altered - I would be disappointed if it happened to me too - but isn't that kind of a small sacrifice to make for access to, what... 11 more servers?
    You make it sound so simple. So I have access to 11 more servers? Wow, thanks. Who says I will play on them? Who says anyone will? I haven't even filled my slots on my own server, never mind Union. (nothing against you unionites!)

    My Global name is me on CoH. it's also me on Steam as it happens. Oh I get a mention on Facebook thanks to my global name too. People outside the game call me MC on occassion as well. Oh, wait, what's this? A completely non CoH related forum and I use the same name there too!

    Many of the people I know on MSN, FB and Steam know me as my Global name. It's ME online since I started playing this game over 5 years ago. It's like having your name taken away from you, your personality, your nom de guere. Your identity. Some guy set up a trial account (hell, it might have even been me, I did try CoH US on a trial account years ago) with my global name 4 years ago and hasn't played since, or got bought the game as a present in 2006 and played for his first month then went back to WoW and hasn't even logged in since then on a free weekend, yet I could lose my CoH identity to him? NOT COOL.

    An Active account should take priority over a non active account (possibly if it's been inactive for over 90 days?) IF the active account has a longer active account status? If someone has let their NCSoft master account details lapse and hasnt changed them so they can't be contacted, then TOUGH! If they don't have any active NCSoft games then TOUGH. They seem to be more worried about potential returnees rather than active paying customers. ALSO NOT COOL.
  20. Sorry to say this, but while it is a good thing to have equality throughout the playerbase I can forsee Defiant becoming like a ghost town within a few weeks of the list merge. people may not wish to pay for character transfers between servers but I can see some of Defiant's players disappearing onto other servers and once they get settled then they'll make the occassional character transfer and before you know it they hardly play on the 'EU' servers at all. I suspect Union will be the same. The Lure of more populated servers will be strong.
  21. Miss Chief

    Defiant Events.

    Originally Posted by TriAngel_EU View Post
    An alt he kept offline before specifically for this purpose.
    If that is true then that's the lowest of the low.
  22. Miss Chief

    Defiant Events.

    Sorry to post this again, but @kendai has kicked everyone from the channel AGAIN and made it private. No one is sure how he did it, possibly with an unknown slash command to make him an OP but he needs dealt with. And Soon.

    For reference, I have also reported this post myself. people are talking about leaving the game and stopping their subscription because of this, yet the mods here and GM's in game see fit to wash their hands of the trouble caused as it's a 'public channel'?
  23. The 'new management' of Defiant events? That being your singular and only management? Give me a freakin' break! Your reasons for demoting other ops were based on nothing but a quest for revenge, spite and childishness. What you have done is detrimental to EVERYONE who uses DE. There's been no problems organising events, in fact what you've done is MADE IT WORSE. If you start silencing and kicking for anyone talking about non events or not organising TF's etc then pretty soon you'll have you and your bum chums sitting in a channel with a dozen people, but hey, at least you'll be able to organise things for you and your mates!
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kendai View Post
    Dear all, as you may or may not be aware, Defiant Events is now under new management. I feel that in order to start afresh, there must be some ground rules and guidelines that we all should abide by, posted here to prevent any misunderstandings in future.

    - Common sense and mutual respect.

    - Try to keep one-on-one conversation to tells.

    - Casual chat in the channel is fine, as long as there is no event getting underway. If someone is trying to organise an event, we respectfully cease any off-topic talk. If need be, an Operator will step in, and call for the off-topic talk to desist if the event is still struggling to start. Silencing will be used as a last resort, and once the event is going ahead, people who have been silenced will be unsilenced.

    - No spam will be allowed. External advertising may be permissable with prior agreement with an operator.

    - Should any of the rules be broken by any player on the channel, appropriate action will be taken. However, no silencings or kickings will be given without warning first.

    All rules are subject to future admendment, which would be edited here and notice given in-game before being implemented. We are always open to suggestions from the community regarding these rules.
    I notice you mention 'We' a few times? Who is this 'We' person? As far as I can see, and have been told, 'We' means you. What you did was spiteful, chidish and incredibly, unfeasibly stupid. I love the way you seem to imply several times there there is more than one operator of the channel.There isn't. There's just you. I'm literally open-mouthed with surprise at the level of, well, it's a nice forum where nasty words aren't allowed, but you get the idea I think. If I had my way everyone would leave the channel and leave you to what you seemt ohave deemed your own personal chatroom. I really hope the GM's take exception to this and remove you from OP status from DE with immediate effect.

    What I really want to know is which OP actually invited you back to the channel (or has it been made public again? i lose track) and then made you an OP once again, because I really hope they know what they've done and are thoroughly and completely ashamed of themselves.
  25. Wow I'm really glad you're taking an interest in our opinions.

    TBH i don't mind that our forum interactivity is limited to several hours behind us. no one expects immediate forum moderation and since we moved to the US boards i think you'll find most of us are happy with the forum the way it is. Peak time for us is the start of your working day so it works out well. No one expects Avatea to start at 4am just so we can have someone who may or may not be required to moderate for us.

    As has been said, i think we expect parity. if a special event is available for the US players, we should get the same offer, adjusted for times. That's the main bone of contention I think. us not getting treated the same. I think everyone would like a list merge (although I am worried about dozens of EU players leaving for other servers making Union and Defiant ghost towns, ripe for removal and free server transfers being given out) but I'm sure there's legal and financial challenges resulting from that now that the physical challenges have been solved.