Why is the NCSoft update server so ******* slow?!
Thanks to my 1TB HDD deciding to make noises like the clockwork king (Boo!
![]() ![]() No problem I thought, i'm rocking a 20 meg connection, I'll have the game downloaded in a couple of hours. Erm, actually, no. Not even close. I know my connection is working as it should because I re-downloaded CoD Black Ops through Steam. Max download speed 2MB a second. As I'm typing this, the NCSoft Updater is rocking along at 69kb/sec. Sometimes it'll have the odd moment where it peaks up to 250-300kb/sec but it only stays there for a few minutes. I've tried changing it to US instead of EU, just in case, but this made no difference. This is torture. Oh, now it's showing 12kb/second. That's like double dial up. Seriously guys, if you're not going to give us a boxed copy of Going Rogue in the EU, liek we cried out for and asked for many times, at least make sure the downlaod server is up to the task of letting people download it! <NOT HAPPY SMILEY FACE> I've just started the battlefield 2 download through Steam. Within 10 seconds of launching I was running at 1.9MB a second again. it's NOT my connection! Is there anything I can do other than leave it on all night? |
Might help to post in the tech issues forum might have a better shot at getting some advice there. Hope it speeds up for you
Global: @Kelig
As it downloads fast for some people, it is your connection or something between your connection and thiers.
I assume you are using the new launcher? I found it much faster.
If you have steam running at the same time, even in background not currently downloading, it could be reserving your precious bandwidth.
For some 20/20 hindsight, back up your heroes install before reinstalling Windows.
Some ISPS throttle (speed limit) the ports NC uses. Do you normally have issues with downloading patches slowly?
A search at NC Support gets a few FAQs on changing your default port to see if that increases your speed
I have a problem patching or logging on to City of Heroes or City of Villains.
Network Ports Used by City of Heroes/Villains
Hope that helps.
I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.
Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.
So sad to be ending ):
not really sure what's going on here but it's running like a beast right now, getting 1600kbps like I would expect.
Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief
And now it's running at 12kb/s and nothing has changed. This sucks!
Closed the launcher and restarted it. now 2,000 kb/s. Great, but I shouldn;t have to close it and reopen it half a dozen times to keep the speed up!
Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief
I think it must have identified you as a Euro player, and switched from normal mode to punishment mode.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Yeah - the old updater should be replaced with the new launcher.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
The new Launcher (That's the NC Launcher) updates your games much more quickly, and applies patches faster as well.
The NC Launcher can be found here: http://us.ncsoft.com/en/launcher/ncsoft-launcher.html
You also get the Wisps aura for using it.
I "cheated" to get the wisps aura...
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Yeah, the NC-Soft Launcher is almost always much slower than the old launcher for me too.
Come on NC-Soft, fix this...

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Also on Steam
"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer
Thanks to my 1TB HDD deciding to make noises like the clockwork king (Boo!
) I had to reinstall windows (which also coincided with an upgrade! WOOHOO!
). that was all fine, no problems. I also had to reinstall CoH. no idea where my discs are and even then the latest disc I have is probably CoV.
No problem I thought, i'm rocking a 20 meg connection, I'll have the game downloaded in a couple of hours. Erm, actually, no. Not even close. I know my connection is working as it should because I re-downloaded CoD Black Ops through Steam. Max download speed 2MB a second.
As I'm typing this, the NCSoft Updater is rocking along at 69kb/sec. Sometimes it'll have the odd moment where it peaks up to 250-300kb/sec but it only stays there for a few minutes. I've tried changing it to US instead of EU, just in case, but this made no difference. This is torture. Oh, now it's showing 12kb/second. That's like double dial up. Seriously guys, if you're not going to give us a boxed copy of Going Rogue in the EU, liek we cried out for and asked for many times, at least make sure the downlaod server is up to the task of letting people download it! <NOT HAPPY SMILEY FACE>
I've just started the battlefield 2 download through Steam. Within 10 seconds of launching I was running at 1.9MB a second again. it's NOT my connection! Is there anything I can do other than leave it on all night?
Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief